5ft 3in or shorter

>5ft 3in or shorter
>cute but not hot
>shy and humble
>smart and funny
>never wants kids

Why does this woman not exist?

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I do but I'm probably not smart or cute

She does exist but she doesn't want to date you.

Because if she does, she's after men who do a bit more than whine about their issue on Jow Forums.

Actually my new gf. Feels good.

You ever look in the mirror?

Why does everyone assume I'm a 4/10 loser?

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ft 3in or shorter
>>cute but not hot
>>shy and humble
>>smart and funny
>>never wants kids
i know about ten women who fit ll but 1-2 of these and i barely even leave my house

why do you assume youre not?

>Why does everyone assume I’m a 4/10 loser?
You’re asking for love advice on Jow Forums.

Because you whine.

To get what you desire, become what you desire desires.

There exist plenty. They're just all with Chad

Sounds like a spot on description of my gf. There is hope out there op.

Where do I find them?

They exist but they’re mostly Chinese and their families will hate you and everyone will think of you as a lesser man for having settled for a chink

Me but I want kids (two handsome little sons whom ill feed dino chicken nuggets) but being 5 ft even in afraid I'll breed manlets And after having an unexpected pregnancy end in a miscarriage I'm pretty scared I'll be a horrible mom now and that I must've done somwthing on accident to kill it

How come people still say this, whether it's serious or not? You don't "find" specific types of women anywhere. You go by in your life and hope that you meet a suitable girl for you. You can't just go somewhere where girls your type magically appear. At most you can try to meet as many people as you can so that you raise your chances of meeting someone who you like.

My boyfriend is probably in the top 5 most beta male I've ever known, but i think he's adorable and funny, he's extremely loyal and I was his first, he believes in one partner for life abd only making love. He's a NEET that plays vidya all day. He's 5'8". Not even my first incel bf, I'm just attracted to them because half the time they're good guys and very sweet just lonely. The rest... Very controlling, bitter, salty 24/7, and so insecure I couldn't do abything without his say for fear a Chad stole me away


Not wanting kids is a huge red flag.

Of what

Of not wanting to have a family

But shouldn't some people recognize they should never be parents?

>never wants kids
Kind of mutually exclusive, women who are caring usually want someone to care for. And playing mommy for their boyfriends doesn't count.

Are you only interested in a genetic fuck up for a partner?

Can confirm I play mommy for my bf and it does boost fill the void properly. To clarify its not a ddlg thing I wouldn't say, he just loves him some snuggles and affection, I do most cleaning, I do all the cooking, I work, and sometimes he does talk little. Sometimes its cute sometimes I feel like I want to mind a new male that's actually a good mate for a family

Someone who recognises they shouldn't be a parent isn't exactly a better prospective partner than someone who doesn't recognise they shouldn't be a parent. In both scenarios, the person has fundamental flaws that make them unsuitable to be a parent, and those flaws can equally impact their ability to have a healthy relationship.

What do you mean? I just meant some women are NOT mom material at all.

Not necessarily. If a women recognizes she can't handle a screaming crying infant that needs her 24/7 365 she can still maintain a healthy relationship with an adult man, who doesn't require that much care

Women who aren't mom material are nearly universally not relationship material.

Not wanting children can also be indicative of things like a lack of patience, lack of empathy, and selfishness. Just because you recognise that you shouldn't be a parent, doesn't mean that those traits go away.

But the levels of those things needed to care for a child and a husband are hugely different

Give me an example. I wanted so my partner should too but I see nothing wrong with a woman who can admit she can't handle a child

Women who don’t want kids usually end up changing their minds later on.

She died last week.