Life Goals

Post your life goals and dreams.

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Hit the gym and stop being a fatso.
Make some friends, although unlikely at this age.
Do good at uni, though too early to tell.
Get a job after uni and get my realistic dream car.

To live a life not relying on money eg islander, farmer or just get a job that a love to the point where the money isn’t an issue I just like working

Find a partner who will travel the world with me and actually be my partner. Love them wholly and completely and start a family with only animal babies. Both of us retire at 45 because of our income and savings. Spend the rest of our lives volunteering together for causes we care about and taking in elderly unwanted animals.
>TFW literally never going to happen

i just want a solid group of friends, grow weed, shrooms and veggies and have a comfy art related job. is that too much?

Jow Forums

>Design a firearm that goes into mass production
>start a family
Making progress on the first one, little to no hope of the second.

zomg like pic super related X(

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Yes it's too much to ask. Art won't get us anywhere will it? Stop dreaming and get a job that you'll hate.

In no particular order:
Find a girl who'll make me happy and keep my life interesting.
Don't have kids
Get a decent paying job
Get a Jaguar F-Type Coupe, preferable an SVR with the higher horsepower
Move to the US
Learn to be a blacksmith
Build my own house
Write a decent novel
Learn to play bass guitar
Lose my virginity by this time next year

>Art won't get us anywhere will it?
As someone who's worked with artists, I must disagree with you. They make quite a lot.

Marry me? Could we move to Canada instead of the states?

not die

I just want to make money, stay in shape, and enjoy playing video games and watching movies until I have some epiphany that reveals the thing I really want to do for the rest of my life passionately.

So I'm going to college for Cyber-security and getting a job in the field so I get decent pay and something engaging to do at a desk.

Fuck meng, I just want to quit my job and retire already. I've done everything I wanted to do.


Haha sure, as long as it's not the French part. Got an A for my GCSE French but I'm rusty as all fuck.

Get muscular enough to have this tattoo (the only one I'll ever get) look good on my shoulder, save up enough money to buy a Chevy Camaro that's white with black stripes, make money from my art & be an independent artist, get a hot white girlfriend to replace the one that cheated on me and to share lives with, move upstate to Washington and enjoy the rain & overcasts. And live child-free and enjoy the life I've built. That's pretty much it.

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Make new friends
Win my ex back
Get a closer relationship with God
Have a fulfilling, successful career in medicine
Create a family filled with love, happiness, children and light. Hopefully with said ex.

Be a rockstar
Mutually loving relationship

I'm at ucsd in a master of education program to teach high school physics, but it's fucking boring. So I'm going back to what I originally wanted to do and I'm applying around to get my masters in physics or astronomy, or Oceanography. I'm applying as a transfer application to Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and this would be my ideal situation to get into Scripps, because being on a research vessel in the middle of the ocean is the closest thing in this life to living on the starship Enterprise that I'm ever going to get.

I wanna be a big, strong, rough, tough jet fighter pilot with a big happy family

>And live child-free and enjoy the life I've built.
An egotistical nightmare.

Enjoy your misery~!

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>Art won't get us anywhere will it?
Well, if you look at the right places...
>fetish art

Start a business so i dont have to work if i dont want to
maybe get into politics at time point so i can shit on all the people i dont like

I want to find true love.

Only if you get a really lucky brake are are driven and know how to network. Lots of people are talented but cant get work in the field

>have a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself
>live alone

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This is such an obviously female post. You should kill yourself.

A partner in life.
Good paying job.
My own house.

But yeah, a partner in life would be splendid.

I used to want to write stories and make art but I don't see the point anymore. I guess my only goal now is to figure out what to care about, if there is anything.

Here's your (You)

Play guitar better
Get a Stratocaster I like better
That's it, everything else is secondary.

Travel the world on a wifi enabled RV. Work using the internet while traveling.
Read many books and become a well known political commentator.
Start a business.
Get fit.

Peace on earth for all mankind and 100 million dollars tax-free for myself

>really lucky
No. The company I worked for was always hiring. And they have junior positions and take people straight from college and stuff. No experience needed.

I just can't accept this senseless despair when it's so obviously false. The "starving artist" is just a meme. It's a stereotype of a man who's a little nuts and does his own thing, but if you want to work for a company doing this, there are so many jobs out there for artists.
Like, so many...

*takes notes*

Work 6 hours a day at max
Watch 1 movie a day
Read 1 book a week
Have a comfy apartment even if it's inexpensive
Have a kind, inteligent and funny gf
Have one cat, one dog and one baby

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i'd like to produce olive oil in the region of Nice (france) i dont particulary like olives taste just the oil

Why? Everything I've read here is trash obviously written by teenagers.

>I wanna find a woman to make my life interesting
Pathetic lmao

Aim low
It's a sure way of accomplishing you goals

Have enough money to constant travel, not stay in one place at all.
But it's never going to happen.

Not die homeless on the streets.

If you kill yourself right now you win.

I want to learn to play violin, maybe see mountains and an ocean, and get a job that means something to someone and makes a difference in their lives. Paying off my student loan is the most pressing goal.

I don't feel like killing myself.

>Farm full of animals and plants
>Write good book
>wife that was virgin until marriage
>Survive the collapse of western civilisation

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Accomplished a lot already.
So this is what is left or in progress, because some goals are longterm goals and others are shorterm.

• learn violin well
• move to iceland
• travel to a long list of countries including Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia
• create my own trick and name it, by competing the skill internationally
• compete at Olympic games or Worlds in any sport I can do
• learn Romanian and Polish
• learn more sign language

Short term
• increase flexibility to contortion range
• make my skin healthier and prettier
• start over with my ex
• get my songs on soundtracks for anything

I'm a bit of an overachiever and insanely ambitious person.

Then you're doing better than most people on here.

I don’t have any. Idk, I stopped wanting anything, I stopped seeing women as plausible, I never liked kids, I see no point in achieving anything other than staying alive.

Though I’d love to be able to put an end to my social anxiety and low self esteem issues, to be able to get friends, do crazy 18 year olds things that I never experienced(I’m 25), just basically becoming a normal human being with normal upbringing. But it all seems too impossible to dream about. Too unattainable.

I’m not ready to be 25. In 5 years I’m gonna be 30. Idk if I’m gonna be ready to be 30. I still envy 18 year olds, I still envy their cool and crazy lifestyle. I’ve never been to music festivals, I’ve never been to a club or bar, I’ve never been invited to any party or hangouts, I’ve never had sex, I’ve never travelled far with friends. I don’t even have friends. I still want to experience it all, I’m still not satisfied with my current life yet.

I wish I’m still 16. I think I’m still 16 inside. I don’t love my life anymore. I’ve started smoking since 2 months ago. Cus I don’t think this soul deserves a healthy body. It gives me pleasure to be a victim, to hurt myself.

In order:
Cure my depression and anxiety
Become a successful indie game developer
Marry a sweet, understanding, and smart girl
Maybe emigrate to Canada
All this in next 3-5 years

>finish my studies if possible
>get a small cozy apartment
>take care of my partner when sick or tired
>work in our commissions while supporting one another
>hopefully have a kid when I’m around 28yo ideally 2 kids before 30
>see my partner grow with me in our work/life
>have enough to make a small party for my kids every birthday in the backyard
>make my partner happy
It’s stupid but everytime he’s sick I just want to take care of him and think he’s the cutest thing alive

Oh cool UK too. If you live in the NW I may actually consider proposing.

Get over my OCD
Meet my favourite music artists
Marry the cute girl from my art class
Have a career in physics

what's the book gonna be about?

Stay a virgin get money from my webcomic and merchandise and live off of that for the rest of my life and get Jow Forums and /fa/.

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A wife that is physically affectionate and being accepted into a Yale Graduate program.

>Get a good job I can do online.
>Find a mountain.
>Build a house there.
>Gradually add cool shit to it like a pool, a gym, an observatory, yadda yadda
>Make a fucking tunnel network
>Pretend to be a villain or something idk
>Company optional.

That’s a great plan, bro. I hope you make it.

Kids are trash, theives of dreams.

The world is literally overpopulated.

There's a time to have kids but it isn't this generation.

East Midlands, RIP me


Cause childless men are akin to children.

This claim has never been accurate nor has it ever not been politically motivated.

I have none, the only things that tie me to life are my family and friends
there's nothing I look forward to, and I'm not interested in seeking such thing either. I'll keep going with the flow until I find a way to erase myself from existence

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1) The world is not overpopulated. We're not even a third of our capacity. This is a meme/myth/lie that gets spread around by NPCs.
2) Even if it was, then replacement is a prerogative. You have a duty to have at least one or two kids if you have any gratefulness for your own life.
3) Even if the world is overpopulated, it's not a problem when everyone is a literal genius. If you have the genetic capacity to produce geniuses, then you have an obligation to reproduce as much as possible. A world of 7 billion geniuses is better than a world of 1 billion normies/NPCs.

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lmao stop giving (you)s to that retard ya dolts

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There isn't going to be some passive epiphany falling into your lap. The only way to find what you're looking for is to go and do a ton of shit that seems like shit you don't want to do until that thing finds you. It sucks ass and you were lied to by anyone that said it would just come your way in time.

Don't waste your life waiting for something that's out there waiting for you to come to it.

I want to get a PhD at my University. Also to complete the Ironman is a goal. And to have sex once would be nice..

Yes it is.
Most of jobs with arts won't pay you enough to eat. Do the rest of your dreams, but you should expect some disappointment about the art stuff unless you're lucky and a bit talented

How is this a low goal?

Find a compatible girl, though I'm not doing much to help myself there.
Volunteer for a parkland/trails organization or disaster relief.
Buy any property in fucking Southern Ontario and move out of home goddamn it.

I have a lot of the career and financials sorted out for a 25 y/o otherwise.

Very selfess, I like it :)

I get you, man. I'd be your friend and smoke devil sticks and doodle with you

You can do it bro, I'm sure there's a qt Jow Forumsommando wife out there for you

You two should hook up. Also I live in central midlands pick me up on the way so I can 3rd wheel

On the slim chance it's not a bad idea for you to try again with your ex, I hope that works out. Otherwise, there's other women out there mate

I rate that, what you been learning recently?

>bit of an overachiever and insanely ambitious person
You don't say! Watch you don't work yourself into an early grave or become an egotist

Keep holding on, user. Even if life sucks a lot of the time, I think the beautiful moments make it worth it :) I hope you come to see that beauty too

My goals:

>Short term
I want to finish my physics degree. I've been depressed as fuck since I started and it's put me on bad footing, plus I'm actually terrible at maths, but so far so good on getting my shit together. I also want to continue to push myself socially and get a girlfriend, because I'm sick of laying in bed without anybody to hold.

>Long term
My dream is to be an artist. Not necessarily as a job, just to competently make music, and maybe visual art if I find time. I'm such a dilettante right now. To be honest, I'm pretty upset my degree takes up all of my time, because I'm not really interested in it. Money doesn't grow on trees, though, and it's hard to justify leaving at the halfway point after accumulating £15k debt in tuition fees.

Haha, what a disconnect between my short term goals and my long term ones... doing well at school really is a meme. Hopefully my life starts being my own once I have a stable job. I'm worried my dreams are gonna always be sidelined by school -> work -> starting a family -> death.

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Get fit. I currently deadlift 2.5plate and bench 2plate. I'm 215lbs.
I've been clean off meth for 5 years. Smoking 3 years and alcohol 1 month. I already own my dream car, 2016 challenger 5.7L. I guess the next step for me is buying a house and moving up at my job. If my job doesn't promote then find a new one. I've already accomplished so much and desu I'm proud of myself considering where I started.

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Improve physical capabilities and hopefully join law enforcement.

Electric Light Orchestra - Hold on Tight to your Dreams

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Have sex with the single most beautiful woman in the world
1 billion in the bank account
Legal immunity for any crimes
Knock a big nigga out with my bare fists
Opposition silenced, competition dead

U know what I really want more than anything? a 12 year old girl to love me

Find gf

ez modo
everyone wants that, don't you have a dream of your own?

Do hair transplant
Wear invisalign
Have my own home
Have a cute wife that loves me a lot
Have kids with her
Manage to work only half-time
Finish every vidya I have in my backlog
Develop an app that doesn't have to be necessarily popular. Just excellent for its audience.
Be able to properly play the guitar and not only chords

Basically, I don't have any great dreams or anything like that. Of course I'd like to be a game designer but honestly, there are only a few hundred of them in the entire world. So, a peaceful life with no real pretentions would be enough for me. Right now focusing in getting a gf, but it's really difficult to find the right one. Most of women are sluts in their 20s

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I mean these are the sort of goals you'll accomplish on cruise control. When I hear the words "life goals" I think of stuff that requires a lot of reach

Beat a black person in a fist fight


I always think that all alt right people are like this. Like, they’d have several made up reasons on why they workout, but deep down, I believe most of them just want to beat a black person in a fist fight, cus they currently feel as if they can’t, and it makes them feel insecure.

Achieve my dream body
Achieve ultimate mental gains
Make at least upwards of 10k euro per month or the equivalent of that wherever i'm living.
Own a nice car that i rarely use
Find the perfect qt smart girlfriend
Own a nice apartment in the city and a house in the remote woods
Have sons and teach them the secrets of life.
But it all starts with making it brahs

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Thats great to hear user best of luck to you

I just wanna make video games and serve my country man.

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Not him but it'd be a miracle if I were to ever accomplish those goals. Not everyone's "cruise control" is the same.

To keep being the man I am and to help as many people as I can before I die.

I see. Point taken.

>I rate that, what you been learning recently?
Had to Cry Today by Blind Faith and some other Clapton songs.

> Master my craft
> Grow my business
> Establish my professional reputation
> Build my dream house
> Meet my wife

go to college and get RN license and work as a nurse.
move to Canada and live in a small town near the woods
find a gf to settle down with.
have two kids.
open a butcher shop when to old to work as a nurse.

>Finally lose the weight I've been carrying since I was 6. I'm 30 now.

>Find a woman to love.

>Actually take my career seriously and start making good money. (I make 70k usd right now)

>I stopped wanting anything
Hey! you still have a long life ahead of you. You want to be like the current 16 year olds who are bragging off on social media? Start reading each book a week. Get healthy. Make friends, one really needs a close one to share one's feelings with.

I want to be a better person. I hate what I've become, I used to have such a loving heart but monsters fucking around with it turned it black. I want to be pure of heart again. I don't blame them, I blame myself for letting it happen.

Gain some muscle mass, make use of this 6'2 frame
Go to medical school, specialize in Neurology
Research degenerative diseases
Get married to someone I love, maybe have kids
Have a small house that I feel comfortable in
Learn the cello, get better at the violin
Keep a close group of friends

>complete 3-4 years of ambulance work
> fall in love,
>Go back to school
>get kids after marrying waifu
>Finish schooling for flight paramedic work and increase my yealr salary by about 10-20k at least
>maybe get involved in Red Cross International if any major wars break out in my 20's

What study user?

100k+ salary
Invest and live from passive income
Marry my gf
