I fucked up

I fucked up really bad this time...
Fucked a girl raw because the condoms didnt fit, she said she would take the pill BUT NOW SHE FUCKING SAID TO ME SHE DOESNT WANT TO TAKE THE PILL FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKK
how do I get out of this? Im fucking panicking what if she gets pregnant
She will take my money and everything that I have if she gets pregnant
This bitch thinks she is slick huh... Im 100% gonna kms if she is pregnant I wont be a fucking slave
Pls gib advice bros

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>what if she gets pregnant
Oh user, you really don't understand what happens after unprotected sex?

It was one day after her period ended and she said because of that I dont have to worry about anything
and I didnt even cum inside of her...
What the fuck do I know i was a fucking virgin until recently

Enjoy fatherhood

My boy is going to be a daddy.

They grow up so fast. :,)

I see guys run free all the damn time without having to pay for getting a girl pregnant. Nothing happens till you get married or you do something retarded like sign the Birth Certificate with her.

Stop fucking worrying and enjoy nutting in her pussy. If she gets pregnant you can tell her to fuck off and that its a problem you warned her about.

Oh, buddy, we told you so. By now you're best to monitor her closely.

Get facial plastic surgery and move to the other end of the country, the $10k you spend on that is cheap compared to 18 years of child support. You'll thank me later friend.

What are you going to name your little fleshy ball??

Until the state hunts you down and tells you to pay the 80,000$ that you owe your baby mamma.

if you slip a plan b to her you will go to jail for 10+ years for premeditated homicide, not even kidding

The state doesn't move just because some ho whined at them. They need pretty substantial evidence that it is indeed the kid of an individual. Plus it's actually pretty costly to get people into Maury situations and that's just too much for drama for women.

If you remember the Michael Jackson case that only took off because he was a Celebrity and it kept spinning in circles just because of how easy it was to fight off yet again because he was a celebrity

>the condom didn't fit

Condom didn't fit hahahhaha

Bro there is like a 5% chance the bitch gets prego if you raw dog and cum inside her on her most fertile day. Stop freaking out.

If you didn't cum inside her and if she's being truthful about when her period ended... You should be fine, I doubt she'll get pregnant from it.

It is a fact that emergency contraception fucks with hormones and menstrual cycle but she is a bitch for promising to take it and then not doing so. Fuck her (not literally).

Next time if condoms don't fit or whatever, don't let your horniness take over. Stop and just do oral instead or something. Maybe also a lesson not to do one night stands, get a gf instead and have her go on birth control pill


Nigga ever heard of pulling out? That shit was my only protection in my teens and I was never in 16 & Pregnant. Pulling out has to be the most effective form of protection.

>most effective

I was gonnaention this shit. I heard some guys can't stop or time it, lol. Wtf just pull out when it feels to good. Why tempt fate.

U know u done fucked up right??

Wrap it up, boy. I literally will not let my boyfriend not use a condom. If he cums inside me and I have to fuck with my hormones or get an abortion he's dead.

Some people like my bf literally can't control it. I feel like some people like us have a good handle it, we know when it's building up and could even edge. For him it's from 0 to 100, he's suddenly cumming oh shit sorry. Kind of like how some people sneeze really fucking loudly and can't control it while others can sneeze silently/hold it in no prob

>one day after period
>didn't cum inside
so she wasn't ovulating... and you didn't cum inside... chances of impregnation are very low. Like, EXTREMELY low. Don't worry about it.

Is it weird that I use a condom and also pull out whenever I have sex?

"condoms didn't fit"


Attached: condom in the wind.gif (350x350, 1.84M)

Sperm can live inside of her for up to 15 days OP. They swim up there and just sort of idle until the egg is released. Look it up.

It's amazing how so few people actually understand human biology

That's completely wrong, sperm can't survive more than five days in the uterus

Hi dad, this is your unborn child. I love you so much! Thanks for giving me the gift of life!

you're fucked buddy. Shes gonna milk you dry

You're probably safe from fatherhood if all the info you gave is true, but go get tested for STDs you fucking donut. HIV is much worse than fatherhood.