Gf kissed somebody else at a party

>gf kissed somebody else at a party
>confessed the next day crying and feeling like shit
>told me there was no excuse for it and that she'll never do it again, and that she won't attend parties without me now, etc etc
>tell her it's okay
>thinking of fucking someone else to get back at her

Does this make me a shitty person?

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Nah, it’ll show her there are consequences for going behind you back

Would she be a hypocrite if she left me for it after I forgave her?

What the fuck is the point of staying with the bitch? Have some balls and hate fuck her right before breaking up

i'm not as full of hate as these other anons.
the fact that she came out immediately and confessed and was rather broken up about it shows she actually has some remorse. perhaps try to work it out normally and tell her that you are upset and she is going to have to work to gain your trust back. set a couple HEALTHY boundaries like her not going out with the girls late late and maybe you two being able to look throw each others phones together.

really depends on how much you value the relationship though senpai, also i wouldn't go fuck someone else. that's just throwing more shit on the shitfire and kind of dumb.

Why the hell would you ever forgive something like that?

Yes. An evil doesn't void evil. Also why keeping a relationship up if she clearly made out with someone else?

Just leave. You know as well as anyone else that if she gave a shit she'd have done no such kissing
She just doesn't want the slut label, accurate as it may be

it's over senpai

You and she are young primates. Don't look for marriage until you're fifty. Fuck instead. Knock the bottom out of that pussy, other pussy, even boipucci, and move on.

Treating every bf/gf relationship as some foundation for marriage is one reason divorce is so common. Fuck when young, give up and settle when old. You won't regret any of the orgasms, or at least I didn't!

>I didn't!
How old are you, even?
What constitutes 'young' in your contexts?

Just curious is all-- I don't agree or disagree as much as my stance is 'if you're not having fun, maybe you're doing it wrong'

If everyone takes revenge, then civilization would be impossible.

It's important to recognize empathy and guilt in others when it exists, and forgive good people. Forgiveness is a virtue, vindictiveness is a vice.

However this goes out then window when dealing with bad people, you can screw them over to all high hell.

time to move on OP

depends on the kiss, peck sure whatever forgiven but full on making out nah gtfo

>somebody outed themselves as garbage, therefore I'll be garbage, too
Yes, it makes you a bad person. Let her rot like the whore she is, no reason to join her. But that's irrelevant, since you already have.
The worst possible thing to do.
>Treating every bf/gf relationship as some foundation for marriage is one reason divorce is so common.
It's literally the opposite, you mongoloid. The people who actually take it seriously and show restraint have the lowest divorce rates, while the degenerates that fuck anything that moves have the highest--if they even get married, that is.

They didn't make out, but she kissed him twice.

She feels bad about it. She threw up twice while talking to me.

>They didn't make out, but she kissed him twice.
There is zero incentive for her to be honest about how far she went--the fact is she went to the party and slutted up with other men, and now she wants to be forgiven.

>She feels bad about it.
I can guarantee she wouldn't have felt bad if she knew she wouldn't be caught.

She did tell you, which at least saves you time. Just break up and be done with it, and spare her the invectives as a reward for the 'confession'. If she starts begging or trying to paint you as the bad guy, then go all out. But remember: cheating on her is only harming yourself.

So, do unto her as she done unto you. Go with her to the next party and kiss a girl there. Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, all that crap.

Casual cheating is a necessary evil of any healthy relationship. Humans weren't meant to be monogamous and she's going to fuck some other dude eventually if she's decent looking and socializes with other guys, might as well get the head start on her.

>I can guarantee she wouldn't have felt bad if she knew she wouldn't be caught.

But I didn't catch her, she confessed to me. No one else at the party saw it happen. I didn't ask her, she told me.

Her true self reviles itself. But at least she told you shes trash. Pump and Dump. And definitely cheat on her, lol.

Jesus preached forgiveness for a reason user. Hate is toxic and taking hateful actions even more so, just drop the issue.

Wow, actual good advice.

Whatever you do, you must take action and it should not involve getting back at her to make it 50/50.
If you really want to fuck someone else just dump her. If later you want to get her back you can still try that. You might lose her to a chad though.
But you did something to make her act like this.
Also read this...

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i'm sort of in the same boat
how long have you been dating for?

9 months.

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>No one else at the party saw it happen
And you know this how? The guy she did it with knew. The point is, she didn't *feel* safe, so she confessed. Look, your consideration of cheating yourself is, aside from being an issue you should fix in yourself, also proof that you're repulsed by what she did. Don't bother looking for reasons to take her back. While breaking up is a must, you would be cutting her slack by not yelling at her over it initially, even though she deserves it.

Jesus also physically whipped the money-changing snakes out of the temple, and user should do the same with this viper by kicking her out of his life.
>lel what would Jesus do
If he saw the pitiful state of modern degenerates, weep.

The problem with this situation is the possibility that your mind will not stop thinking about the fact that she did it, and you'll keep doubting her despite her best efforts to redeem herself. It's going to come down to how mature you can be and how much you trust her. It can become a real problem in the future, especially during fights so...

I advice you not to do the same. It's stupid and doesn't make anything better if you actually care about her. Plus you have the moral high ground if that matters to you.

>this fucking meme again

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If this happened to me I'd probably kick her out of my house and tell her I don't know if I can get over it or not. Then maybe a week or two in if I really wanted to get back together I'd meet up and talk things out.

There's the obvious possibility she'll run and fuck someone once you do this. If she does, she wasn't that into you anyway m8. You could also run and fuck someone else. This would indicate to me you don't really have that much invested, but usually dumb guys who fuck thots are different than your average woman who fucks a guy. They get more emotionally involved in the intimacy ime. Not always but...

Idk it's a tough situation man. Good luck.

>everyone in this thread manipulating their partners emotions
This is why I don’t do relationships

She only said it because you'd find out

If she confessed and genuinely seemed sorry, I'd chock it up to alcohol and mood lighting and let it go. It's better for her to know she can be open with you than to punish her for her honesty by deliberately trying to hurt her for coming to you.

I'd have a talk with her about the circumstances and try to make a plan for next time she's in that situation, so she doesn't lose her shit. If she does anything like it again, leave her.

Here's a little life lesson, 99% of women make up the most absurd bullshit just to get out of trouble, remorse is something that doesn't exist in their dictionary

>this pleb talking about women as though they're one unified group
>not in their dictionary like women speak some foreign language

How many people have you been with, user?

The fact that you responding with that "it's okay" bullshit tells me that there is no hope for you. If you really cared you'd probably crying or puking instead of comforting her. Look at this from her point, she just did something completely unacceptable and you're like "it's fine lol"
You're perfect for each other.



End of story. Problem solved. Leave that whore.

>gf kisses someone else
>OP wants to fuck someone else to get even

>Here's a little life lesson, 99% of women make up the most absurd bullshit just to get out of trouble, remorse is something that doesn't exist in their dictionary

Women always tell the truth. Its just that the truth happens to be whatever helps them most at the moment, or whatever hurts you most at the moment.

And the real trick is they actually, seriously, will believe the 'truth' they're saying when they're saying it, even if they'll contradict themselves the next day and say the opposite.

truth for women is whatever is most helpful for them.

I want you guys to sit down and seriously think about what kind of weapon evolution gave women. It gave men big muscles and fast reflexes. What weapon did evolution give women? Manipulation.

in short, women lie. kinda contradicts your starting point.

It's over

Yes, that makes you a shitty person. It's hard to tell if you should give her a second chance, though. I don't know if I would unless we were well-established, but even then man, I dunno.

Dump her now.
She only confessed because she felt scared, like a child.
She couldn't control herself at the party, like a child.
"I swear I won't be bad again", like a child.
Your better off without this whore.
Will you tell her "it's okay" next time, when a kiss is a blowjob?
Or what about the time after that when she accidently rides a guy's dick?
Have some self-respect for fuck's sake. Fuck this bitch and throw her to the kerb

>Does this make me a shitty person?
don't even be shocked if it turns out she cheated on you full on.
the classic drip feed. first it'll be i kissed him, then well i kissed him and maybe he felt me up a little, etc. and eventually she'll confess the whole truth which is she was kissing him while he was balls deep inside her.
so if you cheat back don't do it to "get back at her", do it because you're planning to leave her

>boundaries like her not going out with the girls late late
if this is the first line of defense against cheating the relationship is essentially already over

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>tell her it's okay

Don't do that.
SHE did something wrong and SHE should be comforting YOU.
Not the other way around.

I'll break it to you: once something like this happens in a relationship, it's pretty much over.
No matter how you continue, there is just too much you can interpret into what happened.
Any time you two will have a fight; this will come up

Just break up with her.
If you want to get back at her, try to fuck with her mentally a bit or just be nasty to her. No matter what you do, she will talk bad about you in the future, even if you are the nicest person there is, so why not be bad.

What a fucking bitch.
If you accept that behavior then next time she will push the boundaries more.
Fuck someone else, then go back to her, revenge fuck her, tell her you fucked someone else, then dump her.

You really should have just beat the shit out of her.

"Kissed"? She most likely made out with them, best case scenario. Worst case, she "kissed" his wang. Dump the whore. We men have been run into the dirt our entire lives like cheating dogs even when we never did, because "men do that", and they assume we are all potential cheaters or rapists. But women just float throughout their lives free from the consequences of their behavior. Dump her abruptly and make it hurt.

Don't cheat, just leave. Call her or meet her and tell her it's over and just walk away. Don't talk or argue with her, just walk away. Think about it if the roles were reversed, would she forgave you? The trust is lost and just leave.

There are a few exceptions where i would say you can forgive her. For example, if the guy initiated the kiss and she rejected it after only a second or two, it's acceptable.

>They didn't make out, but she kissed him twice.
She kissed him twice, so not just once. If they kissed once for a few seconds a bluepilled guy could argue it's an accident. They kissed, and a while later they kissed again. That's already enough evidence for me that she is an unfaithful slut. Doing it twice can't be labeled as a mistake.

>They didn't make out
Problem is, i don't really believe this. Sure, it might not have been a full-blown make out session which lasted hours, but i don't believe it were just 2 peck kisses. They kissed and she reciprocated (or even initiated idk). You are her boyfriend but at that particular moment a few intimate moments with a random hot guy at a party were more important to her than her loyalty towards her boyfriend. MASSIVE red flag.

Bottom line is, she kissed another dude at a party aka she cheated on you. A proper girlfriend will not let that happen no matter how attractive she thought this dude was. By comforting her and telling her it's all okay you are already putting yourself into a cuck position. Me personally, i have a no-nonsense approach when it comes to cheating. When your girl cheats on you, you should dump her. Doesn't matter on how much alcohol was involved or whatever fucking excuse she will give you.

dont say its okay, its not
dont cheat
id say leave her

you know if this accident happened and she apologized and blabla she wouldnt say she cant go to parties alone, why not? no self control? somehow i dont fuck ppl randomly when im alone without my gf, what basis is this for the future

>bye honey off to work
>dont fuck your boss if possible okay?
>ill try, bye baby

shit life

Yes, considering you said it was okay, but still want to go behind her back for "revenge." The only reason you even want to do it so you can hurt her. Just break up and save both the trouble

Thinking about cheating because you are hurt doesn't make you a shitty person. If you actually cheat on her does. But wanting to be the bad guy somehow in this is a way males cope with a cheating gf or wife. Like somehow the unsuspecting man is the bad one in the relationship and if nothing apparent you concoct some shameful behavior to be guilty of.

Going to a party your gf knew you wouldn't be at, spending most of the evening with another guy drinking and partying and ending it with her kissing him is being a shitty person. Telling you doesn't make that unshitty nor is it a guarantee she won't do it again. Like shitty people continue to be shitty, duh.

I know guys immediately try to mitigate what really happened by saying it was only two kisses, she was drunk, its out of character, she was whatever excuse including her reaction and retching when she tells you. (histrionics by the way). Bottom line she had an opportunity and took it and if the guy would have made the move (he didn't) or wanted a bit more she'd be telling you they didn't really have intercourse only the tip went in.

No way you will ever believe a damn thing that comes from her mouth and you shouldn't. She will go to a party without you or out with "the girls" for a drink or some work or school function and you'll not be there and she will get drunk and there will be opportunity and guys she has proven impossible to resist. And will be absolutely miserable, your ego overruling your head.

yes, you are vindictive and shitty
kissing isn't cheating, kissing and sex are two totally different levels
she's willing to never do stuff without you, a sign she doesn't want to cheat and she's very submissive
be grateful she's scared and shamed straight without going beyond kissing

>kissing isn't cheating
Not even gonna comment on this cuck/roastie.

She admitted to kissing so likely it was worse than kissing

Hershel? Is that you?

>If later you want to get her back you can still try that
That's really not how it works

Robowaifus can't come soon enough, womankind is doomed, the Age of information ruined any semblance of purity our forefathers told us they had.

OP here. I made the scenario up. My girlfriend didn't cheat on me, I cheated on her.

I just wanted to see the advice people give to someone when their partner cheats on them.

I made the whole thing up. It was lies. Stop letting internet posts determine your relationship.

>And you know this how?

I know because nobody saw us.

No, my girlfriend would have never found out. Only the other girl knew, and she has no way of contacting my girlfriend.

I wasn't scared, I felt guilty. I wasn't drunk, and I knew what I was doing. The circumstances were different.

Me and my gf had been arguing every single night, and she had been avoiding me during the day. I went out, a girl came onto me, and I hadn't felt good with a girl in a while, so I wanted to feel normal again.

When I got home that night, I thought we were going to argue again, and break up the next day.

We did end up arguing, but she was a good girlfriend by the end of the night, so I tried breaking up with her the next day and telling her I had cheated on her, and that this relationship wasn't working out.

She told me she didn't want to end things, that people fuck up, and I explained why I cheated, and she said that she hadn't been a good girlfriend either, even if she had been loyal to me.

I wouldn't cheat on her again, but I don't know how long this relationship is gonna last now.

>she admitted to kissing, so she probably did more

No, I only kissed her. Stop being paranoid. You people aren't qualified to give relationship advice.

>kissing isn't cheating
although I agree that fucking someone else when you told her you forgave her does make you a shitty person

Yeet. Well OP, it sounds like things will at least be smooth even if it goes south.
Have fun with all the incoming (You)s, you earned them.

Kissing is 100% cheating. There's a reason I felt so bad about this.

I don't know. She's trying to be forgiving, but I can tell she's angry and sad at me. I wish I never hurt her like that.

>not dumping her on the spot

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>to feel normal again
This’s something I can’t understand, why would kissing someone after arguing with your gf would make you feel “normal “ is your self worth so codependent to your gf that every time you argue you’re going to feel empty again?
How hard is just to be alone for you ? Honestly this is doomed since a argument made you kiss some random girl at the 9th month of your relationship
Clearly you weren’t happy with this so cut to the chase and end it already

>have some balls
If he had some balls, he'd let her know that he's upset about it. Fuck this subterfuge

No, you got it all wrong broski. The truth is not the facts. A lie is a dissembling of facts. Not of truth.

>I just wanted to see the advice people give to someone when their partner cheats on them.
>No, I only kissed her. Stop being paranoid. You people aren't qualified to give relationship advice.

Eh...i'd say given the information you gave some of the advice was okay.
But NOW, that you gathered all this wisdom, OP, I challenge you to give back what you learned and think is GOOD advice.
(and i'm still sticking with my argument, that this mistake will be brought up in the future of your relationship)

I said I wanted to feel good with a girl again, as in, I wanted to feel normal sexually.

Regardless of whatever excuse I might have for it, it's unjustified.

If you're gonna reply, read the thread.

Kissing s nothing. Don't have a tantrum dude, just try and forgive her if you really love her

>that this mistake will be brought up in the future of your relationship

Yes of course, she said so herself. That the next time we argued, it was going to be the first thing that her mind would go to, and that this is something she would throw in my face if we're ever fighting each other.

My actions had consequences, and I understand the difficulty it takes to forgive me. Second chances are rare, and I'm not gonna fuck this up.

Honestly, since it happened, we talked a lot about things, and we addressed a lot of problems that we had been quiet about. I just wish it wasn't /this/ of all things that caused us to talk.

You get into some drama with your girlfriend and your first urge is to cheat on her? And you also gave in to that urge? Haha, i hope she eventually dumps you, you worthless faggot.

You're the reason why people nowadays feel so insecure in relationships and why many people avoid them altogether. People bail or cheat on their BF/GF at a moments notice when the relationship hits a temporarily low-point.

If girls were worth not cheating on, they wouldnt be. But when they constantly shit on guys, and treat guys like crap and go "ew he hit on me".. .nah fuck em. I voted trump because of women.

>You get into some drama with your girlfriend and your first urge is to cheat on her?

No. This wasn't a drama for a few days, this is what I've been feeling for an extended period of time now.

I only gave in because I thought this relationship was going to be over the night I got home. I didn't think I had a future with her anymore.

>You're the reason why people nowadays feel so insecure in relationships and why many people avoid them altogether.

If you avoid a relationship because of a stranger's relationship, you're delusional and cynical. The fact that I fucked up doesn't mean their partner will.

>I only gave in because I thought this relationship was going to be over the night I got home. I didn't think I had a future with her anymore.
Then fucking break up with her already instead of cheating on her you fool.

stabbing someone because they cut you with paper isnt fair game.


>you guys give bad relationship advice
>events unfold exactly how I said they would


(free advice: don't generalize people)

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You know you're not the only one who gave advice right?

>(free advice: don't generalize people)

This thread is filled with generalizations:

There's a reason I said these people aren't qualified to give relationship advice.

People generalize because what happens in general, most likely applies to your case as well.

But you think you're some special snowflake so OK.

>But you think you're some special snowflake

It literally didn't happen how the posters said it did. You don't have to be a special snowflake for people to be wrong about you. These posters only had a warped sense of judgement because they thought my girlfriend cheated on me, and because they don't trust women.

>(free advice: don't generalize people)
>People generalize because what happens in general, most likely applies to your case as well.

So which one is it? Is generalization okay or not?

Generalization is okay on Jow Forums because when you ask us for advice, we give advice based on what happens in general regarding your situation because we don't know you.

>Stop being paranoid
It's not paranoia it's speaking from experience, women always down play infidelity. Always.

>don't generalize people
What a retarded way to live your life

If you replied anything other than
>don't ever talk to me again, whore
you did wrong. She didn't do it just once, by the way, she only got caught by one of your friends.

Please stop. You're not qualified to give relationship advice. I'm sorry you were hurt, but your past experiences don't determine other people's relationships.

If you had a shred of self-respect, you'd dump her.


>You're not qualified to give relationship advice
Why not?

Because there is no she. I cheated on her, she didn't cheat on me.

I made the whole thing up, and your "advice" is telling someone what you think happened. Had this actually happened, you would have just made someone unnecessarily paranoid, considering I only cheated once, and I wasn't caught by her friends.

>I made up a realistic hypothetical situation
>But because it's not real the advice isn't valid

You aren't a woman though
And most cheaters are serial cheaters.

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It's not hypothetical, hes the one that cheated and he just swapped it to see how you'd react. You have been weighed, measured, and found wanting.

>swapped it
So how is this not an important factor?

The advice is wrong. You're saying that the partner cheated more than once, and that they were caught.

Both of these things are false.

Your gf should break up with you.

Imagine that
Women act different than men.
Your gf should still break up with you.