And can anyone explain to me what the purpose is of penis size mocking? And how do I know if I'm small, average or big...

And can anyone explain to me what the purpose is of penis size mocking? And how do I know if I'm small, average or big? And what are the social the consequences of having a small penis?

Attached: 51ugKuFsz+L._SY400_.jpg (401x400, 29K)

Take a standard toilet paper roll, put your erect dick through it.
If the head pokes out the other end fully and the roll fills out quite nicely, you are good to go.

penis size is something many men are insecure about, so both women and men can use it as cheap ammo if they really wanna hit the mark.
not sure what you mean by "purpose".

Well it's so mainstream it must have some political ideology behind it

You need to get off this website, you crazy sperg.
What's the political ideology behind bouldering gyms? Those are pretty mainstream right now, right? Are you absolutely retarded?
For real, get the fuck outside and talk to real people ASAP you aspie clown.

Projection. 100%. Virtually the only reason an adult will put someone down is to throw attention off themselves. Alternatively is they're just caustic in general but do care-- but that's not gonna fall in here with the topic of penis comparing.

It's what people do to feel better because a lot of men are so vapid and shallow that those five or six inches of dick are all they have and are.

I'm almost 30 and here's what I've learned: never, ever underestimate how pathetic people will be in order to escape themselves.

These are objects not culture norms

No I think it's deeper than that, it must have something to do with feminism I think

pretty much a cultural norm for young people to go do sports.
What's the "political ideology" behind that?
Trotskyism or what?
Fuck off, you are insecure about your dick, many men are.
I am starting to suspect you don't know what a political ideology even is.

>Men are insecure in their masculinity
>Fucking good is a big aspect of masculinity
>People think you need a big dick to fuck good
>So having a small dick means you're not really a man.

Pretty simple.

It's too controversial I think and men are the victims and also the perpetrators are often women so there must be some underlying political ideology that regulates these types of behaviors

If you seriously think that people were not absolutely obsessed with dicks right from the point where their brain could even formulate the thought, then you need professional help.

Attached: egyptian-penis-statue.jpg (224x301, 13K)

Yeah but why do women need to be so mean then and treat small dicked men as if they are rapists or pedofiles or something?

I just don't understand why am not allowed to live because of my penis size

I notice, at least on the internet, a good deal if not most of the mockery comes from other men

>underlying political ideology
it's called the most primal and basic foundations of human psychology.
Men are obsessed with our dicks, we have been from the dawn of time.
Why not spend literally a nanosecond of thinking before formulating your moronic little theories.

Attached: troisfreresphallus.jpg (1852x1365, 371K)

>Yeah but why do women need to be so mean then and treat small dicked men as if they are rapists or pedofiles or something?

Either it's them being superficial, like guys who rate every facet of a woman's appearance, or they don't like the guy and know making fun of his dick is a brutal own.

Because you are acting like an insecure creep due to (shocker) your crippling and quite frankly unhealthy complex.
Seriously, see a therapist.

>can anyone explain to me what the purpose is of penis size mocking?
To hurt your feelings.
>And how do I know if I'm small, average or big?
>And what are the social the consequences of having a small penis?
Virtually none, unless you date a heartless bitch. Even then, people will likely assume she's lying.

That just looks like a natural rock formation, is it actually a carving of a dick?

less of a political ideology more of a cheap method of insults.

I know, I just don't know how this is beneficial in a developed society
I know that dick have grown large due sexual selection, I just don't understand why people are so mean towards small dicked losers
So it socially acceptable for women to use weird insults towards men
Yeah I'm insecure and I don't understand this type of toxic culture of dick shaming
Why are sexist misandric slurs allowed then in the so called"patriarchy"?

>Why are sexist misandric slurs allowed then in the so called"patriarchy"?

There's no contradiction, patriarchy enforces a rigid concept of masculinity. Making fun of people who don't fit that concept is part of the patriarchy.

So small dicked men are the deplorables and need to die? Is that it?

How is that anything close to what I said? Did you think I meant patriarchy was good?

No I mean according to the patriarchy it's rules

>Why are sexist misandric slurs allowed then in the so called"patriarchy"?
Because we don't live in a patriarchy you mongoloid.

Matriarchy would indeed make more sense since everything is so male unfriendly and pro woman

Yes, kill yourself dicklet.
You need to be 6 feet and have at LEAST a 7 inch dick to boot to be considered a man.
Otherwise, you are just a joke figure to ridicule.
It was shown by scientists, that your kind has the evolutionary benefit of being a "jester" of sorts, which means other, stronger males would not kill you, since they didn't perceive you as a threat and you were amusing them and their harem of females.
If one of these guys got lucky, they could coerce or trick a female into getting impregnated by them, before they could realize what a huge mistake that would be and therefore continue the line of small dicked manlet "jesters".

It's not that they need to die, it's just that in asserting you place in the hierarchy as a man it's useful to tear down other men.

This is cuck fetish
But having a relationship or sex is not allowed if you are lower in class within the patriarchy?

We don't live in a matriarchy either you mongoloid.

>But having a relationship or sex is not allowed if you are lower in class within the patriarchy?

It's not an iron clad law, it's a set of social norms. Obviously plenty of small dicks guys are in relationships.

No I'm not Mongoloid, you are denying the existence of small dick shaming because you are coward's and don't want to take responsibility for your toxic behaviors

How long is small dick mocking fun generally? Is it permanent or temporarily?

Reread this chain of replies and tell me I'm denying it.

>This is cuck fetish
You did not understand what I was explaining.
Small dicked, short men are at an evolutionary disadvantage obviously, when it comes to sexual selection.
Therefore they had to adopt a different strategy.
They had to appear non-threatening to the stronger, more virile men, both physically and sexually, so they would not consider them competition (read: not kill them).
Then the beta male could impregnate an unsuspecting female, since the alpha male did not pay any attention to them and had a plethora of females to choose from.
Those guys were your ancestors.
Of course women were not happy to carry the inferior offspring, so they developed an evolutionary response, which is why women are repulsed by small dicked manlets and ridicule them.
The only way you will ever get to sleep with a woman (and only if you are one of the lucky few dicklets), is through trickery and coercion, never through genuine attraction.
But who knows, maybe there is some slag out there, desperate enough to overcome her genetically programmed disgust. Stranger things have happened.

It's pretty fun.
Call a man small dicked and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'

What if his dick ain't small though?

Why would you make fun of a big dicked stud?
That doesn't make sense.

Unless you've seen his dick you don't know what size it is.

>they treat small dick men like rapist

Where and when has this ever happened?
Get off Jow Forums

Big dicked guy will be unaffected by mockery, instantly attracting the female that's doing the mocking.

Not that user, but I honestly just smirk when someone says I have a small dick. It's like calling a tall guy a manlet.

kek at the Goebbels reference

>No I think it's deeper than that, it must have something to do with feminism I think

LMAO or as the kids say these days, KEK

You've just summed up modern Jow Forums in one single sentence.

probably because it's funny. I have a somewhat average chode and really it doesn't matter much if you have a smaller dick. If a girl sits there and talks with you and flirts with you and brings you to her place and whatever and you're making out and you're both extremely turned on and just want to fuck and then your pants come off, she's not going to be like OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT HAHAHA I'M SORRY BUT COME ON THAT PENIS IS SLIGHTLY SMALLER THAN AVERAGE OH MY GOD I'M POSTING THIS ON INSTAGRAM RIGHT AWAY

She'll just be like "eh, sure why not".

Me and my medicore penis have gotten laid with dozens of girls.

MAYBE if you actually have a micropenis or chronic dick cheese or a real fucked up circumcision or whatever else then yeah she might laugh at you and tell you to get out, but other than that it's really not a big deal

Attached: just a cool normal guy.jpg (1000x562, 84K)

>Me and my medicore penis have gotten laid with dozens of girls.

You probably have a big dick and think it's average from watching porn.

>this is your mind on 4channel
We all need to abandon this site, fast, lest we become like this user.

I hear Newgrounds is making a huge comebcack, we can all go there and pretend that nothing happened between 2003 and 2018.

I only have my own experience to go off of, but I think you're more likely to get this kind of negative reaction from being above average than below. You'd be hard pressed to find a girl who's genuinely that cruel.

I've only ever seen one guy's dick in porn that was about my size, and all the comments were from other average-sized dick dudes saying how they finally comfortable watching a porn video that didn't give them penis envy/insecurity.

I have a chode and I know it's a chode. Even girls that I was with if we were in a deep relationship and started talking about ex's and whatever I'd be like "so how's myd dick compared to so and so's" and they'd be like "well, it is large".

fair point, actually not a whole lot of girls are into getting their cervix hernia'd out from a monster cock, even if it looks good in porn.

Supposedly even touching the cervix can be excruciatingly painful, and people are complaining that the prejudices about penors and vagenes result in a lot of unwanted, painful cervix pounding.

I know, I'm just saying you're only gonna get that kind of visceral reaction when it comes from a place of legit fear, not mean spirited mocking.

This. OP, you have a serious warped sense of pple giving a shit about your junk. Get help

Guarantee, if you are like this with people that whiny self-pity is infinitely more off putting than your dick size could ever be.

You are making stupid, ridiculous claims about people being cartoonishly awful because of your immature anger due to your own insecurities.