Ask the Opposite Gender

Oh boy I actually have to make the thread huh? Well here goes.

I really need a woman's input whether I've blown this. I am very infatuated with my coworker, soon to be former since I am leaving our job in two weeks. For the last month or so I've been able to shelf my feelings because I didn't want to make things awkward for her, despite lots of male friends telling me to just go for it. I fucked up last Friday. I asked her if she wanted to go to an art gallery with me, thinking this would just be another platonic hangout with a focus beyond getting food after work. She takes longer to respond than usual, I start to get anxious. I ask several male friends if that came off as asking her out on a date. They say yes. I freak out even more thinking I've blown my plan only two weeks before the finish line, but then she responds yes and I'm ecstatic. Then a few texts later she says something along the lines of "I don't know what we're going to do without you sad emoji" and a male friend suggests I reply "Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean we can't still see each other (;"
I think thats waaay too forward and say some stuff about how she'll do fine without my help and tag on that line but change the wink to a haha. I thought that would make it a lot less forward, but she never responded. I thought I'd be able to get a sense of how she reacted to it today but I have no clue. She wasn't really any different to me today, but at the end of the day when it was just us left in the office and I left first to avoid her thinking I was creepily waiting for her she just mumbled "bye" in response to mine.
Is it over? Should I give up on seeming attractive and send a lame apology text and just focus on preserving the friendship?

I really wish I knew how to ramble more concisely.

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>replacing the FAQ with a wall of text
fucking newfags

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Try to keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ and worrying about some complex only ever makes things worse. In fact, worries like complexes are very often the real problem.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. You can't rely on some "magic moment" (or activity) to instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are basically meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

I searched so much and couldn't find it cut me some slack

It's in the archive. Lurk moar.

Hitler saves the day.
How does this image make you feel?

Forgot pic

Attached: if-youre-givin-it-up-youre-going-steady-with-hitler-29542317.png (500x726, 183K)

The archive wasn't letting me search earlier, I swear I tried. I really didn't want to hog attention...

It looks like something steeped in "boomer".

Seriously speaking, though, from what I've seen the National Socialists were either neutral or in a few cases harmful to sexual morality. They cared much more about raising fertility rates than ensuring long-term stability of the marriages, although in part I suspect this is because it simply wasn't as much of an issue yet in a heavily Christian society. The SS, on the other hand, had quite a bit of nasty shit going on in comparison, no thanks to the larping pagans in its ranks.

So on balance, while I'm fine with the message, the premise "Nazis bad" is something which is used for much more unscrupulous ends, and shouldn't be legitimized like in your pic. If the premise is accepted blindly, it's simply giving a mental bludgeon to those who would manipulate you with it.

So you're saying you support premarital sex?

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I'll take that as a yes.

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why do girls seem more attracted to you when you have a girlfriend? i had no attention until i got in a relationship, then i was genuinely having to turn down many advances from girls who knew i was taken

Both genders are actually more attracted to people in relationships. It's basically the unconscious dating version of "I'll have what he's having."

This was so sweet to read

Don't give up, please. From what you said, i can tell you haven't even been very direct with her. When will you go to the gallery? wait to see what happens. Good luck with that

>"Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean we can't still see each other (;"
This would have been nice in my opinion

They rose from the Weimar republic, one of the most sexually degenerate societies ever in human history. They quickly built an economy from utter scratch with a degenerate populace, meanwhile constantly dodging the threat of war from all sides. Until war finally broke, and they had to do everything they could to survive.
The Nazi reign was only 7 years and occurred against all odds and resistance, and produced something absolutely amazing. The only reason they weren't more sexually virtuous is because they rose like a Phoenix from decadence and defilement, and resisted the threat of mankind's biggest war in human history at the same time.
I would cut them some slack. When you look at the big picture, they were the most sexually virtuous and mutually liberal society ever. If you want to get a taste of it, check out some of their propaganda films.

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>When you look at the big picture, they were the most sexually virtuous and mutually liberal society ever. If you want to get a taste of it, check out some of their propaganda films.
You need to be a bit more subtle in your bait. As a tripfag, you have much to learn.

Do big penises feel better?

Mine is pretty average at six inches, and while I feel like I am pretty good in bed, it bums me out that I feel like I won't ever really give a chick the sensation of "fullness" that she must remember from the biggest she's had.

femanon here

sometimes girls get creeped out...focus on preserving the friendship yes

I'm a guy, and I pushed my girlfriend away by being too needy. I recognized the problem and I've basically just been giving her space, not really talking to her that much.

She texts me often now really flirty and personal stuff again like we were dating. Do I stay aloof until she directly suggests that we should meet up, or do I respond to her flirtation with flirtation?

Can you name a more sexually virtuous society?


What's your favorite part of your boyfriend's body?

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My body is yelling at me to get some kind of sexual outlet. What do I do about it? Masturbating hasn't made much difference

I haven’t been here for nearly a year, good to see you are still going strong Hitler.

The short answer? No.
6" is reasonably large, not huge, but enough that any bigger gets into painful territory. Many if not most girls consider ~6" to be ideal. Whatever you're imagining as "the biggest she's ever had" is probably too big for her taste.

This might sound like an asshole question but I promise it's not. What response are girls looking for when they complain about things beyond hers or my control? I have slight tism and my first thought is to try to find an actual solution but I understand when that's not possible and people complain just to let it out, so I'd like to know the proper response. For an example my friend often complains about her burnout Xanax addict father, I know there's nothing to do about it besides cutting him off completely and I'm not going to suggest that, but I'd like to help however I can. Do I just nod and say that sucks until she's done venting then change the subject?

Girls often aren't looking for solutions or advice as much as they are looking for empathy.

engage in sexual activity with another human

How on Earth do I make that happen?

>le super edgy tripcode
>calling others newfags

It's living evidence you're not a pathetic creep and you're actually worth being with.

To be fair, he's been here for years

His hands. Very elegant and beautiful, it's hard to find a guy with hands like that

Absolutely weirdly specific taste you've got there senpai.

Hands are actually a super common thing for girls to be into.

I thought girls were all about forearms and calf muscles.

This, I was kind of surprised to find this shit out
It seems to be almost universal
I've been leaving my hands in view more often because of it

Is it better or worse to have hands that are a bit rough and workman-like? I have a white collar job but blue collar hobbies. They're not super rough like a black smith or anything but they are a little, and I've often got lots of little cuts on them from working on cars.

I'm pretty sure that's a good thing, but I think the frame of your hands is more important, but I'm not a woman so I don't really know for sure.

God fucking dammit this thread just made me realize I have yet another feminine trait because lately I've been really into female hands and imagining them strangling me. How do women feel about men's nails? My hands would be great if my nails weren't so dull but I wonder if anyone else even cares about that.

As long as he cuts them I don't care. Nothing is worse than a guy with long nails, because pretty much all of them have it long because they're lazy, so they tend to have dirt under it and it's disgusting

What if the nails are long but obsessively cleaned?
Asking for a friend.


How long are we talking? provide picture or reference pls

Thank you for the insight I feel like I'm doing something right and also feel less guilty for being irrationally turned off by chipped nail polish on girls

I can't find anything from skimming google (it's just a bunch of the dirty ones and some of the record-holders), but usually 2-3 mm, never more than 5.

If a bunch of dudes want to fuck me, is it safe to assume girls do to?

To be fair, I don't remember any Triplads because they are lower than the newest of newfags.
Women are fucking weird. I like butts and boobs like a normal person

No. Gay dudes have low bars.

Are you a dude? Not really. Women have different standards than gay dudes. And they have much higher standards. Straight women can find any guy they want any time they want and it leads to a massive complex that fucks with their heads. While gay dudes often have very limited options.
At a minimum it means you aren't ugly though so you have something to work with

No. Gay guys are thirsty as fuck.
t. Hit on by gays but can't get girls

Why do gays hit on you but not women?

In university a girl I had a crush on did not reciprocate but the guy she had a crush on did. Am I gay if that's the only time I've had sex and it wasn't awful?

Yeah. Seemingly every homo I meet tries to get with me. I have gotten women too, just not as recently

I'm a plain looking skinny 5'11 dude with a pretty unattractive personality, but my dick is just shy of 9". I've had dudes at the gym stare at it and call me "big guy", so unless I was plotting to destroy Gotham I think that's what they were talking about. Gays are fucking creepy.

Wait are girls actually into calf muscles? Shit I need to wear shorts then because somehow my completely average to chubby body comes with some Olympic power lifters calfs.

Anons and femanons,

How do I know how good/bad I did on my first time making out with my gf?
I am virgin, she isn't. We're 23. I didn't tell

Some details, she was laying on my chest on the bed, were watching some videos, I stared at her she did too, I looked away, then back, then I kissed her, she started using her tounge first, I followed, not too much, but I don't know where to put it, I pull back, move my hand on her neck and kiss her again. Repeat couple of times then it was time for me to leave. We made out again standing up, couple more on the elevator and I front of the building door.

Is repeated kissing means I did good?
Also, what the fuck do I do with my tounge?
Do I pause every couple of seconds or just keep kissing her?
Bonus question: how do I bring up that I am virgin?

Did you crash the squat rack with no survivors

how do people date? i heard people use questions, where you from? what are your hobbies? should i prepare a list of what to ask and practice in front of a mirror. would it be ok to have a beer because i need to loosen up. is an arcade/bar a good plce for a first date.

No brother, they'll be expecting one of us in the gains.

You're probably fine. Don't overthink it.

If you have to think about kissing you're doing it wrong. Do what feels right and enjoy it.

Tongue is to be used sparingly. Don't just push your tongue into her mouth and swirl it around, tongue is more like brief explorations. Pause when you want to breathe or when you want to change angles of attack.

Dont forget to kiss her on the neck.

>Bonus question: how do I bring up that I am virgin?
Just ask her to watch one piece with you.

Chads watch Fist of the North Star

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It's my first time man, can't help it :<


>start hanging out with girl
>things progress smoothly
>she has a Europe holiday coming up
>not really even thinking about it
>ask her to be my official, exclusive gf
>she's all excited and happy and looks like I've just asked her to marry me
>feeling good about myself
>toward the end of the same night she turns to me and says
>>hey can we wait on making it official until after I get back from holiday
>can't fucking control it, deadpan back
>>you don't want to be in a relationship just in case you meet someone and want to have a fling while you're there
>she says yes but is a little offended by the implication that she does ONS
>thinking about it
>I get where she's coming from and all, but it really rubs me up the wrong way that she's asking it of me now and not ealier
>tell her I'm not comfortable with that and that we can stay as we are but that I won't be waiting for her when she gets back
>leaves in tears but claims to understand my position

Someone tell me I did the right thing. We were seeing each other casually but it was exclusive by choice on both ends (not that I've got girls banging down my door or anything) and I was super fucking offended by the idea that is should wait at home in case she chooses to sleep her way across Europe before coming back to me. I told her that she can't have her cake and eat it too. Truth is that whether or not she meets a guy overseas I'm not going to resume our casual arrangement when she's back anyway.

>Hitler need not respond

She went back for more so you did fine. Keep your teeth out of the way but don't drop your spaghettini if they do bump hers. Every girl I've kissed in the last few years has told me I'm a good kisser but I have no fucking clue what that means or what I'm doing exactly that is 'good' as such.

My pro tip of the day though is that when kissing a girl you lean back slowly as you go so that she kind of has to chase your lips to keep it going, and they end up resting up against you trying to chase those kisses. Second bonus tip is use one or both hands on her hips/lower back and pull her in close and hold her against you. Grills love that.

I usually don't read those walls of text, but if you call me by name I'll make an exception.

You did do the right thing. She wanted to whore around with you as a guaranteed fallback, and you called her out on it. Her fault.

Is what red pill youtube says about the modern dating world true? Are average men really at a heightened disadvantage for dating nowadays? Not sure if this is true or not. I don't even know how to meet girls though, I have no broader community I am a part of yet my parents seem upset I have never been in a relationship at 23 years old. I don't even know where I would go to find potential girls, but I think I should start seeking someone before I get too old.

I'm gonna say it's not all true, but average dudes do have it rough.

>attracted to old women
>have noticed some older women flirt with me
How do I date older women? I'm talking 50s+ women. Some of them seen to have an interest, I just don't know how to take it further than flirting. There was once one woman who was very aggressively pursuing me but I was too shy at the time.

Women are screwed just as much as men, and the thing is that men are responsible for slightly more of the mess right now than women.
You're not really at a relative disadvantage unless you consider mindless sex (which got us into the current situation to begin with) a goal. In absolute terms, it's definitely harder to find a decent partner and build a decent relationship than it was just a few decades ago.

The problem I generally see with red pill stuff is that they analyze current data, but leave the underlying causes untouched or even embraced--just in such a way as to maximize the 'benefits' for men while dumping as many of the consequences as possible on women (e.x. the "lock and key" meme), which needless to say isn't a good mindset to have.

Tfw handlet

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>5'11", ie. higher end of manlet tier

>6'4", which is rare for a woman (and even uncommon for men around here)
>still cute though

Should I even bother trying?

>Guys of equal/greater height than her are very uncommon here, so she's got slim pickings regardless

>Unwritten rule that most women don't date shorter guys

I said to my girlfriend we should take a break.

She immediately asked "are we still exclusive on the break?"

What do I reply friends

I know that feel bro.

Yeah sure, if she rejects you just call her a giraffe.

She's been fucking someone on the side.
She wants to know if she can fool you on saying she met him on the break

How do I help a close relative deal with a miscarriage? I’m a diagnosed autistic and a guy, so I’m a social moron who has never had to deal with such a shitty situation. Please help.

Show her

Fuck off.

Just hug her and say "I love you"
Repeat for a while

My internet friend has been bringing up her disassociation recently as well as possible depression problems. I offer if she wants to talk about her problems, but tells me she doesn't want to and that it might damper the mood of our conversation. Should I press or leave it as is? I'm just very concerned.

>"If you can find a time when the mood is already ruined, come talk to me about it."

Gotchu I forget everything in the heat of the moment but I will try next time.

She's a young fag trying to excuse her problems as a "another personality"

Or she's straight crazy
Take your pick

>His hands. Very elegant and beautiful, it's hard to find a guy with hands like that
She didn't like big hands. She said "elegant hands" so probably small smooth hands

>small hands
>to anyone
Dude no.

She seems pretty normal. I think it might be legitimate.

Normal people accept their mistakes
They don't make other personalities to take the hit

Assure her that you're here for her and ready to talk about it if she changes her mind, but don't pressure her further. She needs to open up on her own. Just act like her friend, it'll be okay.

I think you are confused about something.

thank you for the advise.

>meet cutie while grocery shopping
>seen her there a few times, cute little thing with the homely "big sweater and baggy pants" look, probably a 5 or 6/10, but cuteness makes up for it
>seen her quote often, decide to talk to her
>help her home with the groceries, and start doing this on a rather frequent basis, she is opening up pretty nicely, and had begun to smile whenever she saw me
>traded numbers and she texts me once in a while, doesn't seem to have anyone else to talk to, given the topics she brings up sometimes
>it's literally everything, like even simple shit you would think she'd talk to a female friend about, or just your own parents. Even asked me about how to best avoid going to the Christmas party she was invited to at her workplace.
>she seems very closed off, so I have been going slow to avoid scaring her off
>mostly just meet once in a while to "help each other" with whatever excuse we can find, like but Christmas presents, groceries, whatever.
>yesterday I decided to go for a hug when I dropped her off at her apartment
>she pretty much melted into the hug fight away
>...and then instantly started crying
>after a few seconds, she slowly pulled away, said sorry, and quickly went into her apartment

Have I fucked up, or what the hell happened here? It didn't feel like it was a bad moment, and it's not like she recoiled, she . I know she lives alone, I've seen her apartment, and searching around for information on her has yielded basically nothing (blank Twitter profile with her picture and like 5 follows of random stuff, no tweets, and a very light Facebook profile that have not been logged on to for 4 years)

I haven't texted her yet, and she hasn't said anything either (which is pretty much how this usually goes, we don't text daily, and don't keep running conversations going), but I kinda feel I have to reach out to her somehow, I just have no idea what the hell happened here, or if I did something wrong

she's probably been through something and seems pretty lonely. You didn't do anything wrong, but maybe you should reach out because she's probably feeling really embarrassed and will never text you again. She seems a bit reclusive. Just reassure her you want to still communicate with her.

>autocorrect: the post
Dirty phone poster.

Literally all of this screams social anxiety and/or a complete lack of proper parenting and affection throughout her childhood. Don't be surprised if she straight up doesn't have parents to talk to, and likely no friends either.

>t. femanon who grew up on an orphanage
Just trust me when I say, a hug may just be a casual greeting to you, but my first real hug was when I was 19, and I reacted more or less in the same way you described her reaction. And that was another girl I had no romantic or sexual ideas about. No idea why, exactly, but I still remember that hug as the first time I ever felt real comfort, and it just destroyed me.

I'll be honest, your best bet is to pretend it didn't happen (she is 100% embarrassed about it), and then just go for it next time you see her again, but try to do it in a more secluded area (ie. Not right in front of her apartment building with potential onlookers, preferably in either of your apartments)

You'll need patience here. A lot of it.

>she's probably been through something and seems pretty lonely
Like a trauma or something? Why would that be triggered by a hug of all things?

>she's probably feeling really embarrassed and will never text you again.
I'll definitely text her. It's not unusual anyway, we go a bit back and forth on who text first anyway. I am just worried about what to text her after that reaction.

>Dirty phone poster.

>Just trust me when I say, a hug may just be a casual greeting to you, but my first real hug was when I was 19, and I reacted more or less in the same way you described her reaction. And that was another girl I had no romantic or sexual ideas about. No idea why, exactly, but I still remember that hug as the first time I ever felt real comfort, and it just destroyed me.
What the fuck. Seriously?

And how the fuck was your first physical interaction at the age of 19? That sounds insane. Most people have had sex at that time, Jesus Christ.

I guess it makes sense if you just had shit parents and never had any real friends, but that just sounds... unrealistic.

>I'll be honest, your best bet is to pretend it didn't happen (she is 100% embarrassed about it), and then just go for it next time you see her again
So I literally have to make her cry again? Is that really a good option here?
>in either of your apartments
Doesn't that seem a bit... rapey?

>And how the fuck was your first physical interaction at the age of 19? That sounds insane. Most people have had sex at that time, Jesus Christ.
>I guess it makes sense if you just had shit parents and never had any real friends, but that just sounds... unrealistic.
Did you miss the key word 'orphanage'
not her

>I am just worried about what to text her after that reaction.
Just text whatever you nornally would.

>I guess it makes sense if you just had shit parents and never had any real friends, but that just sounds... unrealistic
It also sounds unrealistic that some guys haven't had proper female touch by the age of 25, but welcome to Jow Forums, home to the socially maladjusted and neglected kids who never grew up properly. Also, I literally didn't have parents, and kids at an orphanage aren't really huggy and affectionate, and neither are the caretakers. I still support the place, because they did unbelievably much for me, and it was run by good people, but comfort and affection is not what you get at a place like that.

>So I literally have to make her cry again? Is that really a good option here?
Yes. If this is her problem, she needs to get it out of her system.
>in either of your apartments
>Doesn't that seem a bit... rapey?
What, no. It's a hug you moron, you aren't giving her the dick.

>It also sounds unrealistic that some guys haven't had proper female touch by the age of 25
Not him, but it's a lot harder for guys to get a girl unless they literally go for some fat smelly ogre. Not that surprising how some guys end up like that at 25.

Well shit, didn't notice that.

Though, honestly, I thought orphanages were even more likely to have physical contact all the time. I've heard enough about the orgies that can happen at places like that, so it almost makes it even weirder.

>It also sounds unrealistic that some guys haven't had proper female touch by the age of 25
Ouch. I feel like this is going to trigger a lot of people here.

And yeah, I missed the orphanage part, my apologies.

I guess I'll just text her and see if we can meet up again soon. Hopefully you're right.