Boyfriend may have committed suicide

A few hours ago I called the police about my boyfriend who was threatening to kill himself, they said they would call me back. It's been 5 hours since that and he isn't replying to my texts, should I call the police again and see if he was alright or not?

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1st Mistake, NEVER call the Police on someone threatening to kill themselves. They are not trained to deal with a situation like this and will likely make it worse.

Is there something keeping you from going over to check on him? Maybe bring a close friend along. Does he have roomates or family you can call to check on him?

They’ll threaten that they will kill him if he kills himself

>A few hours ago I called the police about my boyfriend who was threatening to kill himself


Holy shit, yes phone the police back. Use them to try and contact your boyfriend.

Uh no, they just arrest the suicidal guy and take him to a hospital.

It kinda depends on how competent the cop is. There are the types that guffaw and blow off the training for this kind of stuff because they think it's a waste of time.

>Uh no, they just arrest the suicidal guy and take him to a hospital.

That's what he said. Cops do not have the training for that. Half the time they go in guns drawn.

What would you do?

Psychologist here. This statement is 100% FALSE. Literally the exact opposite is true.

You should ALWAYS call 911 if someone is threatening suicide and the police are well trained to address this situation.

To answer your question, keep calling the specific police department until they give you an answer

I don't really want to get into my personal experience but you are not correct and are full of shit.

Lol ok buddy.

Literally any psychologist or social worker will tell you that if you are with someone and they say they're suicidal you need to take them to a hospital right away, and if you're not with them, like OP's case you call 911 right away.

But hey just disregard thousands of people who study mental health for a living and decades of history because of one silly story of yours.

I called the Veterans crisis line cause I hadn't slept in three days. They asked me if I had suicidal thoughts. Then plan then intent. I told them I had thoughts, I was depressed but had no plan and no intention of actually killing g my self. They called the police on me anyways. 45 mins later nine members of swat kicked down my door and threatened to kill me if I resisted or made sudden moves. They stripped searched me and took me in handcoves to the local ER. Where I was stripped searched again. I never resisted and never made any threats to myself or others. I simply had mild passing thoughts of suicide. My psychiatrist and therapist knew about them.
So fuck you. Fuck the police. Fuck doctors. Fuck the VA and Fuck the system.

Fellow Psych here, you beat me to it.. *shakes fist politely*

Sounds like a shit situation, but one anecdotal incidence isn't enough to debunk an entire field of scientific study. Sorry you went through that.

Bitch, do you not realize why most people become police officers in the first place? Protip: its not to "serve and protect"

Well I'm sorry but that's an extremely unusual case. That police department fucked up big time. It sounds like the VA told them you had a gun and were a danger to yourself or others.

That's not how that are supposed to handle it.

But in most cases the police and EMT show up and take the person to the hospital. Which can save lives.

It isn't one. I later talked to my Dr at the va. This happens All The Time, at least to vets. Fuck I was an 88m, for Christ's sake. Not even a combat arms mos


Everyone supports the troops while they're away killing and getting killed by brown people in the middle east yet when they get home they're treated as half a step up from a school shooter. The entire system is fucked user and I'm sorry you had to go through that.

This. Cops aren't perfect but it's best to call them in this situation.
I don't really want to call you a retarded for your personal unconfirmed anectdote but you are a retard
Call the police again. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst, and if it is the worst please be okay. It's normal after a suicide for loved ones to blame themselves but it's not your fault. Best of luck OP


Get off your ass and go over there you fucking idiot. Call the police if you want them to kill him before he kills himself.

Sounds like typical VA bullshit.

I'm sorry man. But in their defense they get a lot of armed veterans who are willing to shoot people before blowing their own head off. So the VA treats every suicide call like that.

Again I'm sorry. But many police are properly trained for a suicide call.

That's like , one of the only things you ever see police used for in tv and movies. Thousands of people kill themselves every year... holy fuck police are retarded.

Yeah I get that but I was calling about having a problem with my headache medication I was taking and was told to call them as I had just started it. They shouldn't have been called at all. Next time, well, next time it might be different.

Psychologists are fucking retarded narcissists who use their patients to do therapy on themselves. All they do is keep asking questions and try to trap people in their own heads so they can feel like they caught a fish. "I was looking for jobs but it's all chef stuff. I want to work with my hands but not that" "why not?" "Um because I'm not good with urgent situations I need something more simple and laid back" "why is that?" "Um because that's the way it is" "do you get anxious (literally right after somebody said something dressed them out)" "yes I do!" "Take these pills!"

Fucking useless fucks. These people are so fucked they get this superiority complex where they go oh I read the book so I know everythint then they refuse to adapt or provide actual solutions. Every single thing these people say was spoon fed to then by their professors because they are incapable of analyzing a situation on the spot and providing anything but a canned response.

Most people experiencing "mental illness" are people who are experiencing true problems but due to the complexity and chaos of the world they are forced to just suppress their stress or anger. None of this gay shit happened until society became this sociopath paradise it is today. Remember all those movies about redemption and shit, people making sacrifices to held somebody down on their luck? Zero of that shit happens today. Parents are more focused on TV than their kids . Zero psychopath psychologists would ever point out this shit because they are FUCKING RETARDED. what's great is just browsing these sites a few days a week seeing actual raw human thoughts would probly help these fucktards come up with real solutions . Real solutions don't make money though, weekly appointments and meds do.

You sure sound mad.

Just fyi. All a good shrink really does is listen to the client.

Don't like it? Then stop coming every week.

Every vet I ever met was a fucking psychopath. Absolutely selfish psychopaths who did their service for themselves. Probably because they realized they wouldn't be seen as BADASS after high school ended. Know one dude who is 30 and still goes up to people like IM MORE BETTER THAN YOU. Another dude joined literally to "kill niggers". Amazing how somebody who was abused and steals to support their heroin habit isn't excused. Neither are bullied school shooters. Everyone despite their circumstance is forced to deal with their shit or they fail. Magically , douchebag Marines , all people who have the same personality , all people who wanted to satisfy their ego, all people who just wanted to dominate others , ,, they find out nobody gives a fuck, instead of dominating muslims their dumb ass friends died literally for oil, and then people whose narcissism is fueled by a license to kill come back and nobody cares so they do their best to cause as much trouble as they can. These arent fucking hero's , that's just a key part of your propaganda game . Like you said, yes , everyone always uses the troops to push their agenda. Then they don't give a fuck. Same with you. Fuck these murderer faggots they need a cage not sympathy.

Lol you've met some shit vets. I was a truck driver. I never fired my gun in anger. Most people outside my friends, family, and the government don't know I served. Most people I know did it for the GI Bill same as me.

>Every vet I ever met was a fucking psychopath
Confirmation bias
(Like me)

the idea of education and psychotherapy are actually flawless. what you’re complaining about is human incompetence. you can blame every system in existence for not being good enough, but at the end of the day it’s mostly the incompetent human operators (including you) who make social hardship.

also, therapy actually saves the lives of people who are psychotic, drug-addicted, victimized, or suicidally depressed. if someone is in a clinical setting bitching about some existential shit that is just an issue every human faces then they’re lucky to get any direct reply to it at all.

also, mental illness is an accurate and correct term for people who suffer from psychiatric disorders. if you don’t think problems like hallucinating or doing drugs until you die are maladies then you are mistaken.

I'm having suicide ideation and can't talk about it with my therapist for fear of being locked in a loony bin for 72 hours and permanently having that on my record.

What a world.