ITT: Your country's political parties

Progressive Party: Generic vaguely pro-business party
Radical Party: Milosevic dindonuffin
Socialist Party: Gibesmedat
Social Democrat Party: Gibesmedat
New Serbia: Revive monarchy
People's Party: Women's right to be a roastie shall not be infringed
United Pensioners: Boomer gibesmedat
Communist Party: Literally run by Tito's grandson
People's Peasant Party: Farmer gibesmedat
Green Party: Dudeweed
Liberal Democrat Party: EU gibesmedat
Bosniak Democratic Union: Bosnians dindonuffin

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Other urls found in this thread:

People's Action Party: the God emperor's party
Worker's Party: the main opposition party
Everyone else: literally who?

We only have two but they both suck.

Conservatives: Retards
Liberals: Retards
NDP: Commies (Retards)
Green: MEGA retards
Bloc Quebecois: French (Retards)

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Republicans: Jewish cocksuckers
Democrats: Jewish cocksuckers

They're best described as coalition parties.

>having a parliament building based on a hl2 level

National Action Party: conservative with socialist tendencies
Institutional Revolutionary Party: centrist oportunist cunts officially socialst
Ecologist Green Party centrist puppet party of the one above
Party of the Democratic Revolution standard left center party
National Regeneration Movement left wing nationalists
Labor Party puppet communist of the party above
Citizens Movement Social democrats irrelevant a puppet party as well
>Recently dissolved
New Aliance libertarians
Social Encounter Party: thrid way conservatives
Humane Party: I cant remember anything about this one

>united russia
putin's party for putin
liberals and democrats for putin
communists, marxists, socialists and atheists for putin and church
nazbol gang, banned in russia

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Liberal Party: Cucks
Conservative Party: Cucks
NDP: Socialist cucks
Green: Hippie cucks
Bloc Quebecois: French cucks
People's Party: Only good party
Christian Heritage: Good social policies but christcucks
Communist Party: SUPER KEKS
Libertarian Party: Cuckservatives but better

>Progressive Party: Generic vaguely pro-business party

The National Front: Gibesmedat/Cronyism
The Coalition of Hope: Gibesmedat/Cronyism
Malaysian Islamic Party: Gibesmedat

Democrat: White people suck, rich people suck, life is unfair, poor people are alright though
Republican: Non-White people suck, foreigners suck, life is unfair, rich dudes are alright though

Ask yourself really who in any country gets into politics unless it's to steal as much money as they can.

Commie,pothead,graffiti nigger, loser party parties: Frente Amplio, Comunist Party, Socialist party
Based and successful business and family straight man: UDI, Accion Republicana

We only have one: Republicrats and the suck Jew cock.



Republicans: The god emperor's party
Democrats: The opposition/white people=bad and evil party
Other random third parties: Irrelevant

>Progressive Party: Generic vaguely pro-business party
You mean neoliberal, non aligned party of bots?

>Radical Party: Milosevic dindonuffin
You mean party of people who resent what happened in 90's?

>Socialist Party: Gibesmedat
You mean socialism-lite LARP off spring party?

>Social Democrat Party: Gibesmedat
Zutica fuj fuj

>New Serbia: Revive monarchy
Those fucks who want to install retards without decency to learn Serbian and invest in Serbia and not be mutt/anglo puppets.

>People's Party: Women's right to be a roastie shall not be infringed

>United Pensioners: Boomer gibesmedat

>Communist Party: Literally run by Tito's grandson
Yup and a meme

>People's Peasant Party: Farmer gibesmedat

>Green Party: Dudeweed

>Liberal Democrat Party: EU gibesmedat
Zutica fuj fuj

>Bosniak Democratic Union: Bosnians dindonuffin

>Conservative party
>liberal party
Somehow our centrist party, despite the name
The actual "liberal party"
>Green party
Nobody votes for them but we like to round our parties to an even 4

Conservatives: centre right retards that doesn't actually care about conserving anything
Labour: centre left retards that think Venezuela is something to look up to, popular with retard students
Lib Dems: literally nothing people only vote for them because they want to legalise weed
Ukip: civ nats that are going down the national populism route, norf fc lads vote for them
Greens: brain dead fucking morons, boomer hippies vote for them
BNP: "fuck niggers" the party also completely dead

Merkel/conservative party
Cucks that have lost a shitton of votes
Don't treat on me liberals
Ultra cucks
Cucked former commies
Only real right wing party in the parliament

Professional mafia full of incompetents
> PP
Professional mafia full of competent people (at stealing money)
> Ciudadanos
Market liberal Chicago school yuppies who hate poor people
> Podemos
SJW: the party
> Izquierda Unida
"why won't people vote for us? Hail Fidel Castro and Mao btw"
> PdeCat
Autistic Catalan separatists who hate poor people
Autistic Catalan separatists who hate everyone
Right-wing Basques who switch between wanting and not wanting independence according to how much money they get
IRL shitposting party from Catalonia
> other regional parties like Coalición Canaria, PRC, PA, CHA
I don't even know if that's still a thing
> EH Bildu
ETA did nothing wrong: the party
> Vox
dude Franco lmao

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>Young Democrats
not young, not democrats, crypto gommies, ruling party
ex gommie party
>Better Hungary
ex right wing radicals, now falling apart
>Politics Can Be Different
>Democratic Coalition
ex PMs own socialist party

and a couple dwarf parties that are not in the parliament or have like 1 MP

>Progressive Conservatives (PC)
oil shills, oil shills, courts farmers to maintain a voterbase, dislike brown people and the poors, also oil shills
>Liberal Party
generic liberal party, stands for nothing other than idpol rhetoric and spreading their cheeks for business interests in general, dislikes the poors but better at pretending not to than the PC's
>NDP (used to be CCF)
some liberals, some social democrats, some socialists, the socialist caucus is pretty much the only part of it with a half-decent platform
the majority of the party tends to throw around the same idpol rhetoric as the libs

NO PARTY BELOW THIS LINE WILL EVER WIN A MAJORITY (or more than a couple seats in a given election)
>Green Party
eco-social democrats mostly, some liberals, basically just environmentalists
>Communist Party
pretty sad state of affairs, leninist/marxist-leninist
>People's Party of Canada
literally just a single PC member who got bored of the PC's and got a boner at Trump's right-leaning populism
>Progressive Party
literally just some guy
i dont even know who he is at all

in general, any country with a FPTP voting system is just going to create a compilation of parties that have little ideological backbone and candidates that just group together in large notable parties for a chance to win, most of the people in the parties generally dislike each other and carry few universal beliefs

In my neck of the woods:

Dickheads, vaguely progressive
Dickheads, conservative
Capitalism fetishists, 1% of the vote
>Green party
For mainstream liberals that aren't fucking stupid
>Constitution party
>Like 10 communist and socialist parties
They come and go from the ballots, might be able to get some traction if they combined.

Surely the Liberal Party refers to classical Liberalism?

Republicans: “Conservative” but can’t seem to really conserve anything they promise. They’re mostly center right with a few hardcore Christian moralists in the mix.

Democrats: Hates white people, claims to be not racist but unironically promotes racism at the same time. Party platform
Is Orange Man Bad. Also “gibsmedats”.

Libertarians: Has great ideas with shitty party leaders. Where’s Aleppo?

Greens: Boomer hippies.

Any other party: No votes. Our country only allows two large parties at a time.

mainstream conservatives with mafia ties
commies and bai tosho nostalgists; they also love russia
>united patriots
nationalist coalition, consisting of 3 smaller parties
just plain balkan nationalists, you know the ones
somewhat milder nationalists
borderline nazis with a REAL hard-on for russia
center liberals, turkish rights
russians led by some doctor dude
>simeon vtori
liberals lead by former king who never got to rule because communists came when he was still underage

hehe, nah
sorta neoliberal capitalism + moderate welfare state

liberals: actually conservative and also jewish
labor: unions
greens: typical cucks
one nation: anti immigrants party
united australia party: populist meme party
LDP: libertarian
everything else is not relevant

Fuck off to /pol you minor.

>Perussuomalaiset ("Regular Finns")
"The kick the migrant, help the Finn" party, the good party, no clear economic school of thought
>SDP ("Social Democratic Party")
The wage-earnerning people's normie party
>Keskusta ("The Centre")
The centrist agrarian party
Liberal party, benefits off of the divide between small and medium -sized entrepreneurs and wage-earners
>Vasemmistoliitto ("Left Alliance")
Failed and dying former communists trying to adapt by balancing between the working class movement and Cultural-Marxism
>Vihreät ("The Greens")
The enviromentalist center-left party, the NPC party
>KD ("Christian Democrats")
Christian centrist party
>RKP ("The Swedish People's party")
The Swedish speaking people's identity politics party, "The bättre folk ("The better people")" party
>Some other meme parties and small parties such as Muutos ("Change"), a pro-direct democracy party

Uh, I'll pass this question.

i like the radical party

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KD: Christian Democrats. Conservative, don't like abortion and stuff like that.
Miljöpartiet: Green party. They love mass-immigration, feminism and taxes.
Social Democrats: Gibs party with Nazi origins that they try to compensate for by being as progressive as possibly
Liberals: Not really liberals but hey they like gay sex
Sweden Democrats: Also has national socialist origins but are now a somewhat solid opposition party. Anti-immigration, anti-islam.
Left party: Former communist party who somehow wants to collaberate with parties who are economically far-right
Moderates: conservative but not really that conservative, loves low taxes
Center party: formerly the party of the farmers. Now pro mass-immigration. Don't really stand for much at this point other than globalism

Orbáns party
>Not Fidesz
Autistic screechers

>Alliance of Young Democratd
>Christian Democratic People' Party
Orbán's second party
>Jobbik/Better Hungary
Nationalists, but surprisingly it turned out it is full of backstabbing idiots. It's on the verge of death
>Our Homeland Movement
Liter Nazi's on Orbán's payroll
>Politics Can Be different
Noone really knows what they stand for. They are green or liberal or socialist or feminist. They kinda hate the pre-2010 left.
>Hungarian Socialist Party
Socialists, ex-communist party
>Dialogue for Hungary
Nobody really knows what they want. They love the old left
>Hungarian Liberal Party
>Democratic Coalition
Gyurcsány's (retarded ex-pm) personal party.
The newest and the progressivest party founded by the sons and daughters of the Socialist Party members. Bankrolled by Merkel and Macron. They are new! They are young! They are pro-EU! They are pro women's right! They're pro liberal! They are are con artists!

Is Orban the lesser of all the evils? Is there anyone that could replace him and wouldn't fuck up the country even more than him?

PP: the good guys
Ciudadanos: the better guys
VOX: the based guys
PSOE: incompetent LGBT SJW light commies
Podemos: Venezuela 2.0
PdeCAT, ERC, CUP, etc: totalitarian separatist scumbags
Bildu: terrorists
PNV, CC, PA, etc: gib moneys

Is VOX a competent party?

Yes. They have the allure of Bolsonaro and the know-how of Boris Johnson all rolled into one.


>know-how of Boris Johnson
Is that supposed to be a good thing? But I wish them the best if they're good and smart.

no, hungarians are retarded gypoids who cant govern themselfs

>hungarians are retarded gypoids
hmm, let me guess, a Romanian in Hungary? I heard that if gypsies had glowing teeth, Bucharest would look like Las Vegas during night time

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Yes, he is the lesser evil.

Do most people like him or just tolerate him because there's nothing particularly better. I heard that Hungarian politicians are some of the richest politicians in the world. How do they get away with it?

>Socialist (crypto-commie) party
Vänsterpartiet, formerly known as VpK (Vänsterpartiet kommunisterna). Very liberal when it comes to socioeconomic and house all the degeneracy in society.
>Green party
Miljöpartiet, Liberal green party who's home to Islamist and incompetence. Very liberal when it comes to socioeconomic and house all the degeneracy in society
>Pragmatic powerhungry party (workers party)
Socialdemokraterna. They have no politics, they do whatever it takes to be in power and bends over to everyone
>Centrist liberal party
Centerpartiet. Same as green party but further to the right economically.
>Liberal party
Liberalerna. Same as centrist party but without the Islamist.
>Liberal conservative party.
Moderaterna. Same as CDU in germany
>Christian democrats
Same as CDU in germany
>Conservative, civic nationalist party
Sverigedemokraterna. Like a milder more competent version of AFD.

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I don't understand weeb-trash but yeah looks about right

nem vagyok román, im just not deluded like the gypsie licking the vajda boots for gibs

Why do you think that hungarians are incapable of governing themselves? Maybe they should learn

Coalition party: Pro-business crooks
Social Democrats: Pro-union crooks
Centre Party: Peasant gibsmedats, the worst crooks
Greens: lmao why doesn't everyone just get a bicycle also refugees welcome
Finns Party: Gas the muslims race war now
Left Alliance: Tax the rich everything should be free also what is economics
Christian Democrats: Ban everything will somebody please think of the children
Swedish People's Party: Vi ska stöda vilken regering som helst så länge som språkpolitik inte ändras

We have about 35 parties. Not writing them down for you lmao

Started as a liberal anti communist party, became a centre right party for boomers and opportunist milenials
Started as a radical far right wing party, slowly inched itself to the centre to be more accepted and mainstream. Started to implode on itself after the longitme party leader left in spring
The remainder of the communist party, now socialist, had a extremely shit pm and is tainted by him forever
Led by that extremely shit pm, only old people vote for them
Green party, not that horrible as western green parties, but pretty bad still
It's a joke party that is pretty liberal sadly, but despite being a satire, they unironicaly have the most integrity, they spent most of their government funds on various local improvements that people could vote for

prosperity always happened under the influence of foreigners, mostly germanics, but even gommies established some civilisation that was too much to grasp for "natives"

when was the last time hungary was fully independent?

before 1989 you mean? between the world wars

>everyone else


Broadly centre right but have (for centuries) had large gulfs between the extreme ends of their party, although they've mostly managed to co-exist and attain/retain power just fine

Centre left these days but have a large socialist/union element who are always at risk of breaking off (see: Corbynistas vs Blairites)

>Liberal Democrats
Centrist but socially liberal. Pre-2010 GE was the voice of the disillusioned youth, but coalition with the Conservatives and abandonment of much of their 2010 manifesto (especially re student loans) left them despised by many. Possibly will see something of a resurgence in coming years as they are the largest anti-Brexit party. Expect many centrist Labour members to jump ship to the Lib Dems following Corbyn's non-existent stance on Brexit.

Single-issue party (leaving the EU) and that issue has (probably) now been resolved. Have been in complete turmoil since Farage stepped down as leader, expect the party to die off in the next few years as they get more extremist.

Easily the biggest party in Scotland. Expect renewed push for Scottish independence following Brexit

Northern Irish conservatives. Pro-union, anti-everything else. Pushed into unlikely key governmental role due to their coalition with the Cons following 2017 GE.

Greens, Plaid Cymru (Welsh nationalists), Sinn Fein (Irish republicans, do not sit in British parliament), SDLP & UUP confusing things further in Northern Ireland

Pro business, pro israel and religious nutjobs
Radical centrists masquerading as leftist, also pro business
Working man's party being coopted by neolibs. Was leftist is now a centrist party preoccupied with Instagram identity politics
Dead party, formerly a coalition of several ideological branches in quebec pushing for independence
Tories with trees, dead meme party

>I heard that Hungarian politicians are some of the richest politicians in the world. How do they get away with it?
Small fishes compared to the Clintons and the Macrons.
>Do most people like him or just tolerate him because there's nothing particularly better.
50-50. Many people like him as he were a god. Many people simply hates the opposition more.


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you probably know them already
>Mi Hazánk
A new far-right party, actually based, many former Jobbik members joined after the party got cucked and split in two.

"It's treason, then"
socialist fucks
libshit fucks
green libshits
westcuck libshits.
The rest are leftist meme parties

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>Partido Popular (PP)
Founded by a minister of the latest Franco goverment, they say they are centre-right conservatives, but they range from right conservatives to crypto-franquism, they have a mass of old people that vote them no matter what they do, competing with PSOE in being the most corrupt party of Europe, they are pro-EU.
>Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)
They call themselves socialist or social democrats, they are centre-right lumpens or centre at best, they support feminism at every opportunity they find, pro-EU, specially corrupt in Andalusia.
>Ciudadanos (C's)
Centre-right to right, they were born as a Catalan party that oppose separatism and as a right wing liberal party that is more modern than the PP but still has a free market economy (which PP has at times), they claim to be civic nationalist, they exists to support PP or PSOE goverments basically and haven't done much of note, pro-EU.
>Unidas Podemos
Left party, it has a lot of different parties and movements concentrated and were born after the 15M protests, they support feminism at every turn and compete with PSOE to see who can say the most stupid feminist claim, in local goverments some people afiliated with them have done things well (like Carmena in Madrid) and some have fucked up (like the fatty in Barcelona), economically their leader Pablo Iglesias is Communist and have claimed to be so many times, although by now they have "moderated" some of their economic proposals, they are pro-EU
Alt-right party of Spain, they are generally formed by crypto-francoist from the PP that thought the PP was too left wing for them and people who feel the feminist have too much power, they have only recently increased in popularity so you can't really say much about their governing practices, they say they are against corruption and had some anti corruption proposals, support a centralized goverment and less spending and taxes.

>Catalan parties
There are a lot of them, not worth mentioning one for one, they had their PP counterpart, CiU, as corrupt and right wing as them but Catalan nationalist, which split and their most notable leaders are now in the Partit Demòcrata Europeu Català PDeCAT, then there is anticapitalist left wing called CUP and the PSOE equivalent, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), I find Catalan left wing separatist very hypocrite, because they are supposed to be against nationalism and support workers against the oppresors as nationalism is a burgoise tool to divide people, but then they want to divide people and only redistribute wealth between them while non catalans might as well be slaves, ironically except CUP everyone of them is pro-EU and expect the Spanish goverment to be good guys, and not only allow them to separete but leave them join the EU and tell their voters that they will enter the EU after independence, they are very stupid.
>Basque parties
There's the PP equivalent PNV and then the rest of separatist are generally left wing and have ex-ETA members in them.
>Some other regionalist parties
They exists to have one or two votes in the pairlament and sometimes support a big party for some gibbs for their region, this strategy is also used by Catalan and Basque parties.

>tfw no right wing national party like Golden Dawn in Greece
what happened to us... we are systematically ruined

Governing party. Pro-eu center right. Deep ties with the mafia, the oligarchic elite and the big players from the former commie regime. Corrupt to the bone and incompetent af. Openly suck US dick, secretly Russia’s
Opposition. The successor of the Bulgarian Commie party. Corrupt and incompetent. They call themselves socdems but are really centrists. Boomer gibsmedat party. Suck russian dick. Basically like gerb but anti EU.
Opposition. Turkish minority party. Extremely corrupt and filled with oligarch lobbyists. Would help the governing party for money. Pro Russia
>United Patriots
In govt Coalition of 3 small nationalist parties. They sometimes say sane things but are still corrupt and work for others’ interests. Pro Russia
No ideology. In politics just to steal.

They are some smaller “anti-corruption” center right parties but they are not interesting

Pic very much related

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Sorry for giving you FI

Tories: Liberal Zionism and pro-business
DUP: See above
Labour: Progressive socialist fag party
Lib Dems: Progressive liberal fag party
UKIP: The boomer freedom party
For Britain: The boomer freedom party but ran by a dyke
CPGB-ML: Foreigners that really like Stalin
National Front: Natives that really like Hitler
Green Party: The SJW roastie party of open borders and 0% military spending
SNP: Scottish separatists with blue hair

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>likud: right wing populist party
>New right party: broke away from..The Jewish Home? Right wing religious nutjobs that are after the secular voices
>The Jewish Home: g*d is real and this land is ours, all of it! nutjobs
>various orthodox parties: gibsmedat on racial separation even through they are all jews
Other then that the rest of the parties are holding their dicks out to show who is the bigger centrist

>Sweden Democrats:
Nats turned Civ-Nats, they are a good soft start for newly redpilled people/transition party at this point.
>Alternative for Sweden:
Proper Nationalists, wants tax to be reduced and flat and to restore ethnic and cultural homogeneity via mass deportations. On top of being openly anti-globalist
Literally Gay Capitalists
Your concentrated pack of screeching feminists