So I'm married and I don't want to have sex anymore. I had a misscarage and my husband was happy about it...

So I'm married and I don't want to have sex anymore. I had a misscarage and my husband was happy about it, did not want another kid, wanted me to abort it before I had the misscarage. I dont want to separate because we have other kids and it would ruin their childhoods but I also cant bring myself to want to let him touch me anymore. I was thinking about just telling him I don't care if he sleeps with other women.

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i think if it were me, i'd tell him i'd rather not have sex with him and that he should have sex with other women instead
but the better thing would probably be to tell him how you feel, and that he'd understand and want to make it right so that you'd want him to touch you again

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Useless whore, let your stupid hubby have fun with your ass or get him some scorts

He won't, he doesn't care about me. Trying to tell him that wont help matters he wont care or understand or change. If I had the financial means to leave and support my kids well on my own I would but that's not an option. Even if I did try to explain I dont think there is any way I could ever love him again when he has made it so clear he doesn't love me or our children.

You gotta work that shit out or your kids are gonna be all kinds of fucked up.

I cant force him to love me or our kids. I'm doing the best I can.

okay so its a matter of just getting by... then i think i support your suggestion to tell him to fuck other women. tell him you need some time after the miscarriage and then just hope he'll never ask when you're over it. sorry about the miscarriage btw.

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Thank you. I think I'll take your advice, I dont really see anything else to do at this point. I feel so fucking sad and depressed the only reason I haven't killed myself is because of my kids.

Separating would yes mentally harm your kids but staying together will cause a more caustic environment for the children

You dingnut, if they (your kids) ever learn that their dad has been infidel, what message does that send to them? Logically, they will assume that you have done the same.

If I left I'd literally have to go live in a shelter with them. I dont have a lot of money and no family or friends. We dont fight or anything. He just ignores us. I know it will be hurtful to them but it's better then being homeless
I don't think they will find out, they are very young. I'll be saving money to be able to leave before they are old enough to know about sex or infidelity

why does he ignore you guys? i mean clearly he liked you enough at one point to marry you and make some babbies so wtf happened between then and now that he apparently wants nothing to do with you anymore? ...also you two still fug so the spark or whatever can't be *totally* dead for him, right?

He dosent like our kids is what happened. We had them, he cant stand them. Was uninvolved with our first baby then 2 years later we had the second and after that he just blatantly says he hates kids, cant stand them. He has nothing to do with them and now ignores me to because he resents me for having the. I haven't liked sex since our second child was born but still did it in the hope that things would get better. Now that he told me he wanted me to kill our unborn baby and then was happy when I lost it from stress the thought of having sex with him gives me such bad anxiety I feel like I'll have a panic attack. I'm still nice to him. Make and serserve him meals, clean the house, wash his clothes, do anything else he asks of me. I just really dont want to have sex anymore. I keep the babies out of his hair and try to play with them a lot so they still feel loved and cared for but it kills me that I gave them a father who hates them. I had no idea he felt this way when we married, he said he wanted a family but now that he has one he cabt stand it. I'm scared hell divorce me and I'll be a broke single mom and my kids lives will be even worse. I work early mornings while the kids are still sleeping but barely make over minimum wage. I dont have anyone to watch them to get a second job and I dont want to stick them in daycare, it would cost as much money as I'd be making

I think your only option is couples counseling. It could save the marriage. Sometimes churchs offer it for free.

Good luck.

I'm married with a kid. I love my wife and our kid. But I would be fucking pissed if my wife got pregnant again. I made it very clear to her I only want one kid. So she has the IUD.

You sound like a typical asshole guy, like your sperm shooting cock isn't just as responsible for the pregnancy as she is. If you dont want another kid that badly go get snipped.

I was going to, and she offered to get an IUD.

If she didn't offer to use birth control I was 100% going to get a vasectomy.

Our kid was planned and I've been a great dad and husband. I just don't want any more and cooperated 100% with my wife to coordinate all this. I sure am a real asshole.

You just said you would be pissed at her if she did get pregnant, do you would blame her for her IUD messing up. You can try to backtrack but you still sound like an ass to me. Any man who gets pissed at a woman over a baby he helped to make is an ass. It would not be just her fault and it is wrong that you would blame her. Glad you a good dad to the kid you do have. You should rethink how you would react to an unplanned pregnancy though, being upset or even considering terminating if shes open to that is fine, saying you'd be pissed at her or blame her isn't. Just my opinion

Well maybe I should have explained better it's not like I'm cumming in my wife and going "bitch you better not get pregnant"

We discussed it after baby 1 was born. I said with absolute certainty I did not want another, and she said that was fine. I told her I was gonna get snipped. So she said I did not need to, she would get a copper IUD.

So if she did get pregnant, that would mean she took it out and did not tell me. As in tricking me into another kid. So that's why I would be angry.

Also did not say "at her". Just pissed, because i don't want another. So pissed at the situation.

Try not to project so hard OP.

The way you worded it sounded really, idk aggressive. Like you bossed her around or that it's only your choice as to how many kids you guys want, also the "fucking pissed" sounds mean. I think I understand what you ment tho now that you explained more. You know iuds aren't 100% effective tho, it would not necessarily be her going behind your back. I got pregnant with our second child with an IUD, I had only had the thing in for 6 week when I missed my period and wound up being pregnant again. I think they are more effective when they have been in longer.

>he just blatantly says he hates kids
Assuming you're telling the truth and not exaggerating (i.e. he says "the kids are too stressful for me right now" and you interpret it as him hating them), staying together will not be good for the kids' mental health--if you're single, despite the decrease in many metrics of quality of life, there is at least a chance they can find someone to act as a caring father figure. Whereas if you stay, they will always be around someone who wishes they didn't exist. On the balance, they still have better chances away from him.
You probably live in a country with at least some kind of public assistance--use your internet connection to look that up (i.e. types and amounts of welfare, qualifications for it, and where to apply), and prepare your options if you do end up divorcing.

I should also stress that I don't mean to invalidate whatever you've gone through, however it is a fact that some women (men, too, although usually they're more direct and don't have a need for this) will make up stories like this to justify emotions they already had. There's an additional mental incentive if you feel "trapped" in your marriage.

I got pregnant despite an IUD. They have something like a .5-1% failure rate. She didn't have to lie for it to happen, 1 in every 100-200 is still a decent chance.

But wouldn't you still get upset when he actually goes for it with other women? Be honest.

The copper one is pretty damn effective.

But in any case I wouldn't be at all angry with my wife if it was there and by some miracle she got pregnant. Not her fault at all. But just upset about the situation.

I would likely seek an abortion.

No hitter her literally says he fucking hates them. "I fucking hate kids" every time they cry, "I cant stand children" if they make a mess. He isn't mean to them, he doesn't say that to them just to me about them. He pretty much just ignores them except to vent his annoyance at me. I'm not going to leave now with no money and go live in a shelter with them. I'm going to save up and get out as soon as I can provide a somewhat suitable home. Also if I can stick it out till they are in school I wont have to put them in daycare all day. I have no intrest in finding another father figure for them. I just would want to be single and focus on them and working. I dont think I'll even enjoy sex again and I'm not interested in taking time away from my kids to go after guys. Besides, very very very few good men want to get with a single mom and father another man's kids. It's more likely I'd just get used and be exposing my kids to creeps.

No, if it ment he didn't try to touch me anymore I'd be ecstatic

So rather than a simple, removable device, your suggestion is that he undergoes a surgery to his genitals? Seems like feminine logic / lack thereof.

If things were this bad why didn't you get your tubes tied after kid #1?

If he's a bad father with one it only gets worse with more. I don't understand how women don't realize this.

You have the foresight of a fucking teenager but if that's how you really feel at the moment then sure, go ahead and tell him. Just know you're damning your marriage and family unit to failure because you can't talk about things like an adult.

Soon as he gets back from having SEX with another woman you wouldn't want to share a bed with you. That's now how intimate relationships work.

I'm the guy who made that post.

And i get what she's saying that each parent is 50% responsible for the making of a baby. So a man should not resent his wife for becoming pregnant. I totally agree.

BUT I think when one person makes it very clear what their kid preference is then both parties need to stick to the plan to make sure there are no suprises. No excuses. If the birth control fails then you head to the clinic.

Like I said in my case I said "honey I'm planning on going to get a vasectomy because I'm 100% certain I only want one kid' and she said "that's okay I'll get the copper IUD for a few years and you can get snipped if you still want to, after I get it removed".

It wasn't this bad with only one, getting your tubes tied dose not preven all pregnancy you like 30% more likely to have a tuble pregnancy that can kill you. I got an IUD and it failed. He didn't start saying he hates them till we had the second one. If I had known he'd turn into such a shit father I'd have married someone else. He always told me he wanted a family before we got married. I was on the depo shot this time when I got pregnant. Not sure why they say the shit is so effective because it's really not, we wernt even having sex that often like maybe twice a month.
Lmao women are expected to put loads of chemicals and hormones into their body that are linked to cancer and all kinds of other health risks and abortion is far less safe and painless then a guy getting a vasectomy. If a man knows 100% he dosent want kids he should take matters on himself to insure it doesn't happen. That's not feminism, it's common sense. That way he dosent wind up with children he doesn't want.

I only said that as a precaution.

>I have no intrest in finding another father figure for them.
That doesn't have to be from a relationship--it could be a teacher, a coach, a family friend, whatever. All I'm saying is that there is at least a chance of it happening organically.

>very few good men want to get with a single mom and father another man's kids.
True. By all means focus on them, and your own judgement is going to be the most reliable in telling when to split, since only you have all the necessary information. That he's not abusive is very good, and in light of this information I'll back up what other anons are saying about marriage counseling--there is a slight chance he may have a mental hangup which could be sorted out, and something that mends your family back together is far preferable to either holding together a facade or tearing it apart.

Absolutely DO NOT propose an open marriage. This will not only doom chances of reconciliation (involving change on his part, of course), but it will set an absolutely terrible example for your kids, not only in itself but by greatly complicating and destabilizing your home life. Try to fix your marriage first, and if that doesn't work then just focus on splitting. Don't let the marriage enter a state of undeath.

I'll defer to other anons on how best to approach him with the question of counseling, but to help them out, try to give us important things about your husband's personality (like, is he prone to shouting or does he close himself off when he gets angry, what gets him offended, what does he like about you--anything).

My advice is for him to divorce you.
Sex is 100% apart of marriage.
You relieve his cock, he provides stability. If you cant do that you have nothing of value to offer.

I'm having a really hard time believing your birth control stories.

In a confidential study 40% of all women admitted they think it's okay to trick a man into pregnancy by altering their birth control method. You seem like that 40% because those implants are effective as fuck.

The marriage failed when he said he hates our children and decided to spend 90% of his time ignoring us. I have tried to talk to him about this for the last 2 year and kissed his ass trying to get him to be happier and not dislike us so much. There is nothing more I can do, hes not going to change as a person because i keep talking at him, he doesn't even talk back or respond to what I'm saying. I've suggested therapy and he says no. Honestly staying to talk to him about it seems to make him even more short tempered with the kids and me, so I just leave him be and try to do what he asks. I dont sleep in the same bed as him because of our issues and he gets pissed if I wake him up when I get up at 3 for work. I dont care if he sleeps around, I just need him to not try to fuck me for a year or so till I can get enough money together to move out. I dont use his money and I dont want anything from him. I'm not going to go after him for child support or anything. I just want to take my kids and live on our own once I have a few grand saved up but that's had to do fast because almost all my money goes towards our mortgage and bills

Have u tried talking to his parents?

Oh. Well fuck me then, you tried.
But still, you would be infinitely more disgusted with him if he were to actually sleep around, which there's really no telling he isn't already. It might sound like the "logical" solution, but it wouldn't make anything better around the house.

You say "I just need him to not try and fuck me for a year" like he still tries to which is confusing because you also make it sound like he hates you. Which is it? And can't you just say no if he tries to have sex, or is saying no hard for you?

He wont do counseling, I've asked him two more then once. Our kids are only 3 and 1 they dont pick up on or understand much and I'll be gone before they are old enough to. He just dosent talk to us when hes pissed. He doesn't really talk much anyways. He works some and then games the rest of his time and has no interest in doing anything else. If I force him into going to do something with me and the kids he is aggravated the whole time and makes us get done with it as soon as possible so he can go back home to his office and computer. Pretty much the only time he makes an effort to talk to me is if hes wanting pussy or head and I just cant take having sex with him. I'd just as soon have him go fuck some girl at work or something and leave me alone. I just need a little time so I can get money together to get out.

I cant ultra an IUD, the implant the thing in my fucking arm, I didn't dig it out. The depo shot is shitty and made me bleed all the time. I still got the fucking thing but apparently got pregnant with it still. Idk maybe that's why I miscarried. It says infant loss is a side effect if you become pregnant on it. I definitely did not want to get pregnant again, not eith my husband hating the kids we already have and our marriage in the toilet. This pregnancy and miscarriage was the nail in its coffin. You can believe what you want but I know what has actually happened

Alright, then you really do have no choice. Unless you're absolutely certain on a timeframe of your leaving, I still advise very strongly against opening your marriage--while there is a small chance it will keep him away from you before the kids are old enough to figure out what's happening (and it'll be quicker than you think with the 3 year old), it's something which introduces a lot of extra uncertainty for numerous reasons, which will make things much more difficult.

For example, I'd get extremely pissed if someone suggested an open relationship to me, and he might do so to--not necessarily from a moral position, but he might also interpret it as you trying to cuck him. Telling him otherwise won't necessarily convince him, either, and from what you've said he isn't the type to be open to debate.
If your truly can't stand the sight of him, then it is a last resort, but this is something that you must absolutely not treat lightly. You'd be much better served learning how to say no in the meantime.

It is hard. I try to be nice to him so hes less dicky to the kids. Hes not abusive but really unpleasant to be around if hes in a bad mood. He uses me for sex and the little bit of money I bring in. Most of the time he just wants a blow job but other then when he wants that he just doesn't talk to me. We will literally get done having sex and hell get up and leave the room and go right back to his computer. No foreplay or cuddling after, it's been like that for over a year now. It's like he just gets bored with faping sometimes and so he uses me like a fleslight for a few minutes then hes done and goes back to what be was doing before. If I try to be flirts or affection with him (before the miscarriage) he'd just say hes busy and to leave his office.

That could be an addiction where he shuts everything else out, can any psychfags confirm?

The guy sounds like he's burnt out. No longer in love with his wife, and isn't interested in parenting his kids.

A marriage takes teamwork to raise the kid.

That’s fucking disgusting. I’m not sure why you would even allow a person to use your body like that. Have some respect for yourself.

I'm pretty sure if I tell him no for more then a month or so he will just start cheating on me anyways. So I guess just let that happen. It's not that I cant stand the sight of him. It's that I'm terrified of the possibility of getting pregnant again and having sex makes me feel like I cant breath and am having a panic attack. I love my kids more then anything in the world, they are literally my only reason for living. The thought of losing another baby or having to have an abortion would destroy me. I think I might legitimacy loss my mind if it were to happen. I'm still on depo now never stopped it from when I I misscaragied but if it failed once already I dont want to risk going threw that again

lol of course this guy would say counseling. the man is the problem so she should divorce and find her own happiness. the father pays child support. that's the best answer.

I do it so hell be in a good mood and be nice to the kids for a little. It's gotten so hard tho, like I try to still do what he wants but it's like I have to shut my brain off during it so I dont freak out and start crying. It's to hard to pretend to like it anymore. I dont want him to see how much it freaks me out because it will upset him and put him in a bad mood but its gotten to hard to hide.

baming her for her husband being an asshole and expecting her to fix it. wow.

Almost everything I do is to try to please him. For a long time I thought if I was just a better wife, a better mother, keep the kids quieter, keep the house cleaner, maybe he wouldn't be so unhappy with us. Maybe I could make him love me and our kids if I were just better. I feel like losing that baby was a punishment because I'm not a good enough wife and mother. I failed my kids and they are the only ones who matter to me at all.

a man's job is to provide for the wife and children emotionally and help out. he doesn't do that. he is the one that has failed. men will aways blame women for their own shortcomings.

gotcha. i've not got much to say about the sex issue. it's not unimportant. your feelings on the matter are fully warranted and valid. solving it properly requires focusing on other issues though so that's what i'm gonna do, k?

>he said he wanted a family but now that he has one he cabt stand it.
poking at this ^ will get us to the heart of it. so, first poke: it seems there are some drastic differences between the reality of what it's like to have a family and the expectations he had of what it would be like to have a family. what are your thoughts there? any idea what the disconnect could be?

You sound like the perfect woman, and I admire your perseverance, but you should be taking better care of yourself too. I wish I could meet your man irl and smack the fuck out him for taking advantage of you, but alas this is just Jow Forums.

Why don’t you just kick his loser ass out of the house?

If I were you I'd save some money for when you can get away from the asshole. Stash as much as you can away month by month. Do your own thing, for your own sanity. Cheat on him and find a good father for your kids.

Yes that's totally true, I think he thought he'd be total 50s alpha Male with perfect family. He'd never spent time around little kids. He didn't have this huge overwhelming bond and love for them when they were born. He was just like wyf annoying screaming crying shit monsters that stop me from doing what I want with my time. He dosent take any joy in them. Like I love seeing them play and laugh. He thinks its obnoxious and just wants them to be quiet and leave him alone. I think it's cute yo go take them to see Santa, he resents them for it because he'd rather be at home on his computer. I dont ever ask him to change diapers or help with potty training, feed or dress them or anything like that anymore. He would always just say I will later then not do it so i just stopped asking. I thought if i dint ask him to do much he'd be less annoyed by them but it doesn't seem to have worked

>terrified of getting pregnant
>won't get tubes tied

The more I read your thread the more clear it becomes.

You want a bunch of kids and a loving husband but you have neither the skills nor motivation to make the required money. Your husband makes the money. He's the provider and he resents the people he's providing for.


I cant afford the mortgage and Bill's and food without him. And I'm not perfect at all by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not very smart, I'm a push over, I cant provide for my children by myself and I messed up their childhoods by not having better judgment when picking a husband.
But I have come to realize that no matter how hard i try it's not going to change his opinion of the kids or me.

Do your kids and your husband a favor and kill you self so they don’t have to grow with an unstable bad useless mother who can’t do her only job (have sex with the family provider)

This is actually very common. Men get a lot better with kids after age 5. But those first few years just seem like drudgery to them.

Go fuck yourself, degenerate

Here's the thing.

I get that the guy is an uncaring snake, but if he's making 80% or more of the money, you really have no room to talk.

Here's a hypothetical: let's say you switched roles. Would he suddenly be a happy father if he did not have to work?

Many men who are sole providers are so worn down from work they simply have no energy left. Add some kids to that and they feel like they are in hell

Would you say you’ve been raped at any point in your relationship ship? You could have a case. From what you describe, your sexual encounters with him don’t sound very willing at all, but more like an obligation.

He only makes a dollar an hour more then I do and I work longer hours then him sometimes. I dont want a bunch of kids, I do want a loving husband but I dont think that's an unreasonable thing to want. The two kids I have would be fine, its just extremely hurtful to have your partner say hes happy you had a misscarage. No I dont want another child but if I had had it I would have found a way to love and care for it. It's just really hurtful he dislikes our kids so much and was so happy and mean to me about it when I lost a pregnancy. I can even understand him being realived, that would have been fine but he was literally like "o good I gucking hate kids anyways" he said a bunch of stuff about kicking me in the stomach and pushing me down stairs too. He would not actually do that but it was still really nasty to say. Hes even said he wishes I had aborted or second daughter

Should have thought about that fore he nutted in her. And all that considered doesn’t take the heat off him for being a cold blooded asshole that treats his wife like a sex toy.

Wives telling police their husband raped them have about a zero chance of police helping.

And even then it would totally fuck up her family

The guy had a choice to get married and have a kid. Now it IS his responsibility to provide for it. This is life entitled assholes, you have to take responsibility for your actions and be a fucking man not a whining little faggot.

It probably would but I doubt the kids hold him in any kind of regard, and again, she has to take care of herself to take care of him.

Hes not he makes half. I do work

*them not him

I don’t have much advice op because you’re in a real tough spot. But I just want to say fuck all the unsympathetic people in this thread. You’re going through some legitimately tough times and you’re trying your best. I wish you the best


Yeah if everything you've posted here is 100% true then your marriage is fucked. Might as well divorce when you can. And you'll need to come up with a job that can elevate you financially.

Good luck.

No it's not rape hes a big guy if he wanted to force himself on me and I was really telling him no he definitely could. I dont tell him no, I'm consenting even if I really don't like it. If I do really tell him no he leaves me alone, hes in a worse mood then usual if I do but hes never forced me

People are being unsympathetic because her story doesn't add up.

If her story is true then hey sympathy to her, but the impression I'm getting is:

> husband makes most of the money and is worn out
> husband didn't want more kids after the first one and wife kept pushing for it
> husband now feels trapped in screaming kid hell

It is true I even worked full time threw both my pregnancies while he was in school. He didn't get a job in his field and now we have all his student loans to pay back too and that eats up a lot of money as well. If I were on my own I would have to pay that and I'd get a smaller house or appartment so my mortgage or rent and bills would be less. I just need to save a little so I can do that.

He dose not make most of the money, he works at a hardware store and only makes a dollar more an hour then I do. I did not keep pushing them out, I only have 2 kids. He wasn't super involved with out first one but I thought it was mostly because women are better with babies most of the time. He didn't get like this till we had our second one.

>He was just like wyf annoying screaming crying shit monsters that stop me from doing what I want with my time.
right. this bit next. what did he instead want to be doing with his time? and how did the babbies prevent him from being able to? leaving all the childcare duties up to you should translate to loads of free time for him, no?

Playing games on the computer and that's literally what he dose all day every day except for the 6 hours hrs at work. You'd think he be happy with that but hes not he still cant stand then and gets annoyed any time he hears them or they come around him.

Sounds like he thought being a dad would be great. But he hates the reality of it.


Makes sense to me. She has no emotional support from him though he agreed to have another kid to make her happy. Marriage takes work and compromise and he's done a 180 on what he agreed to do to keep his wife happy. Now he only sees the glass half full. That's on him. She's looking for validation and deserves it really but the this isn't the place to get it lady.

I've legit been in your spot and discovered my husband had an emotional affair with a new girl at work that may or may not have become physical. We almost split, but he was doing the exact same thing you are. Getting financial help from old guys I knew and dad to file for divorce and find a lawyer was the best thing I did. The cost of court plus his lawyer plus future child support plus him having to find a new place plus a new loving woman plus losing kid etc became a reality and he backed out and stopped lusting after the other girl. Lost a lot of money while I was adamant the show some respect or I'd keep going through with the divorce. He was still an asshole but he started being nicer to me and our baby. We should have gotten counseling immediately.

Instead now two years later he's sober and not even interested in sex with me, got a therapist to lie about me to, now he's "ready" to divorce me. Still an asshole to me but therapist doesn't get to see that so to him he's doing great. Probably found another younger thing to lust after. Even if you don't want it, file for divorce and custody OP. It might make him reconsider and attend therapy with you.

Get rid of him then... why is this complicated?

yeah, not wanting sex seems to kill a lot of relationships. It sounds like you have a good reason to be bitter though.

why the fuck would i be upset in this situation? seriously, how could you think so I second . I'd be ecstatic. It'd be the far easiest, least complicated, as well as the best option.

> He won't, he doesn't care about me.

Sounds like that's your issue senpai. You'll need to work that out first.

you chosed the wrong person and you are willing to sacrifice your entire life and the emotional development of your kids to stick to your shit decision
suffer well

i think its bizarre to insist that there's anything this lady can do to change the man's mind. sure its her who's asking for advice so it makes sense to think in lanes of what she can do, but i think it's pretty obvious that if we take a step back and consider who of the two of them that actually needs to change the most - because this is very much a two-person dilemma - it's proooobably the guy. When we consider who needs to make an effort, we also need to consider who wants to make an effort, and again here, it should be pretty obvious that this lady has already been pretty fucking willing, and this guy has already been pretty fucking unwilling.
it's awe inspiring but also naive and sad and bloody fucking cool that this lady hasnt given up yet. but by all means giving up on him and focusing on how to get by on her own premise is the only thing that makes sense. really.

OP GET COUNSELING and therapy while you are at it. Miscarriage is a form trauma and should be treated. Additionally if you want to suck it up for the kids sake, then get some counseling, that's the very least that your kids deserve.

Good luck, you'll need it

They both failed. That marriage was doomed from the beginning.

Is your desire to not have sex with him a RESULT of him being happy about the miscarriage? If so, I'd hold off on the whole sex thing, because that's clearly not the real issue. Even if you get that whole thing sorted out, you two have some serious issues you need to work out. Forget ever wanting to have sex again, you need to make sure you're able to be in the same room. After enough years of that kind of a marriage I can't imagine getting him some hookers would fix anything.
Or are you just not attracted to him?

you married a vile person
if you have a cute daughter I'll marry her and you and her siblings can stay with us
this is a real offer, in my state girls can marry at any age with paternal consent and the approval of a judge

I hope you die...soon.

Die you pedo scum

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Don't stay in a loveless marriage for the kids. Your children can tell you hate each other and it will breed resentment and makes the perfect storm for mental disorders.

yikes, that's some toxic morality

Why do people like you marry into this kind of stupidity? Don't make excuses, think of an honest answer.

When you've got it, isolate that error and don't fucking make it again. Also, leave the guy. Divorce is easier on kids than parents that hate each other.

Look, I'm a loving father of 2, I even want more (mrs needs persuading, hope she will come around). I'm the total 50s alpha male you say he wanted to be.

But you got to realize, these children grew inside you. They were a part of you long before he laid eyes on them. When my kids were born, I didn't feel much - I thought there was something wrong with me. They grew on me quickly enough, but for the first few months, I was pretending more than actually feeling. Also, I was scared shitless I'd mess something up and they would suffer in some way.

Then I rinsed diapers a few times in the shower for my elder (we were trying the old fashioned way, Pampers are breeding grounds for E.coli, but it is was too much work so we gave up after 2 months). Then I became proud as the shit-washing expert. Washing my daughter's poo and then dressing her and putting her to sleep made me love her, now more than my life. My wife still did like 80-90%, at the time I worked and she didn't, but I got good at any of the duties and could do every one without messing up (mostly). With my son I actually admitted to my wife I'll need a little while to actually start loving him like I do my daughter, and again it took me a month or two.

What I'm saying is, you made a mistake by not making him do some of the work around them. Not to say he'd become model dad, he sounds like a real autistic piece of work, but by doing stuff around them he'd have a chance to get interested. Not sure if it is too late, probably yes.

>this thread

When people give "what does a perfect marriage look like" advice on here it's 99% of the time "be the breadwinner, find a woman who is 100% dependant on you and have lots of kids". Yet when the real side of it is talked about, like in this thread, people go apeshit why she literally doesn't give a fuck about a guy who hasn't given a fuck about her for years.

Seriously? You want the 50's lifestyle. This is it, only that OP and the kids aren't beaten when he's drunk or thrown out in winter without jackets or shoes. Alternatively, without the men getting killed by the housewife's lover, or getting poisoned.

It won’t help. Men and women cheat due to an unfulfilled need. What’s yours? Is he not handy enough? Not a good father or friend? Some men are wife beaters. If he’s there, the road is rocky but still good. Honey you just think you can do better. Make time for hugs and cuddling. The love is there, we men are just a different kind of crazy.

you didn't just fail to read the thread you didn't even read the OP
it is abundantly clear that her husband is a sociopath

First go to the sex shop buy a strap on.
Tell husban you wanna phak and do some kinky stuff.
Tie him to bed (cheeks facing to god so he can be your witness).
Strap yourself and destroy his bootyhole.
As he beg for mercy(Overwatch), tell him how you feel about his response.

Big cuck

>I don't want to have sex
Well that's too bad it's your du..
>Happy about a miscarriage
That's fucked up. Nevermind.
That's some pretty messed up shit, how did you end to with a guy like that?