Jow Forums unironically voted for this

Jow Forums unironically voted for this

Attached: me.jpg (1080x1179, 632K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Photo of house that's been abandoned since Clinton era or before


Trumps the new Reagan. Globalist scum.
>Japans domestic market was closed / protectionism
>Tensions rise
>Japan cave
>ayo welcome to Globalism

H'es doing the same thing with China -- we want better access to your domestic market

Come OP you knew Jow Forumsflakes would respond with a bunch of
>d-d-doesn't c-count
>f-fake n-news!!
you don't actually expect sub-human Trump voters to actually suddenly start responding to facts do you?

>s o y bean farmers

Who cares about Americans AIPAC is happy.


Attached: goes in the field.jpg (400x600, 56K)

Its good for the asset class though.


OR Maybe its the fact that the FED raised the interest rates since trump came to power and thus made alrady over indepted Farmers unable to pay their interest

Farmers are just welfare queens anyway you don't need a 100k pickup to drive around dirt roads all day

>oy vey they goyim cant pay back their loans

>correlation means causation
into the trash it goes.

>people are going bankrupt
>prices are falling

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>OR Maybe its the fact that the FED raised the interest rates since trump came to power and thus made alrady over indepted Farmers unable to pay their interest
mfw Hans knows more about the plight of the American farmer than most Americans

>mfw can't even into greentext

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fuck farmers
government-subsidized water
government-subsidized markets
government-subsidized labor
they all play the "poor family farmer" but I see them driving around new F150s


The trade war probably hasn't helped, but I think the Fed raising interest rates had a much larger effect. Many farmers are leveraged out the ass.

"I made a bet that the crop i grew would sell at a certain price but it didnt, DRUMPHHH DID THIS!!!!"

>live in midwest
>business booming
>towns that haven't had growth in years finally seeing improvement
Salon is just cherrypicking and you know it.

also to further expand here is a 5 year historical on corn

Attached: Screenshot_20190214-080845.png (1080x1920, 134K)

and a 5 year historical on onions. which Im ok with onions farmers going down the can.

Attached: Screenshot_20190214-080757.png (1080x1920, 208K)


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They are debt slaves. Doesn’t matter if their chains are silver plated. They’re worthless at doing anything else with their lives which is why they kill them selves when they inevitably go bankrupt.

>I'm ok with an American going bankrupt
Drop out of school you're a retard


Do you get tired of spewing talking points
>muh welfare
>if they didnt then most agricultural goes overseas
globalism is all of a sudden good!

Hes right though, they complain over and over again how much they hate welfare but get heavily subsidized to produce more corn syrup that harms the nation. Why would a fascist be supporting such a system when its globalism that promotes this shit?

I support farmers generally but the status quo of agriculture in this country needs to change. Massive amounts of land is dedicated not to growing food but rather precursors to food products: corn (usually for corn syrup), onions, wheat. The dominance of huge agribusiness, like ADM, needs to change as they do not have it in their interest to grow good food but rather to move commodities. We have these sorts of businesses to thank for the preponderance of processed foods which dominate grocery store aisles. Fuck them.

Global Ag will be used to further break the market in the US. John Deere is one of many companies that uses the US as a technological test bed for sales to governments, specifically China.

You don't belong here

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Let's be dependable on another country for food

Literally wat? We're doing fine if not better now lmao op kys

>fuck farmers
say that again when you're starving and a loaf of bread costs $200

>OP unironically linked to Salon
this isn't Jow Forumspolitics you braindead nigger

>Lets continue a system that continues to fuel the obesity epidemic and strengthens foreign corporations control over our agricultural development.
Come on, its not like Monsanto or Tyson are nationalistic or even healthy for the people, much less for the crops/animals themselves.

They're going broke because no one wants to live in their boring states

Gimme high speed internet and I'll live anywhere I don't have to worry about shitty neighbors.

actually its because of the 16 years of neocons and communists wrecking everything, but whatever

The renewable fuel standard brought a fuck load of new money into the market and farmers being nigger rich and most having lived through the 80s decided it was time to reward themselves and blow it all by reinvesting in the farm. Farming turns down and sinks the dipshits that couldn’t bring in new income.

Those welfare niggers have access to crazy loans and gibs

>fuel the obesity
? lol..
>strengthens foreign corporations control over our agricultural development
yea globalisation is good here! MAGA baby

Yup kys

You are too funny.

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It’s over, go home and spend time with your family

The war against farmers has been going on long before Trump. The cost of anything related to farming has been artificially inflated with the intent to put them under. Seed, diesel, kerosene, equipment and land have all skyrocketed.

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Well that is also because of the government money involved in farming. I find it funny how everything government gets it hooks heavily into becomes more expensive.

I’ll punch you right in the mowth

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Farms are mostly corporate nowadays. They play the poor me shtick, but this is no different than a kmart going under.

FYI America can’t go bankrupt. There are a few benefits to fiat currency. This is one of them .

they break even with government gibs but sit on 450million dollars worth of land.

msm recycling stories again from lasf year. 88 out of 3.2 million farms went bankrupt.
Let me fix headline:
Under Trump 99.9998% of Farms Prospering

good, fuck trumpcucks and their cockroach families.

>if they're not bankrupt, they are prospering

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Boo fucking hoo. Farmers are the most heavily subsidized job in this country. They can get off of the government’s teet and get a job in the (actual) free marketing it’s too hard for them.
>raised in a rural area, all 4 of my grandparents were farmers

Total bullshit. Grain prices are cyclical.

Nice try you sleazy kike.

roaches thrive in cities though where you Shillery welfare types live.

i thought these were the same folks telling us farmers dont exist anymore

Farmland has skyrocketed in value in the last 15 years. Some of these guys at the CBOT have simply sold their acreage and walked away at 40 years old.

Chicago is MAGA country though...

- J. Smollett

if they can't operate without government money they need to go out of business

>Trump supporters not immediately disregarding anything that proves them wrong

You didn't really expect a discussion, did you? People come here specifically because they clash with reality.

2/3 of american GDP is generated in counties that went for clinton. you and your family are a bunch of parasitic rodents and deserve the rope. i assure you us rich yankees gleefully read news like the OPs. nothing is more comforting than knowing your children will lead a life of struggle thanks to your own retardation while my kids prosper.

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Yeah I bet that place looked good as new when Trump was sworn in.

Salon doesn't actually have a history of being unbiased or even accurate. Rather, does anyone here have evidence of salon being right here?

wtf you know about farming shill?
if you able to make a living and pay your bills you are prospering, so yes.

mental patients like you think chopping off your cock and pretending to be a girl is prospering so I guess we have differing opinions.

That image is more related to blue states being hospitality to old folks and farmers more than anything else. Old people tend to move out of blue states and take their ss with them and blue states tend to have low amounts of farmers per capita.

Why are you lying? Is the Koch/Turni
ngPoint USA shills spamming this thread?

97 percent of them are family-owned

inhospitable I mean.

lol what a bullshit statistic. states where people make more money pay more federal taxes. OMG what a revelation.
so you saying someone who makes 30k a year should pay the same as a guy making 100k. what about your scumbag progessive tax rate you commies love?

Land prices are just reflecting the blip of renewable fuel money and over all inflation. Hard to find a better investment though and REITs and other investors will keep land from retreating.


>national news suddenly gives a fuck about the midwest

Eat shit. Everyone's happy to write this place off until there's something useful for an agenda. Ooh, we can use this, let's save the poor midwest folks! Ooh, those poor backward rednecks, how can they vote against their interests! It's patronizing and annoying as hell.

Yes, farmers are going broke, and at record rates, but it's not something that just fucking happened overnight. Is it being sped up by trade war? Very likely, but it probably has more to do with corp-farming and growing 2-3 crops across most of the fucking nation. Everything, EVERYTHING is being farmed in california now, even where there's not a real need for it. Farmers are encouraged to not diversify, not hire additional labor, take out massive loans, then default on them and take government assistance. This is not a gutshot, this is realizing, finally, that persistent cough is cancer, not a cold.

The midwest has been treated like a political talk show guest since we shifted from a producer to a consumer economy. Taken out, pandered to or laughed at for a bit, then put away and forgotten. I'm from michigan, and you're damn right I mad. Fucking hate it when people use the corpse of American industry and production as a fucking puppet.

Attached: michigan-country-roads-26-sylvia-herrington.jpg (900x605, 176K)

I noticed you used 15 year old data to make ur bullshit gdp claim. you dont think thats changed since we became a fuel exporter?




>market changes
>most do rather well and adjust
>some people who were probably on the verge of bankruptcy go bankrupt
>DRUMPF is ruining farmers!

except farmers not going broke at record rates moron. just more faulty and misleading statistics.

am willing to bet the grants Obama gave to lesbians to start farms are the bulk of the bankruptcies.

literally a measure of how much money changes hands. All those 5 dollar coffees add up you urban faggots. Cities wouldn't exist without rural farmers, but rural farmers would exist without urban city goys.

To lower food prices for city goys.

Year eight is a natural time for Obama to unveil the most deviously brilliant plot of them all: mass lesbian infiltration of the agriculture sector. The Department of Agriculture has cleverly designed this scheme as an innocuous outreach summit to LGBT Americans living in rural areas. But Rush Limbaugh has exposed the administration’s true intentions, which are nothing less than a full-scale assault on the last bastion of red-state America.

Obama gives 100s of farms to big city lezbos who know nothing about farming and they all fail within 3 years.
omg look at these statistics!

Very well knows for their fake ass news
Also you didn't archive it faggot. I aint clicking their link to give them clickbucks.

Attached: salon.jpg (762x1024, 202K)

You have no idea how many farming inputs are produced in cities. Rural communities are completely dependent on it.

pic related is beautiful, user, but looks buggy.

lesbian farms

so you admit farm subsidies dont actually go to farmers but end up back in the big cities because of the million dollar robot farm machinery they buy.
thanks for being honest.

lol is real story bro, i just googled it. keywords Obama lesbian farm grants

>Most do well and adjust


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Why do they need to export food? Don't Americans need that food to self-sustain?

Look farming and agriculture was already fucked the hell up by government meddling. Go fuck yourself if you think Trump makes the world go 'round.

Salon is fake news, they don't post anything factual. Why would you link them here?

>Elliot Rodgers is angry white guy
>The hapa with a Jewish dad
Ok day of the rope when exactly?

alexander Grisworld (fake name from Family vacation movie)
but is in fact a proud jew.

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They do not need to be growing lesbians. We already have more than we need as it is.

Thats bullshit image
Just California alone is more in debt to the Fed than all the red states combined.
I guess they neglected to take that into consideration.
Jewish media math is what thats called.

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