How do I leave my small town if im on probation for being black...

how do I leave my small town if im on probation for being black? and I have a curse from god making it impossible to leave/succeed and making my life a living hell in every way possible?

>live in cold shitty small town
>literally in the middle of nowhere 7 hours away from the closest real city
>2 hours even from a small town with one mall and nothing in it
>have like 2-3 people in my town and they're all crazy as fuck poor aggressive angry stupid
>no jobs around just cleaning toilets and fast food and thats literally it
>worst weather in the world literally -30 degree winters with -70 degree winds and the wind is constantly blowing at gale force
>always dark snowing blizzards ice frost snow storms
>literally everyone in my town is crazy as fuck like schizophrenic hearing voices in the psych center crazy
>everyones poor addicted to drugs stupid typical white trash poor people just drama asking for favors liability helpless
>have horrible health problems
>unbearable anxiety, cant sleep, feel tired as fuck no matter how much I sleep, always have bags under my eyes completely black pale as fuck zombie like
>no way to leave because the government tries to trap you here and rape you for taxes and peasant labor
>finally get enough money to leave after years of trying
>god strikes me down in one swift blow and I get arrested and trapped here on probation
>my probation sentence is long as fuck even tho I did a minor crime because im black

wtf do I do? god and this shit world is just out to get me.

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Ask your town's sheriff this as often as you ask Jow Forums, I guarantee he'll kick you out himself.


What was the crime?

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is the “curse from god” that you commit fucking crimes? your threads about this are routine. comply with parole, don’t commit any more crimes, and then afterwards go where you please.

jesus christ it’s a good post from you

no its that everything bad always happens. like dude I had my ruined over a small crime that wasn't even my fault. its god and im going to just run and go to jail im not being the white mans bitch

you’ve got to be a troll or something. you are responsible for your crimes. just comply with parole and then do whatever you want after. how long is it?

id rather go to jail then sit in a frozen small town

im not being the white devils slave anyway

Military, man
That's how I'm getting out
So long as you din't do a felony you're still ok
Fucking Michigan, right?

no its a felony but being reduced but im fucked anyways. my state treats low level misdemeanor crimes like other states treat high level repeat offender felonies

also either way it doesn't matter. one way or another god is going to find a way to trap me here with my curse it doesn't matter if its this it'd just be something else.

I need to just take my L and go to jail its the only way that god cant control it but im afraid knowing god ill end up with some fucked up punishment like he literally always finds a way to just trap me here. I might just have to give up my license and have a warrant for my arrest for the rest of my life.

Ok so the people around you are schizophrenic yet you believe you can talk to a magic fairy named god, you think this magic fairy can control reality, ok so that means you think he controls ALL reality, oh wait , you just broke your own rules because now you think there is a thing called the devil, so therefore your "god" doesn't control all reality, both the devil and god control reality , but not one of you stubborn schizos will ever admit that your claims are based on nothing and there are billions of different narcissists claiming everyone needs to be their slave while looking humble by saying "god.

Maybe your problem is you are a blaming faggot who cant even find the right people to blame. If every black person stopped rapping and playing sports and said "we wont provide entertainment for the whites so they go through their shit job unless the system is made fair" then change would happened. Instead, black people prove over and over again to be just as greedy as whites and LeBron James happily let's hundreds of Africa's starve so he can get a new car.

You also committed a crime. Ok. You knew full well you could get caught. You got caught. You look like a little bitch saying "its the white devil!" I was on probation for literally nothing. Black judge. Wanted to further his career just like anyone else who consents to this system. Maybe something will change if you quit directing your hatred at useless fucking people and going "it was the white man!" We would have already had world peace but every time people say "let's change things" you go "um, no. Let's not change things for whites. Let's change things for blacks!". Dumb fucks. Thanks for single-handedly building the police state for them too by always filling up prisons. I live a horrible life but you have to be mentally retarded to be like lol armed robbery dude

no I hate god and dont want anything to do with him but hes an evil monster who strikes me down and rips away my happiness

I know for a fact its god cursing me because everything that can go wrong does go wrong. literally I had nothing to stop me from leaving and I got a bunch of money and all this shit happened and it was bad luck

and I have horrible awful coincidences around me all day every day and everything I dont want to happen happens and its always bad shit happening to me and every time I find happiness its just ripped away from my face a million miles away while god kicks the shit out of me and takes away everything and just keeps cursing me with disaster after disaster even tho I dont do anything bad

this is all god

>on probation for being black

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You were saying that you'd run two weeks ago with this same post. What's wrong, you still too pussy to do it? You gotta try to be gangsta on the internet since you dont have other apes to spout of at? You never say what you did, just that you're black.

If you had the balls to do something by now you would have.

You don't really want any advice because everyone is going to tell you to not be a retard.

Blame your shitty public defender, not God.

You're not being persecuted for being black. You've made your own mistakes.

Two DUI's isn't a "minor crime." It's not because you're black, it's because you're a piece of shit. Stop fucking posting this thread. No one here will help you. Either deal with the consequences of you actions, or just fucking kys.

the one time Literally Hitler and I agree on something.

he dindu nuffin, he a good boy

But what was the crime tyrone

I have the same

>and I have a curse from god making it impossible to leave/succeed and making my life a living hell in every way possible?

That’s called “being black”, OP.

Two duis, poppin xanny bars .
Meed to get to da motha fuckin city, nigga.



I'm sure this is bait, but user I'm black and have never had any trouble with the law. Please start with taking responisbillity for your actions. If you can't do even that then you won't fair too well on your own if you do leave your town.