Snooped through gfs imessage, found a ton of inappropriate shit said to a male friend of hers. stuff like

snooped through gfs imessage, found a ton of inappropriate shit said to a male friend of hers. stuff like
"you're fucking hot"
"only if i can give you head, jk"
"you think id want to fuck an ugly person?"

this was months ago and we've been dating for a little over 1.5 yrs. how much should I blow up on her for it?

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update to this shit, it was in november, not months ago

God damn man, I'm sorry for you. I'd say just end it. Don't even give her shit about it. Take her out for a last fuck if you are into that, and then just drop her. If you are lucky, you will at least be able to break her heart.

I think ghosting people over disagreements is awful, but ghosting someone over cheating is based. The most based thing you can do is just never talk to her again. If you’re worried about that being cruel or immoral, just tell her you saw the text messages and then ghost her.

the info you’re giving is very ambiguous. are you saying she was genuinely messaging a guy about hooking up while you two were together?

I don't think she cheated. The guy is her best friends bf, but it's fucking rage inducing and suspicious as fuck.

There's no reason to blow up. That will give her an excuse to play the victim and feel good about leaving you. If you want to be vindictive realize what women truly want is attention which puts you in the advantageous position. Never explain what you saw or fight her over it or tell her about it. Don't talk to her ever again and she will torture herself wondering what she did and the uncertainty and lack of closure will actually effect her more than any fight could.

You think she may have cheated? Well, I guess, give a more measured reaponse then. If you two are casual, maybe just leave it. If you’ve got some kind of passionate romance or potential marriage going on, I’d take a moment to evaluate why you’re with her. If you do decide to break up, tell her (not in these exact words) that it’s over her thottery.

Also, this post here kinds of makes things more ambiguous. Are you saying she teasted him about not wanting to suck his dick? Like, are these people alchy and they just openly ask each other to give head?

Tell the best friend.

this is the exact conversation, I think things were either said over the phone or deleted:

him: that is a completely true statement.
can i still drive your car tho

her: yes hahaha
only if i can give you head?
i am totally joking!!!!!!
don't hate me but it was a good opportunity

him: lmao no as soon as I typed my sentence I thought to myself wow that joke would fit so perfectly

that seems like a perfect idea, but he seems to mostly passive about the whole thing.

yeah, that’s highly suspicious. I stand by . whatever you do, don’t blow up at all.

if you can’t do faux monogamy, then simply peace out and try to find one of the 1/2 or 1/3 partners who won’t cheat.

yeah, you're right. it's just that everything was going so well recently, too. I'll keep my cool.

yeah. I’m kind of a hopeless romantic with old fashioned ideas, so it really hurts me to know so many people are hoes, not to mention ex girlfriends of mine who cheated.

according to statistics, unless you think these statistics were altered by the illuminati, show that a large percentage of men are cheaters too. I’m not a cheater, so it’s hard to imagine that.

I can’t really imagine doing that to someone I love, so I honestly assume that love is rare and that a lot of people are hoes and tools who only pretend to be in love...but that sounds paranoid, doesn’t it? maybe they only think they’re in love.

I'm in the same fucking boat, I can't understand the mentality of throwing the relationship away.

What does the fucking hot guy look like?

not even a 6/10, lanky, nerdy, awkward as fuck. I'm kinda pissed desu.

sounds like me

American women are whores

women from many cultures cheat, and so do men.

what's the first letter of your first name lol

I’ve never owned a car

okay whats the second letter

what do you look like in comparison?

I'm no 10/10, but probably a 7 or 8. definitely more built, less lanky, same height.