How do we deal with flirty girls in the workplace without being acccused for sexual harassment?

How do we deal with flirty girls in the workplace without being acccused for sexual harassment?

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Uncompromising adherence to the Mike Pence rule.

If you seriously believe you are walking on glass when talking to women you pass way too much time on Jow Forums and are on your way to become a creepy psycho.

Roastie, pls.

I'm probably the flirtiest person in my workplace lol. The secret is to not take anything in life seriously.

Yeah all those wall street brokers and financiers are spending tons of time on Jow Forums and that's why they think they're walking on eggshells

Then it's because you are naturally stupid.

This. Men who think they got flagged for no reason are just completely dense to how fucking disgusting they're being. 9 times of 10 if a woman escalates her complaints of your behavior to HR is because you are so over the top creepy she's seriously staring to get scared.

Most women put up with an insane amount of harassment before reporting it. if you got reported chances are you are completely oblivious to how fucked up you're acting and need to stay off Jow Forums. The way they talk about women isn't remotely normal user.

The problem with MeToo isn't that people want to sexual harass women, its that accusations = guilt because of it.
Bitter women exist, and people aren't putting up with the liability
Cry about how men are evil all you want, it doesn't change that bitter women will lie to fuck men over, and men aren't going to put up with it.
Just because you're a male feminist rapist doesn't mean all men are, stop projecting and strawmanning people that disagree with you

Actual concrete go from 2% to 10%. Causes other than revenge are false memories or mental illness. Some of those false rape allegations were submitted by men.

Stop being an emotional snowflake and look at the facts. Or don't pretend other people to take a tantrum throwing babby seriously.

That doesn't count social media accusations, and other forms of public accusations which are what I'm actually talking about you absolute retard.
People lose their jobs because bitter women fuck them over and lie, it happens no matter how much you deny it and call me names.
Btw you aren't fooling anyone, just like how John Lennon preached peace and love because of the guilt he felt for beating his wife, creeps, gropers and rapists like you do the same with feminist shit.

And to add, they ruin people's names. Kavanaugh is still seen as a rapist
>but he in the supreme court
And people call him a rapist because of bullshit accusations, and tried to ruin every other aspect of his life because of it, including coaching basketball.

You make it sound like it happens a lot and a woman can very easily get anyone fired with a false accusation.

So do people think they're gonna get fired for complimenting a woman's haircut or something? Only if you're masturbating when you do it.

It's always the exceptions these fucking assholes go for. So let's look for those FEW cases where a woman raped a man or falsely accused a guy and forget that it's a big fucking problem. Or let's blame the woman for being a slut to get ahead and not the system in place that makes that necessary to feel dirty after sleeping with some ugly manipulator like Weinstein. I have to admit, the way many men have reacted to metoo says a LOT. It says that they have also raped or feel guilty about their sexual misconduct.

>I have to admit, the way many men have reacted to metoo says a LOT. It says that they have also raped or feel guilty about their sexual misconduct.
imagine being this mentally ill

>That doesn't count social media accusations, and other forms of public accusations which are what I'm actually talking about you

>The survey found almost 19 per cent of women have been sexually harassed at work but yet just one in five reported the behaviour.

>It also revealed almost 22 per cent of women aged between 51 and 65 who had been harassed said they didn’t make a complaint because they were worried about their job security.

This is the reality. But keep your head well deep in the sand.

Being a slut isn't a mental ilness and had nothing to do with the causes on wikipedia. If you think they accused and forgot you are oversimplyfing a very dangerous problem.

I can picture you pushing the keys with rage and it's not very flattering.
You are too far gone.

Nah, but people like you vehemently state that false accusations never ever happen.

Ignored my post where I pointed out how thise statistics didn't disprove my point? Yeah of course rapists exist you emotional retard, I never said otherwise.
My only issue is that people like you are so hysterical about this shit that you blindly believe any women, when it is possible they are lying.
My issue is that people like you will forgoe due process because BELIEVEWIMMEN!!
I would never say a woman deserved it you piece of shit, you faggots can't argue without lying and putting words in my mouth.
Fix the rape kit problem if you want to deal with rape, don't try and make it so men can't defend themselves against accusations

Ad hominems don't help your case even a little bit.

I NEVER SAID WOMEN DONT GET RAPED OR ASSAULTED, i said MeToo is about making accusations = proof through the use of social media lynchmobs.

Nobody ever said that. Why are you lying? Are all Jow Forums basement dwelling incels like you liars and stupid?

Nobody says it here but that's what MeToo is all about. #BelieveWomen literally means you have to believe women's accusations. I'm done arguing

you literally accused men of sexual assault because they reacted negatively to metoo. That's not a rational argument worth debating.

>people like you are so hysterical about this shit
You don't know me and what I believe and you make continual assumptions about me. You aren't rational at all and are deflecting from the problem.

Why get so worked up if it isn't true? The problem is it is true.

Incels are like women, but even dumber and more hysterical. You cannot reason with him, he is immune to facts.

It's actually always been like that, the twatter "movement" just made it worse. Rape claims are enough to destroy an innocent man's life and that's happening a lot ever since too. For denialists and hysterical feminists:
What a way to argue your point, i wonder who's stupid here.

>Most women put up with an insane amount of harassment before reporting it
I got reported to HR by a chick because i called her a girl.

Your point was never made. I posted statistics and actual work dynamics you keep yelling bullshit but I don't see any proof.
The screen shots you cherry pick on are worthless.
You live in a reality you and another bunch of virgins are imaging.

No one belives all women as rape allegations are sorted in court, but emphatazing with someone who tells you has been raped it's the first natural thing to do. 90% of times you are speaking with someone who has been raped.

If you seriously think women throw rape accusations at random through MeToo the statistics would show it as accused men would go on and report it.
There's nothing that point to men being target of bitter women as a social phenomenon.

I only see you emotionally overreacting.
The fact you wrote in caps after my observation about your rage was funny.

Stop making shit up, you have never had a job, and you haven't left the basement after high school.

> I got reported to HR by a chick because i called her a girl.

Wow thats it you actually proved it all with your personal experience

easy, you keep your mouth shut. they get flirty, don't fall into the trap. you be polite and then excuse yourself and get back to work

I really think these guys have something to hide. Why else get completely furious about this?

this was meant for you

I have personal experience, that's what i wanted to add to the conversation. Women go ballistic for various reasons, girl being a ridiculous and banal one, the most common ones are disgust, jealousy and fear. And desu, none of these emotions have any place at work, no matter what they are triggered by.

These issues have only become a thing ever since women started being part of the working force. Before that sexual harassment was limited to other areas, now we have it there too and have to restrict and censor ourselves just in order to not trigger some thin skinned women.

What an awful shitpost that is. Please literally neck yourself, your life is worthless, even as shitposter

>Ad hominem

The argument wasn't about where men got so retarded. It was about debunking OP claim. You are the only one deflecting.

Nice mix of cherry picking (1 case which already is in the 2% to 10% stats) and personal experience.

Where some men got retarded* before you sperg

The only one going ballistic here is you. You are literally foaming at the mouth hysterical.

Cherry picking? This is one of many cases of false rape accusations, one of the most famous ones are just the recent ones of Kavanaugh.

>You are the only one deflecting.
>is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
Your statement:
>If you seriously believe you are walking on glass when talking to women you pass way too much time on Jow Forums and are on your way to become a creepy psycho.

Besides that you are still arguing based ad hominem, please learn how to argue and don't come back before you manage that

I even posted it before, if you intend to shitpost, at least try harder

Talking to a woman at work about work like

"how's the report going?"
"let's go for a team lunch"
"good work karen"


talking to them differently than you would any male employees like you're at a bar or live action tinder..

not okay

how dumb can people be to not understand this? if you don't harass people there's no problem. you work in an office with cctv, witnesses, communicate through email, it is hard to even get falsely accused in that environment.

Don't you see your cognitive dissonance? You keep bringing up Kavanaugh, yet he got confirmed, and the accusations ended up inconclusive. Yet according to you Kavanaugh should have been convicted because you said false rape charges always work.

Your point about brookers is still blantly false, but you seem unable to understand this isn't the point so:
No one outside of Jow Forums and incels forums really think that about women.
Fact is, if you end up believing that about women you probably spend way too much time on Jow Forums.

>many cases of false rape accusations, one of the most famous ones are just the recent ones of Kavanaugh.

Still in the 2% to 10% . When these number will sky rocket and be proven to be sky rocketing because of bitter women you'll have a chance to say something concrate.
But the fact you cherrypicked and used a personal experience makes clear you are unable to argue so even if facts and logics were by your side you would probably end up looking silly anyway


It's really simple but many guys can't deal with it because they like it the way it used to be where they were free to tell dirty jokes that made women uncomfortable and grab or pat their asses.

>Yet according to you Kavanaugh should have been convicted because you said false rape charges always work.
I've never said that and you continue to argue based on fallacies:

You can't damage control this anymore, kiddo. Stop posting, you already look like a fool, don't make it worse

>You can't damage control this anymore, kiddo. Stop posting, you already look like a fool, don't make it worse

You responding like this to an argument makes me wonder why would even anyone ever take you seriously.

Incels like him are like Elliot. Dumb, entitled, angry, and completely delusional.

I haven't said anything about brookers.

>No one outside of Jow Forums and incels forums really think that about women.
That's what you tell yourself, to justify that all these concepts are just made up by a bunch of misguided, sad fellows. kek

>Fact is, if you end up believing that about women you probably spend way too much time on Jow Forums.
Fact based on what? You assume and claim a lot without providing credible data.

>Still in the 2% to 10%
Where do you get these numbers from and 2 people don't make 2%. You can't even do simple math, lmao

>When these number will sky rocket and be proven to be sky rocketing because of bitter women you'll have a chance to say something concrate.
You pull these numbers out of your ass. Anything you have said so far is utterly wrong, based on fallacies and just claims without you even trying to distance your opinion from it. You are just blatant liar

>But the fact you cherrypicked and used a personal experience makes clear you are unable to argue so even if facts and logics were by your side you would probably end up looking silly anyway
Logical fallacies again, it's like you can't stop arguing like a 12 year old. Just because your feminist friends are gullible to your pseudo intellectual shit doesn't mean it works on all faggots on Jow Forums.

Learn how to argue and have a conversation like a grown up. Nobody will listen to your crap if you continue to insist on fallacious arguments

LOL no prob user he was trolling.

>Where do you get these numbers from and 2 people don't make 2%. You can't even do simple math, lmao

You said it right my friend. Lmao, lmao.

I mean, the Bloomberg article captured by OP's image is quite literally about wall street executives
>"It's creating a sense of walking on eggshells," said David Bahnsen, a former managing director at Morgan Stanley who's now an independent adviser overseeing more than $1.5 billion.
So it's a bit strange for you to write it off as the rantings of mere Jow Forums incels, "creepy psychos" or the "naturally stupid"

Attached: famalam.jpg (380x960, 59K)

>So it's a bit strange for you to write it off as the rantings of mere Jow Forums incels, "creepy psychos" or the "naturally stupid"

That's true but we are on Jow Forums and those ideas do spread here, right? Since OP browse Jow Forums keeping browsing would = at falling even deeper into the rabbit hole.
That's the prospective I was writing from. But I do realize my answer describing them as naturally stupid was unncessary and childish, tho

>Since OP browse Jow Forums keeping browsing would = at falling even deeper into the rabbit hole.
Causal fallacy. Reading Mein Kampf or Das Kapital doesn't make you either a nazi or a commi.

True, but this situation is different. I don't think it's too much of an hazard to think OP is falling into it given what he wrote and the pic he uploaded, right?

Don't flirt back, or be all that receptive when they talk to you.

Also, since flirting in the workplace is frown upon, and qualifies as sexual harassment, you can (theoretically) report them for it.

Theoretically, since people don't take female-on-male or male-on-male misconduct seriously.
>t. grew up with horrifically abusive mom and sisters, and not even the police take my claims seriously

The essence of the "female" thought is mental illness.

Their brains are just wired differently because Estrogen.

And incels are like women but worse.

There's might be a tendency due to various factors, one of them being this site which pushes a certain idea/agenda, sure, but you can't say with absolute certainty that he's falling into your rabbit hole or whatever, just that it might have influence on him.

And nevertheless, OPs question is legit as any other question and wanting to avoid complicated and harmful scenarios is perfectly fine.

Report them for harassment.

Rlly makes u think

Attached: 1543865763665.jpg (1000x910, 214K)

This article. Top kek mah bois.

>talk to woman
sexual harassment
>don't talk to woman
sexual discrimination

The next World War is gonna be fun, i'll tell you that.
I'd like to see a crippled, overweight, 40+ woman with rainbow-colored hair run around the battlefield and fight.
Maybe its an effective battle-strategy...what japanese-kamikaze-pilot would want to sacrifice his life just to kill something like that?

What kind of bitter incel must one be to come up with something like that?

Cute thread you spawned there OP. Not your fault tho.

The answer you're looking for is "I have a girlfriend."

>shitting where you eat
Even my dog knows not to do that m8

Got accused of being a rapist twice whilst at uni, each time got suspended without an investigation until I brought a lawyer in. First time it was because my room-mate cheated on her boyfriend and blame me because I was the only friendly one in the house. Second time was because a girl fucked me, regretted it when her ex found out and accused me.

For the first time I had an airtight alibi (I was in a different country) and the second time I had messages from her proving it was rape including her sending me nudes and asking for another round. The university ignored the evidence both times and I didn't even find out until I couldn't log in to my university account as it was suspended.

I'm not saying that there aren't creepy men who go too far with women (even though creepiness is inversely proportional to attractiveness) but you need to understand that women CAN and WILL use rape as a defence against their actions and it's even worse for men who are rich or powerful as some women use it as a way to get further ahead in life.

I actively avoid women at work, ignore any personal messages from them and only talk with them if others/camera can see me. I avoid them at social events completely and it took about a year for me to finally have sex with my girlfriend because I was afraid my life would be ruined again.

is this a real thing in USA?
t. from the third world country where beating your wife was decriminalized