Is there any advice i can give to you from a girls perspective?

Is there any girl problems, questions, curiosities or tips I can help any of you guys with? Im bored & drunk I just want to help someone Lets gossip lol

Attached: girl.png (720x709, 333K)

There's literally a thread where guys go to ask girls questions. What makes you so special that you need your own thread?

omg! rly? I dont use Jow Forums at all so I have dont have a clue where this thread is link me babe! thanks so much & sorry bout tht x

how to obtain sex?

>Is there any girl problems, questions, curiosities or tips I can help any of you guys with?

i happen to be an asexual gender neutral Aegyptosaurus from the mesozoic era, how can you not just acknowledge that we are also included in the bunch of randoms you just adressed as 'guys'. i thought girls were supposed to be smart and sensitive

The more unattainable you are the more we want you idk why us girls are like this but it sucks. once u show u need us or signs of clinginess the game is over :(

this post is for anyone who considers themself a guy sry for not being specific

loll ur funny tho x

I can go so much into detail about this. you practically got to do the opposite of what you would normally do when you like someone.

For a quick smash pick away at her self esteem. its psychology. She will begin to feel unworthy of you "not good enough" She will want to prove herself that she infact CAN have you to claim her self esteem back. No promisises she will stay around after though.

This is retarded advice and onlyl dumb hoes are like this.

Only works on insecure dumb whores

looks like ur not the onlyl dumb hoe then

loll jk but y u mad? girls are going to get so mad about this & deny it but its the truth. most girls dont even know they are doing it but it happens to all of us

nah have you heard of ppl want what they cant have. it works trust me.

There is a girl that works at a grocery store in town that I find very attractive (the girl, not the store)
Is there any way to start a conversation with her that won't come off as super creepy? Like the rest of this board I either have high functioning autism or crippling social anxiety so anything I come up with just seems like it would be forced and unpleasant for both parties.

aw! this is so cute!
I would go through her line if shes a cashier, its kind of their job to be nice to customers & make small talk. So I dont think that would be creepy in any way & she would be the one starting the convo. thats perfect for someone with anxiety or autism.

Now keeping the conversation flowing is the hard part with both of those mental illnesses. hmm

ALso f this doesn't work for you, you could take the pussy route like I would. her receipt will have her name on it or look at her name tag search her name on Facebook and the town name to narrow it down. You guys might have a "mutual" friend depending how small the town is & BAM you got a excuse to message her about the friend you two have in common

No, you're just a dumb hoe.


Why do you think that because you have a vagina that you can speak for your entire gender? I sure as shit can't speak for every male as the personality type variation among males is gigantic. The same can be said for women, as well. The "Ask the opposite gender" threads and threads like these serve no purpose other than to delude impressionable people into thinking "in general" instead of treating their relationships with other people as they should be: unique.

if you think it doesn't imply to you then you're bitter why?

beecause you're one of those girls that sit & cry over their douche bag boyfriend that treats you like shit bc you're to stupid to understand what keeps you around.

bet im talking to 1 of those girls that get online spamming "ALL GUYS R THE SAMEEeeE :("

its the truth behind the whole "why do girls only date assholes" stigma.

I'm speaking on behalf of my own perspective as a female, if that makes sense. Its rly not that deep. I'm just bored & like giving advice to others. I never said im speaking for every female tho, so idk where you pulled that from. Im giving MY advice tips and tricks from a girls perspective of what works kjghkgdjkgn

A girl I like had an emotional affair with me.
I told the boyfriend that we kissed (once, drunk) which isn't the whole story but still bad of me to tell him.
How do I smooth things over with her?

A girls perspective of what works you know? because Im a girl LOL MAYBE I SHOULDNT HAVE INCLUDED GENDER. thought it would be helpful to men that need help with girl problems that I could maybe help with! BUT UR TRIGGERED . OoOOoOooo NO u soft ass bch

there's a girl that i've been planning to have sex with, but i dont know how to be smooth and lead her on with words, last time i tried with another girl i was too direct, any advice?

Big yikes.

shes in the wrong here, dont feel otherwise. Telling her boyfriend you probably didnt think over too well though. i dont see it benefiting you in anyway by telling him this because it is obvious it wouldve caused tension between you and the girl. If shes not talking to you i dont think she wants to be with you or things with you two wouldnt need smothing out rn because it was simply wrong of her. I could see how telling the boyfriend seemed like it had benefits at the time. You probably hoped she would end up with you if what her and her boyfriend had was ruined. I think they will end up fixing it & he will make it entirely impossible for her to talk to you so its pointless to smooth things over. Its not your fault though.

Nice projection there cupcake.

She's stupid af, that's why/

You missed the entire point of what user stated ya bimbo

Thanks. I've only ever spoken a couple of sentences to her about her job and her tattoo and don't know how to segway that into anything else. The facebook thing sounds super creepy to me and i don't use any social media aside from snapchat anyways, do people really message strangers out of the blue like that?

You're thinking to much. Have you kissed yet?
I havent fucked tons of guys or anything but a kiss has always led the way i dont think its so much about the talking.
i dont feel like ive ever been led into sex with words theres not any magical words that lead to sex.

where did I say I'm speaking for the entire gender though?Sometimes a guy might just want to ask a girl what she thinks. Ofc its not going to be based on what every other girl thinks & I never stated that. You guys are reaching & twisting just because i didnt put a disclaimer for you sensitive babies.

I was very drunk and felt pity for him. I apologized because I didn't want a bad mood in the bar: he already knew we had been flirting. He said "it's alright, after all nothing happened" any my drunk self went "yeah about that..."

Thing is I still see her regularly and need to interact with her. Before that whole thing we left off at her picking him over me and in the same breath telling me she's not sure about this decision but it's better than no decision. Then we were "cool"
I need to maintain at least neutral, preferably positive relations with her because she's helping me with a subject I'm really struggling with.

>The more unattainable you are the more we want you


Stupid bitch

All you can do is be nice towards her, she shouldn't act as if its your fault what happened babe its not your rly ur responsibility to fix things with her she put you in that situation & i am sorry you're going through this. Just be nice to her if that doesnt work she's just bitter & not worth it. If shes help in you in a subject I would think things didn't end up to bad. xx

You're sensitive.

Yes I personally believe this is how girls work. Stop being sensitive as fkk loll

lol sis its fine idk why ppl are getting mad desu?? you never said you were speaking for all of us and nothing is stopping other girls from speaking up or giving their two cents if they disagree w/ something u say sooo...

>ITT dude pretending to be a girl trying to troll poor horny teenagers

You spent you're time scrolling through this thread nit picking for that so you better feel achieved u dirty little whore. Lmao who's rly the dumb bch. Its all luv tho

Gud 1 i do sound like it tho ngl lol

Yeah you're probably right. I texted her and basically we kept apologizing back and forward between me not keeping my mouth shut and her dragging me into her emotional uncertainties.
Gonna talk to her in person for the first time since then today

You're rightt lets be friends sis x

You sound like the kind of girl existing in the mind of a redpilled fat man

Lol I'm not I promise x

Oh give it up.

She or he or probably it...says it here:

Btw sorry for all my typos I just noticed them I promise im not some 12 y/o. Im sorry you have to be put into that situation though i hope all goes well for you today im sure it will

U stupid autistic cow loll

I stated MY opinion therefore used my fucking belief what's so hard to understand? Ur so offended.

~autistic cow has left the chat~

Look cunt, you used "we" and you, a ditzy bitch, don't speak for all females. kys tranny

this is like a bot gone rogue.

You're so dumb

i used "we" in a way to explain my theory. If a fucking pastor uses we to explain his religious beliefs on how he believes god created man, or if a scientist explains his theory about our existence & uses the word "we" to explain his theory on how we came about. Are you going to go pulling your whole "DONT SPEak fOr thE FeMaLE geNdERrR shenanigans lol ur funny

My gf of 4 years broke up with me two weeks ago because she wanted to "explore" without having to cheat on me and wanted to be honest with me.

She told me about a couple days ago that she's had sex with other guys but they're not the same as me, she likes my personality better, and she even told me that even though she was the one that wanted and initiated the sex that it's just sex and she doesn't think she can find someone quite like me.

My ex gf probably thinks she can talk to these men and get me whenever she wants because we love each other a lot, and while I do love her I'm really on the fence about taking her back if it comes to it, it's just the act of forsaking our relationship just for sex and how it came so easily, I can honestly say that it really scarred our relationship and I don't see her the same way anymore

Even though I told her I still would and I still love her, she just seems like a ho to me now even though I have to think of her like that, I just don't know if I should take her back cause trust me anons I really love this girl and she loves me, she just wants to "explore" for now and trust me I feel really stupid for even thinking of taking her back

So as a woman, do you think it'd be acceptable if I decided to take her back? She didn't leave me for anyone specific just sex with other people but what do you think?

I seen this situation so many times. What i think happens is they want the relationship / person their with but also want the benefits that come with being single & you allow her to do this because you're the one who is emotionally weak for her & you're not going anywhere & she knows that. I think you will have future problems with her if you take her back with no slap on the wrist. If I were you I would tell her you "met" someone & slow down on talking to her for now if you plan on taking her back so she doesn't think it will always work out in her favor next time. You have to seriously show her you're not her puppy on a leash that will be there every time she wants to "experiment"