Hello Jow Forums I wanted to learn how one become politician? seems this is the only way to fix one's country...

hello Jow Forums I wanted to learn how one become politician? seems this is the only way to fix one's country. My country is full of corrupts (who doesnt?) and I am getting fed up of it. So how do I become one? am 22.
>Assad is a medical doctor before be the president of Syria
>Mahathir is a medical doctor before be the PM of Malaysia
>Trump is a real estate manager before be president of USA
Also, how do they do it? Can one just switch career to be a politician?

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Usually lawyers. You run for local office and work your way up.

I have variocele...

With the pic you post I thought this was a good thread for me cuz when I have seks I Always have my left nut to go up and it kind on embarrassing and it hurt a bit.

Work as a volunteer for a local politician or party you support. Do so well that they put you on salary. Do your job so well that you develop the respect of the party. Offer to run for a minor office. Win the election. Do so well in office that the party will support you for a higher office. Repeat that step until you get somewhere where you can make a real difference.

That is essentially the process Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama followed

If you have a strong message that the people can relate to, and the funds to advertise yourself then pull a Donald Trump.

If you don't have a strong message but have the money to advertise lies, pull a Hillary Clinton.

If you have a strong message but don't have to the money to advertise yourself, start locally like being campaign staff, or working for your mayor, etc. Make connections and go up from there.

If you don't have a strong message nor the money to advertise lies, then don't get into politics.

Since you seem to know, please tell us What IS Trump's message?

America first!


Which country user?
If you don't want to say, does your country have some semblance of institutions (judicial system, somewhat functioning departments, etc.) or is it just coup central where the leadership could flip at any second?

In the case of the first, you'll want to do what the other user said before:

>Have money
>Have a message
>Ideally both

Without money, it makes your job hard, so try to ally yourself with those with money to make your life easier (but obviously if you're an anti-corruption crusader maybe not the best idea).
That being said, you can try to build a grassroots movement, though this may be difficult if there are entrenched elements in your society (ie. Religious fundamentalism like in Indonesia, Oligarchy in Eastern Europe/CIS).
Lastly, you can work your way up the ranks of a political party. In a dominant party system (such as Singapore, Malaysia until recently, Japan, etc.) working up the ranks of the main party and eventually becoming the leader or influential may be easier than trying to work within an opposition party that has never held office (especially in poorer states who have never had a transition between parties). The problem with this route is that it is easy to be tempted by the same fruits that countless politicians have fallen to. Corruption is one of the most difficult things to resist as it doesn't just come in the form of bribes, but blackmail among others. Be prepared to fess up to your misdeeds or pray that no one finds them.

he learn from history that immigration/emigration destroy nations, and inevitably create racial conflicts and tensions.. learn more about cycle of empires and you will know what trump is trying to do.. but i am not 100% on trump wagon since he and the others are attacking syria but at this point i think trump is being held hostage


Alternatively, if you have money or are working towards it, become prominent (make a fortune with a new type of instant food or something). Your job with prominence is to become familiar to the general public and gain their trust, or at least get them to acknowledge you. Similar to Trump in a way. Once you have enough traction you can attempt a run and who knows? Maybe you'll be swept into office in a single blow like Macron or Trump.

If you live in a coup happy country (lmao), the military may be a better option. Convincing a portion of the top brass (after you gain sufficient reputation) that a junta would be effective in retaking control, organise a coup by taking control of all the vital arteries of the state (media, military, government buildings and politicians, etc.). Once that is accomplished, set about building your National Salvation Council and set about saving your country.

Challenge mode: Install yourself as monarch and see how long you can last (the last instituted empire was in the Central African Republic)

i currently pursuing a degree in computer science, but i will try to run for local party
don't self check, go to local clinic and have your doctor check
if it hurts, go to local clinic and perform testicular check
if I volunteer, what kind of jobs that i will received? is there a site that I can see the list of jobs or something?
yes I have a strong message, i guess i will pull a trump.. for now i have to improve my public speaking skill
I live in malaysia. I am getting sick of these racial tensions in my country that has stunned the growth economically and intellectually.

Also, am I a bad guy? I am chinese, and I want to go into politics and rise to the top and provide privileges to my chinese people more than the son of soil / original people / malay people of malaysia?
>how do you get there in the first place?
We chinese enter Malaysia by the brits bringing us to tap rubber trees.
>Why do you want to get rid of the original people (malay)?
Because I don't want to go to Singapore or China.. I like it here, it is where i grew up.
I dont think I am a bad guy, I do this for my people (Chinese)

Malaysian-Chinese here too (well half), which state you in?

In all honesty, the transition to Pakatan Raykat means that change is likely on the horizon. Malaysia at least is a more functioning country then say Indonesia/Burma/etc. meaning there is still hope. While I don't think you are at all the bad guy for wanting to look out for our brothers and sisters, especially after all the shit the Malays put us through, ask yourself this, can you see a Malaysia like the one they portray on billboards (all happy and smiling, racially harmonious)?

For me, it's tough to see at times especially with the fact that Malaysia is a nation of 3 races, but whenever I go back and talk to the people on the ground, Malay, Indian, Chinese, I have hope that all the barriers can be set aside for a greater good because deep down we all don't hate each other as much as we like to think.

If anything, work to improve our community, our standing, to make us not only proud to be Malaysian-Chinese, but proud to be Malaysian. From there you can have the moral fibre and foundation to set the country on the right course.

be careful not to get assassinated

I am in Penang.. Do you think DAP or MCA have any meaningful plans? I think i want to join their fight but I dont think they can ever win malaysia :(

btw what do you mean you are half-chinese?
I have already some triads connections so I think i can handle myself

may as well use this topic for myself since it's the pic

My right testicle has been hurting whenever my penis feels any sensation (like arousal or something I guess would make more blood go to it) for the last two days. It's not an intense pain, but it's noticeable enough to be a bother. Should I see a doctor?

hi OP here you already feel the hurtness, yes you should go to a doctor asap.. i got mine check and everything's ok. Dont be shy, cause that doctor has seen millions of cock and he will praise you for checking because not a lot of male have the courage to check.. testicular cancer also can be treated if found early..

oh, I didn't feel any lumps, thanks for the concern there though!

malaysian here. i understand your well good intention. but there is nothing much you can do for fellow chinese without uproar the malay or indian or bumiputeras as speaking.

remember the first things you need to done is remove those royal of 9 states. the only way for you to remove or changes perlembagaan for chinese or indian benefits is to convince those 9 royals or kill them like indonesia did.

go to singapore, they done better job foe equal right among all races.

i have no intention to bring you down but realistic speaking, malaysia is as good as it is. there is no deep nationalism between countrymen like mahathir did previously. it is a shame i must admit.

>after all malays put us through

fuck you. be grateful that malaysia didnt chimp out like indonesia.

so it is all about chinese chinese chinese. fuck off mate. go to singapore. you dont deserve malaysia. there is no nationalism in you. just for your fucking race. fuck off seriously. you dont believe in unity. fuck you. i bet you were born after 2003.

OP here, is this trips of truth? I dont want to go to singapore, life is hard there.. like i said I grew up here.. Even though you guys have the lands, what are you guys doing with it? None! Thats why we call you guys lazy monkeys! We hold >60% economy and already have 23% power in politics! More than 50% jobs in Malaysia job vacancies now require their applicants to have Mandarin language understanding.. all of these are statistical facts and what are you going to do about it? NONE! zero! nada! all you have is "cina balik china la!" and no real argument or no real effort to fix this country.. Hah! you cannot even fix your own self!
Yes malay has put us thru many things! Without us chinese, you guys wont even have sugars, table salts, ice cubes.. fuck that, you guys won't even have jobs! cause you guys only know how to complain and live off a welfare state.. grow up! join politics and fight me!
I will bring all the sultans in Malaysia down.. it's only a matter of time.. since all malays (like the above) cannot do anything with this beautiful uncharted lands.. and even their sultans won't do anything about it.. My job is game from the start :^)

call me a jew, we chinese have already won..