How do I text?

So there's this girl I knew nothing about until I gathered my power and asked her about some school stuff via social media. I'm using school related stuff as an excuse to talk to her. How do I subtly keep the conversation going?
She asked me if I could remember some school stuff to tell her on this Wednesday and thus giving me a chance to talk her again.

And yes, I did post this yesterday, I'm extremely anxious and want as many answers as possible to be prepared, this is the last time, I promise.

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Relax and text her on Wednesday. Just tell her how the test went and what she can expect. She’s not going to be put off if you do this. It’s just important that you relax so you don’t act in a way that’s unnatural

I'm kinda surprised someone from the last thread came, thank you.
No that's what I'm going to do like she asked me to but I also want to continue the conversation and not just get a simple "Ok thanks"

No problem
You can ask a question like if she’s nervous about the test, if she likes the class, what she thinks about the professor. Just one of course. Then guage her response and maybe it will keep going. It’s okay if it doesn’t since you can always talk to her in person or try again later

I'm going to do just that, I hope I can somehow turn it into talking/texting just because we like to and not because we need something from each other.

There's a post on r/niceguys where the girl shared the text history with a guy that tried to do this exact same shit to her. Starting with school stuff but then trying to move it in another direction. I can guarantee you that you are 100% creeping her out and if you keep pushing, you are going to be the next feature of a niceguys compilation.

>so got much planned for the weekend
>hey have you seen that new film
>what do you have planned for Christmas
Has the internet caused this much social damage in a decade

All of that amounts to harrassment in the current generation. Don't give advice if you've been out of the game for 10+ years my boomer friend.

Then what DO you do? You're just making another problem instead of helping with the existing one!

>Has the internet caused this much social damage in a decade
No, my anxiousness has nothing to do with the Internet, opposite in fact, if internet weren't here I wouldn't have even gone this far.

What you do is not trick women. Be cool, then make your intentions perfectly clear, and then either fuck her or take the rejection like a man. Seriously, why are you even lying to a girl you haven't even fucked yet?

Must be pretty cool to be as easy going as you are.

>Seriously, why are you even lying to a girl you haven't even fucked yet
How is OP lying exactly?

I don't see this as tricking / lying at all.

>How is OP lying exactly?
> I'm using school related stuff as an excuse to talk to her.

But it's for mutual benefit, what she told me DID help me...

Okay but then change your perspective. If you have an actual reason to interact with her then do that. There's nothing wrong in hoping that the interaction will bring you closer together. But if you have no reason to talk to her and yet make "excuses" to force her to interact with you regardless because you want to fuck her, then you are being malicious.

If you are going #1 then I have no problem with that.

You didn't want to hear this in the previous thread but the answer is simple: Be honest, ask her out. Just ask if she wants to grab a coffee together or something.

Test coming up, her class had it, I wanted to ask someone from their class and chose her because I like her even though we never interacted before. Added her on social media and asked, got my answer, told me to try to remember the questions on the exam we have before their class.
What about now?

You're right.
I know, I'm "scared" of losing respect in the eyes of others if I get rejected.

That is not the attitude you should be having.

Ohh hey user. Back at it again with that girl ey? I hope it's looking good.

Oh what's that >You didn't want to hear this in the previous thread

Hmm...i'm kinda disappointed. You seemed nice and I genuinely hoped for the best, but it looks like you don't learn.

Just let me ask you a question: why do you come here...ask so many questions around multiple threads...and still don't take any advice, but instead do what you want anyway.
What a shame...

Attached: dissapointed.png (1439x1270, 2.1M)

I have taken advice, it's not my time yet, when the time comes where we are supposed to take I'll use every bit of advice.

I even gave her a smile today, there, that's an advice I got from here

when we are supposed to talk* not take

Ok, I made a list of all the advice I got from both threads and will make an update tomorrow after the talk, thank you.

Whenever you’re making a decision, think “What would I do” NOT “What did Jow Forums tell me to do”. I hope you were thinking “Oh there she is, seeing her makes me smile” and not “Oh there she is, I was told I should smile now” pic related.

Be honest, act like the person you are, and unlike and go at whatever pace you want to.

This is true though. Her opinion of you should matter, no one else’s.

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>Oh there she is, seeing her makes me smile
Of course you're thinking that when you see someone you like but if an user in a previous thread didn't tell me to smile lightly when I see her I wouldn't have done it. I thought it was strange.

>go at whatever pace you want to.
I feel like if I don't leave a good impression now I never will, asking her again and again about school stuff seems bothersome.


>caring about what anyone on Jow Forumsniceguys thinks

We worked it out at the end it seems

Yeah I saw the other replies, the guy is still retarded