Fucked up first time

To make a long story short I read a lot of hentai. Many times in a story they will “lick” each other and say “oh, so this is the taste of tsuma-san...” and when my girlfriend and I made out for the first time I went down to suck on her pussy. “Can I remove your panties?” She nodded yes. So I put my tongue on her clitorous and said “Mmmm, so this is your secret taste?” and then she pulled her pants up and said “I think that’s enough” really nervously and left. Did I irredeemably f up?

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The only thing dumber than thinking real sex is like porn is thinking real sex is like hentai. You're a fucking idiot op lol

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You fucked up user.

You gotta sense the mood user and she may have been under the impression you were making light of it. Basically there's a time and a place and her hips should be moving on their own before the intimacy is casual enough for hentai-tier banter.

Oh my fucking God. Did this actually happen? How did you not realize that hentai is basically 100% wrong? For me, it was obvious when I first saw characters saying "No! I'm gonna cum!". It's a fantasy man. Don't do hentai with a real woman unless you agree to do some weird roleplay with hentai tropes beforehand.

>girlfriend and I made out for the first time

How you gonna make out with her ONCE and then immediately go to munch some carpet.. that's where you fucked up not whatever dumb shit you said..

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>going down on a girl on the first date
Motherfucker what is wrong with you

My condolences

This girl made the right move, Jesus Christ dude. “This is your secret taste?”, fuck my sides are in orbit. That is all kinds of creepy and gross

It wasnt our first kiss, but our second

I cringed.

Oh!!! Well that changes.. NOTHING!!

You might be able to salvage this if she'll listen to your explanation about how and why you're a dumbass. You clearly had an in given that she was dropping panties after 2 kisses.

What should my explanation be?

I'm in a long-term relationship and he does say that but not in those words. It still makes me a little self-conscious when my bf would say he likes how I taste and we've been together for a long time now. And I can understand that is going to put off some folks especially in such a new relationship (correct me if I am wrong). I agree that you should sense the mood first before saying these things. It might have been very important to her. Anyway, I'm not sure how it'll go, but I hope you'll work things out.

Honesty: You read some stuff in a manga, thought it was cool and attempted to emulate it; like repeating cheesy pickup lines. And you're sorry if you weirded her out or made it seem like you were making a joke.

Then you're on your own with however she reacts.

>read alot of hentai
>almost get laid

you were just trying to say something romantic and accidentally killed the mood and you're sorry if it made her feel weird

Don't say it was in hentai unless she's a weeb. Just say it was in a porno you watched.

You had one job, OP. ONE JOB.

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Holy shit OP how did someone as retarded as you get remotely close to a girl

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Too bad you couldn’t get past this bump on her road to El Dorado and lay some fuckin golden bricks


you disgusting degenerate

I don't watch or read chinese cartoons, but that's the most borked way of putting that ever.
And the fact that the bitch hauled ass out of there is the icing on the cake.
Strange ass story my man, kek.

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>so this is your secret taste

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>mfw secret taste

What a creep

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>so this is your secret taste
I really wish I hadn't read that

I really hope this is true.

This is actually good advice for once, i'm proud of you anons.
(not OP btw)

The other anons are just insecure fags.

She was just nervous about having sex. You didn't fuck up,just be cool with her and it'll happen again. Sex I mean,not her running off. There's nothing wrong with a little banter during it at all.

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Next time just ask if she wants the old lickaroo

My first kiss was also the day I lost my virginity, you faggots are fucking weird.

oh man, what a fucking classic.

>so this is your secret taste

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You fucked up, kiddo.
A good rule of thumb:
If you see something in hentai or porn, don’t do it. Stick to the most basic vanilla shit with your partner until you’re both comfortable that you can start DISCUSSING trying out something different from the norm.

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Ok ok all right, LISTEN!! -- stuff like this happens to everyone! This is not a big deal! Nothing bad happened - it was just slightly silly and funny, that's all!
You did not offend or harmef anyone. So my advice --- DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!
Next time you see the girl -- don't bring this into conversation, instead - treat her well, give her maximum attention, do something good for her to show that you are still interested. If she herself brings what happened into conversation, just tell her that you were so excited and nurvous that you said something stupid, show her this is not a big deal and move on. Don't dwell on it.

And for the future - simply keep your mouth shut during sex. Let your hands do the talking. Ok?

You gonna be all right :) Cheers!

no one does first kisses anymore lol its straight to oral sex