Is MGTOW a meme or not at this point?

Is MGTOW a meme or not at this point?

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There is a grain of truth in every lie because it has to be grown from something to be believable.
On the whole, yes. It is a huge meme. The only thing you should take from it is "improving for your own sake is a really good idea."

>when you subscribe to a certain group, you let them do the thinking for you
Go find your own meaning OP. Dont let anybody else tell you whats right and whats wrong.

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A lot of truth taken to extreme and unreasonable levels.

Look at this picture.

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It was always a meme because the people who espouse it are using it as a defense to admitting the truth: they are the cause of, and are, their own problems.
This guy right here. "Going your own way" but having a big ol' label and a lil club to pat your soft fucken butt on the way out of the little gayboy sleepover party is like the SJWS-- who want to get rid of labels and human categorization but constantly label and categorize themselves.

Just take a glimpse at the catalog on Jow Forums and that should answer your question. It's pretty rare to find an American girl that isn't deeply emotionally unstable, entitled, and toxic. We live in the tinder generation where women are realizing how much power their sexuality gives them, so they're going to expect you to treat them like queens and if you don't, well they have hundreds of other potential guys to turn to instead. Casual relationships are alright but becoming emotionally attached to a girl is setting yourself up for a bad time in 2018.

I think being you is setting you up for a bad time, that's all.

You're entitled to that opinion.

Yeah look at Jow Forums for a perfectly accurate and balanced representation of what the real world is. That makes sense.

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>he still thinks Jow Forums is a secret internet cult
Jow Forums is as normie as reddit nowadays pal.

>as normie as reddit

both are filled with incel retards and frogposters, sure.

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I'm just calling it how I see it man. You don't have to call people incels just because they don't want to bend over backwards and be some girl's slave. I don't think it's exclusively women that are the problem either, people in general are shitty and MGTOW and feminism are just cultural reactions to numerous bad relationship experiences.

feminism predates MGTOW by well over a hundred years

>You don't have to call people incels just because they don't want to bend over backwards and be some girl's slave.

nah your post was very much MGTOW/incel inspired. The only thing that was missing is maybe calling women "females" and the meme about bad boys and good guys.

You have to be pretty out of touch to think feminism from centuries ago is the same as feminism of today. Women today live more privileged lives than men and feminism has essentially turned into the female equivalent of MGTOW where women basically bully men by calling them incels, making fun of their appearance, etcetera. Basically what you've been doing in this thread.

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It absoltely is a meme. It's just asceticism for the sake of misogyny, which defeats the entire point.

massive asshole gets dumped, finds mgtow, blames his ex-wife for dumping him instead of his own deficiencies

>wow look at this screencap of problematic words on the internet I am being constantly bullied and triggered I am actually the victim of society here

you're confirming what I was saying all along, MGTOW is the exact same shit as SJWs. The two of them need to get married and shut up and leave the rest of the world out of their gender drama

Nice, you won man. Good job.

Anyways, I've never actually read any MGTOW forums but the premise of it is something I've come to agree with over time. Men who decide to stay away from serious relationships tend to just be happier overall. Relying on another person for happiness is just not ideal whether you're a male or female.

This. The very nature of how it’s treated shows you how real it is. Being a feminist today is awesome and empowering. But if you’re redpill or MGTOW you’re suddenly an incel or a women hater or a sexist, racist, or misogynist. Men have nowhere to turn to today besides those things. Women have feminism and are encouraged to be feminists. What are men encouraged to turn to?

It's the same message in a different package
Feminism on all levels is cancer.

Being your own person and a man instead of looking for a loser support group. And despite what the internet and your echo chambers have you believe most people are just doing there own thing. You always hear the loud and craziest. It's silly to assume everyone falls into those categories.

>Is MGTOW a meme or not at this point?
MGTOW is a reaction. Its basically a time out corner for dudes that have come to the conclusion that a virtual, autistic pilgrimage to the mecca of male dysfunction and loneliness is a better option than grappling with the reality of being a genetic failure with poor interpersonal skills.

>But if you’re redpill or MGTOW you’re suddenly an incel or a women hater or a sexist, racist, or misogynist.


"red pill" is 100% synonymous with being alt-right and sexist and all that. There isn't a single thing on the internet that would call itself red-pill and present you with leftist SJW beliefs.

Maybe, like MGTOW and MRA also actually the term "incel" it started off innocently and as a way for lonely men* to find a group that they could belong to and help each other and improve themselves - but all that was taken away from them them from hateful shitposting retards with cartoon frogs.

like pointed out, sure it took centuries for feminism to go from something concerning basic human rights to something that's about vanity and being upset by words on the internet. However with things like MRA and MGTOW and the red pill and incels it didn't take cneturies it took maybe like 18 months for all to turn to shit.

*the term "incel" was actually created by a lesbian women

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>hateful shitposting retards with cartoon frogs

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MGTOW is a meme,not because of the concept but because of the people who follow it.
Its either men with shitty taste in women or men who are too lazy to improve themselves and think they're entitled to a cute smol gf for some reason.

The fact that you would openly and willingly associate yourself with redpilled or MGTOW movements illustrates that you're either too dumb or in deep denial to understand how incredibly counter-productive it is to your goals. People join redpilled and MGTOW movements because they want a weapon to fight with. It isn't a coincidence that credo of MRAs and MGTOWs seems more about arguing and battling their perceived enemies as opposed to building any kind of positive, constructive support base for its members. You don't need a forum full of angry men to focus on yourself and become a better, more well-adjusted person.

Feminism is a very old, very multi-tiered movement that varies drastically depending on age, race and geography. Talking about what has happened to "feminism" in such broad terms is, on its face, inflammatory and too broad to be accurate. At this very moment there are countries that actually still do utilize feminist ideals for the purpose of basic human rights. Trying to unseat the entire movement based on small pockets of irrational banshees on the internet shows a target bias and purposefully unwillingness to actually bother to educate yourself on the topic of feminism before making such broad claims about its mechanics. I agree with the meat of your argument but you'd have to be much more specific. The scope of feminism vs. MGTOW groups have vastly different optics. One is more centralized and homogenized and one is a global, historical movement separated by hundreds of different sects and ideological bases.

you’re a meme

the casual phrase redpilled is still good though it’s just a matrix reference

The irony of your posts are too much. You’re literally bashing redpill/MTGOW for doing exactly what the opposite groups stand for. Red pill means alt right? Feminism means alt left. MTGOW is an echo chamber? Feminism is an echo chamber. People become redpilled to join something. People become liberals to join something. In your world, it’s only okay to be brainwashed if liberals or feminists are doing the brainwashing. Open your eyes you turbofaggot mongoloids.

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I never said those things weren't echo chambers fag lord. Quit being so weak that you have to be apart of an emotional support group for losers. "hurrr durrr they do it why can't I hurrrrrr?" is a dumb excuse.

You did see I replied to two other posts didn’t you? Fucking retard your whole argument is now revoked imo

This is an example of someone using really wordy explanations to try to sound smart while not really saying much at all. When people talk about feminism it should be obvious they're talking about feminism as it exists in their own culture, not some middle east shithole across the globe, but you mistakenly believe being pedantic about the word feminism is a checkmate.

Do you tell everyone what they actually believe?
Get fucking wrekt you backpedaling cunt.

I'm only one of those (You)s and didn't say pretty much any of that shit you think you're replying to

What I hate about MGTOW and Red Pill is the high horse they try to be on. Just look at the names themselves for a second.

Men Going Their Own Way implies any man in a relationship is somehow being tricked by le evil roasties and if you're not a single hermit living in a commune with your other bros then you're not going your own way. I've been going my own way all my life & it has nothing to do with rejecting women so what is this bullshit club that was invented last week trying to claim that term? It's a bullshit deceitful name. Just call it the No Girls Allowed Club. Call it what it is.

Same with Red Pill. What the fuck kind of middle school newgrounds username is that. You're borrowing a scene from the 1999 sci fi action movie The Matrix where Neo finally sees the reality of nature for what it is, and try to pass off any and all of your beliefs as that. Anyone who disagrees with you is OBVIOUSLY wrong because they're blue pilled and to be blue pilled means to be willingly ignorant of reality. You may as well call yourselves the We Like To Think We're Right About Everything club.

Same with incel. Boohoo it's literally everyone else's fault that i can't get laid. I blame society and and I blame my parents and I blame my genes and feminism and the universe and everything, anything to avoid a single ounce of self-improvement and maturity.

Which is why I don't have any issue at all with the term MRA, or feminism for that matter. Those terms are self-explanatory and honest, what you see is what you get. There might be a broad spectrum as to what it really means to each person, but the general idea is obvious and transparent.

>Red pill means alt right? Feminism means alt left. MTGOW is an echo chamber? Feminism is an echo chamber.
Just a ton of cognitive dissonance and false equivalence right here. While MGTOW is a movement mostly relegated to small pockets on the internet feminism is a centuries old, global movement whose tenants vary wildly based on race, geography and socioeconomic status. The "alt-right" (which, if you'd take the time to research you'd see is indelibly connected to MRA, MGTOW, Redpilled groups) in the U.S. has been responsible for quite a bit of documented violence and acts of terror while, your amalgamated generalization of "feminism" have not. The differences are vast and, above all, measurable, but as I said you're not really willing to educate yourself on the movement you rail against. I have my issues with certain aspects of feminism as well. No movement is perfect. I under no means believe that whoever aligns themselves under feminism is immune from criticism. The difference being I've bothered to research feminism and what it represents and promotes on a global scale and you, obviously, have not.

>When people talk about feminism it should be obvious they're talking about feminism as it exists in their own culture
I'm not sure if you realize this but this is an anonymous image board. I have literally no idea where anybody is posting from. You characterize me as being pedantic when in reality I'm only responding logically to a purposefully ignorant, purposefully vague statement. Speaking abstractly about "feminism" while making no attempt to actually clarify what it is, where it is or the specific tenants that you specifically disagree with is just another lame Jow Forums trick to, as you say, sound smart without saying anything at all. If calling out that kind of idiocy is pedantic to you then you need to rethink your understanding of the word.

Who hurt you?

what a stupid fucking question
all I know is I'm sad because I can't have casual sex multiple times with attractive women, I don't get to have that in my life

You replied to wrong post, all I did was point out the stupidity of the names of meme groups for millenials.

Dodging the question

it always was a meme