Deep state about to get REKT
What's going on though
You can't just say "Deep state about to get REKT" and not provide any info. Quit being a God damn tease.
I thought this dude was an NWO faggot
Because you're retarded.
Ill beleive in The Happening when i see it
The 15th is tomorrow some Turbo Autist pointed out it means something in Jew Time
>some Turbo Autist pointed out it means something in Jew Time
qtards are literally embarrassing...go back to your boomer boards.
>soon magapeded
Yeah, right -- the only way things would change (1) Deploy troops to the border, with orders to secure it from invasion as per Article 4, Section 4;
(2) Authorize lethal force on the border, which has already been done;
(3) Invite the press for a nice good show/piece, timed to coincide with the next caravan's arrival;
(4) While the press are there, show them to a good vintage point, order A-10s and M-109s to bombard the caravan;
(5) Let the now-horrified press leave;
(6) Wait for the inevitable "He's a Monster!", "Impeach!", and "Our troops are killing harmless refugees!" stories;
(7) Wait for the manufactured outrage to motivate articles of impeachment;
(8) After the vote is cast, have the Army arrest the Aye-voting Reps for their obvious Treason;
(9) Have the Army arrest the newspaper reporters and editors who went to bat for the invaders;
But this won't happen, Trump doesn't have the balls.
This is the birthplace of Q. The birthplace of "Trust Sessions"
How pathetic is that?
About fucking time too.
Check 'em
What the hell is Zion Don tweeting about now?
You mean, gun control about to get pushed. Look him up retards.
are you niggers stupid? Barr defended snipers at ruby ridge for fucks sake. He is anti-gun too! yeah he is going to BTFO the deep state by killing us and taking our guns. fuckin retards.
Barr gets sworn in around 5EST
Has he recused himself yet?
Barr will protect the deep state
>Deep state about to get REKT
He was behind Ruby Ridge, and supports Red Flag Laws and the PATRIOT Act
He's IS the deep state
Yeah didn't a senate investigation conclude that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia, that makes it clear Barr will be confirmed. It will be interesting to see what post-Mueller witch hunt Trump administration looks like.
Barr got confirmd and he gets sworn in before 5EST.
The next day he resigns to let Matt Whitaker take over again.
How long did it take to dip each top of those bullets in green plastic? Also should I sharpen my bullets tips or are they done as is?
So literally nothing
Keep me bosted
I support patriot act laws, terrorists gotta get rekt too ya know
He's a neocon just like Trump. Nothing's happening.
Level 100 Pepe found in the wild
Says the fucking faggot that Okay-ed Waco and Ruby Ridge, you fucking magapedes are so fucking stupid you don't even realize whats coming down the pipe. I bet you believe John Bolton is based as well right you stupid faggot?
That was Janet Reno dude
You can sharpen your bullets by firing them at half speed. I usually drop a few through the barrel before heading out to go shoot for the day
Nothing ever happens.
I'm not saying as the Attorney General you fucking retard, he was a part of the Legal subcommittees inside the DOJ that fast tracked the killing of American citizens
here we go
It’s fully within his authority to do this as well, but Trump is a faggot who understands less about the power of his position and how to navigate it.
He is ethereal
Barr is a member of the deep state, he’s not going to do shit.
So is everybody else in Washington.... lets have some fucking optimism for once
Barr is the deepest of deep state.
He's a bush guy. I an hopeful, but for no reason.
It’s amazing how stupid people are.
Gee that must be why Trump nearly chose him to be his personal white house attorney
I had optimism, but Trump shred that shit signing the omnibus. Now I’m just here to call him plus everyone around him a faggot on top of promoting anything that accelerates the collapse of America.
Barr IS deep state u moron.
He's best buddies with mueller
That kike crawled through 80 miles of shit filled sewers when he dropped a shekel down the toilet.
Barr was AG during ruby ridge you kike faggot.
>Deep state about to get REKT
Along with our constitutional rights. This guy is a scumbag
Nice pic OP!