Wait WTF?

So, a few years ago in the UK there's a big uproar because 3 teen girls go off to join ISIS. No one really gives a fuck, like 'good riddance to bad rubbish' etc.

Now one of them wants to come back because she's pregnant, DESPITE saying she regrets nothing, admitting she knows her baby will be looked after here. My country is saying "oh gosh yes, please come back we'll take care of you and little Mo".

What the actual fuck. She should be machine gunned at the border. In the stomach, then head. And the fact she expresses no regret means the taxpayer is going to be paying for her to unapologetically bring up her little Jihad lion to hate me and our way of life. I'm so done.


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>tfw she sees MUH DICK

you know what you have to do faggot. why are you wasting time on 4chinz?

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>My country is saying "oh gosh yes, please come back we'll take care of you and little Mo".
actually no we're not
the government has pretty much said they are not making any effort to get her back here
and even if she somehow did, she'd be put straight in prison
personally i think the kindest thing would be to just take her outside and shoot her

Im so glad for the Brexit, You can keep your pakis, poos and muzzies . They will be confined there.

take a hint, she is your replacement.

>the UK is being a beyond pathetic cuckhole once again


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I think we should bring back hanging for people who commit treason.


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ya know several of them have returned to the netherlands as well, right?

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tell this whore to stay there and build a fucking sandcastle.

just wat till they let her in and then let the father follow to respect his human rights

apparently the father is a dutch convert. they should probably go there instead

Stories like these make me believe women are mentally children.

We'd need to rope half the government if we did that

>So, a few years ago in the UK there's a big uproar because 3 teen girls go off to join ISIS
They were 3 white girls. More whites in Europe go and join ISIS than Muslims in Europe do.

that fact that the government arnt treating this as a sleeper agent case tells you they are complicit with the treason.
thats all I will say on the matter.

if i ever see her in my muslim infested city i'll knock her out cold, don't you worry

isis is our enemy and so is this bitch, she deserves to be imprisoned or bombed, dont give a fuck

based and glownigged

Literally how can you tell any of them apart

I will actually take a flight to stand outside court with Tommeh for your hearing if you do that

>i've had my fun in syria teehee, fucking smoking hot hasans, now i need some abdul to settle down and look after me and hasan's baby

They weren't, they were all Pakis. One of them got droned, thank kek.

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ISIS and islam in general is the age old enemy of the west, if they think they can freely parade around my country then they're wrong. it doesn't matter if she's a woman or pregnant, by joining ISIS she has lost her status as a human being and so she doesn't deserve to be treated like one.

Make no mistake, there are probably thousands of muslims in the UK who support ISIS, they're enemies of the west and need to be taken out for good.

Women, the same no matter what the race or ethnicity or creed. Don't you worry, she'll find some poor schmuck to take care of her. Fingers crossed it's one of those boyfriend's who end up killing her baby and they both go to jail for it

Your country is swimming with them mate. They don't even hide it. To see those parades in Luton fucking turned my stomach. Bad times are coming. I wish ye luck.

ahahah the absolute state of Britbongistan you guys are becoming worse than the swedes and reaching Cucknada levels

>british girl
yeah right
if that is british i am chinese

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I just want to take a second and thank the UK for dragging us into WWII

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What's the point of even having a counter-terror unit of MI6 if picrelated is the result?

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well, are you going to do anything, or is posting on Jow Forums all you have to contribute?

its fucking treason. How the fuck did it get this bad

>Shamima Begum
quintessential british

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>the glowniggers have been provoking us for years, not because they want to catch us at it but, because they want us to actually fix things.

i do remember reading about some white girls who went off to syria
were they sisters or something? i can't remember where they were from
there was at least one german white girl who went

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>six years
should hang her and be done with it

got it, it was these two austrians

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ooh what a terrible shame

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>oh no that sucks

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I'm usually quite an empathetic person, but seeing her face and their faces, all knowing she is going to be ass-raped 30 times a day for 6 years because she betrayed the west fills me with joy.

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They think its all fun and games at first.

The Home Secretary of the United Kingdom is a Pakistani. Three years ago this was not the case.

Join the dots.

This sums it up for all of us.

thanks glownigger, but Jow Forums is a satirical board of peace!

>the UK for dragging us into WWII
get a load of this faggot, hates kikes but still believes kike lies!!!

She is unrepentant and will likely work to radicalise others.

I am pretty liberal but letting this girl back into the UK is foolish.

You have to balance her safety and the safety of her children against he safety of other UK citizens and their children and the potential for them to suffer directly or indirectly as a result her return.

all she needs is a line of 1000 British white men to be fucking her and cumming inside of her pussy, it'll teach her the lesson of British colonialism!

>What the actual fuck. She should be machine gunned at the border.

No. Let Iraq or Syria handle it. The punishment for terrorism there is death by hanging.

it's interesting how none of those articles in the guardian about this case have comments enabled. even the guardian know the majority of its readership want her dead.

>I just want to take a second and thank the UK for dragging us into WWII

And on the wrong side, I would like to add.

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SAS missed one it seems

>>You have to balance her safety and the safety of her children against he safety of other UK citizens and their children and the potential for them to suffer directly or indirectly as a result her return.

Why? she and hers can fuck off mate. They are not of us

Lets calm you mongos down shes not coming back ok
she will go scandia
pic related

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Cry harder bitch faggot. You are gunless. You are weak. You will pay and you will be made to shut your mouth about it.

Your's is a gynocentric matriarchy of false egalitarianism. She went to ride the cock of a real man.

i love the fact that the sign has a message hidden in it

Glad you saw it *wink*

but yes, you are correct

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this is the future you chose

Listen you are a butt hurt yank whos wife has left you for Big Black Cock , ?, Drink less and stop being the Angry Guy online which made her take the kids ok ..! Now do I need to contact your local sheriff and tell him to book you in ?


The funny guys turn up . Kek ..NOT

Its higher intel only

Americans genuinely think they cannot be blamed for anything ever, theres always an excuse no matter what.


I'm not saying our lords and masters will relent immediately, but this could get a hella lot of traction with normies, and some papers wont let this go either .

>because its fucking appalling.

Go on their Facebook page and comment there.

(The Facebook commenters are a lot further left than the commenters on their own site when they allow them).

need to know basis only, user

I’ll give you a clue. It’s about a centenary. Now connect the dots.

no i meant the other hidden message

LOL They were not white girls.

Oh. After much head scratching I realised there is another secret. Quite the Inspector Morse, aren’t you?

> be white and express a dislike on twitter, get shot by sas hate squad
>be brown, join international hate organisation; see heads in bin. get house and lifetime gibs, cooking show on bbc and a book release

yea that's about it

Once a terrorist always a terrorist, just the fact she knowingly went to isis should be enough to take away her citizenship.

Read again bongman

>And the fact she expresses no regret means the taxpayer is going to be paying for her to unapologetically bring up her little Jihad lion to hate me and our way of life.
this is what i find so shocking
what sane person would allow them back in the country?

>a teenager
She is 19, honestly this kind of journalism opinions are hot garbage

TATP and HMTD are both easy to make. Lofentanil mixed with DMSO could easily be misted out of a drone over crowds of commies or jews.
>"... a state authority is entitled to demand respect and protection only when it meets the interests of a people, or at least does not harm them. There can be no such thing as state authority as an end in itself, for, if there were, every tyranny in this world would be unassailable and sacred. If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality is led toward its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people - it is his duty. "
"In general it should not be forgotten that the highest aim of human existence is not the preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the species. And if the species itself is in danger of being oppressed or utterly eliminated, the question of legality is reduced to a subordinate role. Then, even if the methods of the ruling power are alleged to be legal a thousand times over, nonetheless the oppressed people's instinct of self-preservation remains the loftiest justification of their struggle with every weapon. "

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>She should be machine gunned at the border. In the stomach, then head.

Sounds like you know what to do user.

> this coming from an Arab