24 year old virgin

What should a 24 year old virgin do to build a healthy romantic life for himself?

I'm in good shape, I exercise every day except Sunday and Thursday, I have good hygiene, I eat well, I dress well, I can socialize well enough when I need to, although I don't usually go out of my way for it.

But I'm afraid of flirting, I lose all personality and actually start shivering whenever I try, and I'm really short, and constantly self-conscious about the fact that I'm an adult virgin.

I want to at least be able to honestly say I've had a girlfriend before I turn 30. I'm tired of feeling like an inept failure every time I see a couple displaying affection, or every time I hear my friends talking about relationships or sex.

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Work on bettering yourself and everything tends to fall into place. Are you working towards a career or are you a neet?

>everything tends to fall into place
two years older than OP and you need to stop peddling this nonsense

You don't need to be a chad to get a GF, but you can't be ugly unless you're seriously willing to settle. You also need some form of competency with the opposite sex.

These things just don't fall into place for everyone. I'm a 30 y/o KHV with a graduate degree btw. I can hold a conversation, can flirt to a certain degree, but I'm just fucking ugly and quiet most of the time.

The best thing to do is be proactive about this, because it's unlikely that it will just fall into your lap without you facilitating it.

How many girls have you asked on date / number this year?

>afraid of flirting
If you look decently enough, you dont need to. Just ask for her number and then invite her for burger and park. Some women are even into awkward bois.

Dancing lessons, badoo, concert, okcupid, school campus, yoga, night club, generally anything but your basement. Even fucking gym.
>adult virgin
Simply lie. Thats what everybody does.
Alcohol. Or any other drug you can get your hands on.

And remember: shy men are dating equivalent of morbidly obese feminists. If you cant trick your mind into doing the first dating step (approach), then your genes are invalid and need to be removed from genepool...

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No I meant that this is the answer and has nothing to do with le bettering yourself, I spent a decade bettering myself and have nothing to show for it except for this six figure salary, fit body, and numerous hobbies

nothing is going to """fall into place"""
you have to do a little song and dance and pursue women or absolutely NOTHING will happen

1st lose the anime girl shit.
It's bad for you quit it. Anime stuff is fine, like FMA or Deathnote, but none of this "little girl" type stuff. It's not a "hobby" it's not "you", it's a coping mechanism, an unhealthy one that makes you look like a creep.

2nd read the book "Models" by Mark Manson and follow the advice.

Not op but same boat and a few years older. Things do not just fall into place unless you work for them. I went on my first date in 10 years last week, first since hs.

>Simply lie. Thats what everybody does.
So just tell the girl it's been awhile and you don't have experience? This avoids the big stigma and excuses you if you suck, will girls care about that?
I'm just afraid I won't find the right hole or flounder with the condom (I have put one on before tho) or something retarded. I guess booze is the answer here.

Yeah shocker, you have to actually approach women.
Women are not gonna come ringing your doorbell asking to fuck you, how fucking delusional are you?
Part of bettering yourself is improving your social skills, improving your social skills means TALKING TO ACTUAL WOMEN. Every so often you will find a woman that you are INTERESTED IN and if she turns out to also be INTERESTED IN YOU, then you can ASK HER OUT.
If you can't do that "song and dance" which is called basic human interaction, then you need to stay alone.

Women are used to terrible sex. In fact for majority first X sessions are always terrible because he is nervous, loses boner while she cant get relaxed enough so it eveb hurts her.

Stop thinking bullshit and remember that alcohol gives you whisky dick = no boner. You want to use alcohol to break the first shy barrier, but not for losing virginity...

I fucked good at my first try. I fucked the second girl into convulsions the second try.
It's about giving in to your primal desires and "taking her". Women go crazy for that type of scenario where a man goes literal caveman mode, where you simply can't hold yourself back and NEED to fuck her. Girls get off on being desired most of all. It's more of a head thing for them, the actual physical stimulus is not as important.
Also helps being a very fit boxer (it's all in the hips)

Booze is NOT THE ANSWER! Trust me, know where the phrase "whiskey dick" comes from.

unless you've tried you have no experience to dismiss that advice. if you get your life in order you end up with friends and self confidence. Through friends and self confidence you meet more and more people, eventually you meet a person of the opposite sex who you have chemistry with. Its the truth. Most of the people who complain about being virgins have deficits in more areas than just their sex life

>shocked that you have to actually put effort into women
You've got a good base because you've had success in your personal life, you still have to put effort into women as well. Do you have a good social life?

Just talk to girls retard

Thanks guys. I've been working out and nofapping which have both really helped up my aggressiveness and assertiveness.

One more stupid question. How do I know when to initiate? My problem is normally not initiating (obviously) but I don't want to come on too quick and scare her off. Like 3rd date I should start trying to fugg. I know I shouldn't approach this so methodically, but I can't help myself.

On the end of every day you either offer her to walk her home or you try to invite her for tea and chill.

do you have autism? usually that kinda stuff is just go with the flow and body language/subtle stuff that lets you 'feel' when its right to make a move and stuff

no amount of friends and accomplishments will make up for the fact that literally everyone around you has gotten their dick wet and will judge you if they find out and it is you who lacks this particular experience, especially since the first post I replied to implied essentially that your penis will fall into a vagina through life momentum alone

this is what people mean by working on yourself, its an understandable insecurity that is holding you back. and yes if you get your life in order (which includes a healthy social life) then chances are you will get laid. nearly everyone has sex, most people are unremarkable, therefore you don't have to be uber chad good looking to get laid.

>do you have autism?
Probably. Some combo at being bad at reading people and being timid. As I've got older I've got better at both. In the past girls either initiated something or would just lose interest when I never made a move. You can kind of pull that off during school, but I know I need to take charge now if I want any meaningful relationships.
Plus now with all the metoo fearmongering I don't want to fuck up my career.

Autism is really unfortunate, you still function but its like you can't pick up on the vibes that make up the majority of human interaction. If girls have tried initiating before then that is a plus, you know you can attract girls. Easier said than done but just go for it even if you feel awkward.

>need to take charge now
I think you realize what you gotta do

Don't worry about the metoo stuff just don't be a seedy guy who sends unsolicited dick pics or says really sexual stuff uninvited. you'll be fine

well I had friends then and I had friends now and chances didn't mean shit, that only works if you decide to have sex with the first desperate slampig that comes along

My problem is that my friend group never includes any girls. Somehow they occasionally get their dicks wet. Sometimes they bring along the gf. Sometimes somebodies sister joins.
So you end up with like 6 dudes and 1 girl who everyone kind of wants to get with. But it's never a group of girls and a group of guys.
And tinder dating is really hard for an average guy.

But how active is/was your social life? Do you have a career or at college? Besides if you aren't actively putting in an effort to talk to girls its not going to just magically happen

prostitutes are your fren

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>INTERESTED IN and if she turns out to also be INTERESTED IN YOU, then you can ASK HER OUT
How do you know if she's interested in you?

If you can't tell, ask her out. You'll get an answer.

Good thread. Thanks

why would you want to be a pathetic pussy slave and waste your hard earn money on dates/child support?

Most people have more than a single group of friends. I have a guy-only group of friends from college, I have a mixed group from high-school, and I have enough friend and acquaintances from both genders, so that I could switch group whenever I wanted to.

Rule of thumb: the less people you know, the harder it is to meet new people. The more people you know, the easier it is to meet new people.

Well I managed to keep two friends from compsi. That's all.
Been 3 years since I talked to a girl, she was the only girl in the class btw

Yeah I kept no friends from college.
I did a group hike the other day and it was all dudes except one older married lady and a younger lady also married and with her husband. It was kind of demoralizing because I would have had way more fun going alone.

This makes me realize I really need to make a new friend group around my hobbies. I hike and ride a motorcycle which should be 'cool' but I still feel isolated, friends didn't just fall in my lap, and like many things 99% of the people involved are posers.