Voiced some non-PC opinions and feel like shit now

Voiced some non-PC opinions and feel like shit now.

Brought up biology and scientific studies in a discussion about genders which offended some people and led to responses such as "such things can't be generalized, it's subjective" and "that's something Trump would say". It triggered me and I couldn't drop it. It wasn't even a controversial subject (not related to Jordan Peterson and gender equality).

I feel like shit now. Voicing these opinions around PC colleagues was unnecessary and something I've never done before. I also dropped my mask and let out my inner demons. Fuck.. I don't know what will happen now. How much do people care? How would you handle it?

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Whether you're right or wrong, you spoke your mind, even though you're told it's wrong every day. There's something to be said for that. If you genuinely considered their counter arguments and they weren't convincing, boo hoo for them.

I dunno how neckbeard you went but "men and women are physiologically different" and "agreeing with jordan peterson" are pretty moderate conservative views

You probably feel like shit because you came out with something to be edgy for no reason, low-key hoping you could pwn some libtards, epic style.

Just hold your tongue if you know it'll cause an argument, especially if it's around people you work/study with, since that just makes your life significantly more awkward.

>Whether you're right or wrong, you spoke your mind, even though you're told it's wrong every day. There's something to be said for that. If you genuinely considered their counter arguments and they weren't convincing, boo hoo for them.

That's true, and it felt good. But after calming down I regret it and I'm worried about what it can lead to.
>I dunno how neckbeard you went but "men and women are physiologically different" and "agreeing with jordan peterson" are pretty moderate conservative views
It was very mild. Something like "men and women are physiologically different and their perceived beauty peaks at different ages".

That's not how I felt at the time. I honestly didn't expect this to be controversial and was shocked that it caused such a reaction (see comment above).

what exactly did you say

I'd like to correct a bit of my reply. Men and women being physiologically differnet is just straight up fact, carry on

>and their perceived beauty peaks at different ages

for fuck's sake, please tell me you didn't come out with some "Women peak at 18 and then hit the wall, whereas men age like a fine wine". It's bullshit and sounds like sour grapes to anyone

> Worried what it can lead to

Depends on the context, they'll probably think you're a bit strange but they won't report you or anything I imagine. What actually initiated this conversation from them?

For whatever its worth, I've never met anybody that lauded their "non-pc" opinions that wasn't some variation of an edgy little shit. Here is the reality of the situation; everybody knows that men and women are biologically different. Everybody understands that identifying with the traits, habits and social conditioning of the sex you were born to is the "normal" and best accepted method of gender identity. Biology and scientific studies aside, everybody understands that the human brain is still almost entirely a mystery. Human behavior, dysfunction and relationships are among the most subjective, expansive and entirely unpredictable scientific curiosities that has ever existed. The fact of the matter is that if you were really as smart as you thought you were you would understand that there is a very little chance that rattling off some studies or amateur biological musings is going to unseat people from their senses of self or paint you at all in a good light. Even if trans people are legitimately mentally ill, the scientific world has come to the general consensus that the most effective treatment is transition. With that being said, science may have less to do with this phenomenon than you think it does. Regardless, its a losing battle to try to convince somebody that their identity isn't real. Not even you are objective about your own identity. Nobody is. Everybody is kidding themselves about something. Don't get so drawn up in being right or wrong that you forget that human behavior in context with our identities has almost nothing to do with logic.

>for fuck's sake, please tell me you didn't come out with some "Women peak at 18 and then hit the wall, whereas men age like a fine wine". It's bullshit and sounds like sour grapes to anyone
No, but there was a discussion about fertility and I said something like "don't women peak at an earlier age when it comes to perceived beauty? could that be related to their fertility is more urgent?" and some woman said "yes.. I think women peak at 25" and I jokingly said that it goes downwards after that.

>What actually initiated this conversation from them?
See above

>It's bullshit and sounds like sour grapes to anyone
The ideal woman (for a men) is young and beautiful.
The ideal man (for a women) is mature and stable.
There are definitely outliers based on personal preference, but they inevitably fall into one of the above categories.

Transitioning is the best form of treatment for humanity since most trannies commit suicide after transitioning

I see where you are coming from, but please read my other replies if you feel like you have the energy. I wasn't trying to be an edge lord and it wasn't related to gender identity

Stop feeling bad about it and start feeling good. You not only voiced your opinion, but are also the most logical person in said group. Be an alpha and stand by what you know is true.

>Something like "men and women are physiologically different and their perceived beauty peaks at different ages".

I don't believe you. Whenever someone comes here with a story that is essentially "I said something totally normal and logical and everybody turned on me for no reason", 90% of the time they're full of shit and are feeding us an altered version of the story to make themselves seem like the victim and everyone else seem like unhinged reactionaries. It just doesn't make any sense. How about you tell us what actually happened?

You sound like a pussy. Don’t be so concerned with what others think. I don’t get how you feel like shit.

Well, you're not wrong. Women like mature men, and men like attractive women but I'd also say women like attractive men and men like mature women. Unless she's some gold digger, it's pretty unlikely some 20 something will go for a guy in his mid-30s because he's more "stable". Seriously, the idea women care about so much about status they'll ignore some guy's looks is pretty rare.

I do get the mind set tho, "those whores my age are fucking around instead of fucking me but jokes on them, they'll hit the wall and end up fat, gross and with some beta male. Whereas I'll have just entered my prime, and tonnes of ""prime"" pussy will land on me". Kinda comforting to some I guess

Maybe I'm delusional, but see for my point of view.

And it wasn't a full on lynch mob. Some people stayed out of it, some didn't care but some very obviously offended.

You're not wrong. I often avoid having arguments with people I'm not close to, and tend to care too much about others think.
I feel like shit because anxiety is kicking in and worst case scenarios are played in front of me. "Are they going to shun me?" "Will they think of me as a rightwing extremist women hating pig"? while feeling surprised that I couldn't control myself

>> those whores my age are fucking around instead of fucking me but jokes on them, they'll hit the wall and end up fat, gross and with some beta male. Whereas I'll have just entered my prime, and tonnes of ""prime"" pussy will land on me".

And that's part of the reason I feel like shit now. I didn't mean that at all and hope it wasn't interpreted that way. Unless I managed to let out some unconscious bitterness.

Dude you basically said all women over 25 are ugly, and insinuated that young girls are best. If you don’t know why some people took offense, there’s no help for you.

Guess I'm a lost cause then, time to learn how to communicate

>time to learn how to communicate
I feel like you didn't need to start this thread in order to come to this obvious conclusion.

I needed to vent a bit and also hoped to get some advice on how to deal with the possible awkwardness this may have resulted in.

Getting an outside point of view was obviously healthy too...honestly, I'm still not sure if you're trolling now to make me feel worse or if what I said really came across that badly.

Mate, hate to be the one to break it to you, but even if you think I'm totally wrong just here me out.

Talking about shit like always ends in disaster, I'd just avoid at all costs. The comments definitely come across as a little misogynist and a bit incelly, since there's the implication that a women's worth is always waning, whilst a man's is perpetually growing. At the same time tho, it's a popular belief so it'll probably get you some weird looks for a week but after that people will forget and you won't have to worry.

I wouldn't worry about getting shunned from you're description, your rep might have taken a hit but most will probably just think it was an odd blip. Just act like normal the next day and it should go alright.

Idk how old you are, but I had pretty similar opinions a while back. Just be more open, actually start talking to a few girls in a casual context and try being more social in general. Also, start reading more and maybe lay off Jordan Peterson a bit if you watch loads, he ain't that great.

Don't feel bad user, we all fuck up at some point

I'd say you should learn how to face rejection until it doesn't matter to you anymore. Then you can really start to express yourself and your beliefs, and people with similar beliefs will naturally gravitate towards you.
But also learn how to do it in a more subtle way, I've noticed that a direct challenge to one's beliefs will only be met with resistance. An entire redpill would kill a lefty, but giving it bit by bit should help to convert them.

Thank you for a great reply!
>Talking about shit like always ends in disaster, I'd just avoid at all costs. The comments definitely come across as a little misogynist and a bit incelly, since there's the implication that a women's worth is always waning, whilst a man's is perpetually growing. At the same time tho, it's a popular belief so it'll probably get you some weird looks for a week but after that people will forget and you won't have to worry.
Yeah.. I usually avoid it. I lost control and after calming down I regret it and can see how it might have came across as misogynistic. It might have made the women in the group feel bad, which wasn't my intention. I hope it didn't affect them.
Fuck.. at least my conscious motivation here was pure curiosity. "Doesn't female beauty peak earlier than men? Is it related to the fact their fertility declines faster from a biological perspective?". But I'm starting to wonder if some subconscious bitterness sipped out without me being aware of it.

>Idk how old you are, but I had pretty similar opinions a while back. Just be more open, actually start talking to a few girls in a casual context and try being more social in general. Also, start reading more and maybe lay off Jordan Peterson a bit if you watch loads, he ain't that great.
But.. I'm not a Jordan Peterson fan, have close female friends and I'm not a virgin. Although I understand I didn't give off that impression.

>Don't feel bad user, we all fuck up at some point
Thanks. Needed to hear that

>I'm starting to wonder if some subconscious bitterness sipped out without me being aware of it
Not trying to be mean but I can definitely sense an unconscious bitterness in your posts, but I’m already used to that sort of mindset from being on Jow Forums. Who knows what those people irl though


Trying to work on my fear of rejection, baby steps. Has improved a lot the past few years though.

Converting lefties isn't really my goal, but yes... I often forget that directly challenging someones believes can be so sensitive and I need to get some finesse

It's cool user, i know what it's like getting swept up in an argument and just coming out with shit like that

and dw, I've said far worse and managed to come back so you're golden

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Haha, yeah.. well. Need to find a way to deal with my shadow then

>it's pretty unlikely some 20 something will go for a guy in his mid-30s because he's more "stable".
You'd be wrong my dude. Most men have their shit together by the 30's, with a stable job, status and such. Women in their 20's tend to date upwards for that reason alone, because after a certain point they will want to find a partner and settle down. Women can be beautiful and fertile at older ages, much like men can be stable and mature at younger ages, but these values are more often found within certain age groups.

How many women in their 20s do you actually know?

>their perceived beauty peaks at different ages
>don't women peak at an earlier age when it comes to perceived beauty?

What sort of autism led you to utter those words in public

that's the kind of shit posted by people who look like pic related and peaked when they were 8 years old but are still like BUT LOOK AT JOHNNY DEPP HE'S 56 YEARS AND LOOKS GOOD FOR A HOLLYWOOD A-LIST ACTOR SO THEREFORE ALL MEN LOOK AS GOOD AS JOHNNY DEPP

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I'm kinda doing the same thing, but I try to "brute force" myself into it by intentionally getting into awkward situations and trying to adapt, but it's taking its toll on me
How do you do it?

He's not wrong tho, most women start looking nasty after 30 while most men are okay until their 40-50s
Except Asian women, they look good up until their 50s, then they suddenly go bad

Haha, in hindsight I really don't know. It was unnecessary. Read my previous replies for some attempt at an explanation

>most women start looking nasty after 30 while most men are okay until their 40-50s

I don't know what kind of men you're looking at, but everyone bites the bullet after their 30s. Look men who work at like Home Depot or work as garbage collectors or even white collar workers, the average man and not some guy who works as an actor or model.

My dad looks like shit, my mom looks like shit, my professors look like shit, the managers of the places I worked at look like shit, the people I see walking around the mall look like shit.

The men, and women, who look good past their 30s are the ones who have been putting in effort into exercise and diet and skin care and also got by on good genes and maybe even a bit of cosmetic surgery.

The average 20 year old Jow Forums poster who spends his days eating shit and hunched over at his computer for however many hours a day already peaked in his teens.

It was really bad at first. I dreaded going to parties, events or even to work.
So.. just kept on doing that even though it was pain. After a while it wasn't that bad anymore, and now it's actually fun and I enjoy stirring the pot to liven things up. It backfires sometimes obviously.. but oh well, we live and learn.

After that:
* Adventurous travels where awkward situations are inevitable
* Fooling around / acting silly / roleplaying with people
* Short eccentric acts during presentations and meetings

>So.. just kept on doing that even though it was pain
>but oh well, we live and learn.

It doesn't sound like you learned anything at all actually if you just keep being "the edgy guy" and it backfires

>He's not wrong tho, most women start looking nasty after 30
Prioritizing being right over not coming across as a toxic hunk of shit in public is hallmark autist behavior. Nobody gives a shit about whether or not you're right, they just don't want to spend some with someone with zero social intelligence.

It's not really something reoccuring. This is the first time I've fucked up this bad, and I don't want it to happen again. I lost control. Usually it's small stuff like strangers thinking I'm serious when doing deadpan, or thinking I'm weird. I'm fine with that but I don't want to hurt people.

If they're willing to discuss about genders but get triggered when their beliefs are challenged, why even bother discussing anything with them?

Because the real word isn't the internet, not everything has to be a fucking "challenge". Most people just enjoy having nice light casual conversations.

"the scientific world has come to the general consensus that the most effective treatment is transition" is a false statement. The thing I find the most triggering about pro-transtioners is they think there's proof for it being a reliable treatment when statistics clearly show that mental health barely improves after transition

>when statistics clearly show that mental health barely improves after transition

I'm sure you looked at hundreds of studies, to come up with such a definitive statement. You surely didn't just like look up Ben Shapiro's youtube video.

I don't even care about trannies, I personally think it's fucked up that they let people cut off their dick or try and grow one and call them Ma'am or Sir or whatever and pretend that everything's fine and they're not fucked up people with severe mental problems.

But from what I've seen, apparently it does tend to help from the most part. Whether that help is the equivalent of cutting your leg off because you stubbed your toe or it is definitely the cure for being a tranny and cosmetic surgery & science isn't quite there yet is a whole other story. I don't know and can't claim to know because I'm not a scientist. I don't think you are either.

I haven't seen a single ben shapiro video, but some people actually do look up this stuff. I'm studying medicine so this does concern me (although I haven't been taught any of this yet). The stats show suicide rates stay largely the same after transition, except transitioning also has a lot of associated health problems which is why I find it disgusting that people are pushing so hard to normalise it. I'm currently phone posting but if you actually want the numbers i can post them later

>get triggered when their beliefs are challenged
Its funny when you say this when OP's kneejerk reaction was to come to a scandinavian hackey sack forum and sperg about it to a bunch of anonymous virgins on the internet. OP said some stupid shit and people responded accordingly. There is nothing intellectual, productive or thoughtful about implying to a room full of people that women over 25 are ugly. It says much more about your dysfunction than theirs that you think that their reaction was at all unexpected or unwarranted.

>Are they going to shun me?
They are not worth your acceptance if they shun you for stating biological truths

>Will they think of me as a rightwing extremist women hating pig
So fucking what? Just write them off as NPCs if they have to see you in some sort of political box

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