How Can You Become Less Pessimistic and Have More of a Positive Outlook on Life?

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be more aware

Focus on bettering yourself.

The future will take care of itself.

step 1: have a reason to be positive

That's a tad vague user.

If you are already pessimistic you need to become less aware.


Nah, but seriously self improvement is pretty much the only option aside from getting friends/developing meaningful relationships. If you are depressed, drugs can be a TEMPORARY fix, but in the long run would only make things worse. Just work on yourself, focus on your hobbies, get into new things you think you might like, work out, eat better, just take care of yourself like you should be.

When dealing with my pessimism, I turned to reading more about psychology and philosophy to try and learn what makes us go thru those feels, why we get them and how to get past them. I a way the understanding kinda helps me with coping and trying to avoid slipping in to a bad mood or worse. We cant let crushing weight of exstistence keeps us down. Live life , user.

Yes, get more money and sex.

You don't.
There's literally no reason to ever be optimistic about anything in life. Nothing is worth anything.

stop feeling u pussy

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Fuck you and everyone who actually thinks this shit.

Right back atcha bucko

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People like you are just trying to make others feel bad about themselves, so there's good reason for telling you to fuck off.

pessimism makes you more a realist because you chase rationality rather than good feels

no. pessimism and optimism are both bullshit. just get real. see both sides of things. don't become and extremist. don't attach yourself too much to anything.

You get to choose what you think about. If what you are thinking about is negative then think about something else. At first this will be hard but over time it will get easier. Sometimes when I am alone I say it out loud, “okay enough time to move on to something positive.” That positive thing doesn’t have to be important.

Making lists and crossing things off as you get them completed helps too.

Avoid places, like social media/Jow Forums that are filled with negativity when you are in a negative mood.

Optimism, while oft straying from reality, is a helpful factor in motivation and productivity.

>think about something else
And how do you get past the voice on the inside telling you "You're just being an offensively delusional cunt" over and over?

Realize the voice calling you delusional is as big as if not a bigger liar than the voice telling you things are ok

Self-improvement works in some cases.
In most cases, it doesn't though.

What are some books you recommend I haven't read a book in years except some of meditations but its just written weird.

>the voice calling you delusional is as big as if not a bigger liar than the voice telling you things are ok
How so?

That is the skill you need to learn and when you get good at it, you will be much more optimistic.

Some tricks, know that distraction is okay, be it reading, video games or physical things like deep breathing. There is a tapping thing too, where you focus on tapping on your temple or your collar bone.

A timer might be a useful tool also, give yourself 10 min a day to listen to the voice inside you. When those ten minutes are up and the negative thoughts pop up, remind yourself it is not time and thus those thoughts have to wait.

Exercise, meditation, yoga, supplements (D3, magnisum, omega 3s, and B12 are the ones that will likely help) cut back on caffiene and alcohol... all are worth a try.