Picking a good dating site?

So early last month I started a thread about whether I should wait until I hit my weight loss goal before entering the dating scene. I had a few other reasons for waiting this long. General consensus was that its better to act sooner than later. After thinking about it for a while I decided I got nothing to loose so I'm going to go for it. So has anyone here use match or any other site? I had a okc a long time ago but got discouraged seeing answers girls gave on the questions. Ive seen the site has changed a bit since then but still has the question section.

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Suprised to see this still in the catalogue.
I now about tinder. Its not my thing dont want a quick hookup. I'm not a fan of fact it needs a fb either.

Dating sites have turned to shit.
All of them, free or subscription.
Even the fattest, ugliest of women with 6 kids, covered in tattoos get hundreds of messages from thirsty betas every day.
They won't talk to you unless you look like the guy who plays Thor.
Or they will talk to you and drop you after a couple of messages.

Talking from experience or you just picked that up from here?

Both. Online dating memes are real.
It was ok before Tinder.
Now it's just frustrating.

Set up a fake "not very attractive" female profile for a few days and you'll see what I mean.

Also this is a must read:

I made a okc to see what kind of people were using it in my area. Moslty matched with girls with careers and college degrees. When I had a profile years ago it the questions they answered said that it was mandatory they're potential match had the same level of education so I got turbed off. I plan on using a dating site because I dont have the time to go around looking for someone. Worst case scenario I get some experiance in talking to new people.

Look around you on dating sites. It's obvious. I'm 28 and it was the exact same when I was 18, dating online like it would get me anywhere.

Single moms are the good part of it and that's a sad thing. If you got a single, childless woman on dating sites, there's either something very wrong with her or she's not actually interested in dating.

Most times, you're just one of a countless hundred guys, waiting in line for the next-highest-rated guy to move off the queue. And of course, "already sifted through twenty other guys" is not a great starting point for your chatting with a girl.
Don't online date. It's not worth it, it never will be. If your image hurts you bad enough to want to online date as opposed to scoping out through people in your life, you need to work on your image, not your approach to dating.

Online dating works almost exclusively when both parties genuinely lack the time and/or freedom to go outside and date around. It pretty much fails as anything but a hookup platform otherwise.

I've done both OKC and POF, didnt get very good results on either one. On POF most of the matches I got were bots, it seemed like the best way to get a response was to message them without matching. I had a few conversations through that but most went nowhere. On OKC I never got any messages or matches so it tells me that theres less bot presence but also that I'm either not desirable in the slightest or there isnt much activity on it.
Also something I learned is that no matter what the girl will be fatter if you meet in person. I had 0 standards and met up with a girl that already looked like a planet on her profile, but in real life she was even bigger. It was horrifying

Online dating works almost exclusively when both parties genuinely lack the time and/or freedom to go outside and date around
Like I said in my previous post that is why I'm looking into a dating site. I also thought since I never done this before its a safe place to start and pick up experiance

What about match?

I never did the websites that require payment, only the free ones. Realistically there is probably a better chance on the paid ones since I imagine they arent used for hookups near as much

I heard around here they could be potentially better. Took a glance at match. I kinda like how okc match people better. But its a little discouraging at the same time. When I tried it years ago I got a couple of messages from girls but never replied because I felt like I didn't match her criteria. Or was I perhaps taking the questions to seriously? Had a pof then too but it was mostly hookers in my area.

OKC doesnt really match people well any more, through no fault of their own. In my experience most people dont answer more than one category of questions so it's easy to match with someone only to find out they're the exact opposite of what you want
As for your situation, I think you were taking them too seriously, theyre more like guides. If you match well enough or if she messages you, you may as well give it a shot

Well hind sight is 20/20. Thats a bit disappointing okc seemed like the easiest to get around. I dont like the layout on match and I'm not clear on how they match people. Shame I dont really habe the time to go out really. Sont really know where id go any way. I'm the last single straight guy in my friend group. No one really goes out any more either

Yeah, I agree with you there, I wish OKC was more of a stickler about filling out the questions. I'm not sure how many times I saw I matched 95% with someone only to see they answered like 5 questions, and their profile read completely differently than someone I'm looking for. Oh well, good luck to you user, I hope you can find somebody! No matter what you choose the most important part is to keep trying

Thanks. Actually feeling feeling a little discouraged. My work schedule doesn't really leave room for anything anyway. I got to be 28 without anything, why fuck with the status quo at this point.

user, I said they suck. I didnt say the results suck. I got a girlfriend out of it and while it didnt work out, we had fun and it gave me a boost of confidence and encouragement I needed to keep going. I'm 23 and just had my first girlfriend this year thanks to these sites. I'm not attractive by any means and I dont think I'm that interesting either but I still managed. You can do it too user, you just have to try, okay?