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Need urgent help.

Went out with my friend and his very new gf, she brought a friend of hers. Not a double date but the friend and I were there to add some casualness to their date and so we were chatting and getting along. Long story short she hurt herself badly, I did first aid and put her in an ambulance. She asked me if I'd meet them at the hospital and I agreed.

Now I'm waiting here while she goes off for scans (head injury) and I have no idea when it's okay to leave?

Only just met her, probably out of my league for dating, medical shit can get personal and uncomfortable, but at the same time I know she probably doesn't want to be alone here. Her parents live in another state and she hasn't contacted them. Friend isn't responding to me about whether he and the gf are gunna come here but I feel like they kind of set us up and are leaving me here on purpose.

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You saved her life. She's indebted to you. That's exactly how you land a girl way out of her league. Stay until the cows come home. Or you know leave like a dumbass and spend the night furiously masturbating to your vision of what could have been.

I didn't save her life, it wasn't that dramatic, but she hit her head and went out and I did enough first aid to know that she needed head scans so I called an ambulance.

I don't want to leave like a retard but it's so fucking late.

A nurse already assumed I was her bf and neither of us corrected him because she thought they'd ask me to leave and I didn't think it mattered.

If she's fucked up and has to be raced to surgery or something are they gunna ask me to make medical decisions for her?

It depends. Are you a proper man or are you a pussy nu-male? If you have cojones you know what to do.

I'm going to kick my friends ass for leaving this up to me is what I'm going to do.

Don't forget to buy one of these on your way out.

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I have no idea what that is.

Doctor just put his head in to say she's one her way back so I guess I will find out what the plan for her is and whether she wants me to stay or take her home or what.

It's a pussy hat you pussy. You should buy one to show your solidarity with strong independent wimmin who knock themselves out at restaurants.

It was an ice rink. The sound when she hit was bad.

I'm tired and whining but I'm still here.

Weird that those things still exist but alright.
Just don't be such a whiny bitch when she comes to or you might let her drive herself home and flip her car avoiding a pigeon she didn't even see.

So, the bitches friend hasn't even showed up at the hospital? And neither has your friends? And they're going to leave you there with someone who is practically a stranger?
Sure, they might be trying to set you up with her, but it seems like a fairly inappropriate time to be doing so.
If Norm Macdonald was there he'd be calling your friend's woman "a real jerk!"

***So, the bitch's friend hasn't even showed up at the hospital? And neither has your friend?
Sry 4 me bed england

I'm being whiny to you so that I don't have to be whiny irl. It's a coping strategy. She is mostly conscious but is tired and concussed and goes in and out. They're moving her to short stay for observation and I guess I will hang around until she says otherwise. Easier to stay a few more hours than pussy out at the last minute.

I went to the toilet and she was texting when I came back even though the doc told her not to use any devices for a couple of days. I suspicion she told her friend she's fine and didn't need to come down or at least something to that effect.

I think you staying is just a waste of everyone’s time. You did the right thing by helping her when she needed help. Now she’s in professional hands. If anyone’s supposed to help her it’s her girlfriend, not you, she’s the shitty one for not being there for her. Just tell this girl you gotta go, give her your number so she can contact you if she needs you.

It sounds like she's into you. Why else would she think she's fine after that ordeal?

Here's a pussy hat for you too good sir.

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>here’s a pussy hat
Non argument, faggot

>sounds like she's into you

Uh, girls typically are. I'm good at flirting and banter so as long as my sense of humour suits them I usually go over pretty well with most girls, even if they are too pretty for me. I also know what I'm doing medically speaking. Had more first aid training and hospital experience than most people will have in their life time. I speak fluent medical jargon and know how an ER works and she told me she was relieved that she'd brought me about an hour in because I was able to assure her that things were progressing normally and she didn't need to freak out at what the doctor had written on her chart.

If you stay you’re a beta faggot. When she leaves the hospital she might give you a weak thank you with a hug, then go straight to her chads house and fuck

I don't really care man, she's definitely out of my league.

We just got to short stay and when she wakes up next I'm going to tell her that I'm off but I'll giver her my number in case she wants a lift home. Doctors wouldn't give me a straight answer but I doubt they'll let her out until after a day shift doc has made rounds which will be midday probably.

Then you had it figured out from the beginning. Why did you have to come here to bitch?

My bad. Here's a MAGA hat for you my redpilled gentile friend.

Because I still want to go home and sleep.

Just stay until you think she can get home safe, just try to be a decent human being

Here’s your “please be patient I have autism” hat

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I don't know if she's going to wake up again tonight. Is it acceptable to leave while she sleeps? I'll write a note sayingg that I had to go and leave my number saying to call me if she needs a ride and probably asking her to let me know that she's okay anyway.

Sounds fair to leave at this point, but for real if you ever had the intention of getting into a relationship this is literally giving you exactly that opportunity on a golden platter.

This is literally our first meeting and apart from her being hot af I have no idea if I'd date her.

What would my move be if I wanted to leave that door open? To stay til morning?

Sounds very reasonable, anybody with half a brain would understand that you have your own shit to attend to, now go home and go to bed faggot.

Aye aye captain. I'm going to add to my note something or other implying we'll see each other again, just not at ice skating, and hopefully she won't be too embarrassed by the whole ordeal.

Yes, stay by hee side, even if you fall asleep in the chair, have you nevee seen this scene in romance films, she wakes up sees you there and falls in love

If you are going to leave you are an idiot and don't deserve happiness

Where do you get those hats?

Attached: yes its your hat .jpg (300x250, 19K)

The cringe shop

I just made it back to the car. Committed to leaving now. Also I doubt she'll want to wake up looking like a bus hit her and find some dude she just met still there. To me that's more creepy than romantic.