NoFap Day 4

Still an incel.

Is NoFap worth it or is it just male self-cucking?

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Has anyone here noticed any distinct benefits from extended periods of NoFap?

Also is fucking 4s and 5s even that much better than fapping? Why go through all the suffering and effort just to fuck 4s and 5s?

I started seeing dreams again oddly enough.
Felt bit more energetic and lively as well.

Benefits: Goals become clearer, more motivation, no brain fog, more confidence, more attention from women, more sociable

Disadvantages: extreme depression and despair for weeks once your brain realises its not getting its dopamine fix

Porn is the demon

Do nofap, live noporn

Also, beware of the people who will push porn on you and try to tell you it's totally normal

It's not
Porn is bad for your brain

>day 4
I didn’t notice any real effects till ~day 90

Some people eat their sperm because they believe that it's draining to lose it so they eat the life force to feel more vitalized.

Girls are more attracted to you because you their animal instincts know you're vital.

You're right.

It's awesome.
It will make your testosterone, confidence and energy levels reach a new high, give it a try and don't listen to (((them))).

Your post is too vague. We can't help you without knowing more about your life/routine.

great shitpost

College student, consume ~1200 calories a day but drink heavily during the weekends so my weight is staying flat, semi-manlet (5'9"), plan to do NoFap and fitmaxx over winter break in order to procure sex upon returning in January.

One problem I had with porn is that I could only masturbate to BMWF amateur by the end, last time I fapped was Friday night to a hot blonde white girl giving a black guy a BJ. And this is the only type of porn I think about, maybe in addition to BBW.

I don't know how to undo the psychological castration from the BBC meme (not even LARPing here I really need help).

The entire nofap movement is based off of masturbatory guilt and placebo effect. Their dicks literally stop working after nofapping for long enough and they think this is healthy, they call it "flatlining" lmao. Just remember, for every nofapper who tells you an anecdote of how not fapping gave them super powers, there's 10 other guys who jack off to porn daily yet still have incredible social lives and girlfriends. Most of the people who fall for this snake oil nonsense are pretty stupid. Just go on the nofap forums and see for yourself, almost half the posts are riddled with terrible grammar.

If anything fapping should improve your chances of getting laid. The problem with most incels is they put pussy on a pedestal because they're so sexually frustrated. Mentally healthy people build up other areas of their life and then let the women come naturally, but incels tend to become hyper focused on women to the point where all the other parts of their lives fall apart. Jacking off to porn is one way of reminding yourself that you don't necessarily need a woman in your life to satisfy yourself sexually.

I'm building up other areas of my life, I have a ~3.9 GPA at a top 20 uni and I read a lot of books and articles on economics, finance, history, politics and philosophy in my free time. None of that helps me get laid though.

But why are so many people ITT claiming so confidently that NoFap has all these amazing benefits? They can't all be delusional and/or low IQ, right?

A lot of statistics are coming out that suggest young people (

I can assure you that plenty of young college-aged women are having lots of sex and hook-ups, it just happens to be exclusively with the top 20% of men on campus.
>t. collegecel

Science > Anecdotes

Fair enough. I guess that is the case, but that doesn't mean I don't want sex.

Naturally. Good luck with your studies and everything else.

yeah day 4 of not touching your willy and you expect to be a winner now, having not actually changed anything else about your life?

tell me if I’m wrong.

Thanks. I think my main problems are social inhibition/anxiety and high standards, not sure if nofap will help with these issues but I'm giving it a shot.

What else can I change about my life? I'm a college freshman mostly focused on my coursework and intellectual development but would like to have a gf for companionship and sex.

au revoir, Jow Forums

its actually true

I have never seen a puss in my life, BUT i have started lifting, so that will change really soon ! ! !
: < )

>the psychological castration from the BBC meme

I'm the same man. BBC stuff is too powerful. I'm a loser with no gf but I can't imagine how this would work in actual relationship. Does it get in the way of normal sex?

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You guys are all stupid
NoFap is not going to change your ethic

It probably gets in the way of normal sex, which is one of the reasons I'm trying nofap.

I'm not expecting it to change things for me, except maybe raise my energy/libido levels and help me to become attracted to normal girls again.

Nofap is a meme. Noporn is the real deal.
That being said by day 7 of not fapping you will have *slightly* higher T levels on average than usual; I think it's best to just release once every week or two at most though to keep things working but opinions vary.
But yeah noporn is the most important thing you can do. Porn literally rots your brain and fucks up all sorts of things with it; fap to your imagination. Try weaning yourself off porn if you have a problem, switch to softcore stuff maybe for a bit before quitting entirely. Treat it like you would any other addiction.

I'll be honest man I don't think it can be fixed.

I did a couple 90 day nofap sessions

IMO, if you want girls just hangout with girls. If you want strength of will, try nofap. I did not do better with girls when on nofap, I did better with them by fixing my life.

get female friends who you don't hit on.

You nut more, but that's obvious, other than that it doesn't do a thing

i dont want to jerk it to my friends, user. can i just do it with pics rather than video?

That's unusually late, but it's awesome for you that you were able to persevere and not give it up like most would have done. What were the benefits you started to notice after 90 days? Have they increased or changed since then? And what day are you on now?

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It really does have benefits, even if it is placebo, I behave and think noticeable different after only 12 days. Mainly I can just think faster (no brain fog) and am not as autistic when I do have to talk to people. Just go on r/nofap for more info, but the benefits are definitely there.

OP, you are only on day four. I'm currently on day 12 and didn't start noticing any benefits until a few days ago, so it will usually take at least a week for anything to be noticeable. If you don't notice any benefits after a full two weeks though, it's probably time to quit. Until you've reached that count I'd definitely recommend sticking with it though, it can't hurt.

Yeah I should've mentioned I've already experienced benefits even at day 4, like clearer skin (already pretty clear to begin with but almost perfectly clear now), less brain fog and less drowsiness. However, the lack of sexual release is constantly in the background, so it feels like a trade-off more than an exclusively positive thing.

Like my brain REALLY wants me to orgasm just about now, and I'm fighting the urge with every ounce of will I have (having a roommate helps, he keeps walking in and out of my room which keeps me from pulling down my pants).

How would getting female friends I don't hit on help matters? Also girls send signals to me even now (pre-fitmaxx and pre-noFap) mostly due to my above-average facial attractiveness. And I mostly get attention from brown qts and sub-6 white, white qts (7/10+) tend to ignore me/treat me with a bit of disdain.

I should add that I am so prone to delusions of grandeur that 4 days of nofap has already left me feeling like I'm destined to be one of the founding fathers of the second american republic following the second american civil war of ~2040-2050.

Being an incel is a choice, nothing else. Nofap is irrelevant here. If you want to stop being an incel then stop being one.

I'm a mentalcel (aspergers + dark triad traits) and am 5'9", I'm pretty much a truecel.

>being a sub-8, sub-6'0" male in the year 2012+6
Just fucking end it all.

You can lessen aspie traits by conscious effort and you are of average height. You are a volcel.

How can I lessen aspie traits by "conscious effort"? Also on the one hand I've been told to "be myself" but then people tell be to not be myself, I feel like I don't receive any consistent, helpful advice on how to deal with being a mentalcel.

I'll look into how to lessen aspie traits, I'm really just a self-diagnosed aspie and might not even have it. Fuck I guess I'm just a high inhib fakecel.

If you're doing nofap for women/sex you'll never succeed.

That's not what r/noFap and noFap YouTubers claim though. They say noFap makes women automatically more attracted to you through inexplicable mechanisms.

The threads promote it on occasion, but (at least a few years ago) the top comments would quickly deny said claims as unreasonable.
YouTube, on the other hand, I don't doubt for a second. Gotta get that ad revenue.

So should I continue with noFap or not? Could it still benefit my T-levels, energy, and libido and promote a healthy/normal view of sex?

Listen to people's feedback. Try to think of things from others' point of view. Try to think why someone would find something you did or said annoying.

The only thing nofap does is give you a nice big load of cum when you finally unleash it.

Well that's a pretty nice benefit in itself, especially if you're saving it up for a girl.

I generally do this but sometimes I go full sperg and yell at people in public (haven't done this in college but happened in high school a few times and got me in big trouble to say the least).

Unleashing the full power of nofap into a girl's mouth is where it's at.

>tfw you release a week worth of cum into your qt hapa gf's mouth
>tfw she swallows
This is the dream that I live for.

Alright I gotta go study for a test, thanks for your responses. I'm going to stick with it at least through the end of this week, maybe I'll report back with the effects/benefits.

You posted some thot there.

I'm just gonna hijack this thread, because I don't know where I really should post this:

Has anyone noticed how their taste in women changes as they grow older?
As a kid and a teenager I loved thin women, and I still find some attractive (but usually it's more about the face at this point). However none create the same kind of primal desire that a "thicc" woman does now. She doesn't even have to be the prettiest woman around, if the body is great. And with "thicc" I of course mean women with some fat and curves, but not flabby, obese women.

I mean this is completely normal too I guess, it's just funny when I look back and realize how differently I saw this type of women before my 20's.

Nofap doesnt work for me. A quick fap helps to relax the mind for the rest of the day.

Its better to imagine having sex with someone than watching porn.

So keep porn as something u don't do often. U will wank less often and have a more satisfied sex life...

So u will be happier and have more energy during the day.

I've always had a soft spot for chubby-but-not-fat women, 90%+ of my fap sessions have been to chubby girls playing with their belly, tits, ass and lovehandles.


Noporn people: how do you make the jump?

Not OP but ive been watching porn since literally 6th grade. Pair that with a lot of time spent on the computer and a bad internet connection and you get 100s of gigabytes of downloaded porn too (so i dont get buffering) and even porn games like honey select.

I want to make the jump, but i just cant see myself deleting all this stuff. It's like overgrown roots inside my hard drive. And even if i did, it's all over the internet too.

are you actually asking women out?

This is accurate. I went through a low point at week 2 or so.
>boss tells me he'll try to get me into my dream position (at least for my age and experience) because he likes me and I do good work
I had to force myself to sound enthusiastic
Plus I stopped getting boners around then too, even morning wood, even if I tried.

Week 4 I bounced back to normal with the mood and boners. Had my first date in 10 years. Have another lined up with the same girl and another with a different girl lined up too.

I was a loser for a decade straight and one month of nofap and I've turned my life around (socially, already had good job). Obviously I still had to work for it and take risks talking to girls. Take it for what you will.

>They can't all be delusional and/or low IQ, right?
did you think the brainlet meme was not serious?

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Did noporn, cured my ED. Nofap is a fucking meme unless you wanna wake up with your underwear full of jizz every now and then, the porn is what gets you

Coming from someone who was addicted to masturbation and porn about 2 years ago (my personal lowest point), nofap has helped me somewhat. Though I should really call it lessfap; I try to go for a few days at a time without masturbating, but haven't done even a full week. I find that I'm more energetic, possibly get more attention from women, and my dick now feels healthy for the first time in a while. "Healthy" being no soreness and better boners, plus my balls are full.
Porn is the biggest problem, imo. If you cut that out and just jerk it every few days, you should be fine enough. Just use your imagination, though this gets easier of you're not a virgin. Wet pussy feels incredible, and is a memorable sensation

So neither is good.
God created such a beautiful world.

Chronic masturbator here.
We're talking, minimum of 3 times a day, usually 5-6. Mostly hentai, sometimes cosplay chicks and anything flat-chested i find in boorus.
I've limited it to once per day for a good month now. No difference at all, except my balls don't hurt as often anymore. Limiting wasn't even as hard as I thought desu.

That image is a trap. Neither the left or the right exist in real life, so it doesn't matter what you choose.

Lol true.

As Schopenhauer said... With women you can't know how they really are and be in love with them at the same time.

>>how to quit noporn is easy.
Dont try to quit completely, that makes it harder for you to abstain... (forbidden fruit)

And is not even necessary... Just watch porn only once every 5 to 10 wanks and you're good to go.

Just make the effort of fantasizing having sex with girls and milfs you encountered during the day.

This is way healthier for your mind (more realistic and satisfying)

A small big nosed tribe.

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doesnt seem oh so very respectful of da joos to put the star as the o in porn

Interesting. How long were you abstaining?

it made me a bit more aggressive and carefree a bit. then i broke it and now im an anxious faggot again

Started nofap on Nov 1st and haven't stopped. The last time I nutted was Halloween. On the 10th of November I went to my best friend's girlfriend's party and they set me up with her best friend. I asked her out the next day and we've been going out ever since. I may not be able to attribute this to nofap since the party was planned ahead and my best friend is a bomb ass wingman but I did have the confidence to ask her out which I normally don't. I've also not felt any desire to look at porn ever since I stopped fapping, only my gf is on my mind when I'm horny. Can't say if it works for sure but ever since I did it my life has changed drastically for the better.

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Helped my performance anxiety, you learn self control and learn to live without a major crutch in your life, I don't know if it's because you feel like taking back control and that's what brings the confidence and good feeling but there is definitely something to it.

Boners get really strong faster and orgasm is a fucking bliss.
I've only done 2 weeks of nofap max, but I didn't noticed any other changes. But you should try nofap for a week or two to expwrience the orgasms of a 15 yo again

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The worst thing about NoFap is finding something to replace the time I spent masturbating. I'm constantly trying to find things that are productive without having any release.

There's days where I've read an entire book and created a 3 page grammatically beautiful essay just to find something to placate my brain.

Yes Nofap is worth it.
It's free.
It frees your mind.
What do you have to lose.
Why not.

Link related

Dear God Natalie Dormer is so... Feline
Where do they find these marvels of nature?

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My logical mind and rationality tell me that nofap is bogus, but then again, the only times I have ever gotten laid I was on nofap.
Lost my virginity earlier this year after about 1 month of nofap, went 25 years without sex before that.
I am currently trying to get back on it, but I am just so fucking stressed and horny.
Fapped yesterday night in a daze when I woke up in the middle of the night with a boner, feels bad.
At least I haven't used any porn in quite a while, that's good, right?