Is it normal for people who are suicidal to ghost people they're attached to?

is it normal for people who are suicidal to ghost people they're attached to?

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Yeah, I've seen it plenty of times. They don't know what to do with their personal issues, and rather than sharing what's wrong & confiding in whoever's close to them, they shut themselves in & refuse to talk to anybody.

A suicidal person probably sees themselves as a burden, and/or they're hoping to soften the pain of their death by making distance. This manifests itself by closing off, or actively lashing out to push people away.

This girl has been gone for 2 weeks. She is very popular online and her profile is just a wall of suicidal thoughts and a persona of narcissism.

Everything they said to me seems so genuine, they spoke so intimately to me, so now I'm left feeling confused, thinking they're inauthentic.

What do you think it could be?

That sounds too authentic for most people

BPD. Dated two women with it, and now have had a shitload of therapy and learned about the typical abuse. This sounds like it could be one of them.

Get this person out of your life. You're probably already being manipulated.

I think that too. I like a bit of darkness in love, but how do I not be on the receiving end of this?

How do they abuse btw?


If they are suicidal they are probably trying to burn bridges so they can have less of an impact when they leave

> is it normal for people who are suicidal to ghost ...

YES. They do it because they are overwhelmed with emotions but don't want to appear as needy attention seeking mofos... When you get into this suicidal state of mind - very simple things become very hard to do... And you feel so incredibly tired... tired and emotionally sensitive ... simply talking feels like hard work...just impossible to do....

I am not sure why it is so incredibly hard to pickup a phone and call someone you love ...or anyone actually... You just can't..
. Your brain builds 'walls' all around you and there is no escape...

who dis bitch is ?

yeah, depressed people in general do this
if you confide in friends they will just betray you, they always try to get out talking to you asap
see a shrink, stop talking to me
and this isn't just them not feeling qualified to help you, they will start avoiding you
because we are a burden and our presence makes anyone who knows visibly uncomfortable
t. clinically depressed with fantasies of death

Yet she is tweeting other people and seemingly carrying on her life as normal, just extra suicidal tweets. How come?
I am depressed too and I don't burn bridges

I never recommended it, if people talk to me I put on a false smile and pretend things aren't so bad but it is exhausting
I have people I like and see regularly, I just know I need to bluff

A lot of people who are suffering through depression or anxiety or suicidal thoughts pull away, for all sorts of reasons. Everything from "I should create distance so it hurts them less" to "I don't deserve friends because I always hurt them and I'm a terrible person" to "I can't deal with people right now so fuck it"

BPD are notorious manipulators. Theyre insecure about everything and will guilt trip and play victim over every little slight to leverage your love until they get their way.

Fuck u that pic make me boner

yes, I do this constantly. I am amazed anyone ever still talks to me.

this looks just like someone i know. is this girls name cara

Yes it's normal to ghost or find an excuse to argue and then ghost

yeah she was real insecure, i think she's devaluing me because she rejected my care and ghosted me, even tweeting how she's 'bored' now

That's an insanely hot pic

God I wanna put my dick in there more than anything in the world