What is wrong with me?

I need to learn to talk to people in person, but i just continue to not talk. I need to learn how to drive so I go places, but i never ask to learn. I need to find something that i enjoy doing, but i dont even try. I need to stop thinking so negatively about myself so i can build a sliver of confidence, self esteem, and just having less self hate, but i cant. I need to go out and meet people, try to get in my first relationship being 23, but i just dont try. who could ever like someone with all these problems going on and choosing to never help themselves? I don't know how to meet people, talk to girls. I feel like I'm unlovable and no one will ever like me.

i dont try anything, i think im a waste of space, im awful at everything, no one likes me, could ever like me. I feel like i know what i should be doing but i just dont do any of it and it makes me feel worse knowing that i could be making progress to getting better but i guess i'd rather suffer. I have really low self worth, esteem, and confidence. I dont have hobbies or really enjoy doing anything. I constantly berate myself with negative thoughts about myself. I've given up on new things that I dont try anymore. I really dont know what to do. I've occasionally hit the point of "I dont want to be alive" or "I dont deserve to live" and thinking like that is scary.

I really dont enjoy anything i do. I work, go to school, and sit on my computer looking for something to do. I dont enjoy any of it. Work gives me a lot of time to think so i think myself further into being upset. School is just online college for something i dont really care about, because i dont really care about doing anything.

I know getting better is all on me and all i'll ever do is tell myself excuses to not even try

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Give me some oats brother

i am asking for the oats of others to help me.


You're depressed. Get therapy.
As for socialisation, relationships, etc. It's too late to learn these things at 23. But you can still have a good life, work, make money, get nice cars and travel, etc.

So he will never get relationships?
And what's the point of money and cars and stuff when in the end you end up alone?
I would rather be broke but with a wife and kids rather than rich and alone, because I didn't made any difference in anyone's life between my birth and my place in the grave.

If you're rich, you can be not-alone.
And no, he can't. He's 23 with no social or romantic experience, those ships sailed the moment he turned 21 and still a lonely pos.

It is not. I'm learning them at 32. It's more difficult, though.

I'm 18 and you're me

If it's just too late, and I will always be alone what is the point of any of the other things? I work now and I hate it, I don't need the money for anything and I don't spend it on anything because I want nothing.

op here.
I agree I would rather be broke and feel loved, than rich and unwanted.

IDK how to learn, what I need to do to actually not be a failure of a person.

You learn by messing up. That's why it's so painful to learn these skills later. Everyone is less forgiving of mistakes because everyone assumes you learned them in grammar school.
A very radical step is to change cultures. People will forgive you more easily, blaming it on cultural differences.

I just gotta be mindful you know. If I take control of myself I can force myself to do what I need to do. I need to do this at every level of resolution.

I feel like all i do is make excuses so i just never try ever. I cant drive, so i cant go anywhere so its not worth trying ever. I dont go anywhere or do anything so its not worth driving.

I feel like i just will never get better because i will never try, and its upsetting because i want to feel better, but not enough to actually try to fix or change anything. Guess Im defeated and given up, but still want it.

But I cant get myself to do anything ever. I don't have the willpower to actually do anything to fix myself. I feel like I just cant do it.

Senpai I'm 22 studying and living in another city for uni, I'm just studying(barely to pass) , working to pay expenses cuz family is poor, can't blame them I'm living in Greece , and I'm in the same mess. Nothing moves me or motivates me anymore for some reason, trying to force myself to do things ain't filling the emptiness. Nothing seems fulfilling enough to strive for it. It's not that I don't wanna feel good(same as you), everything just seems empty and unfulfilling thus pointless. Hope you get through this and anyone else being in the same spot, it might seems easy to fix but it's not.
Only thing I seem to enjoy is smoking weed occasionally and listening to music .

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you have something you enjoy doing tho. I don't feel like I enjoy anything and everything I do is just to waste time to get to the next day, just to do it all over again.

That's the hard part. Once you force yourself past that bit, you're gold. Many people labelled weirdoes get stuck there and constantly try the same things over and over without seeing that people aren't picking up what they're laying down.
It's hard to explain, but when you were learning math sometimes 2 and 2 was 5 until you learned it was 4.

I feel like I cant do anything else. That I cant help myself or do anything in any way to make myself feel better at all. I feel awful because I never try, which just puts me further down making it harder to try at all.

idk where to start.

Take that, crush it into a box, and bury it so deep it only comes out when you're alone. Power through your anxiety and lack of self worth. Once you start figuring things out, this turns into a self feeding system that builds your confidence up more and more until you're running on your own power and not just mowing through.
Who drives you around now? Find a huge, empty parking lot and drive around there. Automatics are easier, but learning manual can pay off later.

You don't actually "need" to do these things, because if you did, you would be doing them.

Your parents are enabling you to be a lazy piece of shit.

I'm almost always alone tho so its always here.

my dad drives me around now, and by around I mean to work and back home. I don't do anything else.

>lazy piece of shit.
At least we can agree on something.


Get him to teach you to drive. Come up with a clear plan and get him to commit.

Insurance is expensive and the only places I go is to work and back home.

I hate this all I'm doing is just making excuses to not try, and I'm just wasting everyone's time because I'm not going to get better because I cant help myself at all.

Driving saved me.
I stopped being a shut-in neet at 25 because I learned how to drive and loved it.
It's too late to learn how to socialise and talk with females, but at least I now have a reason to live. I started college, convinced my parents to buy me a really nice car and I'm working hard towards doing as best as I can in college so I can land a good job so I can get my dream cars later on in life.

I guess driving and college gave you a reason to live?

I don't know what would give me a reason to live as I never really had one. I guess I thought that a gf would give me one so I guess that's why I focused on it so much in my post. I guess it is just too late for me, and i'll just be a lone.

25 year old you here. It won't get any better pal.

Why the fuck do you think having some roastie suck your money dry, and occasionaly your dick, will make you happy and solve all your problems?

Because I never had one. So I thought that having a person that you know cares about you and wants to spend time with you would make me feel better.

Sounds like schizophrenia senpai. Or whatever you like to call that deep existential gap modern white men in the developed world feel.

We take care of you

The Öats bröther