>"Good guys with guns don't exi....."
"Good guys with guns don't exi....."
how do you know the wife wasn't physically threatening her? or are you a misandrist thinking only men can be the aggressors?
well buddy?? waiting for your response.
Yay, his wife is dead but at least he killed the guy, hurrah! What a wonderful gunderful world.
The guy claimed he was going to shoot everyone in the office.
pulling teeth and drilling souls
Nice try, jackass.
you haven't answered my question at all and in fact haven't even addressed any parts of it. please respond?
And he partially succeeded. Great defense work.
Uh huh, I'm sure the cops were only a split second away from showing up when he shot the gunman.
Here's your response. Burden of proof on your claims is on you. You have the report here:
If you have any actual evidence other than brainlet speculation, then present it, faggot. The sheriff called him a hero, you think he's legitimately a suspect? Okay, prove it.
>prevents single homicide from becoming mass shootings
>hurrrrrrrrrrr wunderfu gunderful world durrrr
It’s almost as if we don’t live in a utopian world where everything is sunshine and rainbows, weird innit?
Wife left him and changed her name..thr guy was a bus driver. Pic related, the daughter.
You really are a special kind of retarded.
God only knows why we stopped institutionalizing you chimps.
If no one has guns the wife can't get shot
No one will never not have guns.
It’s possible to take the rights of law abiding citizens away, but that doesn’t deter criminals.
We have laws against theft, did that disappear with a law in a book saying “you can’t do that?”
surprise. the bystander is the one who murdered everyone
all that needs to be said
That’s too black and white of a scenario.
That would assume all drone operators would unequivocally side with the governement
Highly unlikely
That would imply the anti government faction would have no way of accessing drones
Not likely
And lastly the sheer amount of legal firepower and the us population, a whole army of drones won’t help unless the plan is destroy the entire populous which would be pointless
Your country can no longer be trusted with guns. You all need to be stripped even your fucking military. You guys have destroyed the world enough. Everyone but Americans deserve guns then we'll invade your ass. Then you'll see how it feels
Honduras is trying to lecture us about guns...
>assume all drone operators would unequivocally side with the governement
Actually, yes. UAV operators and cybersec technicians are all significantly more left wing than regular military.
However infantry, real pilots, and Helicopter Pilots (important) are much more right leaning
if no one has guns, the governments of the world will legislate their way to our outright slavery....
>implying they don't already
Look up operation mockingbird and cointelpro
hey do you want to dig yourself any deeper while we're here