MAGA country Smollet BUSTED

Jussie Smollet is done for. Cops had his phone records all along. Remember the black women that said she saw 2 "rednecks" outside the complex to further push the story?? Why isnt this on the news?

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that lady's story was so retarded. especially when she said one of the guys was standing 300 feet away, which is an entire football field

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>pol was actually right

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Kek, stupid faggot is going down, no pun intended

surely the news everything he said was a jewish nigger lie will get the same media circulation that his racist anti-white man lies got

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There will be tiny parts of the media that dogwhistle him being black, but his jewishness made him do this.

>be a half nigger half jew
>try to scheme to undermine whitey as your Jew blood compels you
>fail at it in the most absurd and public fashion possible because you're still a nigger

Legitimately have been laughing about this so hard I have tears in my eyes. This timeline is ridiculous, lads.

Jow Forums is always right new friend.

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You've encapsulated this story very well.

And made my coffee taste wonderful.

How can I thank you?

Encourage Israelis to get blacked.


And the lib socialist tards just memory holed the whole story.

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Nothing will happen to him.

Niggers aren't good at math. She could have easily went with 1000ft and stood by her claim with conviction.

>always right


We must have Justice for Jussie.
Systemic Institutional racism and gentrified appropriation privilege caused this.

Mfw that fag is too Jew to nig and too nig to Jew.

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what's the story?


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Without fail.

This one wasn't even difficult. I mean, in what world would 2 white guys be walking around Chicago in the middle of the night in freezing cold temperatures? There's easier ways to kill yourself.


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Welp, Jow Forums, say goodbye, because this is the last time you will ever see this story in the news. They’re gonna memory-hole this shit harder than the magabomber. Unless Chicago PD decides to prosecute, in which case the media will start in about how the cops are wayciss

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I'm legit surprised the police have such a hard on for proving this faggot is liar. This is so against the status quo of cops just letting the narrative play out because the fallout of prosecuting false crimes wouldn't look good on the police.

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>niggerfaggotjew claims he was attacked by MAGA-hat wearing racists
>in Chicago
>at 2am
>in sub-zero temps
>reports to police like an hour later
>claims he was on phone at time of attack but won't turn phone over to police
>police subpena data from provider
>likely accomplices took a fucking lyft to and from the scene of the "attack"
>they get arrested at airport this week
You are here. Should get interesting. Oh and he's also friends with Kamala Harris, who just happened to sponsor "anti-lynching" bill and tweeted something about a modern-day lynching right after niggerfaggotjew went public with story. Doubt she'll get connected to this unless he was dumb enough to talk to her about it on the phone.

Mark Dice will bring it up.

> Peace of shit liberals can't live with each other.
> Have to blame their violence on their political opposition because they're the end.

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Fuck, forgot to mention the MAGA guys just happened to have rope on them and tied a noose around his neck, which he wore around town until the police showed up. Hence, the "modern-day lynching" comment by Kamala Harris.

Well I might poor bleach on a guy and wrap and rope around his neck if he fingered me at 2am in -10 degree F.

>TMZ: Police are questioning an actor who has appeared on Empire, a second man who was traveling with that man, and @JussieSmollett today. TMZ says "rideshare and/or taxi records" were used to ID suspect. We'll now share this unconfirmed tip, which we received over a week ago:

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wow I can't wait for the mainstream medias to talk about how so many of the "maga attacks" are faked by niggers for attention or diversion.

Oh no no no!

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Jesus Christ, niggers are fucking retarded.


Whoever wrote this episode should be fired.

what's that emoticon supposed to mean here? the guy crossing his arms in front of his face?

Jiggers are the worst

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>white house was the kingdom of wakanda
I think he means prison.

Football fields are actually 100 yards but who's counting.

Jussie becomes target of the investigation. Bonus: Windsor knot, like you tie a neck tie.

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He's freed of his chains

>can't wait for never
no one can

I'm no expert in american measurements, but isn't 100 yards about 300 feet?

>that lady's story was so retarded. especially when she said one of the guys was standing 300 feet away, which is an entire football field
>300 feet away

but you didn't get digits so your post is retarded and gay

>both men are of Nigerian descent

Windsor Knot? So it's a Hobo tie, rather than a noose then.

Why are you even on this board?

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You know, I probably would have difficulty tieing a windsor knot if the tie/rope isn't around my own neck.
Probably didn't know how to make a noose.

Wakanda forever

Why tie a knot thats purpose is to be loosened

jesus how did it take so long for someone to ask this question

Every goddamn burger post, I ravel at the level of your education.
Especially considering most of you have our genes, what the fuck are they putting in your water supply? Jesus Christ...

Lets see here....

Indeed Finnbro

Damn everyone took this bait

It must be hard being a doubly oppressed gay black guy, but to be a gay black guy with room temperature IQ...wew.

The fuck kind of name is Jussie?

Hilarious if this turns out to be true.

Toothpaste you have to understand, in a country of 300+ million, there’s plenty of idiots running around. And they’re often the loudest.

He will probably check into some sort of rehab, quietly get dropped from the show, no lessons will be learned, we will be reminded that how he described it could really happen in America today, even if it didn't this time.

Looks like they took Stamps. Last item. Didn't he claim some sort of hate mail threats? Bet that's more charges.

A unique black name that makes him stand out like De'LeSeandre

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i was going to plant this bait but decided it would be too insultingly stupid. Jow Forums is not always the smarterest

JoJo and Jussie? Were both his parents Downies? Or Just one?

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when you factor in tampering with evidence charges i can't stop laughing

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>. Didn't he claim some sort of hate mail threats? Bet that's more charges.

Yes, this.

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yea and earlier last week, they found out the letter was mailed from a soutwest suburb of chicago. im guessing the stamps match.

And he was stupid enough to mail it so its federal charges.

It's like a conspiracy theory executed by the Wet Bandits. It's a slapstick comedy of errors.

Fuck, this is too good to be true. Particularity in light of the bullshit interview he gave gma yesterday. You think that cancer ridden nigger Robin Roberts will have him back to "explain" himself?

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Maybe faggots are real, only a woman would dream something up like this

inb4 he is still praised by the liberal media for starting a conversation about racism


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it's ogre

And down the media memory hole it goes.

We the jew now

I'm honestly surprised. I figured that this would turn out to be El Chibo 2.

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maybe the state of emergency is a false flag to distract us from the state of the Juicy Smallshit
He needs hanging.


Would the gay black Jew be so bold as pull this kind of stunt?

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are you stupid?

Are you?

Think it was a joke. Nigeria isn't known for it's White people.

If you believed his bullshit story for a second you need to neck yourself.

How can it be a joke if that is known?

man the whole us is being replaced and enslaved and you're all here gossiping about a faggot attention whore making 90 thread about it like it as any significance in your life
how low the great have fallen

Wonder how long until this tweet gets taken down...

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If this is true then Jow Forums actually called it

you gotta gogole up the tv interviews he's been doing
he Acts so hard and so poorly for a professional actor

archive everything

kid was trying to pull a dirty under-handed political trick - using the media to prop up his lies. but he's retarded. he's an underling of this guy's political machine - making a play for a bigger roll in the organization as it goes national during the primaries. putting some dick to it yo

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it certainly turned into a modern day lynching
