Is there even the slightest chance a promiscuous female might go back to being a normal human?

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I don't understand?

I have to make a hard life decision.


Next question

I wouldn't risk getting with one but a lot of men are pathetic or deluded enough to. A lot of women can make all the wrong decisions and still have things work out for them.

No it is over.

>a lot of men are pathetic or deluded enough to
I'm not the one. However, my mom calls me every week and crying how she wants a grandchild.

What do you mean by promiscuous? That she once held hands with a guy in kindergarten?

A girl with a "rich" past since her high school / college years.

So a girl who had a bf who was not you? Yep, incel mentality.

Stay away, you can do better.
That's not what he said at all. You're not even trying to make legitimate points.

>a bf
it's more like a college sports team.

not what he said, whomst damaged you?


You can’t wave a magic wand and lower a woman’s testosterone levels

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that's the most dishonest post I've seen tonight, and I just came over from Jow Forums

Yeah, there’s a chance; but it’s going to be at her complete discretion. Nothing short of violent threats will change her ways. Take her on her word until she gives you reason to doubt it.

That response basically sums up r/IncelTears

>Take her on her word until she gives you reason to doubt it.
It doesn't seem to be a rational thing. I've known her since she was 16 or 17. Even then, she had a bad reputation...
Next time I should tell my mom that her fem.friend's daughter isn't good even for dates.

these types of girls are always trouble. go for after her for a quick fuck but do NOT commit, they are awful disgusting people.
fuck off, retard.

Especially if she started young, and it depends on your view of what promiscous means

No. Once a slut, forever a slut

First, a female can never be a 'normal human'.
Second, even the 'non-promiscuous' girls are fucking around just the same, they're just much better at hiding and lying.
Think about it, what are roasties good at? Social games, lying and deceiving.
So, a roastie that's not good enough at social games, lying, deceiving, in order to hide her true nature of a whore, what does that say about her?

>Everything is always about sex
What are you? An alley cat?

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So triggered

Maybe, but the guy who ends up marrying her will never get the same kind of sex she used to give to the hot guy and the club when she was 20 y/o.

We all know the meme. The typical party girl who casually sleeps around during her prime sexual years. Once she starts to approach the wall she settles down for some dependable, less attractive guy who is happy he is finally getting some after years of inceldom. Problem is, he is getting the leftover. She used to give hot monkey sex to attractive players in college, now she gives out pity fucks to this beta guy in exchange for his money and security.

Tl;dr: don't get into a LTR with a woman who used to sleep around with hot guys, ESPECIALLY if you weren't that hot guy who got tons of pussy in college. She doesn't want you, she is just using you and giving you pity sex in return.

All you incels are just putting virginity and innocence on a pedestal, because if you can make yourselves truly believe sex is special, it makes you less worthless for never having had any.

If sex is commonplace, you're all the more weird for still being virgins, and you can't handle that.

>a normal human
If your implication is that a "normal human" isn't promiscuous, you're kinda fucking silly.
In America especially. I dig into an older woman's past after I hear her bitching about young sluts and "Holy shit, I didn't even know you could legally OWN that much cock mileage, ma'am." My mother's kill count by the time she closed up shop was in the 60's.

But yeah, anyone can find love. Just takes a heart that's full enough to give.

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what if i just find being intimate with a lot of people unattractive and a sign of bad character?

>If sex is commonplace, you're all the more weird for still being virgins, and you can't handle that.
I can handle that. I'm fine with being weird, especially when I live in a world where women rip babies out of their cunts and insist they're just having a blast with the way things are.

You know that a pervasive lack of a virtue doesn't diminish the value of said virtue, right? I look at a fat girl in a room full of sluts the same way I look at a skinny girl in a room full of chunky dunks....Except I'm a little more willing to overlook the slut thing, as long as she's clean.

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For people supposedly comfortable with your "virtur" you sure spend a lot of time screeching about how people without it are shit
>inb4 incels aren't all one person

>She used to give hot monkey sex to attractive players in college, now she gives out pity fucks to this beta guy in exchange for his money and security.
I've found this to be a misnomer
Loose women are the most likely to be dead fish in bed before and after hitting the wall.

at a virgin girl in a room full of sluts*
I swear, the way my brain fucking works. This is why I'm stuck with you people.

>sign of bad character
There you guys go again, putting sex on a pedestal. It's just sex, get over it, you'll be happier for it.

Yes it's possible. I used to be years ago but not any more. My views changed on sex and honestly, I grew up. Worked on my daddy issues. My body count, I would say is more than the virgin Mary but less than Madonna. Now I won't have sex unless in a loving committed relationship. It's been nine months since I've had sex and I'm not looking to change that overnight.

I'm crushing on a girl without that virtue right now. She's great.
That doesn't mean I think her way of going about things is particularly happy or healthy for her. I just know why she does it, and I kinda want to help her, because it's a story that played out like three fucking times in my family.
Hint: It ends fucking miserably.
I imagine I'd be pretty fucking happy if I just collected my tism bucks and sat up here masturbating all day.
That's not relevant though. You're telling me to divorce two concepts, romantic love and sex, that are wed to one another and devalue both in the process. I'm not interested.

no you can't turn a hoe in to a housewife.

tell her if she want to pay child support then.

it only takes one boyfriend to turn her in to damage goods

>divorce two concepts, romantic love and sex, that are wed to one another and devalue both in the process.
I agree with this, but this only makes sense in the context of this discussion if you think you can't fall in love with more than x people.

Where x is obviously dependent on the definition of promiscuity...

post pix of your mum, both young and now

you sound like the delusional born again virgin girls.

I didn't say it was impossible to divorce them. I said I'm not doing it.
You shifted the conversation towards what I'm putting on a pedestal. Sex is special to me.

She's 65. She'd look awful even without the miles and miles of dingus she rode over.

>less than Madonna

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Oh god no! I wouldn't go back to virginity if you paid me!

I've only been with one person for the last six years and have been without sex for nine months. Don't think that fits the definition of slut? But I'm also not offended by that term.

Who cares if a female sleeps around? Guys do it. No difference in my opinion. Both are sorry people who have deep issues that just manifest in trying to replicate intimacy with another but unsuccessfully because it's a quick pattern and high turn over rate.

Holy shit that's insane. Are you from the middle East or what?
Basically you can only be with a virgin?
Good luck dude. Lol

Yes but highly unlikely

Ironically people who hold your mindset are damaged goods themselves. Why do you deserve any "better?"

People don't change.
Can't unwhore a whore.

you are not a woman. you can not say what effect being pump and dumped has on her mindset/personality. women are more sensitive than men are

Whoa slow down. You're not a woman, how can you claim to know any of that is true? A few anecdotes doesn't count either.

How about you answer my question sweety? What makes you think you deserve "better?"

That pic is pure comedy gold and redpilled. Had a honest kek.

Not that guy, but why is it so bad to want a partner who's had similar life experiences to you? I understand that some guys have a cuckolding fetish and may be into sluts, but that doesn't mean all guys should settle for one if they're virgins.

Of course. But as a rule of thumb, once a slut, always a slut. And sluts aren’t marriage material. Never forget that.

You're on Jow Forums acting high and mighty about things most people don't get hung up on about. There's nothing wrong with liking what you like, but none of you deserve anything. You get what you go after. You guys bask in your own virtue signalling with each other and reeee over not getting what you want but what do you have to offer anyone? Sitting around and bitching in your self inflicted chasity isn't attractive to most people.

Just pissing and moaning, pissing and moaning "waaaaah this how things should be waaaaah." You're practically women at this point.

Im not the guy you were talking to, but do I really need to provide evidence for saying women are more emotionally sensitive than men? Really dude? Unless she grew up with 5 brothers in a very masculine environment, is a butch lesbian etc shes more sensitive and a Chad that tricks her into a relationship, takes her virginity, and then promptly dumps her ass has a significant effect on her mentality and you are a fool to say otherwise

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Did you reply to the wrong post?

You're on Jow Forums where grown ass men fantasize about imaginary relationships with women they are too scared to talk to and eventually develop a hatred for aka mental illness. Go look at Jow Forums threads about this kind of stuff. Humans are emotional creatures in general. Yea often men and women show it in different ways but as much as you like to beat your chest and dick over it we all irrespective of gender have the same emotions. You have a distaste for people engaging in behaviors that have no effect on you personally, aren't illegal, and are a part of human nature, and you let it live in your brain rent free for no good reason. You're the source of your own suffering.


People who say "people can't change. They never change" are only projecting. They themselves have never changed nor ever will.

The rest of us - higher evolved individuals who have changed, know it's possible.

That being said, yes, unless you are ok with slut behavior,don't marry them if they are actively in this behavior.

Now, if they share that this was behavior from the past and all else in the relationship is good, and you can trust them, why not marry them?

No clue what you're talking about or how it refutes my point that sex is more damaging to women than it is to men. A single man can impregnate dozens, if not hundreds of women. A single woman can only get pregnany a few times in her life. Thus by nature the act of sex has an enormous effect on a womens pysche whereas men are adapted to simply bang and move on

Stop holding human nature up as a good thing. It is a detriment 95% of the time.

You're assuming sex is always damaging for whatever reason.
Women don't always get pregnant from sex and often choose not to by using contraceptives.

You're taking your preconceived notions and biases and bending your "truth" around it. You don't have any points.

I never said that. I implied that lots of people have a healthy attitude regarding sex and as long as it's safe and consensual the "dangers" you guys are speaking of are overblown. Like all things in life though it's not applicable to everyone. Some people get hung up on casual sex so they should avoid it. What they shouldn't do is act holier than thou and be a cunt about it and try to fit everyone into there mold of how all humans behave.

If you guys want to police peoples thoughts and actions either run for government or go to church otherwise fuck off and quit whining.

>you should probably not get so many wieners caught in your yuuuuuuuge vagina
>so you're saying I'm WORTHLESS!?!?! HUH?!

Damaged chicks are so cute when they're not busy sucking gratuitous amounts of sausage.

Slight chance yeah, but there's a slight chance every day you'll wake up and just deadass die

I think counting on either of those chances will disappoint you

Who are you quoting?

Depends on the context, OP. Both men and women have a ton of sex in their 20's and early 30's. That's completely normal. Some have a small amount of partners and others a larger amount of partners due to contextual, individualized situations involving their temperament and environment.

I've met both men and women who sleep around and do not. All of us have or will at some point. The thing you need to focus on is whether or not she was in a committed relationship while she slept around a lot. There is nothing wrong with sleeping around when you're single. Living life, etc. However, if she was in a relationship and cheated on her partner that would be a clear red flag.

So my advice is to decide if the context of when and why she slept around is a big enough deterrent to make you find a new partner.

IMO: Who cares if she slept around a lot if at the time she was single or not in a serious relationship?

>IMO: Who cares if she slept around a lot if at the time she was single or not in a serious relationship?
People who don't want to make a whore a housewife.

If the genders were flipped should women who feel that way not marry a guy who has slept around a bunch?

That makes my life easier so yes they should.

I hold men and women to the same standard.

I can think of two reasons, all of which have to do with the female themselves and not you:

A. Maybe they aren’t willing to live a structured life for the sake of their partner but *are* willing to live one for the sake of their kid.

B. Maybe they were promiscuous because they had some kind of mental issue or behavioral issue which becomes resolved.

Also, all Elliot Rogers style people should an hero before they hurt anyone.

I'm sure they will all take your advice now and not do the complete opposite of it.

I think we have less Elliot Roger types than people say we do. Not wanting your partner to have had sex with a lot of guys doesn't make you Elliot Roger.

If a woman gets pumped full of semen and then she falls in love with the dude and he leaves, how is this not going to be damaging in some way shape or form? There is literally nothing positive the girl would gain from this. she would have been better off not having sex

If a man gets his dick wet and then he falls in love with the girl and she leaves, how is this not going to be damaging in some way shape or form? There is literally nothing positive the guy would gain from this. He would have been better off not having sex...

That's part of the human experience user. People love and they get hurt. What is your plan? To lock everyone's junk up and hold the key until they can meet your arbitrary definition of when someone is ready to have sex? What are you some kind of puritanical fascist? Stay out of consenting adults bedroom affairs you freak.