I am over 30 and still a virgin

Caucasian straight male, have an office job. Zero friends. Not mentally ill. Not fat. Not religious at all. I live in Europe.
Help me Jow Forums

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Go to a prostitute.

Get a hobby, Get good at it. Get confident. Get into social situations. Get laid.

What spells can you cast?

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What if I get AIDS?

>Not fat. Not religious at all
lmaooo not religious this supposed to be a positive trait stupid fucking mediocre weenie of course you live in europe you're the archetypal european male you're a fucking loser bro no two ways about it, just stop being a loser

A feminine friendly hobby? Such as?

Very enlightening, thank you.


surprise sex? that's a great game

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Legal prostitutes are checked regularly and always use condoms.

I don't think it's possible anymore.
Virgins past 25 emit an aura that women sense, and stay away from them.

Seeing as there is a not-insignificant amount of men and women who lose their virginity after 25, it's safe to say you are wrong.

This literally couldn't be further from the truth, I have friends in their mid to late 20's that seem normie as fuck to everyone and they are still virgins.

If you see the absurdity of life for what it is, you will lose all interest in pursuing it beyond your baser animal instincts. Accept this, and realize that playing the game of life will in fact make the fulfillment of those baser instincts more pleasurable. If you have no choice than live, since you are hard wired to survive, the sane and enlightened thing to do is to live to the fullest, pursue pleasure for its own sake, because nothing else matters, nothing else is real.

have you ever asked a girl out who is in your league?

Go to a legal prostitute and get over this virginity mind wall you built up.

My bet is that within a month of seeing the prostitute, you'll end up with a girlfriend. Your more relaxed and confident manner will make you more attractive to girls.

He will need to see her or other prostitutes more than once before that. I say about 5-10 times.

Or he'll shoot himself out of the immense shame.
Prostitution. Is not. A solution. Real validation is.

You incels are not welcome on this site. Get out.

>immense shame.
One of the things I like best about strippers and prostitutes is the honesty.
They are acting like they like me because I'm paying them. I'm paying them to see them naked or have sex.
It actually cuts through much of the male/female BS because neither side is acting like it's all about "love".

Just treat them like real people and most of them will treat you like a real person also.
I think there is far less shame seeing a legal prostitute than there is cheating on a spouse.

Yeah, in the same way a blown headgasket is less fucked than a thrown rod.

Exactly, a top end rebuild is way easier than rebuilding the whole fucking engine.

Here's the problem with that.
You can buy a car that's totally fucked. Been through eight owners. Wont start. Every fluid is leaking. Sits lopsided. If you put the time and money into it, and do everything correctly, that car will be with you for years to come. Every time.
Women however have something called "free will." They're not machines. Throwing money, parts and effort at them wont fix their problems and wont make them love you if they dont want it. You cannot get a hold of a "fixer-upper" and realistically expect your efforts to pan out. And even if they do, shes been through a thousand guys. Probably screwed up things with much better men more times than minutes shes spent with you. Even if you do somehow bring her life around, shes got no obligation to you. Nothing. She can walk right out that door, cheat, lie, or just leave without a word. Or maybe she just straight up finds someone better than you and ends things "properly" leaving you without anything or anyone to be frustrated at but yourself.
In my experience, if you can't guarantee it, it won't happen. That's why women, especially those who have been around the block a few too many times, are hell to deal with. There are no guarantees. You can't work to ensure -anything-, no matter what it is. So, inevitably, everything outside of your direct control begins unravelling at the seams, or just collapses to dust before you.
This is why it's so hard to deal with people who might have 'too much' experience. Why they're so hard to love.

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>You incels are not welcome on this site. Get out.
Is now an incel thing to be against prostitution in favor of actual intimacy?

What the actual fuck?

>Zero friends
>Not mentally ill.

Buy a fleshlight, don't know if it work at age 30, but it does give you some better vibes with women (sounds mysterious, but it srsly helps)

Unironically get a prostitute. A higher class escort if you can afford it, they're nice and don't feel like you're paying for sex. It's like having a girlfriend for a night.
wear a fucking condom.
Also join social groups. Go to meetup.com or something, not just for girls but for friends. You need a friend mate.