
My school is cucked

My school is organizing a genderneutral friday, where they want people to wear purple shirts to support genderneutrality. They will hand out pinkcookies and the toilets are becoming genderneutral for a day. How do I stop my school from being full of cucks?

Attached: Purple-shirt-back.jpg (1000x1000, 40K)

Turn the girls bathroom as gross as the boys bathroom usually is.

Thought about buying this shirt but in purple.

Attached: ThereAreOnlyTwoGenders-NavyBlueShirt_1024x.png (936x936, 749K)

What sort of school is this? Where?

Beat every woman you see in the guys restroom to a pulp. Or just leave (((school))) and become a NEET

99% chance boys continue to use their own bathrooms out of fear, a few cocky chicks will use the men's bathrooms to make a point, but probably be freaking out internally because she just saw a bunch of dicks at the urinal.

College in the Netherlands.

Is this actually sponsored by your college or just a lgbt organization making noise? Either way just don't wear purple and hope that few people will.

>How do I stop my school from being full of cucks?
That's impossible. Our generation is fucked. The only good thing is that liberals have much lower chances of reproducing, given that some of them sterilize themselves and other let their wives get impregnated by Tyrone, which means that in about 1-2 generations these people will be wiped out.

Its actually supported by my school, they put it up on the schoolnews page.

Then wear whatever is the opposite of purple.

Take a big fat smelly dump in the girls toilet.

This is the only true answer.

This. Fuck up the girls bathroom like delinquent high school boys in the US fuck up their own bathrooms. Swing on the stall doors till they break, punch holes in the wall if they're drywall, shit on the toilet seat instead of the toilet, rip the paper towel dispensers off the wall and throw them in the trash can, tip the trash can over. Make sure to wear a purple shirt.
They'll never have one of these again.

>Shit on the toilet seat.
Thanks for your valuable contribution rajeet

It might have been disgusting, but because of stuff like that we never had to worry about "gender neutral" bathroom days. We also kicked the knobs off the sinks lol.


You guys get one precious day to enjoy the clean air of the womens' bathroom and you want to squander it like this?

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.png (526x295, 248K)

>the toilets are becoming genderneutral for a day

draw. dicks. everywhere.

Someone has obviously never worked as a cleaner and experienced the difference between men's and women's toilets.

Hint: women's are FAR worse.

Yes, the school has decided to Cry "gender neutral" and let shit the dogs of war.

Do it.

I recommend pissing all over the place as you would probably do in the men's room

Womens bathrooms are awful. Do you enjoy walls that have been smeared with shit?

Women bleed yeasty discharge out of their pussies and throw their disgusting sludge covered slimy tampons into the trash.

Tell them pink was originally a color for boys because these arbitrary items and colors are assigned to gendera due to society and not science.

I've got 3 boys who love pink.
Nobody told them to because nobody told them that colors need to be gender segregated. So their point about making a color genderless is hypocritical.

Your school is cucked but your generation may not be. Apparently gen z is taking a more conservative turn than previous generations, so maybe that means an end to all of this gender neutral bullshit. Maybe.

And I meant three kids I tutor not my own. We color a lot and they just like the pink. The girls like yellow. Should we change the baby colors now? No. Because it's stupid.

That's a meme. Gen Z whites, sure about half give or take. Gen Z nogs, nope. Same as it ever was.

It depends in my experience. The black people I talk to are still super liberal, the Mexicans I’ve met on the other hand, surprisingly, are ehhhhh. They’ve surprised me. If they weren’t influenced by tv telling them “IMMIGRATION REFORM RACIST” then they’d be pretty damn conservative. The Asians depend too, but I haven’t met a ton.

US centric of course but relevant

Attached: 1502081079291.jpg (1042x665, 95K)

>Hispanic Heritage Foundation
Can I trust this source?

>86% white boys voting Trump
Complete and total bullshit.

How? People tend to vote for whoever acts in their interest.

Their views aren't important, a black/spic man could hold the same opinions as Ronald Reagan, he's still satistically more likely to vote Democuck. If Recucklicans want votes they need to start playing the identity politics game because its here to stay; pander to whites who make up the VAST majority of their voting bloc and stop saying "WE LOVE NIGGERS," niggers don't love Republicucks.

>the toilets are becoming genderneutral for a day
rape someone to prove that it's not a good idea

>white girls

Think about it for one fucking second. The largest demographic group being 86% for someone that the country was less than 50% for. These results are completely made up bullshit. There simply cannot be such a huge polarization as this graph implies.

>toiles are becoming gender neutral for a day

You don’t have to do anything, there is an astronomical chance this will explode in their faces

I'm wearing a purple shirt just like that one. It's not so bad OP.

Schools here in the Netherlands do the same it's called "paarse vrijdag" it's basically for the gays etc. It's not that bad to be honest most of the kids don't care anyways and go on with their day. Or they just laugh at it and make homophobic jokes. Maybe it's going to be the same at your school don't worry too much about it.