Are relationships after the age of 25 not worth it? Do you get only the leftovers from that age?

Are relationships after the age of 25 not worth it? Do you get only the leftovers from that age?

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>Are relationships after the age of 25 not worth it?
They can be.
>Do you get only the leftovers from that age?

No, that's why after 25 nobody gets into relationships. Oh wait...

What if they just didn't want to settle at

On the contrary, relationships past 25 are when they actually become rewarding because a lot of people have grown up, matured, and are in the process of securing long-term stability in their lives.

Why would you want a relationship anyway?
Why would you want some roastie wasting your money and using you while she fucks Chad behind your back?

He's talking about girls past 25, Chad is tired of them by that point.

You could do what I did and pick up a fresh one.
>be 29
>gf is 20
It's pretty good pussy.

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Then obviously not, used up skanks should be left alone to get a cat or some shit.
How is that even a question?

If they end up with you hen you are the leftover broken person with no experience and huge hangups.

Basically, if you didn't experience relationships in your late teens and early twenties, don't even bother, you're too immature to make it work.

You boys are so stupid

single girls over 25 are being very careful with whom they marry
single boys over 25 are the rejects and pathetic

Where did all these idiot incels come from?

We've mostly been here for a long time.
Back then the wording was foreveralone, but then reddit happened and that word kinda died, so we were back to calling each other virgins and hikkis and whatnot.
Incel as a buzzword for all lonely males didn't become a thing untill a year ago.

No, your kind has been few on Jow Forums just for some reason you're leaking more from Jow Forums.

Jow Forums hasn't always been normie central.
This board used to be called s/adv/irgins.
It was basically what you now call incel crap, with occasional relationshit threads that got kicked out of /b/ and some pretty good irl trolling stories.
I wonder if there's anyone left here anymore who knows what pic related is from.

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I’m in my mid 30s with an 18 year old gf. Of course she slept with half her state before we met. We’re both fucked up so it works.

>she slept with half her state before we met
and soon to be working on the other half

where tho

What if your 25, have never had a gf or don't know any girl besides your sister, what are the chances youll end up alone?

You're probably already a lost cause but what the hell, I'll try. Please do not fall for the Jow Forums mentality. You can find love at any age. The persons past does not matter as long as they truly love YOU and you truly love them. I know it sounds cheesy but love can overcome anything. Seriously. Never give up hope user, but don't chase it either. Your time will come and when that day comes, I'll cry in happiness for you user.

Ok that last part spiraled out a bit but the rest is true.

After my divorce I was 37 and met a great 27 yo woman. I had more sex in a month than the last 5 years of my marriage. Plus she made me food, snuggled at night, and was really fun to hang out with.
We've been married 10 years now.

My first wife would get all pissy if I commented on her looks. Hurrrr patriarchy woman power type shit.
New young (for me) hot wife runs around the house in tank top and shorts or yoga pants. Gets concerned if I don't slap her ass on a regular basis.
For me, the later in life relationships have been way better. Less "I'm trying to find me" bullshit the young girls have.

Yeah, they're totally worth it. That said, that all depends on if you're actually worth relationship levels of effort.

That sounds really boring actually. Like showing up to work. I want to actually feel something.

>boring actually.
Different user here
I think Comfy is a better description than boring. I may not have the excitement of the unknown, but I do have the excitement of being with somebody that knows exactly what I want. She'll flirt and toy with me all evening and I'm very, very excited by the time the kids are asleep and we go to bed.

I personally only go for hookups anymore. My last relationship taught me that they're not worth it, they're full of suffering, and they devolve into drudgery at best or suffering in silence at worst.

t. 30 year-old boomer

Is the passion still there? Do you still actually feel anything strong? Does she? I'm scared that I'll never actually get to experience those emotional heights in a 25+ relationship. All the milestones are already long gone.

What kind of pet will you get?

more like doomer
i'm in a committed relationship and we're both over 25. we have sex on the regular and have an emotional and mental connection. granted, we started dating when we were in our young twenties.

Mostly agreed here.

But I think if you're with your "life partner" before 25, you're in for a rude awakening when you grow as people and end up divorced by 35.

I'm 32 and I can't think of one person I grew up with that got married before 25 that isn't either divorced or keeping it together for the kids/because it's too much work to divorce and they've gotten too fat and boring to attract anyone new.

uh tips on how to not go through a divorce?

Maybe if you still think or act like a child. There's nothing more satisfying than working your steady job and sharing your life with someone else indefinitely. I'm sorry if you really can't enjoy the simple pleasures in life. I'd trade in a thousand thots and crazy sex for the security and comfort of knowing that I wake up to my girl every morning and get to hear her sigh in contentment when I pull her in close for a sleepy kiss. Nothing's fucking better than that feeling.

Pretty high
But luck is not impossible tho

>Do you still actually feel anything strong?
Yes but it's different.
Instead of "I'm trying out a new food, I wonder if I'll like it?"
It's "Hot Damn, I'm going to have my favorite food tonight"

Admittedly my wife is not the best woman I've ever had in all things. I had an old girlfriend that gave better BJ than my wife does. But overall, I am happier with my wife in bed than with any other woman. This has always been true, but in addition, my wife has had many years to learn exactly what I like and I have had many years to learn exactly what she likes. Both of us are very motivated to please the other person so it really works.

Remember, you can get girls as young as 18

The beauty of being a dude

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When I was 25 I got a 26 year old virgin mommy Gf that's really nice and busty we have been together for 2 years and still going


No I dated a virgin when I was 26. It's possible.

The good thing about men is that they age so, so much better than women. You can keep dating down in age eons longer than women as long as you take care of yourself and are sufficiently charming.

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