DGSE Agent ask me anything

Greetings, Jow Forums.
I am a DGSE agent, french secret service
I come every saturday shutdown the website and have been spying on your site for 4 months now.
Ask me anything.

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what the fuck is the DGSE and why should anyone care.

Hey guys, can you give me a strategic overview of France's activities in Mali? Also, what do you think of Macron?

why u gay

Why are is France weak?
Who will take your nukes once you go full Africa?
Why do you keep the French poor?
Can you win just one war without US help?
You do realize Macron is kinky....
Why are you incompetent lots of terrorist attaks in your country

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4 months? the NSA have been here since 2003, LMAO.
why do you allow false flags like bataclan and truck of peace despite the power to legally hack?

No one, anywhere, has ever been scared of a Frenchman...except Napoleon and General Lafayette. They are both long-gone and we even wrote General Lafayette out of our history books because the rest of you are such incredible faggots.

We cannot do anything it is not our sector.
Good «digits» sir

Burger education, it says in thr Logo. It's the French CIA basically.

Your army lost all of their recent wars. You dare call us homosexuals but your country was built by terrorists for terrorists. You are scum dirt

don't get so worked up again, Louis.

Do not worry about immigration as we have a plan for that in the future.
Do not think the yellow vests are a «revolutionary movement»
That is all i can say.

How scared is Macron?

So, I'll go along with that LARP. What do you have to tell us ?

It is war against terrorism that we are doing there. We protect civilians and recruit foreign assets there as well. Diamond mining is also what we are doing there.
This may not be legal, but who give a care! France is the strongest army of Europe.

soldier here, i have been proposed to join the cpis/Service action, do you know anything about them ? are they well paid ? or will i just be a poorfag with the only reward of being in the secret services

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I expect a lot, because it recently came out that France censors more Facebook content than all the other countries in the world combined. They also have now the strictest 'hate speech' laws in the Western World.

Come back tomorrow after work and tell us everything you can find on Jeane Souetre aka Michel Mertz aka Michel Roux.


Am I phone posting or PC posting? Use your magic spy powers to prove yourself.

"We always have we are and I hope that we always shall be detested in France."

This subject is really heavy.
We are almost overpopulated so we chose to do something.
All i can say really.

You answered him after 32 minutes, that's some work ethic right there.

>have been spying on your site for 4 months now
Lurk moar before posting ! Fucking newfag !

It is quite rare to choose someone for the CPIS in the Army as we/they mainly choose students in universities for it.
It is a honor for you.

Why the fuck are joos gangstalking me, LARPer?

I was smoking my cigarette.
Sorry forgot i had PC on for a moment.

Portuguese people.

What's Macron's cock taste like?

You don't know about french military...

Haha. I cannot tell you that because i have no means to know it.
We target the website, not user.

Ask Theresa

Who do you think taught Augusto how to pilot an helicopter...

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Also, I'm Emmanuel Macron, ask me anything.

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C’est des gros abrutis, surtout l’allemand là.
Il y croit vraiment c’est fou.


>Do not think the yellow vests are a «revolutionary movement»
answer me this then you glowing fuckface
is it yet another Color Revolution?

Why dont you guys stand up for Europe and save Western Civilization? You are muppets for Rothschild bankers. You are complicit in the genocide of our race.

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Far from that

Shoot the king not the messenger.

How many African-Frenchman does Macron fuck a week, on average?

>Shoot the king not the messenger.
what about his bodyguards and these who keep him in power? are they legit targets?

Like you and me.
Working for higher ups.

Are traps gay?


>Like you and me.
>Working for higher ups.
but i took the businessman-pill

you work for the enemy

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are ayy lmaos real?
is Macron one of them?


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This is Nicolas Sarkozy, previously president of France. Ask me anything.

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what the fuck am I supposed to infer from "Taxes"
don't be a retard q-user teir larper

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I think he’s trying to say you serve the state by paying taxes.

So, How does all the shit on Europe is going to end ?
Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Britania, Austria etc....
Are they all going to fall or do you have some kind of big fucking plan to restore order and prosperity in Europe ?

because that's totally the same as being a CIA level agent who subverts their nation

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Oh putain, j'avais pas vu...

When will the EU fall apart and what wars are anticipated as a result.

I agree with you, order followers are more responsible than anyone else for the breakdown of our civilization.

If youre real show up here and gimme a job. No shooting training necessary