House Dems introduce high cap mag ban

House Dems introduce high cap mag ban

I've heard a lot of pro-gunners say that Nikolas Cruz used 10 round magazines in the parkland shooting as a counter point to the stupid democrat mags cap bans, Yet I've haven seen any photos of the gun he used with 10 round mags, and considering that the M&P 15 that he used in the shooting comes in the box with a 30 round magpul magazine, as well as the fact that if you live in a free state like Florida 10 round AR mags are kinda of hard to come by it doesn't really make since to me, does anyone have proofs of this, if they did it would be a great point, I just kinda of doubt it.

Attached: highcap mag ban cnn.png (880x760, 653K)

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Good luck faggots.

So, are they going to go door to door and confiscate them?
I'm sure the local police will love being given that assignment.

And it will fucking die

Traitors getting away with treason every day. Thanks for nothing Trump.

Trump really sucks on guns, He doesn't give a shit about guns and thinks the NRA is awesome and not run by a bunch of FUDD's

i swear this shit is sponsored by $$$MAGPUL USA$$$


Attached: goes in the field.jpg (400x600, 56K)

And it gets vetoed. Maybe some day, but not anytime soon

I guess if you feel like youre man enough to come take them then go ahead