Why are whites in America against immigration

When they are all immigrants themselves.

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because they are hypocritical assholes

White people migrated there right after the ice age
Then they turned into the redskins. It's our rightful clay.

>Immigrate to a new country and build it up yourself,
>Immigrate to a already sucessfull country and barley contribute to it.

Times have changed, people used to immigrate for a fresh start in their life and take a gamble to sail across the continent to the new and rumored country, now people just want to go to already sucessfull countries bc theydont want to build something for themself.

>white immigrants
>black/brown trash
no one wants the 3rd world to ship us their dregs, is Israel taking in 3rd world garbage, OP?

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fuck off beaner

I’ve never killed anyone with an E-tool. You like like a good place to start.

There is a difference between conquest and migration you know. It is not like Indians assessed the immigration application of people on the Mayflower and gave them the right to stay or anything. We came, we saw, we conquered. Veni, vidi, vici.

There's a difference between conquerors and immigrants, my subhuman and illiterate friend. Immigrants are basically beggars.

>what is LEGAL vs ILLEGAL immigration

Most immigrated to america well after it was established.

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This... so much this. Add to that, their notions of white supremacy

Society fell apart. The word you are looking for is pioneers. The word you are using largely describes people who have no sense of self reliance or community. They want free shit and they want it now.

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What do you mean new country? people already lived there. Step out of your euro-centric view you racist.

America was not founded on immigration, it was founded on White immigration.

If you can't see the difference between a Scottish person and a Mexican, then you are too stupid for words.

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Right, it's almost as if they know that unchecked immigration utterly destroyed the original culture living there or something.

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Guido and shane McPaddy have nothing to do with colonial america. They came through ellis Island.

Because we want to keep the country we built idiot. Why should we want to give it away?

most whites in america today have nothing to do with the building of america and are later immigrants.

not immigrants, conquerors.

This.1000x this. Also they are Siberian migrants. Not "native" at all

no, majority of current us poplation came from early 20th century immigration, so we can't say about "pioneers"

Because shitskins suck and if they are allowed into our countries that we built, then our countries will suck. This should be obvious to anyone, especially to a shitskin like yourself since the only reason you come here is to escape your shithole country.

White genocide is perfectly legal.

That's incorrect. Most of us have a mixture of ancestors, some being pre-revolution and some later immigrants. I happen to be descended from thousands of early Americans so I feel quite comfortable telling you to EAT SHIT OP!

so this is the quality of threads on Jow Forums now?

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No, they are americans

>America was not founded on immigration, it was founded on White immigration.


Immigration is fine, so long as you actually integrate and dont bring along your 3rd world shit culture. The niggers are bad enough.

Not accurate

We know that the italians, germans, polish and irish ruined the original character of the country, beyond repair.

The original Anglo stock could have flourished in North America for 1000 years and still enjoyed supremacy of the western hemisphere if they hadn't gotten hooked on immigrants to fill the factories, work the farms, and stuff the ballot boxes.

whites built it and now people wanna suck on its tits, fuck off goy.

>Why are the Anglo-Saxon against viking invasions when they invaded Briton?
>Why are the Turks against the mongols if they are invaders to the Middle East as well?
>Why are Cherokees against the White settlers if they are immigrants to the South East as well?

Most Whites have at least one ancestor here before the war for independence. Anyone before 1965 helped make the nation what it is. Why should we accept anymore anyway? "Muh hypocrite" no really, why should we accept any nonwhite immigrant or anyone from Europe at all. We have all we need, we actually need less.

Just wait til the "everyone hates white zoomers" thread comes around again. Always a limey under a cross memeflag.

Fuck off you wont ruin Lana she already belongs to us.

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Can't be an immigrant if my family has been here for several generations ;)
Also by that logic then everyone on earth is an immigrant and we should all immediately kill ourselves so we don't offend anyone. God you are fucking stupid.

wrong. All the Jones,Smith, Washington types are WASPY descendants of the pioneers. Germans, Pols,italians and micks came later. So it's about half and half.

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Conquerors, settlers, and explorers does not equal immigrants.

tribal savages running around killing each other over territory isn't a country

Hi Share Blue Jew tactics Media Matters faggots!!!
You collect no shekels today!!!

show me a white washington

Woah there Buddy easy on the rasist card.
In the sense of new country i mean that you go there knowing there is nothing but your own willpower that Will drive you. Nowdays you just want to go to america since its already sucessfull.

Also indians fought and lost, winner takes it all, as it have always been

Terms like 'savages' only further show your euro-centric view on the world. The native americans had their own civilisations going.

White immigration built America. When the Swedes emigrated they were meet by wilderness. And they made a living farming. We have made movies about the great emigration. We built houses and was self sustaining. When blackie comes today he wants welfare. But him in a forest and make him live on his own labour rather than that of decent working Americans!

Washington actually wasn't a super common name so it's not surprising that most people who have it are descendants of people who had to make up their names 150 years ago

Because fuck you, that's why.

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>literal retard argument

we have 300million people here now, way past the point where we should have closed borders and focused on building ourselves

most came before 1900. that's before it was well established

They are afraid superior black BVLLS will get all their horny women.

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You're playing pretty fast and loose with the term "civilization" here bud. It is true that they were more originally more developed than the pioneers realized but got completely btfo by disease. Honestly if it wasn't for lack of immunity there would probably be a lot more of them in America today.

>Also indians fought and lost, winner takes it all, as it have always been
You can also show compassion to other people. You dont have to do things just because they happened to be like that back in the day.

Provide documentation that the US was already a sovereign nation before settlers arrived

i will pee in your butt

IM ont playing fast and loose. Im just saying that you look on history with an euro-centric view. What we view as civilisation is formed by our education etc. Completely different from what the native americans viewed as civilisation.

my great great great great great great grandfather was a pioneer whose grandfather was a conquerer.

Whitey raped negro women so hard that the entire African-American population is like 20% European lol.

They don’t understand.
Very true. Anglo pride world wide. We are the original Americans.
When your kind came here they settled in the Midwest, created numerous states, and then voted Democrat.

This country was an Anglo paradise before literal europoors came here


So blacks are literal descendants of the founders en mass? They are the true americans?

Well yeah because I live in a European civilization. Why would I ascribe to the worldview of people who lost as hard as Indians did?

Coming with your clothes on your back and your life skills and work ethic to a place only seen in drawings and paintings vs coming to a place with every social safety net in place that you can find everything you want to know about a city and even apply places to live and work beforehand.

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>When they are all immigrants themselves.

Settlers. Not immigrants.

Settlers build a new society from nothing.
Immigrants move into an existing society.

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Yeah, a lot of them were. And most were from Europe. Not the case anymore.

Whites carved this civilization out of wild lands. Niggermigants show up for free gibs. Kill all niggers. Beat women back into submission.

Not in north america, they were tribal savages raiding/raping/murdering/scalping each other, burning down forests as a hunting tactic, and stampeding herds of Bison off of cliffs, hunted most megafauna to extinction, hunted native horse species to extinction. They did absolutely nothing of value before whites showed up and even afterword they were still just tribal savages but with firearms and alcoholism.

Toll coal next left, 2 miles.

>So blacks are literal descendants of the founders en mass?
Yeah, duh.
>They are the true americans?
They've always been here, for sure. But whites in America are pretty much all descended from colonial Americans as well. I would never argue that negroes aren't part of America though.

Nonwhites are parasites.

> Why are whites in America against immigration....
Because white majority nations build societies. Hell white people went to South Africa not even that long ago where there was nothing but shit and turned it first world in only a few years.
Truly we could do that anywhere.
But we're attempting to keep what our ancestors built is all. Because if it is swarmed by non whites, then it will become 3rd world.
Just like everywhere that's majority non white.
Do you want to live in a toilet bowl?

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>Terms like 'savages' only further show your euro-centric view on the world

outside of the 5 Civilized tribes and maybe a few others, they were savages

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settlers not immigrants, there was no government
here to receive as immigrants, moronic non white
trash with your piss poor wisdom fuck you.

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People forget how the Irish voted in systems to allow more of their people and helped paved the way for systematic take over of non anglos. Found out I'm actually 60% norman-french but 30% german. I feel like a disgrace

I was born here. I'm a Native of America. This is my land. And my people built America.
How about lets apply your reasoning:

Muslims outside Saudia Arabia, especially arabs and semitics, all live on land the took from others.

They should be forced to take in millions of immigrants and allow them special privileges and protections for being "muh minority" until the outnumber Muslims.
When Muslims gove Egypt back to the coptics, Syria back to Assyrian Christians, and Anatolia back to the Greeks and Armenians, then come at me with that question.

Fuck off with your irrational and poorly thought out nigger arguments


>when Nigel can't even be a(r)s(s)ed to turn his proxy off because he knows Big Brother will catch him on that horrible Japanese Nazi website

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>born in America

Pick one and only one.

>Do you want to live in a toilet bowl?
They think things will be different this time and they won't turn the country into a shithole after they take over. But, just like in SA and Rhodesia, they will. And just like in those places, they'll blame whitey even after they hold all of the institutional power. It's sad, really.

You don't like our superiority, fuck off back to your native hellhole. In fact, do that even if you do like our superiority.

why are spics mad that whites invaded when they are invaders themselves?

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>They think things will be different this time and they won't turn the country into a shithole after they take over.
It's just a bizarre notion, being that where they CAME FROM is in fact, a shithole. And where they go to, is full of white people.
Without white people, you get a shithole? No?
I mean the lack of self introspection of these " people " is astounding.

If more whites would admit this and subscribe to this understanding, black ameircans would 100% get behind them, but instead far too many whites side with the ashkenazi and use hyphenated designations that implies foreignness and sows divisiveness

Yeah but if you do that, wont that lead to -everyone- wanting to go to Said country then?

kys libtard.
Also Jow Forums is an asian-centric website and Based Nippon gives no fucks about that niggervictim shit.

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>If more whites would admit this and subscribe to this understanding, black ameircans would 100% get behind them
Makes no difference. Black people are not meant to live alongside white people at all.
I mean I had nigger neighbors I know.
Until they moved away there were black people walking through my neighborhood to that house at all hours. There was trash in the street all day. Just from ONE house.
And they hang outside all day. By their cars. Doing nothing. For hours.
It's because they don't know how to function in our society. They are wild creatures. And need to be returned to the wild.

Kinda how funny how history is supposedly "written by the winners" yet all we ever get in (((History))) class and television is the vision of NA's as perfectly innocent little proto-hippies.

>tfw OP gets conquered

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And they weren't degenerate shitskins who demanded welfare.

A husband teaching his lady to shoot.
The real America. The one we lost.

It's all just a huge coincidence. Those mean whites just got really lucky and took everything for themselves, doncha know?
I mean, the mainstream view is pretty much that with an extra helping of black dick sucking and the negro in America doesn't seem particularly ready to move on yet so I doubt it, honestly. I'm not sure if there's a group of people in the entire world that gets more mentally coddled than black Americans. They were better off before white sycophants started trying to "save" them.

WE work and pay taxes. WE aren't parasitic criminals. Where do you think the value of living here comes from? It doesn't come out of thin air.

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Thats jusy because of the cuturual linguistic turn in like the 70s dude. History writing changed and the cucks took control of the acadamics. They were under the impression history needed a less euro-centric white male view on the histories n shit. Like i cant explain too good right now im preety drunk.

Builders of society. The redskins had'nt even invented the wheel. They lived like animals.

>Let me tell you about your country...

>muh settlers
No true Scotsman. Moving the goalposts.

But I'm sure you believe you're right.

We're against *more* immigration. Get that in ya


Hundreds of years ago: white people came to Murcia. Met natives. Mostly kicked their ass, spread small pox and took land. History.
Today: cartels are massacring people like crazy, Muslims want to blow shit up because there bitches.

Now I want to ask you this: Are we going to let what happened to the native Americans happen to us??? Personally on this I’d say “FUCK NO!!”. Not going to have it. Our president is weak and won’t take our military and use it the way it was meant to be use. For national security. And you go out and kick ass. Fuck the pussy ass border wall, the cartels could just be killed with weapons. And fuck letting Islamic immigrants here just to be open minded and kind to refugees they think we are devils and that our way of life is shit. So fuck them. I’m not going to let a homeless fuck come inside my house and beat me raid my fridge and tell me I run my family wrong I’m gonna kick his ass out and tell him to fuck off if that’s what’s on his mind. Just because natives got conquered By us doesn’t mean it’s time to bend over and spread our cheeks for cartels and Muslims. It’s a game of king of the hill, and the goal is to remain the king of the fucking hill.

I'm not a proponent of forced desegregation. Black americans should be allowed to have a level of autonomy without white oversight, which is something we currently do not have because of "muh integration".

>Why are whites in America against ILLEGAL immigration