Husband has no sex drive

So we've been married for 3 years, and my husbands sex drive has been getting lower and lower. Now we're at the point where we have sex maybe once a month, maybe.
I love him, but this is starting to effect the way I feel about him. It doesn't feel like much of a relationship, it kind of feels like we're just really great friends sharing a bed. I've tried talking to him about it a few times, and he makes an effort for a little bit but then stops. He tells me he's very attracted to me and it's not me, but it kinda feels like it must be me. He's not old, he's 30. He's not cheating on me, he works from home and goes almost no where without me. I'm not ugly, I've tried to do sexy things, wear lingerie for him, etc.. and nothing.
I'm pretty much embarrassed to be naked around him now, because I have no confidence in our physical relationship anymore.
I don't know what to do anymore. I want to be with him but I'm in no way, shape or form physically satisfied in our relationship. Which is starting to take a toll on the emotional side.
He's not on any medications and doesn't have testosterone or erectile problems. He's been to the doctor for those already and his doctor said he's fine.

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Ashwaganda and horny goat weed, combined with strip teases and blowjobs

He might be feeling less of a man. He works from home with can kinda cause this. He needs to get out. Maybe you guys need to go for a trip.

When you're traveling place you hand in his thigh and accidentally rub a little close to his cock..
Stuff like that. It's kinda hard to say but it will make you feel less wanted. That's how people end up cheating. "Oh, he made me feel special" blah blah blah.

You're trying, but he needs to give you the D. Or maybe he's been watching too much porn?
He might be jerking it a little too much or to the wrong stuff. Fuck if he's getting pulled in by today's cuck culture and he wants you to fuck other men.

It's a fucking minefield out there.

He might have a hang up since you are very emotionally connected, the romantic side might take a toll. Ask him to rent a hotel room in another city, make him hit on you at the bar. Or make him take you on a date. See what happens.

>he works from home and goes almost no where
He needs to get out, get some exercise, get some sun, flirt a bit with other people. He's too stagnant

>embarrassed to be naked around him now
so thats all his fault? perhaps you put on a bit of weight and his pecker just doesn't rise to the occasion for that or perhaps you cheated, he knows and not over it yet.

He might be masturbating a lot, which for ME caused my sex drive to be diminished.

Actually we tried the trip thing, I even went on a heavy dose of birth control to put off my period as to not let anything get in the way of the excitement of being on a trip. And nothing.
I think I maybe gave him a blow job but that was it. I don't think he watches a lot of porn, when he's not working he's usually in the living room playing video games. I don't even think he's been jerking off much.

Thanks to everyone who commented.
This started before he worked from home, in fact this was one of the ideas to help the problem. He thought taking the stress and fatigue out of the situation would help a little bit.

You obviously didn't read the post.
Or you suck at reading.

I look the same, if not better than I did before.
I've tried to do sexy things for him but after getting shot down so many times it affected my confidence around him. Yes that is his fault. I'm confident in my looks and my sex appeal but I feel awkward around him now

It's stress. It wears on you. I bet if you were on vacation for a few weeks he'd be able to relax and you guys would go to town.
You can't take it personally. It's not about your body, or what kind of lingerie you wear.
Try to talk to him and help him take steps to reduce stress. It probably doesn't seem like his life is any different than other people you know. Probably seems like he has it easier because he works from home. But we live in a rat race that most people are miserable about and trudging through.

So you are saying you are awkward only around him yet confident with other men. Yeah thats a problem but its not all his fault.

We tried the trip thing as mentioned in , his stress was reduced significantly at work, even to the point where his boss hired two people to help him with his job. The working from home thing was supposed to reduce that even more.
Most days he gets significant amounts of down time from his job to use as he pleases.
And he reduced his schedule to 3 days a week and got a significant raise that really ups his income. I also make a very decent income and combined we have a higher than average household income.
I don't even think stress can be a factor in this anymore.

This. I thought this as well.

I never said around other men, I said I'm confident in myself.
Not once anywhere in my post did I mention anything about anyone other than the two of us.

You clearly have no understanding of how long term committed relationships work. Obviously being turned down by your significant other, after putting in effort to do something to please them, over and over again, would affect your confidence around that person.

>I don't know what to do anymore
Sorry user.
There is really only one answer. He needs to man up and do his job as a husband. You vowed to be only unto him. So now your choice is to do without sex or break your vow? That is not a reasonable position for him to put you in.
He must fix it or you leave and find a man that will.

What if you tried to be more forward about it and initiated it?

Nope, usually when he masturbates he involves me. Mostly because it takes him a while to cum and it gives his hand a break.
He's also around me constantly, I don't even remember the last time I had enough alone time to rub one out.

I fully relate to you. I've tried everything and he just does nothing. He expects daily blowjobs though which is pretty unfair. They told me to "let his lust build up" in another post. Well, I've tried and it changed nothing besides him just not asking for anything or getting upset if I refuse to suck him off. I've never looked this good and men are really hitting on me now. I think my man does watch a lot of porn or whatever when I am at work which may make it worse too. Do whatever you want in your free time, I just would like to know if you're not attracted to me anymore. Guessing everything and not knowing what's going on messes up with your head.

I don't think I could get any more forward at this point, I even get him to pick out the lingerie I buy and walk into the room wearing it.
Or just blatantly asking for it, making sexual jokes, full on pulling his pants down and playing with him. Just nothing.

Honestly that's been on my mind a lot. It's put me in a kind of crappy situation and makes me feel selfish. But at what point is it an actual problem and way it makes me feel is very valid.

>But at what point is it an actual problem and way it makes me feel is very valid.

I am a man, but I had this problem with my first wife. I put up with it for many years being the "good guy" but you only have one life and you are not asking too much. I am much happier with my second wife and before we got married, I made it very clear that regular, good sex was part of the marriage deal. She agreed and we've both kept each other very satisfied.

I say it's an actual problem when it's bothering you this much. You've tried the encouraging method, so now tell him straight up. If he does not fix it, you can at least know that there was no misunderstanding.

You may not be sexually compatible. Did he change from before? .If so have him checked for Low T, dont know if the doctor tested for that but it's a range. He can go to places that specialize in that and consider the best range on the upper end where as his primary doc may think 2-3 times less free T is "normal.

Idk I have a baby and a toddler cosleeping in my bed and my wife jokingly points out all the "surveys" that claim most ppl only have relations 1-2 per week. I feel badly for you but as most have said at some point he has to listen and provide.

I'll take your word and assume it's his fault becoming a beta,
and with him being immasculated by today's SJW culture, your sister feminists, or other B.S.;
That he can fuck. And that it is not, that you've withheld your pussy so much as to condition him not to take you;
that you are actually fit and can fuck him, instead of always laying on your back like a pillow-princess-hog;
and that you initialize shit, are not a bad boring lay, your breath/bits don't smell like trash, not ugly, etc.

For me my standard is: I try to take it when I want it, basically no questions asked.
I don't consider that rape if you've already established intimate relations, and especially so if you're married.
I mean if she tells me to get the fuck off, not now, or fucking stop then I will obviously.
But I'm gonna grab her by the pussy when I'm horny, put my hand down her pants, start finger blasting her,
or bend her over around the house and pull down her pants, if no objection, proceed to fuck her.
Or start touching kissing, soft shit etc., whenever I feel like.
She does the same to me as well. Sometimes one of us are tired when the other initiates,
then its up to the other to do the work fucking at that point.
My notion is to communicate and set bounds of when to STOP, not START.
If you're at the point where you have to fill out a questionnaire, negotiate, ask permission 20 times as if it's some tedious shit,
pencil in a time and date, your are WAY off. That is not hot.

So what you need to do is be more assertive and basically quasi-rape him.
And also recondition him, allowing him to take you when HE sees fit, not only when YOU want it.
YOU need to put in work as well, be giving, take him spontaneously.
Be more handsy, always: touching, rubbing, scratching.
Talk sexy/dirty.
"Forbidden fruit tastes sweetest" -- Take him/let him take you, with a change of scenery,
in quasi-public settings, car, bathrooms, road head, footsies, etc.
That is hot, and can spark a new drive.

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>a toddler cosleeping in my bed
not OP
I have this also. I dislike the damper it puts on spontaneous sex, but the wife makes a point of making up for it other times, because she really likes having the kid in the bed, so I put up with it.

Maybe have him see a doctor? Sounds like he could be suffering from a unknown medical condition. Be it impotence or something else entirely.

Please never procreate. I don't understand how people like you can make themselves victims in a thread like this.


Stress and lack of physical activity, as others have said. A surprising amount of successful people have this problem.

He watches too much porn.

Ditch him.

asking "please" on Jow Forums.... far from a victim

this too, but OP is probably just a pillow princess who cant make her man seems desired, and husband is tired of it, or having to go through a bunch of BS just to fuck his wife. Shitty, awkward blowjobs don't help at that point.

Your comment was literally all about yourself and your assumptions, and how triggered you were about both. I don't understand how smooth brains like you actually exist in this world. Do you have no contextual or social knowledge?

I give you a trigger warning next time user, Forgive me, as I am helping some ho fuck her man on Jow Forums, and I must be prim & proper. I'll refer to Emily Post stat.

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yeah I'm kind of feeling stupidly complaisant with this, especially because I'm only in my 20's, thinking about living my entire life out sexually frustrated is getting very, well frustrating. I feel so bad because he's a good guy in other regards, but after years of feeling down about it, I'm starting to have second thoughts.

Uh not a drastic change, like nothing over night, but it did gradually get worse and worse. The problem started in our first year and just declined. When he went to the doctors, they said his ranges were healthy for a male his age, and he can get and maintain an erection on his own. So they put him on anti-depressants, which helped briefly but then stopped helping, and didn't improve his feelings at all.
So now he's off everything and he's healthy by his doctors standards. So I don't know.
I feel like at this point he's too lazy to put the effort in maybe. I don't know, I'm honestly sick of having the conversation with him and he doesn't even seem to have a clue what's wrong. Or if he does he won't admit it and change it.

Jesus user
I've tried all the 'initiating' things many times, he usually turns me down. So I've given up with that and let him come to me when he wants it and don't pressure him with it anymore.
I don't want to rape him.


None of that was a response to anything I said. You're still attempting to make this all about you.

Maybe you’re fat and ugly?

You literally read nothing in the original post or any of the replies if you think I haven't done my share of anything to spark arousal in him.
You're obviously broadcasting your role play fantasy of what being in a committed relationship would be like in the advice board like you have any prior experience or wisdom to share. Please, go back to /b/

>all used up and not pretty and young anymore
>finally a sucker that's willing to raise Chad's and Tyrone's kids shows up
>get fat and bitchy immediately after marriage
>wonder why sucker won't fuck anymore
Roasties really are dumb, aren't they?

I'm pretty much in the same situation as you are. I used to be the one who initialises sex, but after he constantly turned me down I just couldn't do it anymore. At some point I just started crying, after a week of daily flirting, pulling his pants, and getting on him and him constantly rejecting me just really tore me down. He would always jokingly say that he's here to sleep/eat/do whatever he's doing. Then, it would be my duty to push him further to see if he actually meant it, or if he's just teasing me and actually wants sex.

When you've dressed in sexy lingerie, tied yourself to the bed, tried to give him a bj/hj, and begged him enough times it just tears you down and makes you feel like shit. And the worst thing is that he does not know how to say no, he just circles around my advances, coming up with excuses and sometimes when I've teased him for long enough, he pushes me away and tells me to quit it. I've told him to just tell me, honestly, straight to my face that "I don't feel like it, please stop this", but no.

That fucking sucked, and I just gave up. Now we have sex once a week at most, and only when he decides so.

This is literally the most dense reply I've ever read in my life.
Being a 16 year old virgin must suck, huh?

I'm literally in the same position as you, but we wen't from weekly to monthly. It got worse and worse, and I just stopped trying.
I used to do whatever for him, I'd dye my hair the colors he thought would look good on me, wore the clothes he wanted me to wear, tried to be spontaneous, tried to fulfill the fantasies that he's told me about, like so much effort to be just rejected time and time again.
I think the thing that hurts the most is getting your hopes up, just to have them crushed day in and day out.

i'm in a similar boat as you but its not the sex that's the problem in my case, but rather my girlfriend does nothing with me, period. its like we're roommates who just have sex together. she spends more time with her friends and people online than me. we really only see each other in passing now and to her our relationship is great and i'm some unfair guy whos "controlling." all because you know, I want to take her out to a nice restaurant on a Friday night.

but the sex has stopped. and its me for that reason. and in my case my drive has been destroyed primarily because of depression.

unless he has some medical condition both of you are unaware of, its most likely some mental thing keeping him from wanting to plow you into the ground. in my case, i'm really just depressed. but it took me awhile to realize I was.

>So they put him on anti-depressants, which helped briefly but then stopped helping
you know, i'm willing to go with depression even more now. he probably is and anti-depressants only work for so long. something internally must be troubling him and he probably doesn't even realize it. kinda true for most people who are depressed. takes awhile to realize you are, takes awhile to figure out what is it.

honestly op best bet for you, is if you truly love him, let him be. just support him. don't pressure him because i'm sure pressuring him and constantly talking about sex if anything makes him feel worse.

like my girl friend and I, I just gave up trying to get her to actually chill and watch Netflix with me or even have dinner together. now i'm just trying to figure out a way to get her to sign the papers getting my name off rent and getting the fuck out of here and go back to my home state.

christ, how do girls like this exist. meanwhile I have an insanely high sex drive and NEED to fap/fuck multiple times a day just to stay calm

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My sympathy user, I was in a similar situation and it really didn't work out. It's hard to be the only serious person in a serious relationship.

At this point I assume it has something to do with his moods or his health that he's not talking about.
I do love him a lot and would love to work through this, but if that's the case I don't think it's fair for me to have to be unsatisfied in the relationship. I give him a lot of love and support, and try to be there for him. But I feel like I'm the only one putting in effort to keep the other person emotionally, mentally and physically satisfied.
I'm quite a bit younger than him (well I'm in my mid 20's) and looking into the next 10 years, I don't know if I want to stay this sexually frustrated for that long.

Haven't posted in this thread yet, but
>the only serious person in a serious relationship.
God damn you're heartless. He's probably got shit going on and you're just making him feel worse.

To be honest with you user, I'm starting to wonder if guys like you exist. I've always had a higher sex drive in all 3 of the relationships I've been in prior to this one, and this one by a landslide.

Bruh, that was in response to that posters problem with his GF, not mine with my husband?

Yea I was going to suggest depression too until she mentioned it.

Free testosterone ranges from 200 to 900 for "normal". I'd bet he tested around 200.

A big life change away from a "stressful" job to working at home and going out only when you drag him, that would probably make depression worse.

Physical activity especially weights and interval training increases hgh and testosterone. Try getting him into gym.

If you truly care you need marriage counseling to save this. He has something deeper going on. Probably a combination of hormones and depression. It seems that your focused on one symptom and frankly are too frustrated to be objective. Outside help may work. I get rejection is hard but the self loathing from not being able to make someone happy can be crushing as well.

Also cut back on the video games. He could be addicted and view anything or anyone who takes him away from that as negative.

I'm saying that poster is heartless, not you.

I do exist anonette, I'm sprung all day every day

Part of me thinks its my internal frustration from not getting any when I was younger. Part of it I think attributes to me smoking weed, for whatever reason it makes my sex drive insatiable. Either way every girl ive been with has been able to keep up despite this, so it makes me think girls are a lot hornier than I was led to believe

I've been trying to get him to come to the gym for a long time, I even got a gym membership that lets you bring a guest (to help ease him into it) and he never came with me.
I know there must be something bother him in some core of himself, but he's adamant that everything's fine and will never even give me even an inch to go on to understand what's going on and how it can be helped.
So at one point I stopped trying to peel back the layers of the onion and am now stuck with the consequence of letting this go on for too long.
I guess I'm just at a loss because I've tried giving him the tools or incentive to help his own problem, and he just wont. Regardless of if it's mental or physical. It's just getting harder to not give up on the whole relationship.

I dont get you girls.

THeres soo many girls who drop their guy for the SMALLEST things, ie "he doesnt make enough money, he just plays video games, he has no freinds, hes not funny/charismatic/etc enough, Chad is way hotter!". Yet you guys are bending over backward for these guys that wont even take the time of day to fuck you?

I dont get it. I respect your sense of commitment and actual effort youre putting in to save the relationship, but its a 2 way street and if your partner doesnt think youre worth having your needs met than perhaps its best to move on.

Like I said,, girls these days drop guys so fast. Its hard to believe you are still sticking around after all this

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that poster was OP of the thread (me)
I meant that in regards to the post I was replying to, where user stated his GF wouldn't even make time to have dinner with him. I sympathized because I was in a similar one sided relationship.

My current problem isn't the seriousness of both parties right now, it's more so my husbands ignorance about a problem I've made very clear, and not being honest about his own feelings or problems which may be causing the initial problem.
If that makes sense

Call me old fashioned I guess.
I don't know, I feel like just throwing the relationship away is the easy road.
I want to work to make things work. I guess either something changes or I stop having the will to fight for it anymore.

>the post I was replying to
Which post was that?

It sounds like you have something much more dangerous than lack of a sex life: resentment.

If you came here looking for others to give you permission or courage to start the end, only you can give that to yourself. I will say this, if it is this hard now be prepared. In your 30s when those children are sleeping in your bed and your losing siblings or parents to cancer your feeling of resentment and being trapped will make this look futile. You need a true partner for when life gets really challenging. If he can't even accept the challenge to be self reflective over this then he might not be capable of handling the harder stuff with you.

its really hard user. I can only think, assuming he does have respect for you, is that the reason why he hasn't been honest about his own feelings with you is maybe its either because he really doesn't understand his own feelings, or he doesn't want to bog you down with them.

I'm just being sympathetic with him because for one currently suffering depression it really does fuck with your head. but I will say this, sometimes the best love for someone is to leave them. I say this because if the lack of sex has been hurting you this much, then all you're going to do is continue to hurt him over it. and it might be best to take a break. maybe go stay with family for a few weeks or a month. or, as painful as it is, maybe its time to move on.

I really don't want to recommend that or say that, as its brutal and hurts him if he's truly suffering from something and you not willing to stay by his side. but if you can't handle it, you might just make it worse. just like if he can't handle whatever he is battling and his lack of sex drive which in turn hurts you.

as much as I wish my current gf actually being a gf to me, it will never happen..
shes not suffering anything. just really just thinks of herself. she straight up told me that me asking her to do anything is controlling to her. shes a "free spirited" person and does what she pleases. and if I don't trust her I have a problem with myself. even her friends have been telling me to leave because shes a heart breaker.

Sounds like he's got some issues.
I'm a full time college student and I work full time and it has taken a large toll on my sex life BUT I can get around to fucking my gf of five years at least once a week. It's not like when we first started where we were fucking like rabbits but still. Sex is as healthy and natural as it gets, if he's going full panda on you than something's off.

Why are you on birth control if your married. No wonder he doesn't want to fuck. Who wants to waste a nut in a dry hole.

Do you know how birth control works? Apparently not

Well I'm white and want to knock up ton of white girls and leave them. At least I'm doing my part. Unlike you faggot. I mean why not just fuck her ass then.

You definitely have 88 in all of your usernames

And you definitely have a rainbow flag up on your wall in your room. Op. Just like her faggot of a husband.

I'm not OP, please have your temper tantrum elsewhere.


Mabye if she had a ass worth fucking she could get sex that way. But how humiliating I guess she's that kinda woman though Kek.

Is this supposed to register as an insult?

If I'm stressed I have no interest in sex. It may be his job or something else he's thinking about. He may not even know he's stressed

No, just a statement.

What's a man who has a wife have to be stressed about why wouldn't you take advantage of all the free sex?

Pretty dumb one. Do you know a bunch of people with 88 in their usernames or is your grasp of reality a little off?

I know a lot of people who talk like the commenter with 88 in their username, if that's what you're asking. Not sure why you're upset over this if it doesn't register as an insult.

OP, the biggest killer of sex drive for 90% of people, men included, is stress. While loss of sex drive may be the symptom, it is almost certainly not the cause.

Recent research has come to the conclusion that our sex drives have two primary things affecting them. This is called the Dual Control Model. You can think of it i like a car. One one hand, you have an accelerator. On the other, you have a brake. Anything that puts you in the mood for sex is hitting the accelerator. Anything that's telling you "now is not a good time" is hitting the brake. At any given moment both the accelerator and the brake are being hit in varying amounts. In order for a person to get aroused, the accelerator has to override the brake.

When sex drive starts to fall, most people try to hit the accelerator more. Things like lingerie, for example, are a classic way to try to hit the accelerator. However, research is finding that usually the problem is not with the accelerator. Usually the problem is that something is putting too much pressure on the brake. You can hit the accelerator all you want but if the brake isn't let up on, you're not going anywhere.

So instead of piling on more sexual stimulus, try to figure out what might be hitting his brake. Is he stressed? Has he gotten enough sleep? Is something weighing on him or distracting him? Has he been dealing with something like depression or other mental illness?

Also, as hard as it may be for you, putting pressure on him to perform is honestly not going to help him feel sexy, and that in and of itself can be a major stressor. I would highly suggest that the two of you find some sort of compromise that helps you both of your needs. What specifically are you missing from the sex? Is it the orgasms (which can be handled with toys)? Is it the intimacy (which he can provide in a way that doesn't pressure him to actually engage in sex)? An arrangement like him being present/affectionate with you while you masturbate could be a solution.

Not OP, but thanks. This helps to break down the problem more, I never actually thought it like that. I mean I knew that other things might be "hitting the brake", but I just tried to hit the accelerator instead of calming down the situation and trying to solve the things that might be affecting my BF.

I would also like to mention that everybody has a different sensitivity of both accelerator and brake. You can have each one be high or low, and this is a pretty reliable indicator of how a person feels sexual desire and how they might respond to it in their daily life.

I hope it helps, user!

Thats good for you user for not jumping ship at the slightest inconvenience. hoping things work out for you two.

also I really suggest slipping some ashwaganda and horny goat weed supplements into your guys drinks

Maybe he has a porn addiction, if you want to fix it without separating then just help him to stop masturbating. Given about a month of no fapping and he should be all good.

>He expects daily blowjobs though which is pretty unfair.
And yet he doesn't fuck you? It's clear that he still has a sex dive, he just doesn't feel any lust for you.

She has an ugly hairy asshole and just fuckin lays there like a GOD DAMN BEACHED WHALE! YOU FUCKING LAZY CUNT!

OP here again, sorry I had to get some house work done.

We worked hard to remove all stress from his life, his job was a major one, but his boss lightened his word load, hired new employees to help him, gave him a raise, cut his working schedule to 3 days a week, gives him ample down time during his work day and gave him the ability to work from home.

I have a good income as well, we make more than the average for our age groups with healthy disposable cash flow.

Neither of us have kids, no house or loans or big bills. He has the ability to do what he wants, when he wants and no issues other than that.

I've been trying to get him to open up to me for a long time but to no avail. He won't admit if there is a problem and he's adamant that he's fine.

I don't even want him to preform, it would be fine if he was intimate with me in other ways, but he's not.
I wondered if he was gay for a while, either that or he's just blatantly hiding his problems from me.

That wasn't me (OP) that was someone else in the thread.
My husband does not want daily blowjobs

Calm down incel, no one cares about your opinions.

Maybe try marriage counseling? I’m not sure if this is a problem the two of you can work out together.

That was me, not OP but with a similar problem. Yeah he does want bjs and he does want to fuck sometimes but he always wants me to be dominant. I think he is just lazy and prefers to let me do it for him or he'll just fap on his own. Well, I might as well be a fleshlight then.

I'm wondering if there's a mental illness problem. Stress doesn't have to come from life itself, but can be an internal thing.

My husband, for example, struggles with depression, and his sex drives just dies whenever it's particularly bad. Clinical depression doesn't care how good your life is. it literally makes you incapable of being happy.

Has he been evaluated by a mental health specialist?

I would also like to add that removing the stressors as much as possible makes sense, but in cases of depression things like working from home, not leaving the house, indulging in video games, and not having a social life can end up worsening it.

>he works from home and goes almost no where without me.
That may be some of the problem
Though I honestly doubt it.
He probably needs some exercise, if he goes to a gym maybe he will get some blood pumping and have a little alone time.
Works like a charm for me, I'm always my most frisky after working out

Get him Jow Forums and get Jow Forums yourself.

I can add to this. I have bipolar and when I go into my depressive phases I completely lose my sex drive to the point of not even wanting to jerk off. A LOT of sex is mental so there may be something going on there.

30 is old sexually. Male sex drive goes into decline from 18 - 21.

how many hours a day you spend under the same roof or living space

You could try to lower your libido to match your husband's.

Not to sound daft but does he have a history of this? If so you might want to ask (not directly obviously) and see if he has any childhood issues or anything else that might relate to sexual impotence per say
>t. Guy who doesn't like sex because my mum was a whore
Seriously never been in a relationship don't watch porn don't masturbate and at this rate my disgust and evasiveness is immeasurable and my clerical celebacy is all but confirmed without a metric ton of therapy.

This screams clinical depression. I’m 98% sure he has it, and doesn’t even realize it.

Can I please you OP ?

He's jerking it 30 times a day while he works from home. You've got a porn addicted hubby. Or you're fat and gross.

Hahahaha no.

30 years old and no kids yet? LOOOOLLLLLLOLLLLL must be lame

>she thinks sex lasts forever

Idk lady. Banging the same chick gets boring after a while. Maybe he's just comfortable and not pussy crazy anymore? It's apart of getting older. Have some kids to keep you busy.

>I dont get you girls.
That's because it's not that the guy has a low sex drive, it's that the girls kill it with nagging and such.
You would likely be in the same boat as him if you were married to this woman. Seen it happen too many times
It's tragic really.
As far as advice goes he needs space that you aren't giving him.
When's the last time he went out with the guys?

>suffering depression it really does fuck with your head
Or maybe it's ADHD, or Alopecia, or Fibromyalgia