/PRG/ Prayer Request General

Need prayer in Christ Jesus name?
Our Prayers move mountains.

>Lord's Prayer

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, If he is not your Lord and Saviour. Repent. Call upon the name of the LORD confess your sins in his name, Forgive all those who have done you wrong and you will be forgiven.

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I may be convicted for killing one of my best friends (and a very good Christian) in a car accident. I cannot say for certain what happened because the accident gave me moderate brain damage and I don't have any memory of the incident. I am healed now (thank God) but I still have no memory of the night of the accident. Doctors say it may never return. That's all the detail I'll give.
Is it right and just to ask for prayers for this matter? Should I simply accept God's plan? In any case, I ask for prayers for guidance. If you believe it is right, pray for a fortunate resolution. Thank you.

I don't know if you're the same user but my mom passed away from her cancer last week. She no longer needs prayers.

F sorry to hear that user

i pray for my bretheren to see through the darkness and fight for our people and what's rightfully ours
god bless you user

lets all exorcise out the gay demon that beholds the UK

Thank you. I'm all alone now but I have the Lord with me so it'll be okay.

Good thread, OP.


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Here you go guys



It is almost time, hang in just a little while longer he is almost here.

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You need to forgive yourself. forgiving ones self is sometimes hardest.

I'll pray for healing, sometimes God takes people because he is protecting them from whats coming and he knows they cant handle it. God will only give you what he knows you can handle, if you trust him.

by healing I mean for your family. A lost member is an open wound unless properly dealt with.

agree and amen.

UK ran by Jezebel spirit? we should pray that the strongman over UK be known.


please take this retarded cultist dribble to another website thanks.

praying that Satans grasp on your eyes be broken in the mighty name of Jesus

Absolute fucking cringe

I hope so. She really suffered with the cancer though, the last night was hard to watch. She suffered so much.

renounce the spirit of cancer, command it to leave in the name of Jesus. spirits go generational

praying that satans grasp on your eyes be lifted in the mighty name of Jesus.

This is the same person, I'm just posting elsewhere.
You're right. I do believe that even though I don't remember, that it probably was my fault. I used to be a much worse person than the person posting. But after sobering up (a forced condition of my bail) for a year, I have become twice the man I was before. I believe this may have been God's plan. If you don't mind, let me tell a story that helps me a lot.

This friend was one of the best people. Everybody loved him, and he was kind and forgiving almost to a fault. An actual paragon of good. Friendly, compassionate, fun, rarely angry. For a time after the accident, people used to tell me: God has a plan for you, that's why he spared you. And to that I thought "but what about my friend? He is so much more deserving." I was a selfish, hedonistic person, and I survived. Why?

Well, after I had gotten out of the hospital, I had to go to out-patient rehab for the injuries. I couldn't drive so I was driven by the hospital. I met the kindest people I have to this day ever met. I talked with them a lot. One of them told me that I was lucky, God had a plan for me, etc. and I finally bucked up and asked what my friend's plan was? He told me God still has work to do on me but that my friend was needed in heaven.

To this day I'm not sure I've forgiven myself. But I acknowledge that it was my fault and look towards the future. I believe it is the only thing to do. I cannot change the past but I can change the future. So I try to look forward.

I got a little off topic but I hope my writings give someone hope. It felt good getting it out there. If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. God bless.

t. jew

Imagine actually worshiping a fucking jew

lmao you're literally bowing your head down and praying to a fucking jewish desert god, what the fuck

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Ive never talked to you, but remember this. Unforgiveness is sin, being a victim makes you weak and useless.

>Need prayer in Christ Jesus name?
>Our Prayers move mountains.

I need wisdom and understanding at work & life. Also, my country is overrun with traitors and invaders. Finally, I want leaders who will *DO* Justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Jews are just one of the 12 tribes of Israel. Go read and maybe your hatred wont blind you to God's plans for your life.

Our kingdom is in Heaven. Our king is Christ Jesus. One cannot have two masters. you are worried about the wrong things brother.

>But I acknowledge that it was my fault and look towards the future. I believe it is the only thing to do. I cannot change the past but I can change the future. So I try to look forward.
Does this not qualify as forgiveness? I'm honestly asking. Thank you for this thread

that's great user but the thing is that christ can't do everything for us, sometimes we have to do it ourselves and god will guide our path but we must endure the hardships of said path
god bless you user and i hope that you become that man

The lord helps them who help themselves.
That means that even if you imaginary sky faggot wasn't a feverish denial of the objective reality that there is no fucking god, sky faggot won't lift a finger.
This is simple empiricism.

I too believe that you are focusing on the trivial. This earthly plane will pass. Focus on your spirit. Praying for you

go and ask his parents for forgiveness.

True forgiveness to me is when you feel no shame or guilt for doing it because you have repented(turned from, to never do again) and asked God to forgive you of it as well. otherwise guilt and shame have legal right to attack and destroy you.

Prayed for you.
Prayed for you.
Amen; prayed.

spirit of antichrist I rebuke you. I pray satans grasp on your mind be lifted. Lord please send angels in the mighty name of Jesus.

>go and ask his parents for forgiveness
I have and they have generously done so. They are good Christians. They have even asked the state not to prosecute me. I will do so and ask God. Thank you for your help.

well man this is what Im feeling, never let this event escape your testimony. it will lead those whom hear it to Christ.

Thank you fren.

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Prayed for Israel.

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It is leading me now. I was never very religious before. But this has given me reason to believe there is a divine plan. Thank you again for this thread.

>>Our kingdom is in Heaven. Our king is Christ Jesus. One cannot have two masters. you are worried about the wrong things brother.
It would be foolish and evil for me not to be concerned over my brothers -- 1 Tim 5:8
> But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Moreover, prayer absolutely *does* have results -- James 5:16b
> The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Moreover, we are told to pray for our [national] leaders -- I Timothy 2:1-2
> I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

So do not say that this is wrong of me to request prayer for.