What The Fuck Is Even Happening Right Now?

>3-5 times as much money EACH for Israel and refugees as for the wall...er, fence
>ICE neutered
>de facto amnesty granted
>and the National Emergency will just be vetoed by King Hawaiian Judge anyway

So this is how MAGA dies...
With thunderous applause.

Attached: giphy (14).gif (480x208, 1.22M)

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Israel deserves that money

Any illegal living in a household with a child in it is going to be protected from deportation if this spending bill is signed into law.

Attached: 1550177074773.jpg (1080x1543, 343K)

It also creates a huge incentive for traffickers to smuggle children into the country illegally since that child will provide anyone in its immediate vicinity with a bubble of immunity from deportation.

Attached: 1550177425671.jpg (1080x1371, 274K)

Am I dead?
Is this Hell?

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Holy living FUCK. I thought this Bill was bad, but this is fucking insanity. Did Trump even READ the fucking Bill? What the fuck is going on?

1. no
2. yes

You were literally told for YEARS that you voted for a Zionist and con artist and called anyone a kike shill who pointed out reality to you. While it was actually JIDF shilling Donald Drumpfenstein. You reap what you sow.

Attached: Donaldstein Basic Gestalt.jpg (899x899, 106K)

Trump's a cool dude but he's been either out maneuvered an or they're poisoning his diet cokes. He said it right in the SOTU and after the he wants to bring in record amounts of people "fer the jerbs" never mind that wages have been stagnant for decades compared to inflation. I remember when a trucker could make a dollar a mile 20 years ago and that's about what they make now.

Well what do we do now Germanon? I hope you're not a nihilist. In my country many people think Nietzsche was a nihilist but i think he was warning about the dangers of it.