Trump: I want 25 billion dollars for the wall that I said Mexico will pay for

>Trump: I want 25 billion dollars for the wall that I said Mexico will pay for
>Democrats: Ok
>Trump: lol jk
>Democrats: wow good thing for us that you waited, the courts solved that problem we tried to cave for so we'll give you 1.6 billion for whatever and if you don't like it you can suck our asses
>Trump: ok that's fine 1.6 billion is fine.
>some other people from tv: Hey where's the wall you retarded piece of shit
>Trump: fuck you Democrats, I want 5 billion
>Trump I'm holding my breath
>Democrats: Do it you fat faggot
>Trump: *wheeze*
>Democrats: lolfail, we'll give you 1.3 billion but you can't use it for a wall
>Trump: Ok
>Trump: These fences that started under Bush and Obama prove that the wall is almost done repeat after me: Finish the wall
>Boomers, Jow Forums and the billionaires who scam them: FINISH THE WALL


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Other urls found in this thread:

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I'm just thankful he doesn't have access to the nuclear codes.

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holy shit I was just poking fun and didn't know much about the bill, they're trying to render ICE irrelevant, that is fucked why the fuck did anybody in the gop sign that??
What could possibly motivate them to allow this shit? It's like they're literally asking for their voting blocs to be diluted

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t- JIDF bot from Cambridge Analytica

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Ah yes the ole "anything I don't like is part of a plot against me" gambit. The names always change but the butthurt stays the same.
Even if there actually is some group of trannies running a train on this place, I'm pretty sure they're not the ones who made Trump cave, repeatedly.
And the retards chanting FINISH THE WALL along with Trump didn't look like trannies to me.
Or is Trump part of this supposed discord raid too?
That would actually explain a lot now that I think about it.
Explains pic related too

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It motivates them that they are a nation of little Zog bitches

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Nah, Donal Zogstein is part of something else. I am sure you know what it is.

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If Trump signs this bill not a single mile of wall will be built. The NE won't matter because the bill won't allow it without about 500 signatures from the cities and counties and everyone else. It'll literally never get built ANYWHERE>

Also 100% cucks out to amnesty. This is serious. Code red.


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How will a wall stop the majority of illegal immigration that comes from people entering legally and just overstaying their visas?

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These mental gymnastics by Trump supporters mean that they will get nothing from him since they refuse to hold him up to account

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How can you say that people who voted for a billionaire celebrity as a "man of the people" are engaging in mental gymnastics?

>unzips dick

>i dont know how to greentext

>Builsing a wall is bad, blame orange man
>(Bush and Obama did it too)
Love seeing Trmp detractors entangle themselves in their own failed logic. And no, Trump supporters can't be npc's. To have gone against the grain, in 2016, to support Trump despite the sure victory for Hillary touted by the MSM, that requires self-awareness and individualism.

Trumps only wall is the one in Israel.

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