Is it possible to live as a 5'11" male?

I think its fucking short, i will never attract any girl.

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No, I’ve got the hots for a 5’7” dude. It’s not that bad.

it's impossible

The guy I wanna fuck atm is 5'4 tops. You'll be fine.

I am 5'11" as well. If anyone could help that would be appreciated.

You and OP both are worrying too goddamn much. As long as you’re not 5’3” you’re safe.

Eh I'm 5'2 and I've been interested in dudes shorter than me. No height is a death sentence for dating but being self conscious of your height can be.

Lol this. It’s your insecurity that’s unnattractive dumbos.

you are supposed to round down

Eh on some personalities (shy), insecurity can be okay, but if you're a dude that gets defensive and lashes out when insecure you will ruin yourself.

6 ft 1.5 with shoes on here,
Even that heigh is impressive to thots..
Thots says, you are so tall, with their manlets next to them.
Im not even really tall but I can tell you, its just more impressive than sub 6 foot, fact.

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Sure being taller is more impressive but what the other user is trying to say is that you’re not completely screwed if you’re under 6 ft

>you are so tall
If you think that's anything more than a statement of fact on average, that's genuinely funny. Sorry to crush you. Also, unless you're into dudes, you're not really qualified to talk about this.

A guy who works for me is 5'7" and has a smoking hot wife.

Eh some women like men taller than them specially, but to believe it's even the majority of women is laughable, genuinely. Tall guys just get told tall is attractive as a terrible, unimaginative flirt and it kinda trickles from there.

This. It's definitely impossible. Those that say they're still alive below 5'11" have mis-measured themselves and are probably above 5'11".

Either that, or they misunderstand how to measure height, the imperial system of measurement, or both simultaneously.

A 5'3 balding manlet who plays video games for a living has a marriage tier relationship with pic related and basically you're just fucking retarded.

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She's a thick, red sex-beast.

Does this work for women too? I'd love to be 5' 11.

They say the same about man boys except they dont say it loudly.
Girls that say, its ok to be short just mean its ok for "now" until they meet a real man who is 6+.

Women can be any height, scientifically speaking. In fact, the shortest woman in the world is, in fact, a woman.

So either you're gay or you're talking out your arse, which one is it?

I would fuck this 5' 4 until he impregnated my barren womb and I would raise our humanlet children until they left us. If you think height is an issue, you either shield far too much time on Jow Forums or it's been used as an easy excuse to reject you because you're not the kind of person to agree with a rational answer.

Fucking top kek, that creased me.

Whoops shield should be spend

I had a friend in the military who was 5'1 and an absolute chad. Just a great dude and fucking girls constantly. Here's what he had on everyone else.
>Worked out constantly
>competitive but not an asshole
>was chill with everyone
He even found a very pretty wife who was shorter than him. You'll be fine as long as you aren't complacent.

> found a wife shorter than him

Interesting, as if taller girl wont see him as husband material.
Would be impressive if he married a taller girl.

Is it possible not to have ridiculous manlet threads on Jow Forums constantly, without a break?
No, because you incels are horrible attention-whores
Go suck a fat cock, OP

On average? Yeah, most girls are going to want to settle with someone taller than them. But it's not necessarily a deal breaker is my point and if 5'1 dude can do it, OP doesn't have an excuse.

It's almost as if you ignore literally everything that doesn't fit within your world view.

I'm pleased that you enjoyed my banter, m'lord

*tips fedora*

Wear those stupid fucking shoes if it makes you feel better. You gotta feel good to be good enough to get girls, user.

It helps if you're skinny. Some people are at a height beyond redemption, but if someone at around your height lays off the fucking chili fries, you can pull off that shit.

Remember: Don't let it fucking get to you. Charisma is most important, and you can't be good if you're letting this shit weigh on you. Literally and figuratively dragging you down to shortness. My idiot 5'7 friend gets girls a ton because he takes care of his appearance and is generally good at talking.

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Eyy, it's Pat & Paige you're talking about.

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