How do I break up someone's multiple year long relationship so I can have her for myself...

How do I break up someone's multiple year long relationship so I can have her for myself? They aren't living together or anything yet so I'm still in with a shot.

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What makes you so good that she’ll leave him for you?

I'm better looking, more interesting, make more money and I'm probably 7 inches taller.

So your a faggot?


Just stay close to her, wait for her to complain about her boyfriend and be good to her. Drop the superior attitude because she'll sniff it and get mad with you.
In time she'll complain to you about her boyfriend if you guys are close enough friends, all you need to do is do better than him in areas she complains about and she'll see you as a better person.
I had similiar situation with a girl 4 years in a relationship. She ended up dumping him, weve been together for a short while then she moved out of the country.

>I'm still in with a shot
how do you know this or is it a fantasy of yours? has she told you you have a chance or even speak to you?

Are you ok with the basis of your relationship being that? Who’s to say if you succeed that it wouldn’t happen to you later on?

it wouldn't happen to him because he believes he is better.
Plus stop being naive, people break up and move to other people all the time. Saying "Who’s to say if you succeed that it wouldn’t happen to you later on?" is so dumb since all women have been in a relationship at a point and dropped because they liked another man better, so all women can't be trusted by your own point.


We get on well and communicates some signs of being into me despite her being a total introvert.

>some signs of being into me despite her being a total introvert
oh, its a fantasy
good luck when you crash and burn

You think someone in a relationship is supposed to be flirty you dumb virgin?

All thots are flirty, thats how they get the attention
And I betcha her "flirting" is just her being nice and friendly and you hugely over-interpreting it

Murder him, and comfort her.

She's not a thot, she's humble, nubile and reserved.

Then she won't dump her bf for you. Move on.

You're better off finding someone else. There is a huge chance if she's loyal that she won't leave, but if she does then what makes you think she won't leave you for someone else? Don't ruin someone's party because you're not invited, that's a dick move no matter how you look at it. If it is made to happen then she would make clear, concise advances to you, and hint that I said clear and concise because on this board many guys think some chick holding the door for them equals a marriage and family

>She's not like the other girls I swear!!!

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>flirts in a relationship
Choose exactly one.

That's why I need to take matters into my own hands.

You're the cuck if you don't have the drive to take what's yours.

Life is one big crab bucket and the only people winning are those stood above the bucket shitting in it.

I said she doesn't do this, can't you read, fucktard?

>I said she doesn't do this, can't you read, fucktard?
>communicates some signs of being into me despite her being a total introvert

>dude, things people do involuntarily is flirting

I’ve been there, I don’t recommend it. If you’re unlucky like I was it’ll end up a love triangle and you’re going to end up paranoid when she’s away from you if she’s boning her bf (which you know damn well they are.) Even after they broke up and she was only mine I still had a ton of emotional problems I’m still not over 3 years later

Ok I know you're going to get a lot of heat for that post, but I'll give you honest advice.

Just ask the girl out. If she say yea, then you've done it. If not, you're rejected so move on. I wouldn't advise using any manipulation because it won't set a good foundation for your relationship if it works.

Asking someone out who is in a relationship is extremely inappropriate and borderline autistically socially inept.

Like what, biting her lip when she looks at you or playing with her hair? Bitch please, there is 99% of chance that you are projecting if this thot is indeed a modest and decent woman in a long-term relationship. Go look for some other unfortunate victim to dip your dick in.

>asking out people in a committed long-term relationship
Your morsels of advice are as bad as LH's, but way more degenerate.

>Go look for some other unfortunate victim to dip your dick in.
kek, made me laugh hard

But I'll get her, just to piss you off.

Not if she's unmarried.

Your dating years/phase is your time to find the best partner you can. It's just how it works. If you're in a nice relationship for years with a guy who still hasn't tied then knot, and another much better man comes along, well it's up to you who you choose to date.

I want to help you out here and show you that it's perfectly ok. But i'm having trouble grappling where your offense is coming from.

Your morsels of advice are as bad as LH's, but way more degenerate.
I honestly agree with you.

I'm not offended, at all. I'm just saying it's unrealistic to expect someone who's been in a relationship for multiple years to jump ship just because someone asked them to.

Ok well for that I would agree. It's definitely a stretch. I just wouldn't call it inappropriate.

>How do I break up someone's multiple year long relationship so I can have her for myself?
By making her leave him for you, you basically have to have everything he has and more, then have more of whatever qualities she wants.
I'd suggest approaching her and bitching about him, that will make you look really alpha by comparison.

Just for trying to hurt her by ruining her relationship means you shouldn't have her because you'd be willing hurt her.

You dipshit

Was it worth it though? Should I risk it? How did you deal with it and what does still bother you? 3 years is a long time.

if this was really true would you be here asking us if you should break them up or would she already be with you?

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Yeah but only if you’re crazy for this girl, she has to be an absolute 10/10 for it to be worth it. Cucking some poor bastard isn’t as fun as it sounds when you’re emotionally invested and she is not just some bootycall.

Every holiday she is going to be spending together with her bf. She will never introduce you to her family or friends as her bf. Every update they make on facebook will eat at you. My imagination ran wild thinking of the things they were doing together behind my back, it’s worse because when they did eventually break up she confirmed pretty much everything I thought of did happen. Even if she is sympathetic towards you, I don’t see how this can be avoided.

Once they broke up, I still continued thinking about what they did when she was supposedly in love with me. It’s like, if you actually loved me how could you then stay in a hotel and ride the guy’s dick? Things like that. I seriously couldn’t be around her for too long because of how emotionally taxing it was. Right now what bothers me is the fact our relationship was built on such a shitty foundation, I still have anxiety about whether I’m good enough for her or if there’s something I could do that would make her even 1% more happy. I spent a year competeting for her with her bf wondering if she would just suddenly cut ties with me because she perfered her bf. I don’t know, that mentality never really went away. Sorry if I’m speaking vaguely. I don’t mind going into specifics if you’re curious.

Did she really stay in a hotel with him? That's bullshit. She doesn't sound like a 10/10 to me but I'll believe you. I am curious though, are you still dating her? How can you date someone like this with a shitty foundation?

Yeah, she did. Well we have talked about it a lot, she said after I confessed my feelings to her the bf got incredibly insecure. The hotel thing caught her by surprise. The way she told the story was they were walking home together after school and he led her to a hotel without her knowledge. He pressured her into staying because “they were still a normal couple afterall” that same line was used to get her into bed too despite her conflicted feelings. She didn’t fall for it again but after that apparently he forced himself on her out of frustration. I should mention by the way, most of this happened long distance, we lived in different countries but I would fly out to go see her, I flew her out here to stay in America and her and the bf broke up.

She’s a 10/10 to me because she has been the only person I have ever been able to talk to long term without getting bored of her. She has all the same interests as mine and it doesn’t hurt that she’s a busty mommy type gf. Despite everything I still love her and she was worth the work.

Yes, we have been married almost two years now.

Honestly, been there, done that, wouldn't reccomend it. The times I've done it, I found that as soon as I completed my goal, I didn't care for the person anymore. I even felt some disgust for their lack of resolve and how they could just think they're in love with some one all over again. It just isn't worth it, and unless you're an utter psychopath, you will feel guilt after the fact.

Congrats man, I wouldn't have been able to marry her if I were you. I broke up with my gf a month ago because she was doing some shit behind my back (talking to a dude that was a close friend of hers). I couldn't stand it, I wanted to smack her face and fuck a someone else in front of her. I still feel like shit about it even though I never acted on it, I just talked to other girls online, jerked off a few times on cam... Have you ever thought on paying her back? You said you are still getting over the whole thing.

Yeah of course, I even thought about doing it to make her jealous so she would dump her bf. I told her how I felt like sleeping with another girl could make us even and she was ok with it. She feels guilty about the past and is willing to do anything to make it right. I don’t know, she said she would also be okay with a threesome, I’ve always wanted a blue plate special so I might take her up on it one day but in the past I was to in love with her to actually fuck another girl.

lanklets BTFO

So she does feel guilty about it? I thought she was just a thot you happened to like. His bf sounds like an asshole too. She may not be okay with the threesome but she is just letting you have it out of guilt. I would be careful with your busty girl then but if you're "not so in love" now. I wouldn't have made my gf (before what happened) do something for me she didn't want to because she felt guilty. It will destroy your relationship.

If you're not so in love with her, fucking dump her man and get your threesome.l without feeling bad about it.

I know, she’s told me it’s okay as long as there’s no emotional connection but you’re right, I’m going to play it safe.

I mean I’m not crazy, she’s the only thing I ever think about in love with her. I still love her though.

Being honest here, it would be your fault if something happened after the threesome. Don't use someone's feelings for your own pleasure or revenge. Also, yours is a fantasy, nothing emotional (the blue plate special) but hers was something she feels guilty for (didn't you say the guy forced her into having sex?) How does fucking someone else out of lust makes it even? I thought you had a point but men, your girl is a saint in comparison to mine. My gf never regretted shit, she never cared about me. She was flat as hell but I wish she regretted hurting me this much at the very least.

Bullshit, sounds like you're falling out of love.

It doesn’t, I know you’re right..

Even if it’s true, I know I wouln’t get anyone better than her. All my negative feelings were born from the start of our relationship. It’s something I’ve come to terms with.

She deserves better than you then. Be fucking honest with her if you don't love her anymore. Set her free from her guilt. If you're scared of being a lonely piece of shit, deal with it on your own. Don't drag her along.

If the truth hurts too much you can always give me her number. She sounds like my type.

You're disgusting. Doesn't matter if you're married, she lied to you and there was nothing wrong with her ex, she wasn't "confused" but was having her cake and eating it too, and she willingly happily had sex with him and continued to long after she said she'd dumped him. Probably wrecked her ex so hard, now he's doing so much better without that whore. She settled for you and is bored already.

by spending time with her without him and if she vents about him listen
don't jump in with "leave him for me xD" that will freak her out, even "I wouldn't do that" is obvious that you are poaching, just be sympathetic and don't try to sabotage with bad advice
you don't want her to know she's being poached, you want her to come to the conclusion she's better off with you on her own
I think this is too strong but it worked once so who knows, maybe this only works if she's already decided to leave

Don't talk about my gf like that. The thot lied to me for months.

Why do I need to put in so much effort? It should be automatic that she dump him for me because I'm 6'3".

Don't fucking do it, OP. If you get what you want, it's gonna hurt you in the end. You don't hate that guy, even if you think you do. The guilt will be twice as bad if it goes south.

I think it's pretty safe to say he has absolutely zero chance.

Becoming her close friend is a terrible idea. OP will end up as her shoulder to cry on, someone who’s “like a brother” to her.
Op, keep your distance and wait it out. Be her friend but don’t put yourself into orbit around her. If things go south, then you can swoop in and be there for her.

I totally do.

Most women will fuck you even though they have a bf or husband but that doesn't mean they will leave their relationship.

You need to separate fucking from wanting her for yourself since you'll never have her for just yourself. Never. You, like her current bf or husband, will always be sharing.

Fuck her all you want then tell her to go back home.

You're an insecure whiny faggot with serious narcissism. No girl finds that attractive.

Just remember, when she gets bored of you, she will cheat on you.

Theres plenty of other girls to go for, stop with the oneitis. Dont be a dick to your fellow bro.

I want her for myself though.

I'm not whiny or narcissistic.

>hurr I am tall so she will dump him and love me
Sure you're not narcissistic.

dude... you are spending WAY too much time obsessing about getting in a girls pants. If your life revolves about getting as much sex as possible, then surr you arent wasting time.

If it isnt, theres a hell of a lot of better things to be doing than obsessing about this girl.

Also, she probably already knows your interested and the longer you take to act, the creepier you will seem.

>I want her for myself though
Thats apparent, most of us want the same thing, but it doesn't happen normally. She has a bf and yet puts herself out there as available. Just telling you that you are not the only guy she interacts with that also think she wants them.

Here's the game. Her bf thinks he's special and her number one but also afraid she'll leave so he hangs on with white knuckles and put up with most anything.

You or other guys are convinced with her encouragement you can be her number one and will accept almost anything or do most anything to get there.

Problem is if you dislodge number one she's working other guys believing they will dislodge you.

Saying you're better than someone isn't narcissistic if it's true.

I don't even care about getting in her pants that much I just want to gf her.

I don't get it.

Are you sure you are "better" than him? Maybe is smarter, nicer, funnier than you.

if she wanted you as badly as you wanted her, then you wouldnt even be here asking.

Well I wish you luck on your quest but desu I believe you're setting yourself up for major disappointment.

This, OP You think you are sooo great, but this girl has been with her bf for years. Do you think you are the only "better" guy who crossed paths with her? Hell no
Stop being obtuse, accept that you are in a friendzone and grow the fuck up, because
>I'm better looking, more interesting, make more money and I'm probably 7 inches taller.
doesn't mean you superior to her bf. It just shows that you are a shallow fuck who thinks he is all that jazz, but in reality is just a psycho faggot willing to selfishly destroy his friend's relationship for his own game. You are greedy and possessive towards a person who isn't even yours... That is NOT attractive. You lack modesty and being a good and humble human being.

I'm better than him.

Not to her.

Delete this right now.

take a pic of yourself and put it next to a picture of him.
we will be the judges of that.

if you don't even have the balls to do that, then GTFO

This!!! Do it pussy

OP's physical appearance is irrelevant because he is not the one that girl is in love with. Her bf may be an ugly manlet with lisp and OP may look like a greek god, but if she genuinely loves her bf, she won't care about OP's abs.

Pic related is roughly what I look like.

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You can also tell if a person is a dick or not through a picture by how they hold their body. People who are nice people dont bother to look good for the camera or dont bother to have the perfect pic, and you can just see that they are honestly happy through a picture - they know they arent perfect and wont ever be, but they are happy anyway. Generally a lot of the dicks tend to have a lot of solo photos with them in various travel locations since they love themselves most, non-dicks naturally focus on photos which involve many people, and shy away from soli shots because they like having fun with others and dont intend to show off.

True, true. But... do we really need more proof that OP is a narcissist douchebag faggot? This whole thread is a testament to that.

Femanon here, you sound like an asshole and a manipulative person. The other guy is right, you're worse than her by wanting to use her guilt to get your ass licked. It seems like she has been feeling guilty since you guys started dating, can't you just fucking get over it? She clearly loves you but you don't if you're treating her like this. Something similar happened between me and my bf but we did break up because it wasn't working out. Stop making her suffer, be honest and break up. Or is getting a divorce just too expensive for you?

>Femanon here
Fuck off and die.

Nice imput. Anything else to say?

If you met someone better than her by any chance, you'll be dumping her right away. Stop pretending to be a niceguy.png, you're trash.

I have to agree with him. The fact she's a woman doesn't apply to her points. She just said it to gain an edge in the conversation.

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He's trying to apply his efforts to a woman, so a woman's opinion on the matter is a little extra valid, no?

Vaguely perhaps, yes. But I don't think so. None of her points stood on that fact, she just opened with that line, as many girls do, then carried on

spoken like a true incel

I'm in a love triangle situation myself but it's quite different as in I got dumped for someone else about 1 month into the relationship, my ex liked the other person from before we started dating and the other person just confessed their feelings in a drunken rant one day which got me dumped.

They're still not in a relationship right now as it's been a long distance thing but my ex is gonna get visited in a few weeks by the other person who likely intends to do stuff once the issue of distance is alleviated.

and a serial gf beater/dog abuser

You don't. Move on and find someone else.

I'm pretty sure Hitler likes dogs as much as actual Hitler did, so I'd like to see the two of them have a shitfest.

Dude you have to talk your hand into a wank. Good luck n all but you're comparing to others on Jow Forums. Either this bitch has fucked every dick that's come within 50ft or your head is so far up your ass you're sneezing all the shit you're talking

Either way, I await your next thread and prostration for our wisdom

>watching two tripfags lose it on each other
I just watch hobos shout at each other. Same shit, different pile

In my country the hobos have all mostly frozen to death by this time of year, so that's not really an option for now.

Damn shame. I'm a fuckin Leaf so our hobos have cold resist as a racial

Kill yourself

You’re an idiot and missed the point

Should suit you perfectly then

Honestly it sounds like you two deserve each other, she's a whore who flirts with other guys while in a relationship and you're an autistic beta. I honestly believe she'll be yours in no time.

Then someone else's when she gets bored of you like she has her current boyfriend.

Probably she doesn't flirt with other guys but OP thinks she does.