>Given the precedent set by the previous administration, I am hereby declaring a national emergency regarding gun violence, and hereby suspending the manufacturer, sale, transfer of ownership, and import of all all firearms in the U.S. since they are being used for crimes. I will be re-appropriating government funds and using the U.S. military to enforce this.
>But don't worry, it doesn't count as violating the 2nd amendment because we won't take your guns away ;)

Attached: static.politico.com.jpg (1160x773, 266K)

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#stillwithher amirite Schlomo?

Cowabunga it is, then

Attached: ifonlyyouknewsomme.png (449x378, 393K)

Good luck with that fuckface.

>The government bans the sale of guns
>Your first response is to run outside and begin shooting everyone you see

And that's why you will lose.

>doesn't count as violating 2A
the right to bear is the right to buy.
thank fuck Trump stacked the court

I double-dog dare you, Chief. Roll them bones.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I dont even feel like arguing. The time for debate is over. Kill me or I'll kill you but let's stop pretending we're all on the same "american" team here.

The salt of your tears is sooo fine. Keep it coming.

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>Every gun owner's face when

Attached: I will stab you with bullets.png (500x522, 100K)

cool, i'd love to shoot government pigs

if you are fighting an enemy who outguns you and has violated the NAP, and this enemy before thine eyes who is either alone or tarrying on patrol, take your shoelace and take him out with a garrote

but only if you have to, hopefully nobody has to do anything

>>Given the precedent set by the previous administration

what was stopping them from "setting precedent" here?

this is nothing but spiteful and vindictive malice, a lashing out at americans and a threat to start a civil war, for daring to taking back their country

That's one way to get free peoples to form well regulated militias.

Attached: IMG_1139.jpg (220x265, 12K)

If you think the People are outgunned, you haven't been paying attention.

Attached: How many guns in America.jpg (2048x1536, 625K)


Can't grab guns if all the gun grabbers are dead. Reminder that you don't need to kill government forces, you just have to kill gun control supporters until there aren't enough left to have any power in the government.

>get challenged in court
>get struck down as unconstitutional

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This of course won't happen because it is serious enough to trigger a revolution. Control measures have to be done slowly with smokescreens and distractions to be effective.

Gun rights WILL slowly erode over many years until they are effectively gone, but it won't be overnight.


Attached: US Carry map 1986 to 2017.gif (676x509, 94K)

So, another reason why you have to vote republican? That's perfect for Trump.

Shots fired shots fired

Yes Mien Fuherer

Year 2021.
Sister Pocahontas of the Light Skin tribe learn special trick from dreaded Orange Man. Stops boomsticks be made for and used by white invaders. Light Skin warriors enforce Sister Pocahontas ruling.
More ingenious is that it won't violate white invader's laws. Now white invaders must wrestle wrestle IRL with bare hands. Donga of the Disabled Tribe is ready, fueled by many superberries.
Woah kemosabe!

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Attached: trench wojak.jpg (1000x1000, 221K)

Then nut the fuck up and try it already. All I hear from you faggots is "oh, we're totally gonna do it!" but never do. Quit being cowards. Get together a bunch of your fellow no gunz faggots and go around confiscating shit

Okay, Pocahontas.

Attached: cryingindian.jpg (349x266, 13K)

Bitch better get ready for mad max style society literally the next day.

Not that I would be doing it but you are completely wrong.

Overwhelming violence always wins. Every single time. it's why the United States of America is unbeatable.

Gun sales are about to skyrocket the minute a Democrat President next takes office.

*civil war ensues*
*president is actually impeached for attempting to break the constitution*


Please cite the amendment that says we can't have a wall and then kill yourself

Starship Troopers Pilled

Mr. Dubois was pretty fucking based.

>Given the precedent set by the previous administration

There has been 30 "national emergency" bills declared by past presidents.

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