What has LSD done to your political beliefs?

What has LSD done to your political beliefs?
Should the government make it legal?
Have you ever tried LSD?
Do tell user

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LSD turned me into a gay retard, don't let it happen to you kids

>flaggot commie nigger
LSD is fucking dumb, and yes I've done it many times.

Sorry I was baiting earlier. How was it for you? Have there been any benefits?

This thread is serious

It made me much less interested in politics and news
It should be legal

Ok, since you turned off your memeflag. It did nothing to my political beliefs, though I haven't wanted to try it since becoming based and redpilled. It should be illegal, because your "big thoughts" on acid aren't really that profound, it's just a grown up version of getting high with your 15 year old friends and going "brooo like what if [stupid shit that sounds deep because you're baked]"

By that flag I can see it makes you retarded

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My friend started that meme here the other day and you actually use it LOL

Microdosing sounds good

its done nothing
you know whats funny, I was taking a cab home from a party, still high af on acid and the driver was some old fart ranting about shit economy and inequality
and to me it sounded like it was him tripping on drugs talking complete (socialist) nonsense and it was hard not to laugh in his face

the other time I was on shrooms and I got hit hard by all the environmentalism and save the Earth ideas, shrooms wear off in about 4 hrs tho and it had no profound effect, Im really cynical about ecology

overall Id have to say that all the drugs that engage serotonin make you have more empathy and care about the people, so maybe some weakminded and uninformed folks become more susceptible to liberal/socialist propaganda
>hurr durr no human is illegal

but after you've been informed - what you call redpill, just read some modern history books, get a clue about Africa, the Soviets, Islam - it doesn't take much, you start to care about protecting your own people and your own nation, not some 3rd worlders that elites want to import to drive the wages and living conditions down, and no drug can alter that

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Turns you into a gay new age hippie, just like grass.

LSD didn't make me not depressed.
LSD didn't make me woke.
The only thing it did was make me trip balls laugh so hard for so long that I was in physical pain the next day.

LSD turned me into a fruitloop for 3 years.
green hair, ear pierced art student.
ended up an unemployed depressed alcoholic communist for another 5.
got a large quantity of magic mushrooms because why not
I now make above the average wage and hate taxes.

drugs are bad

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Didn't do much
I'm still just as redpilled
It did make me think a lot more about the past and future of humanity and how it all fits together
Also made me feel depressed about the current state of the world

Mushrooms> acid

Make it legal in LA, San Francisco and Seattle and see what happens.

Humans are animals. You can see your brother's mind if you both take acid and share a similar physical experience.

Fuck off foe rogan

LSD did nothing for me except make it way more fun to listen to EDM and party with sluts at music festivals. I grew out of that and now i work 50+ hours a week so I can stockpile guns and food to prep for the 2nd Great Depression and collapse of the Federal Reserve.

Nothing. I spend my time tripping looking at bark on a tree or pondering some deep philosophical timeline within myself. Not thinking about a bunch of Jews wrecking this country. I don’t need to be on acid to think about that

>tripped 4 times
Honestly it hasn't changed my mind in anyway past 3 days withdraws. Usually more opened minded to learn things I'd normally push back against.
Do I recommend doing it? Only if ur life has become routine day to day & you dont care about losing all control for half a day.
> be at least 20+ before doing it.
>should the government make it legal?
No drugs are only fun when ur breaking the law doing it. I never would have done lsd if it was sold at the store where normies can get it anytime.

Really nothing. I used it several times, along with other psychedelics and yeah my political beliefs are largely unaffected.
I think the effect of psychedelics on your long term consciousness and personality are overestimated.

It should be legal because muh freedom. But you basically just go retarded for 12 hours. But you can gain a new perspective after being retarded for a bit.
I prefer dmt because you're completely down after an hour or two. Main part is over 5-15 minutes. Can seem like eternity. I wouldn't exactly call it fun children.

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I learned nothing from being super duper high. Fuck all these people who say they did they can't offer anything. That's what psychs basically are, the highest you can get. Can be unfun. Like an alcohol withdrawal

But mushrooms are Mexican fungus and LSD was invented by a Swiss genius

The honk honk meme is older than a day and I made this image you lying fag

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I agree because shorter duration.

I have been waiting for another psychedlic era where LSD is embraced in technological innovation. What I am saying is- instead of the artists and fartists- the intellectuals and industrial minded (SPECIFICALLY THOSE INDUSTRIAL MINDED) are the future of the world. We need more abstract thought in a rigid rudimentary environment.

Turned me into a Nahtzee.

I have taken LSD and similar materials multiple (maybe around 5?) times. The last time was probably 3-4 years ago.

I feel like it's made me more open minded. I feel like I can talk to anyone, left, right, whatever. Radical anarchists, normie progressives or conservatives, monarchists, white nationalists... I can talk to any of them, and make it a productive and enjoyable conversation.

I have a better sense of when people get agitated about a topic, and care enough to find common ground to sympathize. I don't expect to change anyone's mind. I'm more interested in understanding them, trying to think like them, and to get them to think about things in a different way. I also tend to take topics in subpolitical or metapolitical directions, try to figure out what people's most basic assumptions are, or what kind of life experiences have shaped their point of view.

I wouldn't attribute all this solely to LSD experiences by any means, but the LSD experience did prompt me to analyze my own thought patterns, language, and assumptions, recognize how fallible it all was, and definitely left a mark.

We have similar enough materials that are currently legal or legal-ish. The government can save face if it feels like and not legalize LSD, but it should continue not having any policy with respect to these molecules.

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I've taken it over 20 and I was there, but then I realized that a lot of people argue in bad faith and hide their bad intentions under feel-good rhetoric. LSD eventually gave way to my hatred of parasitism, as I came to realize that the proliferation of parasitism in our society is going to be what leads to our downfall.

candy flipping made me feel like an alien from another dimension and think about concepts and words I can't even make sense of or verbalize in this reality

It should be mandatory if you want to vote.

Yes. You realized politics are repugnant and lose sense of yourself if you reach ego death, the only real point of doing psychadelics is to reach ego death. Lose yourself only for your mind to build you up again. Psychadelics are very powerful be wary of using them if you are a weak minded individual they will break you.

No, but I want to. Ive been very depressed and have developed social anxiety over the past few yrs, figured it might help.

You would be surprised what you can verbalize if you just try.

Showed me the meaning and nature of acceleration, and the crucial amount of volatility for systemic evolution. I lean in with eyes wide open now, and don't get involved in debates on normiebook.

Same. I'm thinking about getting it and trying tiny doses everyday. I really don't care about tripping.

It should be illegal because you personally have dumb thoughts on it lmao oh wow

>ego death
This. Go big, go deep, or go without them. Psychedelics are not toys meant to flavor your brain for a little while, no wonder so many people dismiss them when their start describing their experience as "I was at a party and..."

LSD for me just amplifies all the stuff I usually think about and feel.
This can be useful, since it can push you into new directions and doorways you didn't know even existed.
But it got to a point where I was taking lsd everyday for three months straight and I had such bad DPDR that I'm now currently a monk and haven't left my house in probably a week.
LSD also helped me quit drinking, masturbating, watching porn, using tinder, and pretty much all of the negative effects of my unhealthy lifestyle became so aggressive that I had to make many many changes.
LSD is great, take it at least once.

I think you should absolutely stay away from mind altering drugs, if you are depressed. Exercise, meditate, socialize.

I had it once. I was at a concert and was yelling and somebody through a blotter in my mouth. I enjoyed the show, went home and looked in the mirror- I jab the face of a rabbit. That is all.

>I learned nothing from being super duper high. Fuck all these people who say they did they can't offer anything.
I learned that Kant's transcendental aesthetic is indeed accurate.

>overall Id have to say that all the drugs that engage serotonin make you have more empathy and care about the people, so maybe some weakminded and uninformed folks become more susceptible to liberal/socialist propaganda
Oh boy, I finally get to post this again!

Do not allow yourself to come under the effects of any recreational substances. If you do, you will become part of the Weedspiracy.

Basic overview of Weedspiracy plan:
>get college students addicted to drugs, most notably weed (hence the name)
>subject them to Marxist indoctrination while they are high
>Marxist ideas will become associated with the feeling of being high
>Marxist ideas will be absorbed and repeated unquestioningly

This is textbook Pavlovian conditioning. Do not get caught by the Weedspiracy. Do not listen to those who speak about the benefits of legalizing weed. And most importantly, DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO COME UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY RECREATIONAL SUBSTANCES!

I've taken acid 100+ times and it has not changed my ideas on politics. Faith and Religion are the things it has effected. It has increased my faith in God and my religion (catholicism)

Completely agree about arguing in bad faith. Sometimes it's just tiresome and not worth it to try to engage. But even people that argue in bad faith have something going on that's motivating them. I've (unintentionally!) changed such people's course in life with very few words.

It's natural to dislike being parasitized. It's also hard to know who the parasites are and who the parasitized are. Progress for the tick is not progress for the dog, and all that.

Some parasites reprogram their hosts to do their bidding. A better one would make doing so feel so, so good, hack the reward pathway and let Pavlovian reinforcement do the hard work.

How do I know if I'm host to a hostile memeplex, user?

It made me
>pic Related

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I always took it with social anxiety. Cancer and realizing death is certain has completed cured the SA. If I live I'll be normal.
I know death was always a certainty, but it took something like this to really let the confidence set in.

It ain't gonna fix you. One of the reasons I tried mdma,shrooms,lsd,dmt.

>Kant's transcendental aesthetic is indeed accurate.
I should probably go ahead and give that a look then.

One time on lsd me and few friends broke into a house to sit on the balcony and drink beer and stare at the lake and I had to go take a piss and when I was pissing i swear out of the corner of my eye I saw a black dude playing the turntables. Shit was crazy.

I have never touched hard drugs. And I never will.

It can make you learn not to Judge, and that will lead you to see facts with clearly, but not for everyone. LSD is only for some people, I will not try it.

Made me extremely right-wing and traditional

Ive taken various amounts of lsd on numerous occasions and it really helped me to love my people as myself. Love it. Lsd>>>>>>>>shrooms any day.

On a trip, I oscillate between thinking everything's fucked to everything's great and back again and forth again. It's just a mindfuck. I don't think any lucid cohesive ideology can come from it.

>But even people that argue in bad faith have something going on that's motivating them.
Yeah, a sincere desire to make "the most" of their time on Earth, even if it means they have to do it on the backs of people who delay their own gratification to build something larger than themselves. Some people are just fucking worthless and I'd say about 95% of these people are the children of someone on some kind of welfare program. i.e. people who nature ordained should have never existed.

That's of course completely your prerogative, friend. There are a lot of nasty molecules out there. Most are harmful to humans.

I'm curious, though, what makes a drug hard or not hard to you?


>hard drugs
Wew lad. Do you drink?

Ive used drugs for the past 10 years. Mostly weed with cocaine from time to time. I havent developed schizophrenia or delusions from that, so Im probably safe when it comes to lsd.(obv can never be sure) Thanks for the advice anyways.

yes, Ive done it
It does not expand your mind
It just gets you really high
and hurts your brain.
The next day it is like you can literally feel the damage that was done.
Also very dangerous for anyone who has suffered a previous trauma or is even slightly mentally unstable.

Finest kind. Did it. Still do it every chance I get. Will continue to chomp on chiclets when they come my way. The less you consume, the more for me.

Accidentally submitted too early

>How do I know if I'm host to a hostile memeplex, user?
Regardless of whichever memeplex you subscribe to, you HAVE to learn how to delay your own gratification in order to build the kind of life that the majority of people would consider desirable. Some people can do that, but an increasing amount of people either can't or can and don't want to. See public/nonprofit employees, welfare queens, etc.

it will probably take me a few weeks to conceptualize anything from that trip. it's very strange when you have such otherworldly abstract thoughts going on in your head, along with the molly high, that you turn to your friends and say "I'm not even human right now"
I can't even put to words what that feeling is like.

I did mushrooms once and I felt bad for illegals for about a day. Then I remember the Jews are using them to genocide us. GTKRWN

LSD made me right wing lolbertatian
Was a commie faggot before
DMT cemented my beliefs in more centrist libertarian with green views
The strongest nationalist society agrees on consent between people and cares for the country and nature, and treats it and its people with the same respect

Youre not taking enough. Reduce frequency and increase dosage. You may not get some "ideology" but you may find that you can objectively observe your surroundings/mindset for maybe the first time.

Drug culture is symptomatic of societal denaturation

You have to do it while the trip is going on because your memory of the thought process, after the fact, isn't the same as the thought process itself. Write it down and hope you wrote something in English.

Well they fucked up because psychedelics reconnected a lot of people from where they came from. In fact, I was about to become a music festival degenerate faggot with my retard friends, but I immediately started having a bad trip and it didn't clear up until I realized how Jewish our modern culture is and how little of a part I want in it.

DMT and Shrooms are both safer and better, but yeah I think all drugs should be legal it's one of the only forms of natural selection we have left

You may not think that your "objective" observations are ideological but they are. It is a fundamental aspect of being human. You don't erase subjectivity just because you took a substance.

it's true, rampant drug use is destructive - you have to take this shit seriously if you ever want to go somewhere making use of it, it's like a discipline in of itself and just getting trashed is a waste of time, money, and health

>safer and better
You are just talking out of your ass. Lsd is objectively better than shrooms and they are all pretty much completely safe. Unless you eat the wrong type of shroom. Then you die.

Those things will rip you to shreds.

>What has LSD done to your political beliefs?
Not much
>Should the government make it legal?
>Have you ever tried LSD?
Oh yeah. A fucking lot.

Ideology is, at least in some large part, a product of physiology. The inevitable civil war between left and right will determine which physiology will create the future.

LSD is what ruined boomers. We are in this mess because of boomers.

Low doses of psilocybin have been proven to be effective in treating people with depression


Boomers were fucked from the get go. Do you really think a majority of boomers took lsd? Come on lad

Sure, and if Gnon had a balance sheet, they'd surely be on the liability side. Welfare definitely strikes me as something that is actually quite destructive while simultaneously getting a lot of that feel-good rhetoric.
Have you ever spoken with an upper or upper-middle class welfare supporter? A typical American liberal, I suppose. It's kind of strange. Otherwise very intelligent and rational people overpowered momentarily with emotional response. I'm not yet sure what's at the root of that. It's not like they'll ever see a check themselves. I can understand wanting to do something to help others less fortunate, but this seems different somehow.

LSD ruined boomers because the people who handed it out had a musical, philosophical, and political soundtrack ready to blast in people's ears while they tripped, in order to guide them in a desired direction. It's just a substance.

However, my current positions on all drugs, even tobacco and alcohol, is that I would like to live in a covenant community which bans all of them. Not just drugs, but all forms of low-effort dopamine. Ironically, I wouldn't have gotten here without LSD.

I tried it once. It hasn't done anything to my political beliefs. It made me a little more chill for a few days. I think it should be legal.

LSD made my high as fuck and trip balls... Didn't choose any political beliefs for me because I'm not a retard like you

>What has LSD done to your political beliefs?
Made me never want to have to discuss politics with people who are fond of LSD. Fucking morons.

>Should the government make it legal?

It's not harmless, in fact most of the people who use it are not ideal for ANY kind of advocation for it being legalized and will most likely be up shit creek if it became more readily accessible. Yet, I'm sure in correct doses with the right environment it could probably benefit people who have some psychological trauma or something.

>Have you ever tried LSD?
Yes. I've done it a dozen or so times and I've always felt 2 things after every trip:

>This was a waste of a day
>the 'glow' you get while coming down or even waking up the next day is fucking annoying and frustrating

I'm a person who is open to new things/experiences and would definitely say try it once or twice just to feel what its like. But after trying shrooms, LSD is a fuckin joke. It's dirty, it never really gets you anywhere mentally and the worst part is tripping and trying to tolerate people around you who are experienced trippers. The drug scene as a whole is pretty fucking stupid, but kids who think dressing like a hobo and playing a guitar in a walmart parking lot is cool should be fuckin shot. Or at the least sterilized and made unable to vote.

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I think one of the biggest problems we now face is that the two most destructive wars of all time swallowed up a large fraction of the west's best men, while the cucks and cowards stayed home creating the next generation's policy and philosophy.

I live in a state full of Swedes which has a problem with Somali migration. Before the Somalis got here, the welfare programs were there to help people with careers and families get back on their feet. It never once occurred to these people that someone would shamelessly take advantage of their generosity.

>should they make it legal
They certainly will at some point. Timothy Leary was a spook and the British Tavistock types developed it in the first place. Maybe it had more use to them as a counter culture tool during the Laurel Canyon days, but I could envision a not so distant future of micro dosing prescriptions to go along with the shock media constantly thrown at us.

>Ive used drugs for the past 10 years.
>Ive been very depressed and have developed social anxiety over the past few yrs

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Made me more conservative and respectful of my ancestors

>>This was a waste of a day
This is what I felt last time I did it. I used to enjoy it senpai.

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>What has LSD done to your political beliefs?
Nothing really. I sort of feel like my political beliefs evolved naturally but what do I know.

>Should the government make it legal?
I don't think so. Maybe under some kind of regulation or doctor evaluation. I don't really trust most Americans with acid but I'm sure some of them can handle it.

>Have you ever tried LSD?
Yeah, a few times. I really liked it. Always had really good trips. Would like to trip one more time before I become a parent.

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I must be wired differently because i felt like shrooms were much more of a mindfuck and much less useful for introspection than lsd. To me, shrooms are a joke. Its a dirtier more narcotic type trip


Interesting read regarding a bit of history and the link the cia had during the early 60s on the counterculture

If you're into the article pick up the book. 'storming Heaven' written by Jay Stevens.

tell me about the DMT Kemosabe

thanks. i have been trying to get my hands on heroin snort/inhale. so hard to find. i taught cartels were real?

Reminder that LSD is a product of Project MKUltra no joke.