What would prevent ancapistan from being taken over by a large state or government? Also...

What would prevent ancapistan from being taken over by a large state or government? Also, how would they keep sandniggers the fuck out? These are the only things keeping me from fully embracing it.

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Armed, opposing populace

Armed samaritans securing the border

>don't get rid of something bad, because there is a chance that bad thing will come back if people don't prevent it from coming back
Bootlickers really are stupid.

We need to be on the moon or Mars.
Just like the anarchist society on Anarres.

Pic related

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>What would prevent ancapistan from being taken over by a large state or government?
That's the key thing about Anarchism. It cannot be sustained. It exists only in the power vacuum that follows the collapse of a state-actor. Anarchy is the lack of order that exists solely to determine who is the strongest in the new order and place them in a position of power and allow them to form a monopoly on violence and become the new state.

>Also, how would they keep sandniggers the fuck out?
They can't and won't. Anarcho-Capitalists are entirely self-obsessed individuals with 0 connection to the people and community around them. The only thing they seem to care about is being left alone. As long as it isn't them and their property being taken over by subhumans they don't care.

Ever wonder why Elon wears this shirt, bootlicker?

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Presumably because he wants to go to Mars?

Ancap in and of itself is doomed to fall into some sort of authoritarian state. If America was ancap in the 2000s, Google would be our supreme leader by now.

Imo, politics is a spectrum, not aseries of absolutes. Right now our govt is hella corrupt and wasteful, so I support more libertarian measures. But I also know its possible for the country to become batshit libertarian, at which point I would support more left leaning measures.

>What would prevent ancapistan from being taken over by a large state or government?

It's tough for statists to understand what anarchy truly looks like. Even if troops come to occupy the territory, in anarchy there is no capital to conquer. There might be occupation, but when the population is anarchist, there is no state apparatus to take over. It becomes a bottomless pit of war and nightmares for the state. Just look at Afghanistan. It's been 19 years and the u.s. is still absolutely cucked there; negotiating with the fucking taliban, the mudslimes murica thought they drove out during the Bush years.

>Also, how would they keep sandniggers the fuck out?

If you are that concerned about keeping people out of your neighborhood, just live among the like minded, build a wall, hire some security, and so on. Old people do this now with their retirement neighborhoods. Rich people do this now as well. Why you think it would be any different is strange.

Because occupying and creating a new society (ancap) can only work if we go somewhere new.
His description of an ideal government on Mars is basically a digital general assembly voting system, with laws that sunset every 5-10 years, and are limited to only a few sentences.

I'm still waiting for you to get to the point on wherever this is going.

Have ever heard of the Occupy Wallstreet movement? How much spoonfeeding do you need, nigga?
It's no mistake that it says OCCUPY MARS.


You aren't making any points. You're just rattling of data in such an autistic manner that you are failing to get at something that actually resembles an argument.

What is your point in all of this exactly? You're not responding to anything I actually said.

I don't have time to secure the border. Too busy raping me sex slaves.

"ancapistan" would be an oligarchy

We're going to create an anarchist capitalist society on Mars that will flourish, and you can't stop us.
That is all.

If you say so chief. See you in 300 years.

If it succeeds it would be the most prosperous society ever. I want it to, I just have some major maintaining it. Could you possibly have some kind of "voluntary ICE"?

My descendants will keep civilization alive, though all may go to shit here on Earth.
300 years sounds about right to bring it back, or perhaps repopulate.

Elon already said return tickets are free.

nothing. ancap is for the wilderness. such as a New World, or "the Final Frontier". we need to escape.

>What would prevent ancapistan from being taken over by a large state or government?
Nothing, OP.
>Also, how would they keep sandniggers the fuck out?
You wouldn't.
That's why it's meme-tier ideology.

Mars, my dude.

>What would prevent ancapistan from being taken over by a large state or government?
>inb4 OP rekt!

Hope and a subscription to NATIONAL DEFENSE for $999/month

Fuck off kike. Hoppe already proved the ways in which anarchist societies would be protected

No, I phrased that the wrong way, I was rather stupefied by what was said. Let me rephrase:

There is nothing in terms of Capital investment to be gained from the terraforming and Colonizing of Mars. The process, if started now, would probably take ~300 years before Mars in a changed state is actually capable of generating profits. Capitalism is defined by profit being the primary or sole concern of Economic interactions.

Going to Mars is not a Capitalist venture because there are no capital returns on flying to space on billion dollar rockets. Not for hundreds of years (nobody makes capital investments hundreds of years into the future, there's nothing to be directly gained from such).

Colonizing Mars is not a Capitalist venture, because there is nothing there worth exploiting for monetary gain. This isn't Dune where there's some special space resource only present on that planet. There's nothing there that can't be mined from Earth with 1/1000th of the cost or less.

To go to Mars is the most anti-capitalist venture one can think of. To do so doesn't make you a Capitalist. And given the massive resources used to do so, food and terraforming is not something that any one small group of people can do and trade their produce to anyone else. Capitalism means ruthless exploitation of Markets. There won't be any markets on Mars. The best that could be done is a private entity setting up a colony, but almost everything would be a part of a ration and exchange system.

There is nothing Capitalist whatsoever about Mars. And nothing Anarchist either. Whatever entity (Corporate entity, Governmental entity, Pan-Governmental initiative) will have rules, laws, controls and domination over the population. That is not anarchist.

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You are absolutely wrong.
You are like Brits arguing against colonizing the New World.
The colonies WILL be established, amd the consumers will need goods, not to mention scientists, doctors, teachers, babysitters, construction workers, cleaners, cooks, sanitation workers, etc, etc.
Capitalism is not the only thing that will flourish. But it WILL flourish.

Ancaps basicaly defend a neo-feudalism.

Feudal societies were precisely the answer to invading hordes. Walls would keep the undesired out, instead of inside prisions (unless they were working to pay reparations for some crime).

Also, political independency amongst communities does not mean they would not have military colaboration. The austro-hugarian empire was an example of it, even the USA before the secession war.

Think how far we would develop with the feudal / city state social cohesion and understanding of capitalism and technology we have today.

>You are like Brits arguing against colonizing the New World.
No I'm not, that's a false equivalency. The New World had new resources present that weren't anywhere else, lots of gold to be found and exploited, strange and exotic animals. The people that went there of their own volition (pilgrims and the such) did so because they could build things there without effort.

Mars has a grand total of 0(zero) list of these things. There is nothing to gain from doing so for private individuals, especially Capitalists who want money from things.

>The colonies WILL be established
Of course they will, but by governments.

>amd the consumers will need goods, not to mention scientists, doctors, teachers, babysitters, construction workers, cleaners, cooks, sanitation workers, etc, etc.

Yeah, which would generate markets decades/centuries after the groundwork has been established. If you want consumer goods and other crap going to a place where there isn't even sufficient oxygen to survive isn't a smart idea. It would take hundreds of years for there to be something worth exploiting for profit on Mars. It won't be Capitalist, and it won't be Anarchist.

Unironically mcNukes

>What would prevent ancapistan from being taken over by a large state or government? Also, how would they keep sandniggers the fuck out? These are the only things keeping me from fully embracing it.
pic related

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>by the governments
Most of the governments are strapped for money.
SpaceX is really the company that will lead the way here, and the vision is one of private enterprise.
You don't know what kind of resources there are there. No one does.

Well, first you must make a distinction between the early feudal period and the monarchs period.

The early period nobility rose from its evident capability of protecting the people from outsiders. Unfortunately, the philosophical understanding of the time led to what began as a almost voluntary exchange between vassal and lord to an entitled monarchy.

Still, the monarch at least had the incentive to protect what was seen as HIS realm, which would be passed for his heir. This is a big distinction to the current state of things, where national leaders and central bankers have nothing to lose from communities destruction.

>Most of the governments are strapped for money. SpaceX is really the company that will lead the way here, and the vision is one of private enterprise.

You don't seem to be reading what I am saying. There are no capital returns on sending people to Mars. SpaceX makes money by sending things into Orbit. People pay money and SpaceX makes profit from it. The amount needed to go to Mars in any real capacity (I don't mean 12 astronauts) would be beyond anything any current government could spend, let alone a private business entity, even if they had the desire (which there is no profits from, so they don't).

>You don't know what kind of resources there are there. No one does.
Yes we do, we know what the building blocks of the Universe are. There is no plant or animal life there. Any mineral wealth would not be worth the effort of flying there, mining it and flying back, when cheaper or the same resources could be mined and exploited here.

So I say once again, there will not be a Capitalist nor Anarchist venture to Mars anytime for centuries.

You are wildly underestimating man's desire to explore, and the deep pockets of many individuals and companies who are interested in such a thing.
Any resources found on Mars would br used to benefit those living there, not semt back to Earth. We do know that there is water there.

I thought SpaceX was anything but profitable...?

>armed society resisting invasion
>contracting a PMC
>lack of centralized institution preventing the formation of political enemies
>propaganda to de-legitimize aggressive action from states

there are numerous ways

What keeps a corporation from buying out the housing market, the nukes, the water, the food, roads and the banks and then saying that “if you don’t submit to our company legislation we’ll starve you and nuke the cities”?

>You are wildly underestimating man's desire to explore
No, I am not. We will 100% explore the solar system and colonize Mars. It will not be a Capitalist nor Anarchist venture that does it. It is too expensive with too little shirt term return for such people.

>and the deep pockets of many individuals and companies who are interested in such a thing.
Individuals, maybe. Not Companies. Companies exist to make money for their stockholders, and private business entities are extensions of private individuals used for Legal and Tax purposes. The trillions of dollars it would cost to get us to Mars, and colonize and maintain it is beyond the reach of any individual or even small group. It is beyond the reach of most Companies if they wanted to (they won't). It is even beyond the reach of most of the world's countries.

>Any resources found on Mars would br used to benefit those living there, not semt back to Earth.
Exactly, completely ruling out any "Capitalist" element to the colonization of Mars.

0.2% profit margin . It's not much but it covers the cost. 0.2% of billions of dollars expenditure isn't meaningless either.

Everyone also forgets an ancap society wouldn't give a damn about international treaties or the Geneva conventions so the defenders are allowed much more flexibility in their defence.

Their employees must have a lot of loyalty. Sounds like it'll be an improvement.

The corporation will become a governing body and it will no longer be ancap


How can you not understand that the Mars city *itself* will become a self sustaining ancap society?

Eventually, after decades, a Mars city will be self-sustaining. I have not said anything different.

How can YOU not understand that there is no private individual on earth that achieve this by sustaining supplies and development for decades/centuries in order for it to get to that point?

Then why are there no ancap countries in the world? Surely they must have fought off all of the larger states and governments that tried to take them over?

Supply ships will be sent to Mars in 2020. This is going to move much faster than you think. Elon Musk is one man, but he has captured the imagination of many men, some of whom have deep pockets.

must be a great company that provides enough value that it does business with a majority of the economy, however, if you're worried this company X is taking over too much of the economy, "Please subscribe to our anti-monopoly insurance with company Y! Where we'll have startup funds ready should company X become distrustworthy to you! Refer a friend this month for a 40% discount on your first 6 payments!"

Or maybe they're just wondering why you would starve a man before dropping a nuke on him?

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A dozen Astronauts over years does not constitute anything discussed. There is no deep-pockets group of people on Earth capable of a venture of this cost, scope and size. The money simply is there.

You... have not seen the plans for 40 ships with thousands of people taking of at once, I guess.

At least you can talk

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Meme flags are out in force, I see.. Fuck 'em!

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Private border security and lots of guns.