Unfriended WTF

Was talking to a guy, we met, we boned
After we kept talking, he said he didn't want a relationship with me (which-good)
I made it clear that I wanted to bone again
He seems a bit flakey, and i'm the initiator (same as before we boned)
He says he's working a lot
but he's still responding positively like he's attracted to me

Well, right after i send some nudes, i notice HE FUCKING UNFRIENDED ME
Don't know why or when

I am pissed. What a pussy move

Should I A. Confront him (how?)
Or B. Just stop talking to him

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do you have a saggy pussy?

he's gay or a control freak who wants to see how much he can pull on you.

also B

based thot manipulator

we're gonna need the nudes for better judgement

He realized you have nothing of value to offer him.

I’m amused how your pussy is even worthless to this man.

Did he ask for the nudes? If you sent them w/o him asking you’re a slut so ofc he got turned off and ghosted your STD ass

except we already boned and he asked in the past


He was done with you after he fuck you.
Either you have a terrible body or you are really lame and awkward in bed.
Perhaps he’s absolutely disgusted by your flappy meat dangles?

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Are you kidding? They were fucking outside of a relationship, he already knew she was a slut.

if he didn't want to have anything to do with me why wouldn't he just say so

I've been thinking what to say IF I say anything. I want an answer without losing anymore pride, or burning any bridges. So far I've got:

"Wish I had noticed you unfriended me before I sent those. That's fucking embarrassing"

Maybe he's in a relationship and realized you being clingy increases the chance of getting caught by his GF drastically so he cut you off before that could come about.


then why tf was he still talking to me

I'm in a similar situation so hopefully I can also get some advice in this thread

>Met some random girl, I have no interest at all but she's kinda hot so I don't mind keeping her
>She starts flirting with me
>My other girls seem to be busy so I decided to bone this girl
>Meh sex at best but got laid but who cares. Hope to never hear from her again
>She keeps flirting
>I already have two new girls prettier than her in her position. Both available enough for my needs.
>Still, respond positively and act I like her in case that in the future I may need emergency meat again
>Suddenly receives unsolicited nudes
>Fuck, it's one of those clingy bitches
>Unfriend her

I am afraid that she could be planning to confront me or something. Should I text her first to just explain that she was nothing for her, not even good enough to be my meat toy? Or should I just ignore and pray that she doesn't bother me again?

wouldn't he block me or stop responding to my messages?


Sluts aren't worth the time of day, anonette. If you don't respect yourself enough to not be a cum dumpster then how can you expect other people to respect you? You were literally a hole he used to make his penis feel good, of course he didn't take your feelings into consideration.

>if he didn't want to have anything to do with me why wouldn't he just say so

It’s a good day when thots get a taste of their own medicine

He was trying mot to be an asshole but you couldn’t take a hint.

When a man turns down a fwb situation its because he’s disgusted by you.

Go chase some construction workers or mechanic or something.

Apparently not because he was still responding and shit

Like - why won't people just be fucking honest

Thanks for the theories , but nobodies giving me advice on what to do NOW

Not all guys think about women as objects

Assuming I do this...

Guys don't feel like they've made a "catch" when a girl is too easy. This is why the most successful woman don't ask men out, they wait to be approached. It's partly because it' so important to us that we feel like we've worked for and won the woman.

Whereas, if a girl is too easy, or if she initiates, or if she makes herself too available; then we instinctively feel like we can do better.
Kind of like "Wow if this hot girl is throwing herself at me, then I'm really hot too. If I can get someone like her to throw herself at me, then imagine what kind of girl I can date if I actually work for it?"

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Oh and to answer your question
>What should I do?
Just move on with your life. He's made it clear he doesn't want to be your friend. Learn what you can from this and do better with the next guy you like.
Prefer being mature.

because men are fuckig pathetic and can't be honest, they rather piss off quietly than having to deal with your hurt feelings

how about "Damn really wish I knew you unfriended me before I sent that (rolling eyes emoji)"

Men with "fwb"s do

>t. woman that because of his own bad decisions has dated only terrible men but now that she is hurt it is because men are pathetic, not because she has shit taste


Yeah telling me that guys are dicks and speculating on his reasons isn't helpful

i need advice on how to handle it

just ghost his ass if you're so hurt

I could be passive aggressively subtle, like:
"Uhg I hate people who pussy-foot around instead of just saying what they mean"

Why don't you keep your legs closed until you get a boyfriend?

I'd like to get some kind of answer > but without losing anymore pride

>not all men
fuck off

I don't want one. I just want semi-regular sex with someone i can tolerate

Get your tubes tied at least.

lol good luck with that
he most likely just found you bad in bed

just fucking move on

I will but I find it amusing because trust me, you are not alone. At my girlfriend's workplace, she is the only one with an actual relationship and she tells me how the other girls are always crying, getting ghosted and getting abortions from being with men that frankly don't give a fuck about them.

Poor women, if only they'd stop being so stupid they would stop suffering so much. I wonder how old you'll be when you finally realize that the problem is not men but you. 30? 40? You can't keep this on forever because you can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.


OP here - that wasn't me you're responding to

My advice is to delete his number, block him on social media, and to simply move on with life.

Stop bothering him.


I think part of me is hoping there's another explanation and another part of me is just pissed off

OP I understand you want to say something but let's be honest, nothing you could possibly say would improve the situation

Let me ask this:
What are the chances i'm wrong or can recover this
If i stop messaging him what are the chances he'll try to pursue me?

If its 0% i might as well get some answers and tell him off

I read this as
>Men have more important things to worry about

His post still applies to you. Boyfriends care about their girlfriends, fwbs don't give a duck about their cum rags. Are you too dumb to comprehend this?


user I'm not going to judge you but it seems like your man dumped you for one reason or another. I would just accept that and move on.


those seem generous

Are you not comprehending that you are literally just a wet hole to him and he doesn't care about you?

If he is still talking to you, then maybe his decision to unfriend you, is just because he doesn't want to risk giving you the power to send messages or post messages about him to the people who he might want to pursue in the future, for a real relationship.

Sounds like if you are curious, you should ask him directly instead of speculating, but my guess is it's something like what I just mentioned above.

Because women have cultural victim priveleges, you could get away with making him look bad, so it makes sense to limit exposure from less ordinary relationship traditions and social expectations.

Its hard to tell what the sex means, maybe he is a useless lover, or you're bad at sex, or you both are, so maybe he doesn't really value a fwb scenario: I know I would, and most guys say they would, but fewer actually have a sustained high enough sex drive to have a relationship just based on sex. Maybe he thinks it's emotionally unhealthy, or an unhealthy waste of time, pursuing something that won't ever be a stable long term relationship. Could be a combination of these things, or maybe he wants sex on the side, without cyber exposure to any manipulation instruments that the friend status would give you.

Sure, id be upset too. It just seems clear that he isn’t interested in you.

stfu about your issues with women

ur probably a tub of lard u fatty

he was probably just nice to u but u had to send naked pictures of ur gargantuan
misformed body and now u blame him for trying to forget past mistakes

OP is literally proving me right.
>doesn't want a boyfriend
>flips shit when her walking dildo I'm friends her
wew lad

Fuck i think you hit the nail on the head. I'm a bit of a shit-stirrer and he knows it.

So how should I ask him?


Why do you care so much about your not-boyfriend? Get another one.

Holy fuck you sound like my ex. Leave him alone. Why are you unable to believe someone doesn't like you like you like them? Do you, honestly, have nothing else going on in your life that you're so fixated on this? Don't answer that, I already know the answer. Leave him alone.

Grade A dick

because he's fucking unclear, like I said we never stopped talking

>Seems a bit flakey
>Says he's working a lot
>He fucking unfriended me
It's completely clear. I'm gonna tell you what I would tell anyone: If they don't respond with a rescheduled date, they are not interested.

i let him know that I noticed

Why don't you want this guy to be your boyfriend if you care about him so much? I thought the point of that "fwb" garbage was so that you could just walk away when shit like this happens. You need to talk to a therapist about your commitment issues.

I think you just failed to notice or understand that this:
>After we kept talking, he said he didn't want a relationship with me (which-good)
was the moment that he tried to break this off with you. I think he was not expecting you to respond "OK but we can still 'bone' though right??"

also stop saying "bone," it's kinda gross and un-feminine

>also stop saying "bone," it's kinda gross and un-feminine
lmao go back to 1836

If this was 1836 I'd have already gone "Jack the Ripper" on OP

it's a lifestyle choice

It's a poor one and you seem mentally ill.

i'm just not into the girlfriend thing

Why can't men grasp that not all women wanna wife and have kids

listen man you really seem to not be getting it, but you can find 'grade A dick' from another person that is at least interested enough in you to have sex if not tolerate the rest of you
this guy has absolutely no interest in you and tried to be polite, you gain absolutely nothing out of pursuing this, and best case scenario both of you end up pissed off but you will always be more butthurt about this than he will

obvious bait

fuck you incels

they way a lot of you view women is seriously fucked up

he probably felt guilty in some way about losing interest. Even if you don't like someone, ending any kind of human relationship is difficult to do and it's easier for some people to try to let it slowly fade away rather than burn the bridge right there. Either way, he was giving you the hint that he wasn't interested anymore and thought you were taking the hint until you sent the pictures, from there he probably panicked seeing you didn't take the hint and just decided it would be easier to ghost rather than say it straight up. It's not the nicest thing in the world to do but it happens and it's something you have to accept.

ignore it, if she confronts you though you should probably just say hey, I don't think this can really work out between us, I've started seeing someone I really like and it wouldn't be fair to them or something along those lines, if she doesn't get the hint after that, just ignore her until she goes away

people ITT gave you an answer as to why he probably did what he did, that's the best you can hope for because you're probably never going to get an honest answer from him if you go badgering him about why he doesn't want to see you anymore, I fucking hate when girls do that and he's going to be pissed if you keep bothering him after he's made it clear he's not into you. Just accept the fact that he doesn't want anything to do with you and move on.

Just get over it, you entitled bitch

Honestly, you're not that pretty or good or whatever, especially as a fwb, to be cared for like that. You got ghosted, it's typical in this situations and you're nothing special. I got ghosted before too and I myself ghosted someone else. Nobody was hurt because as fwb we didnt care for each other beyond the occasional hook up

>women all have inflated egos and will only sleep with the tallest and most handsome men
>80% of women sleep with 10% of men
>act surprised when the guys dip out to go sleep with other women.
God women are retarded.

guy is in a relationship, do whatever stupid whore, you aint getting what yo want

Pumped and dumped

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see male anons, this is how you handle women, he did everything right.

B. The ride was fun but time to move on.

People (men and women) do this all the time. Just get over it