The White Man Tweets the Ultimate Black Pill How will Trumpers ever recover ?
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At least he is honest about what will happen when they take guns away.
>libcucks REEEEEEEEEEEEing all across social media
Seriously, someone needs to make a saltmine thread of this shit
Suspension of civil rights is martial law.
>White man fails to understand the constitution.
You dumb discord trannies probably flunked government. What he’s saying is impossible.
>Democratic President
>2020 to 2024
>getting what you you voted for in a democratic country
>In 2021
Kek, imagine believing they'll get a chance before 2032.
I thought about this already and realized that none of the other issues relate to national security. Somehow this didn't occur to OP, probably due to low IQ.
The country voted for the wall, it needs to get built.
If a Democrat with a platform on mainly climate and socialized healthcare wins, especially with both Ohio and Florida, then the country voted for those things.
One costs 4-10 billion and doesn't violate any constitutional rights of citizens.
Krackheads proposals cost trillions and violate constitutional rights. The supreme court even deemed Trump's travel ban constitutional because the text of the Constitution is pretty clear. How the fuck are they going to get gun control past the SC even if RBG is replaced with a liberal judge and with a democratic president?
That's pretty fucking hopeful thinking the Union will make it to 2024. Trump will be the last president. They set an expiration date on the Union when they told us they'll national emergency an unconstitutional gun grab.
So Democrats decry trump calling national emergency but at the same time are all drooling over their opportunity to abuse it, makes sense.
there are like 30 national emergencies currently under effect
>Declare national emergency to take guns in 2021
>Civil war
>Every Democratic politician dead by 2022
>Implying the other side won't amend the Constitution.
It's like they're trying to warn us this is a bad idea or something.
Hey dipshit lefties, Obama is the one who made this kind of shit happen. We warned you. It's not the other way around.
Besides, Republicans are now already talking about repealing the presidential power AFTER Trump uses it. Because of your talk.
Derpty snerf.
Seriously why are leftists so discomforted by a mere wall?
hello fellow (((white man)))
i cant wait until this kike hangs from a tree i dare him to come and take them please do it please come knock on my front door and demand my guns
They're welcome to try, the outcome is the same. America replays The Troubles on a larger stage.
If the president ever declares a national emergency for gun violence, expect gun violence to go up.
>white man
Giant mouthed, butt mutilated kike.
because trump isn't allowed to do anything as president or it's a national outrage.
>Democrats need a precedent to rip the Constitution.
Tell that to japanese american descendants.
So the left simultaneously says this will never work and the courts won't let Trump build the wall while at the same time they say future Democrat presidents will declare national emergencies because of the example Trump set? I don't think they can decide if they think this will work or if it will fail.
>X Ystein
every. fucking. time.
How about Trump declares anyone who votes Democrat are seditious traitors and are to be executed..OK?
The wall doesn’t relate to national security any less tangentially than gun control does. A school shooting happens, president declares a national emergency to take away guns to protect schools and uses this moment as a justifiable precedent for it.
Same with climate change. That’s easily a national security issue given that American economy depends on a healthy coastal population. And the science for that is just as reliable as Trump’s science for all of his “drugs and rapists” bullshit.
This is a road we shouldn’t go down.
There are over 30 active national emergencies
Access to white people and their stuff is a universal right for Brown people.
>unironically thinking they can actually take the guns away
If it "woildn't work" they'd be fucking DYING for Trump to do it & be humiliated that it did nothing. This shit costs NOTHING budgetarily, comparatively.
>thank you republican for allowing trump to set this precedent
But didn't obama make it so presidents could do that?
Wasn't that basically their plan when Hillary got elected, to take guns forcefully and turn america into a communist hell-hole or incite a civil war, where both sides die for israel
You dumbass. They can barely get a 50% majority to pass a single issue besides sucking Israeli cock. I see you failed in school, also.
dude's not gonna live til 2020 with the meltdown on the horizon
Notice how gun grabbing is the first thing they're going to do before they do everything else.
>king nigger shits on constitution for 8 years
>liberals praise him unanimously
>trump does it a little bit too
This is correct. President Trump has already declared one (opioid crisis). Thanks for your thoughtful participation user.
the gun violence constitutes a national emergency from threats within the country
climate change is a national emergency for every country
healthcare is a national emergency from within as well since citizens dying = bad
wealth disparity is a national emergency because citizens are being taken advantage of and are struggling to survive
its easy to spin anything if you spend even 2 minutes in thought.
>Oh, so you're gonna try to build the border wall anyway? Well, we're going to take away your guns, your doctors, and your jobs.
The mask is slipping, libs!
>white man
Habeas Corpus has been suspended since Bush Jrs first term you fucking idiots
Based. Least he knew what action to take first.
Democrats don't have anyone with the balls to do it.
Dems declaring a national emergency for gun violence in 2021 would be the last deceleration they ever make.
>we will declare a national emergency on guns
>then we will declare a national emergency on the GOP, the people who overwhelmingly have guns
>hahah I don’t expect consequences
Does this faggot not realize that the dems would have done it anyway? Does he also think if the dems ever got the majority in the senate that they wouldn't use the nuclear option?
is this the new meme...that trump invented national emergencies?
>trump is an illegitimate president
>but everything he does is a precedent for a real president
oh i'm shaking kikenshtein
There's an amendment guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms in the bill of rights you absolute fucking retard.
The climate change is at least reasonable but if you think a national emergency to take guns wouldn't be immediately shot down in the courts you're pants on head retarded
They won't do it since they must always do the opposite of what the GOP does.
they don't know what to do
they honestly never saw a Republican holding the office again. if they did it would have one of them like Jeb.
>take away guns
>some bullshit that sounds nice
>removing opposition
>wealth disparity AKA communism
yepp, that's a commie alright.
>The wall doesn’t relate to national security any less tangentially than gun control does.
k, but show me the part in the constitution that would be violated by the wall.
she showed too much of her hand with that one. it'll never happen
there is no immediacy. It will take months before they decide anything.
Does this like not know that there's active emergencies right now and there's been something like 38 declared previously? What precedent? Fucking retarded pilpul kikes
>white man
oh cool. lets tax the FUCK out of you AND take your guns so you cant do anything about it. sounds logical.
do these people want to die?
i pointed out to my gf's family that why do they even care if they think it wont work anyways.
Why didnt obama do this?
They would do that anyway morons
Nothing new here.
The US has been in 30 State of Emergency before Trump did so.
What changed?
RBG is dead and you've already lost.
2nd amendment is not negotiable
the wall is the job of fed govt to defend and protect the constitution
emergencies declared for the sole
purpose of evading the constitution are acts of war....building the wall is constitutional
taking away guns is not an act defending the constitution
case closed
get the fuck out traitor marxist democrats
or we will hunt you down
gtfo nancy
When is the FBI going to jail these faggots
fuck off kike
you stole our money to build your wall
now you tell us we dont have a right to guns or a wall
jews are going to get whats coming to them if they keep this BS up
yes, open borders for israel
>easy to spin anything if you spend even 2 minutes
yeah that's the extent and level of your foresight
2 min of wasted time
spewing nonsense
America doesnt have a gun problem
it has a jew nigger violent crime agenda problem
and a mexican criminal invasion problem
but that would take you months of reading to figure that out
since you are only capable of 2 min increments of thought
you might as well just kys
no steinstain.
holywood in unsalvageable as fbi and cia. too.
obama declared state of emergency 12 times.
According to accomplices attorney, they will be charged in next 24 hours.
Who else is involved?
You wish, they'd stomp right on through./
The first will never happen and I’m not completely against the ones after. This faggot tweets before he thinks.
>Trump declares national emergency on voter ID 2020.
>democrats never win another election
problem solved.
Why would Trump announce Emergency for Gun Violence, Climate Change, Healthcare and GOP? And what republican winner will declare Wealth Disparity? Kanye?
Trump didnt win the popular vote and a majority of americans don’t want the wall.
Wall is Trump's 2020 ticket.
Trump won people who pay taxes by nearl 4-1. so the people who will pay for the wall do want it. nigs and spic who want more free shit can get wrecked on having a voice in what the rest of us can and cant demand our own money be spent on.
Directly severs the chord to a brown America.
He means, he thinks Democrats will take back the White House at some point, then their Democratic president can literally do whatever he wants because of "precedent".
We'll see how it plays out for em.
Can't wait till our conservative Supreme Court blocks them every single time!
the democratic platform for victory doesn't lie in policy, but in importing brown people to keep as welfare slaves
So, you don’t believe in democracy.
That’s neat and all, but that’s not how America works.
Popular vote means most people agree. And he didn’t get it.
And you realize many of the rich dont pay taxes either, right?
Even if he doesn't set the precedent, they will still do all of those things. Dems love fucking over reaching executive orders.
Wow, it's almost like Trump was campaigning to win the election and not to win the popular vote
Bush declared 13 national emergencies. Obama declared 12. The kassenkikes are blowing this way out of proportion.
But were any of them declared in order to advance policy that had already been defeated through orthodox means on the floor of the legislature, in a bid to bypass Congress as a co-equal branch and subvert the very nature of our democracy? I don't think so.
Yes, yes, pose the corpse however you like, thanks Ed.
Only cure for gun violence is allow open carry. No exceptions
These things are not in the interest of national security. But beyond the obscene ignorance of civics, this asshole doesn’t even realize that if his beloved Dems did such things, it surely isn’t in the best interest of the people, it’s just political retribution. This is the example of their emotionally based arguments. The left is as much globalist elites as the right, and they no longer care to hide it. They want to do anything to stop the guy they cannot stop, if even to shoot themselves in the foot. Being this retarded has consequences. Love the schadenfreude on the left. Cry moar, faggots.
people who paid taxes want the wall
Nigger can you read?
> Starting the day of the rope
Bring it, sissy.
He won't respond. PUCCI JUDEN