Ask the opposite gender

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Try to keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ and worrying about some complex only ever makes things worse. In fact, worries like complexes are very often the real problem.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. You can't rely on some "magic moment" (or activity) to instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are basically meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

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Femanons: What kind of dirty talk do you like? I'm asexual and while I don't have a problem getting a GF, it's impossible to keep them because sex just doesn't fucking work. I figure I can get viagra to keep a boner, but what kind of behavior do girls generally like in bed?

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I have been agonizing over how to ask out a coworker for about a month now. Since my last day is about in a week and a half and we are hanging out at a museum on Friday (unless she picked up on me being into her and cancels) I'm thinking about trying during that.
So far the best way I've thought of doing it is to pretty much relay the entire situation to her by asking for advice with asking out a friend of mine.
She's not stupid so she will almost certainly realize this friend is her, but since it's somewhat indirect if she isn't into me she can say it clearly but in a way that doesn't damage our friendship / make the next week awkward as heck for both of us. If she doesn't pick up on it then I can just do exactly what she says and it'll be romantic maybe? I started writing this with the intent of finding out if this was incredibly cowardly and would hurt any chances I had but I think I found my answer...

There's a new girl at my work who is hella cute. Only worked one shift with her so far, as she's been there for only one week. I'm 26, but she's 17. Turns 18 in January. Should I hold off on talking to her any until next month, after her birthday? I won't work another shift as her fo free another two weeks.

Eat them out. Play with the clit. Focus on the clit, honestly. Fingerbang the girl before you stick it in.


Do you prefer crunchy or creamy peanut butter?

>Taking a girl on a date already
>"How do I ask this girl out on a date?"

Like so

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Intimacy, you don't even have to dick us down.
Most girls don't really like dirty talk.
If you want to be sexual without using your sexual organ to do it, maybe try and introduce some sex toys into the bedroom to keep her satisfied.
But touching her, massaging her, just rubbing her clit, kissing her, etc...
Girls just like to feel connected and close to their partners.

I am pretty sure she sees this as platonic

How do I convey to my current girlfriend I am a 26-year-old virgin without her thinking I am weird? I have only had sex with escorts, but that doesn't count.

ay womens

is the 3rd date too early to confess feelings for the girl if she's showing what appears to be feelings as well? Or should I just wait for her to be the one to tell me first?

what difference does that make?

Because I can get over not dating her a lot more easily than I can get over her thinking I'm a creep and avoiding me for my last week of work and then forever afterwards and I feel like the latter has a super high chance of happening if I treat this as a date and try to hold her hand or something when she's thinking of this as a friendly outing.
I have a really bad negativity bias so I could be wrong but this just seems logical

Huh, wow. That's actually a great point. It makes a ton of sense to focus on their pleasure like that, from what I've heard, actual penetration is usually just uncomfortable or more of a mental thing.

Wow, that's so much easier than desperately trying to keep a boner as the newly-transformed harpie under me screeches and wiggles. Hell, it'd probably give me an edge, most women probably haven't had dudes that know how to do ANY of that right. It'll taste gross, but hey, my tongue doesn't have to maintain a boner.

I've got a lot of lesbians as friends, I'll ask them. Thanks femanon! Any last tips on making something that could be seen as submissive like that dominant? Like teasing them with it or something?

Hell yes! Oh my gosh, that's exactly what I want, too! I love intimacy, the idea of sex as like advance cuddles appeals to me on a conceptual level, but the organs and actions don't. Haha, that's so simple and so good, that's what sex SHOULD be all about in the first place! I'm really glad. I spend time around some kinky fuckers, and they never really go into detail, so I have a pretty warped perception. Like, I once dated a girl that wanted to be mindlessly fucked by a giant insect as one of her more tame fantasies.

Maybe I should branch out, find someone a little less...damaged. I honestly just want someone that makes sense, like you. At the end of the day, all we should really want is to be closer and even further in love. It's so dumb that people don't get that.

>Had sex with escorts
>Had sex with
>Had sex

You're not a virgin. Problem solved. Make a joke out of it if she asks you with who, say her name was candy and she wore leather boots.

Just...don't say you're a virgin. You can study up on good sex techniques online (NOT FUCKING PORN) and be a pro or at least competent if you work.

Fucking escorts isn't sex, though. Just aided masturbation. Otherwise I am just a socially awkward loser with a body count near 50, not a virgin.

Lately I've been hanging out a with I girl I recently got to know. We've gone to parks, cafès played minigolf and last week I invited her to lunch/dinner which I would pay for since she's low on cash atm. We went and it was great fun and didn't feel awkward at all. I never said anything about it being a date though since I'm way too shy to be able to say it in words. But yeah, how would you react if you were in her shoes. Would it be obvious that I seem interested in her? We are going to an amusement park and maybe ice-skating next time aswell.

I'm a guy and I have a friend who's a girl. I think I might like her but we haven't talked very much recently (we've both been busy because of school). I need to text her something regarding a class we have together, but after that should I say something like "I feel like we haven't talked for awhile haha" or is that weird?

Like what's the right way to make it apparent that I want to date her without going over boundaries and making this Friday very uncomfortable for her?

I've had multiple girls tell me that I'm very calming. Like after they get really stressed or anxious I have a tendency to calm them down. Is this attractive / desirable?

It's weird. Just talk to her if you want to.

How about "Id like to talk with you more"

Girls can be very willfully ignorant of stuff like this. If they don't like you they don't have any problem remaining friends and telling themselves that's all you want until you say otherwise. If they do like you then it would still be up to you to make the first move.

Either way you need to clarify your position to her. Even "hanging out" with a girls has to start with someone (usually not the girl) making their romantic intentions clear by holdings hands or kissing or something.

Next time you're organising something you can go for a line like
>hey, would you like to go on an actual date with me?
Or if you're good enough at gauging interest you can just go on one of these hang outs, pick a moment, and go for a kiss.

I want to get my coworker a gift for Christmas. She hinted at polo shirts being a good choice. She wears girls size 16 rather than women's small. She's petite, about 5'6, and C-cup breasts. Anyone know of a good place to order a shirt from or the color? Don't want to get her something she will think is ugly.

Whooo the fuck wants polo shirts as a Christmas gift? Buying clothes as a gift for a girl is a trap anyway because their sizing and fits are retarded and vary widely from store to store.

skin color hair color eye color as accurate as possible please

>Fucking escorts isn't sex
Yes it is, you delusional manwhore.

Arguing (playfully) with gf: is kissing or hand holding more intimate?

I say hand holding, she says kissing.

What do you guys think?

H*ND h*lding

I'm 18, take 9 hours of classes, and I have no job.
Do girls care if I don't have a job? I haven't tried hitting on any because of this.


Depends on if you're at least looking for one.

It's probably a negative, but at 18 its not too big

Black girl, kinda light skinned, brown eyes. She's getting her hair done tomorrow so this will change but it's typically about 16 to 20 inches in length.

Kissing, how is this a question?
You swap bodily fluids, involve more senses, and can catch a cold from it

Top tier taste senpai.

No they don't.

I knew a guy who was unemployed for months and was banging girls left an right.

As long as you come off as not a faggot, you are fine.

>t. Woman
H*ndh*lding is more intimate because it's not sexual and innocent

>handholding outside of marriage
Probably the only thing graver than adultery, desu.
Should be an automatic capital offense, as only someone possessed by Satan himself would so much as think of committing that lascivious act.

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I've kissed random club sluts that I wouldn't hold hands with. Intimacy meaning that you are personal or very close with someone.

At least if it doesn't fit exactly right I can just tell her that I saved the receipt so we can return it and get something that does fit right. But getting something that she thinks is ugly, I don't think that she would be so willing to just admit that. And that is what I'm worried about.

Only disgusting degenerates would ever handhold outside of marriage! This is a good Christian website! Keep such lewdity off of it!

What about romantic pinkie touching?

Asking for a friend. He said he saw something about it in one of those weird animes shows he watches.

>texting with girl
>no response for an hour
>Apologized saying she was driving
What did she mean by this?

Soon, brother.

can't go wrong with blue
try to match the shade to her skin color

I think that if they sincerely repent, and dedicate their lives to prayer, they could be let off after a few dozen lashes and the amputation of the digits in question.

that she was sorry that she had you on read for so long because she was driving and it is unsafe to look at your phone while you're driving but she still wanted to reply to you anyway but was physically unable to.

I pinkie promised with a girl and feel bad about it to this day
She had a boyfriend

she wants your brother, sorry user

Wow how can you evoke so much from that? It's like girls speak another language...

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That she didn't want to text while driving, an act which at least halves your reaction times to road events and can make the difference when travelling at speed or avoiding close hazards, thus greatly increasing the risk to herself and others beyond acceptable parameters.

>she didn't want to text while driving, an act which at least halves your reaction times
>halves reaction time
You mean I can be like a NASCAR driver as long as I'm on my phone? Nice.

For both
Have you ever used a dental dam?
How was it?

>have female friend
>would smash, would not date
>she has just gotten a new bf
>go hiking with her
>tough trail
>holding hands to help haul her up rocks and inclines
>get to top of mountain
>absolutely incredible view
>she comes up beside me and holds my hand while we look
>posts selfie of us standing there on instagram, can just see us holding hands in the bottom of frame
>her bf dumps her the next day

Well I know what I meant and that's all that matters.

Wow, still not as bad as p*nkie PR*mises. H*ND h*lding is pretty terrible though

Sounds like the least erotic thing ever to happen. I'd rather not have the blowjob than have a dental dam involved.

I don't know about a dent dam but I like girls with a mental dam

Turn your trip back on, Hitler.

Speaking of handholding maybe I could get some advice
>meet random qt girl at camp/rave thing
>I was kind of wasted at this point not sure how far gone she was but one of us suggests getting more drinks
>she says it’s dark so I hold her hand
>we grab some drinks from my tent then I’m not really sure what happens but next thing I remember I’m taking shots at the music tent with randoms
>back to reality I’m a work looking at pics from the weekend on insta
>find the qt and follow her
>she doesn’t follow me back
>I message her and she says she remembers me and thanks me for the drink

I was kind of hyped to find her and the handholding was nice but seems she’s not that into me and she’s so crazy hot that I don’t think I could even date her so I stopped messaging lol.

I don't know what either of those mean, and I don't want to look up what is most likely fetish crap.

>Most girls don't really like dirty talk.
>Girls just like to feel connected and close to their partners.
I'm not even joking, this is news to me. Every girl I've dated has insisted I call her a slut and other weird shit. Where do I find girls that are happy doing gay stuff like kissing and saying I love you? Cause I was starting to worry there was something wrong with me.

>gay stuff
That's not gay. that's holy, Godly, honest stuff.

Ever been to the dentist and they put one of those thin rubber sheets over your teeth? That's a dental dam. People use them for oral sex to prevent the spread of stds. Like a condom for your mouth and tongue.

Unironically handholding. You never hold hands when you're having a dispassionate hookup, but you do kiss sometimes.

Why do women seem to be disgusted by lust?

It seems to me that girls like it when attractive men check them out but are disgusted when they see that same man looking at another girl.

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Bump for an answer.

They are disgusted by lack of self control and loyalty.

What the fuck? Thanks for telling me, I guess.

Pls respond

It's a positive trait for a person to have, but it also isn't going to draw any women towards you.

I see! These are some great tips. I'm really inexperienced with dating and such. It might be worth mentioning aswell that she said she haven't had any friends irl in many years when I asked about her hobbies.

"I'm really inexperienced with dating than such."

This is an exact quote from the Denko saga. If she doesn't think you are dating by now, she never will want to do so.

Welcome to the friend zone.

More nowadays than before. Girls are sort of drawn to calming people because everyone is just getting more and more stressed. I've got a friend who isn't particularly outstanding, but puts people at ease around him, and he gets puss pretty easy. As long as you're not boring, you know? Strike a balance between being entertaining and relaxed.

Good get and thank you for inspiring an answer that's relevant to my problems too.

...Fuck. Okay, what do they like...? Like, I know what they like to be told, but how do they like to be told it? I'm only goofy and teasing while getting sex over with, I don't think I could call them a DIRTY DIRTY SLUT without bursting into laughter and making a joke.

disclaimer, I am mostly autistic but I'm getting better.
One important thing is to feel it out. For example during dinner you bring up slightly romantic things, like you might ask her what kind of person she'd like to date. Watch her face -- a small smile is good, a momentary cringe is bad. If she seems amicable, you can describe who you'd like to date. Keep watching her face. Be honest, but start mentioning things that describe her -- black hair, short etc. If she cringes, stop. If she seems interested, bring up another romantic thing. How does her perfect first date look? etc etc. This way you never have to ask out someone until you know the answer.

Then just treat it like the joke it is. Only a degenerate would seriously think calling another human their "little slampig" or a "cumbucket" as sensual.

>she said she haven't had any friends irl in many years

That's a sign for you. I'll leave it up for you to decide whether she is romantically interested in you or not, but a girl who is desperate for friends is going to be very (willfully) ignorant of your ulterior motives. Not saying she's not interested, just saying that she's got more to lose by cutting you off to avoid stringing you along and so is more likely to ignore little signs that you're into her and pretend it's all just friendship.

Thanks anons that's more or less what I was already thinking, but wanted to confirm it wasn't seen as weak or beta or some dumb thing like that. Thanks for the advice about not seeing boring.

Bumpin if I should unfollow her? Or maybe just mute her until the crush subsides?

This is autism and about as subtle as using sledgehammer to drive home a staple.

OP just flirt with her more naturally and see if you get anything back.

She's not interested and has already forgotten you, do as you please but don't fucking keep messaging her.

Wasn’t planning on it thanks!

rude desu
>OP just flirt with her more naturally and see if you get anything back.
that was the purpose of my post but with examples. for the aid of 4channer autists could you spell out some explicit examples of flirting more naturally

Describing the type of girl you're into as the girl you're sitting across from is not as smooth as romantic comedies would have you believe. It might be cute to do with a girl you've already got in the bag but when you aren't sure if she has any feelings for you at all it's more creepy than flirty.

Good, easy, low key flirting is where you start on gauging a girls interest. Touch her arm when speaking, or a knee if you're sitting down or whatever, don't be afraid to seize opportunities to make sexual innuendo jokes, turn up the banter, poke fun at her a bit, smile widely when you first see her and hug her when you say goodbye.

Why do girls really seem to like it when I poke them and flick them on their face? Asking unironically.

Cause it's cute and they're soft as fuck and girls love affection. Based poking user, I approve wholeheartedly.

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How do I become capable of forming intimate relationships?

Any autist reading this, do not attempt, it only works for chads

Either way, where do I find girls who are into it? I'm thinking grinder or Christian mingle are my best bets.
Seriously though, where?

I dunno man. I never really got the hang of it. It was always just kinda gross to me. I don't watch a lot of porn so I pretty much defaulted to "your such a good little slut" or some variation on that. It's too weird for me honestly.

I don't though. That'd be annoying most of the time. Especially flicking. That shit hurts.

If I see a damsel in distress, what should I do?

I swear every girl I've done it to is fucking into it.

There would have to be extenuating circumstances for me not to be bothered by it.

Keep walking, because
a) helping women implies they need help, which is sexist
and b) you can get in just as much lefal trouble for trying to prevent a crime as committing one


But no, don't indulge some creepy savior fantasy. Relationships built on that are horribly co-dependent and extremely messy. Not to mention you're not actually helping them, you're just fueling your own ego by "fixing" their problems and then leaving if they get too hard or you realize it's not all it's cracked up to be.

tl;dr: manic pixie dream boys often get sucked into the void they're trying to fill. Everyone has that fantasy, not just weird sociopaths, but acting on it usually leads to nightmare.