What is the point in living if you’re an incel?

Literally what is the point? This life is eternal misery.

>Have a solid group of 5 friends
>We used to all be single and joked about our loneliness together
>One by one, literally ALL of them ended up getting girlfriends
>I am the only one who can’t get a gf, every girl I’ve ever asked out has rejected me
>I don’t even look any worse than my friends, they’re awkward nerds just like me
>We used to get together and drink and go to bars and come home and play video games together
>Now every outing is just me alone with my 4 other friends and their GFs fondling each other
>Want to kill myself every time I hang out with them

Fucking WHY is this my fate? How do I escape it?

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just have sex lol

>he has friends
You're not even a real incel, you're just a failed normalshit.
Anyway, cut the normies from your life. I was in a kinda similar situation, and cutting the normals from my life helped to relieve the scorn and hate.

There is actually a guy like you in my group of friends. I want to avoid getting killed so can you share more about your inner thoughts? Do you ever get school-shooty feelings? Would you kill your friends or their girlfriend?

It's possible you're more socially awkward or unpleasant than your friends. Socially awkward people often don't know that they're socially awkward--that's what makes them socially awkward.

Try getting one of your friends to help. Have him monitor your interactions with a girl with an eye towards critiquing your approachability, openness, and so on.

No, I don’t want to kill anyone

Please, just tell me. Why do you people do these things? Why do you torture me? Why do you get to have literally everything I want while I wallow in misery for no reason? Did I commit a grave sin in a past life?

Where do you live user?
I'm asking because societal norms and what's acceptable and no change from place to place.

Not him but I'm in the same situation. US Deep South.

I’m british

My friends are just as socially awkward as me, I promise

Would you say you feel like killing some normies user?

it's best to be alone. stay in the room
and when you go on the internet, don't try to establish a relationship

No. I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want this life. I just want to know why I’m the only one who is condemned to the eternal fate of inceldom for no reason

Man, I hate people like you.
Your "friend" is a spectacle. He's something weird you can keep around and act concerned over, because Christ knows that's about as interesting as your life gets.
Sort your shit out, fucking smarmy git.

First step is to not ever call yourself an incel, at least not in public. It's not the same thing to people as a "lonely guy." They'll lump you in with people that actually hate women for rejecting them, even though it's obvious that you don't.
It's like when you say, "I don't want to date black people," and someone goes, "oh, so you're a racist?"
You are, but what they're doing with that cute trick is trying to assign malice to you that just isn't fucking there. You're not a bad person for having these difficulties and hangups in life. You're just normal.

Second, ask your friends, not us, because if I knew how to have sex or fall for someone who wasn't just a giant fucking headache waiting to happen, I'd be mauling her tits instead of talking to you assclowns.

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>go with them
>being made fun of behind your back as the only loser who didn't get a gf
>get used as a comparisson point in order to raise their confidence
>eventually ostracised, or you cut them from your life out of hate and scorn
>don't go
>keep them as friends for vidya and stuff over the internet at least
I did the first and I have noone to play vidya with now, it's really annoying.

I don't mentally seperate people into "normies" or other groups. The world would be better if a few people were dead though.

I don’t call myself an incel in public, not ever. But in private, I know that’s what I am. I am involuntarily celibate. I am a kissless virgin against my own will.

But no one can tell me why? Why am I the only one who didn’t get a GF? They’re all awkward gamer nerds just like me, what have they got that I don’t?

>I just want to know why I’m the only one who is condemned to the eternal fate of inceldom for no reason
the reason you're condemned is because you put yourself there. I understand that this is a very scary thought, and it puts a lot of the shit on yourself, but YOU are the sole reason you're in the position you're in. YOU are the only who can change things.

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>They’re all awkward gamer nerds just like me
Obviously fucking not you dense retard.
This is just your perception of them, because you wanted to bring them down to your level in your mind.
Anyway, cut them from your life before you go crazy from jealousness, I've been there, it's not fun.

What the fuck kind of logic is this? I didn’t make a conscious choice to be an incel. I tried everything possible to NOT be an incel. It didn’t work. What do I do now?

Take ownership for your own life and start improving things that you need to improve.
Ask more girls out.
I assume rejection is awful, but people are rarely mean to other people for no reason.
I am celibate too and I have a ton of things in my life that gets me going.
My job is awesome and I get to follow a passion that pays well.
I am well liked in my hobbies and have several large groups of friends.
I am close with my family.
My health is good and I am secure financially.

I don't know how I would find time for a girlfriend as I haven't sought one as an adult.
It is rough when your friends have kids and slowly cut you off, but that is why you don't invest time in a single group of friends.

>I am involuntarily celibate. I am a kissless virgin against my own will.
You're not bitching about CHADS AND SLUTY STACIES, or hating some girl for rejecting you.
I can't explain it in any simpler terms. You shouldn't use loaded lables with yourself. You're just a guy trying to figure your shit out, same as everyone else. There's nothing wrong with that.
>But no one can tell me why? Why am I the only one who didn’t get a GF? They’re all awkward gamer nerds just like me, what have they got that I don’t?
Well...what kind of girls are you talking to?

Wonder if it has anything to do with your defeatist attitude.

My circle of friends includes

>One guy who is balding and doesn’t shower very often and works a minimum wage job
>One guy who is mostly normal but has literally fucked up teeth and looks a bit funny
>One guy who is unemployed at 25 with no degree and spends all his time playing vidya at his parents house
>One guy who is decent looking but cripplingly awkward and shy, the only people in the world he can talk to without stuttering and spilling spaghetti are us and his GF

And you think these aren’t awkward nerds? They can pretend not to be by hiding behind their GFs, but we’ve been friends for years, I know the shit we used to talk about when we were all still virgins

How can I not be defeatist? I’ve tried my entire life and improved myself in numerous ways and still literally no women are attracted to me

Do you think your friends got gf's with the sole purpose of making you feel bad? Damn user you better fix your current mindset.
Do you believe that your sadness and sorrow will dissapear if you get a couple?

I believe that there is a conspiracy against me and that most, if not all, of humankind are, whether they realise it or not, subconsciously doing things that are making me miserable and ruining my life. Yes, I do unironically believe that.

Lol no one cares about you that much. Get your mental illness in check fag. Even people who know you have their own shit to worry about your arrogant fuck.

I’m not saying this is something people are consciously doing. Rather, my belief is that there is a subtle common purpose between all human beings which is that I am not someone to be treated nicely or trusted. People do not realise that they are doing this and will not admit to it, but they ARE doing it. I have had a miserable life, was bullied from the first day of education to the last, have always struggled making friends, and am an eternal incel. There is a conspiracy against me, that is the only explanation. A god DOES exist, except that god is not a good god, it’s a god that HATES me and actively does everything possible to ruin my life at every turn.

The types of women who would date these people must be equally of low value. I'll let you in on a little secret: women are overrated. You're tearing yourself down because females aren'tgiving you attention and it's not worth it. It's really really not.

Perhaps the content of your heart and the state of it is what the world is giving you in return?

If women are overrated, then why can’t I get even one of them to be attracted to me?

The fact that I am unable to get even one date or one kiss is proof that I am the most undesirable man to have ever lived. It’s the only explanation.

>everyone subconsciously doing things that are making me miserable and ruining my life.

Well that answers the question "why am i the only one who didn't get a gf" arrogant faggot

You're not a burn victim or born with horrible birth defects. You aren't the most undesirable man.

There is unequivocally a woman out there who would be attracted to you. She might be attracted to you for a reason you're not ok with but she would be attracted none the less. That being said, the "overrated" bit was included because, like I said, you're tearing yourself up over something you shouldn't be. What you should be upset about is that you're wasting your time and energy being concerned that you haven't found some dumb broad to suck your dick.

You're going to be so disappointed once you realize how not worth it is. I feel for you, user. You'll become apathetic about women just like most men eventually do.

You don’t understand that until the day that a woman is interested in me, I am going to be endlessly and insufferably miserable

I genuinely believe that I am cursed, that some kind of god or supernatural power has literally unironically cursed me so that it is impossible for any woman to ever find me attractive. Until the day that someone can prove me wrong on that, I will be miserable. And the only way I can be proven wrong is if a woman declares she is attracted to me and goes on a date with me

I have a virgin friend who never had a gf/kiss because he thinks he's ugly af. He stopped worrying about that and started doing some other things. He got a nice job, started paying the bass again, bought lots of stuff he always wanted to and that shit.
Now he's talking to a lot more girls thab before and he told me one of them wanna bang him (he's still a virgin tho, he's busy af with his job). You have to stop worrying about 'not having a gf' and start making new stuff to keep yourself busy, that's how you meet new people and new possible gfs. And for the love of god THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A CONSPIRACY TO MAKE YOU MISSERABLE FUCKING ASSHOLE

There is a conspiracy. What other explanation is there for how consistently miserable and pathetic my life has been?

A malevolent god placed a curse on me at some point in my life that condemned me to eternal inceldom. It’s the only explanation. Girls stare right through me like I’m invisible. It is biologically impossible for women to be attracted to me, I’m like a table, a fucking inanimate object, no one could be attracted to me.

It’s the only explanation. I was cursed. I want revenge, this isn’t fucking fair, I don’t deserve this.

Post a selfie. I need your height and weight. Do you have a job/career? Any hobbie that makes you go outside? Do you excercise?

Have you used all of the online dating sites? Theres plenty of fat/ugly/middle aged women who would jump at the chance at getting any attention whatsoever.

You aren't cursed, user. Stop with that bullshit.

>Your "friend" is a spectacle. He's something weird you can keep around and act concerned over
Na, he's cool. He just has never gotten a girlfriend and while in the past he used to talk about regretting not going with certain girls, now he never mentions it. He is always alone and never mentions it. It's so weird how that changed. I don't think he will kill me, but I know that even the school-shooty incels don't show signs until they are already killing you.

Every single guy I have met who claimed he was "foreveralone" ended up finding someone eventually. Life is long, and young people always think life is over at 30.

Your life sucks? That sucks. So get help. Find a therapist. Get out of an abusive situation. Work to become independent. Do things you enjoy. MAKE something of your life. Become the person you want to be.

Happiness will follow. Confidence will follow that. Confidence will make you attractive. Love will follow after that. You are most likely to find love when you stop looking for it because you're genuinely enjoying your life. I guarantee it.

I'm attracted to you, and I'll go on a date with you. You may not like it that I'm attracted to how hilariously you describe your misery, but it is attraction nonetheless. But be warned, I will make fun of you for being the living embodiment of the funniest fuckin meme around.

>I just wanna know why I'm condemned to an eternal life of inceldom.

This statement was actually a light that shined through my cloud of depression and made me genuinely laugh. The situation itself obviously sucks but the way you describe it is funnier than hell dude. It's more like YOUR PERCEPTION of the situation is what sucks. You've actually got a good thing going dude.

I was celibate for a really long time, voluntarily though. Have your heart broken enough times and you'll realize you'd rather not even fuck with anyone at all. That's the more excruciating path to take though. I'd recommend you stop giving a fuck about it. Read all about people's relationship problems and say, "Man, I'm glad I didn't waste my virginity on one of these whores." Try focusing on things that make you happy rather than things that piss you off. You need to be happy with yourself or no nice roastie in her right mind is gonna give you a chance man.

Trust me though dude, you don't wanna waste your virginity on some chick who's gonna take your already fragile state of mental health and contort it into something much worse than you could imagine. That's damn sure the only chick you're gonna find in your current state dude.

Fucking spend every moment of your time doing productive shit. Within a year you'll be happier to be taking care of your own shit and not fucking worrying about why "god is conspiring against you." Fuckin kek it's sure as hell funny though.